Long-term planning for OCTOBER, 2021 with children of the preparatory group according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva 

Daily planning in the preparatory group. October, 12–15 days

Olga Polezhaeva

Daily planning in the preparatory group. October, 12–15 days

October 15 , Wednesday

Morning Morning exercises

Examination of plot pictures on the theme “Seasons”

Goal: consolidated knowledge about the seasons, the sequence of months in the year

DI “Come up with another word”

Goal: expand children's vocabulary

AG “The breeze is blowing”

Goal: development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, development of the ability to combine simple movements into complex ones necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

PG "Hedgehog"

Goal: improve hand movements, developing mental processes, develop fine motor skills of fingers and hands

KGN. IS “Find your towel”

Obrdeyat Communication. “That’s the story!”

Gerbova, 27

Goal: Continue to teach children to write stories from personal experience.

Obrdeyat Physical Culture (st)

Walk Observing Aspen

Purpose: to introduce the tree, its structure, leaves.

SyuzhR ​​game “Journey into space”

Goal: develop creative imagination

PI "Hares and the Wolf"

Goal: to teach children to jump on two legs while moving forward

Ind work.

Goal: to strengthen the ability to throw and catch the ball.

Work. One subgroup of children - sweeping the path on the site, collecting fallen leaves; the other is loosening sand in a sandbox.

Afternoon Club work

Reading x. l. V. Bianchi

"Farewell song"

DI “What did I say”

Goal: to teach children to distinguish several meanings in a word, compare these meanings, find common and different things in them

SyuzhR ​​game "Gardeners"

Goal: to form ideas about new professions



Artistic creativity (drawing)

Decorative drawing "Curl"
. Komarova, 52

Goal: to teach children to decorate a sheet of paper with a large branch with curls, use various familiar elements to decorate the branch. Develop multidirectional movements, ease of turning the hand, smoothness, unity of movements, spatial orientation on the sheet. Continue to teach how to analyze risks. bring a plan to completion, evaluate your work.

Walk Observing trees and bushes

Goal: to develop a caring attitude towards plants.

PI "Hunter and Hares"

Goal: to develop children’s ability to run without bumping into each other, to develop children’s dexterity and coordination of movements.

SyuzhR ​​game "Wizards"

Goal: develop the ability to communicate freely with adults and children.

Conversation with parents about the need to continue to introduce children to the sights of the city, to form an emotionally positive attitude towards it

October 16 , Thursday

Morning Morning exercises

Conversation “My hometown”


Goals: continue to introduce children to the sights of the city

DI “How to say it differently”

Goal: development of thinking, intelligence; developing the ability to quickly select words that are close in meaning - synonyms, or vice versa - antonyms

AG "Smile"

Goal: development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, development of the ability to combine simple movements into complex ones necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

PG "Mushrooms"

Goal: improve hand movements, developing mental processes, develop fine motor skills of fingers and hands

KGN: we sit correctly at the table

Obrdeyat Cognition (FEMP)

. Metlina No. 14, p. 151.

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the quantitative composition of units of numbers 6 and 7; control in comparing numbers; orientation on the sheet surface; develop observation and memory.

Obrdeyat Musical activities

Walk Observation of the driver at work

Goal: to clarify ideas about the work of drivers driving different types of cars; develop cognitive activity; cultivate interest and respect for the work of adults.

SyuzhR ​​game "Guests"

Goal: to develop in children an understanding of different emotional states of people.

PI “Dashing and catching up”


Goal: to learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Ind work. Development of movements.

Goal: practice jumping on two legs, moving forward at a distance of 2-3 m.

Labor. Invite children to help the kids clean the area from fallen leaves Goal: to cultivate in children a desire to help children, to develop the ability to interact with younger preschoolers

Afternoon Club work

Reading x. l. L. Stanchev “Autumn colors”

Goal: to help people feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work

DI “What’s extra?”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the signs of different seasons, the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts; develop auditory attention. Plot R game



Artistic creativity (drawing)

. Late fall. Komarova, 21

Goal: Learn to convey the late autumn landscape and its color in a drawing. Learn to use different materials to create an expressive drawing: gouache, colored wax crayons, a simple graph. Pencil. Form an idea of ​​neutral colors, learn to use these colors. Develop imagination.

Walk Observation of birch and spruce

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of trees; to cultivate a desire to protect and preserve nature.

PI "Rucheek"


Goal: to consolidate the ability to move in pairs.

SyuzhR ​​game "Kindergarten"

Goal: develop the ability to communicate freely with adults and children.

Conversation with parents about the need to continue to introduce children to the sights of the city, to form an emotionally positive attitude towards it

October 17 , Friday

Morning Morning exercises

Conversation “ Healthy Products”

P.S.: clarify children’s knowledge about healthy products, their purpose for health and good mood. Fixed the names of vegetables, their taste, cultivating a desire to eat fruits.

DI “My Cloud”


Goal: to develop imagination and figurative perception of nature.

AG "Hobotok"

Goal: to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, to develop the ability to combine simple movements into complex ones, necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

PG "Washing"

Goal: improve hand movements, developing mental processes, developing fine motor skills of fingers and hands

KGN. IS “What did you forget to put on the table?”

Obrdeyat Communication (reading fiction)

Reading the fairy tale by A. Remizov
“The Voice of Bread”
, Gerbova, 28

Goal: to introduce children to A. Remizov’s fairy tale “The Voice of Bread”

, find out whether they agree with the ending of the work, improving the ability to reproduce the sequence of words in a sentence

Obrdeyat Physical Culture (st)

Walk Watching the dog

Goals: consolidated knowledge about the dog, its characteristic features, ways of adapting to the environment, cultivating a sense of responsibility for those who have been tamed.

SyuzhR ​​game “In the store”

Goal: to enrich children's life experiences by promoting the emergence of a variety of ideas.

PI “Disperse - don’t fall”


Goal: to teach when walking to maintain ease of movement and good posture.

Development of movements.

Goal: consolidated the skills of good repulsion and soft landing during vaulting.

Work. Collect toys and clean them from sand

Goal: having cultivated a desire to help adults and peers, continue to teach children how to tidy up their toys after playing with sand

Afternoon Club work

Reading x. l. H-K Andersen “Thumbelina”

DI “It happens, it doesn’t happen”

Goal: developing memory, thinking, reaction speed.

SyuzhR ​​game “Walk in kindergarten”

Goal: to introduce generally accepted norms and rules to relationships with adults and peers.



Artistic creativity (modeling)

. By design

Goal: consolidated the skill by conveying the shape, proportions of familiar objects, using previously learned sculpting techniques

Walk Crow Watching

Goal: to expand the understanding of birds, teach to distinguish them by appearance, cultivating love and respect for wintering birds.

PI "Further and Higher"


Goal: continue to teach how to overcome an obstacle course, jump easily and silently.

SyuzhR ​​game "Family"

Goal: to improve children’s ability to independently develop a plot.

Conversation with parents about the need to continue to introduce children to the sights of the city, to form an emotionally positive attitude towards it

October 20 , Monday

Morning Morning exercises

Conversation about last weekend

DI “Find a pair”


Goal: to develop children's thinking and intelligence.

AG "Fence"

Goal: development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, development of the ability to combine simple movements into complex ones necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

PG "Lastochka"

Goal: improve hand movements, developing mental processes, develop fine motor skills of fingers and hands

KGN: make sure there are no elbows on the table

Develop Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world)

. It's so nice in our garden. Dybina, 13

Obrdeyat Musical activities


Birch tree observation

Goal: continuing to get acquainted with birch, highlighting characteristic features and changes associated with the time of year; cultivating a caring attitude towards wood as a living object of nature.

SyuzhR ​​game "Guests"

Goal: to consolidate cultural skills, teach to help adults, to be sensitive and attentive.

PI "Zateiniki"


Goal: to teach to follow the rules of the game, to act quickly and deftly; practice running.

Ind work.

Purpose: practice jumping; nurturing self-confidence.

Goal: consolidated the ability to jump rope by rotating it forward and backward.

Work. Sweeping paths, picking up trash.

Goal: to teach you to see the result of your work.

Afternoon Club work

Reading x. l. Y. Vladimirov “Orchestra”

DI “Invent it yourself”

Goal: to teach children to compose sentences with a given number of words.

SyuzhR ​​game "Birthday"

Goal: to develop creative imagination.

Walk Watching the Rain

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, to develop speech by coordinating verbs with nouns.

PI "Hares and Dogs"


Goal: to strengthen the ability to throw the ball at a target.

SyuzhR ​​game "Street"

Goal: to teach children to develop and implement the plot of the game

Conversation with parents about the need to maintain children’s interest in events not only in the country, but also in the world

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