A long-term plan of work in the preparatory school group has been developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. calendar and thematic planning (preparatory group) on the topic

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF


Winner of the all-Russian competition “The most popular article of the month” October 2016

Conditions of the competition:


  • Taranyuk Maria Vasilievna.
  • Evseenko Tamara Ivanovna

Municipal preschool educational institution, a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children No. 109.

Educator. Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory


TASKS: to summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about the characteristic features of summer, about work in nature (in the garden), about summer fun, about the life of the flora and fauna in the summer.


COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Cognitive development

Topic: “Memories of Summer”

Etc. tasks: To summarize and systematize the idea of ​​summer according to the main essential features (thunderstorm, rainbow, lightning), about the characteristics of the life of animals in the forest, to clarify the idea of ​​​​certain types of agricultural labor in the summer; develop the ability to establish a connection between a set of conditions (heat, light, moisture and plant condition); cultivate a desire to share your knowledge and memories with peers.


Etc. tasks: Practice counting within 10; assign numbers from 0 to 10; ordinal counting; practice comparing objects by length and width; repeat the composition of the number; learn to answer in sentences, use plural nouns correctly; develop the ability to understand and independently perform a given task; cultivate endurance.

Pomerantseva str. 14 No. 1, No. 2

Search and research activities.

Topic: "Water Filtration" .

Etc. tasks: to introduce children to the processes of water purification in different ways (sand, rag, blotting paper"; Develop reasoning skills, establish cause-and-effect relationships. Foster a caring attitude towards water.

- D/i “Insects” - to consolidate children’s knowledge about insects, the structure of their body, benefits for humans, nature.

- D/i “When does this happen?” - develop observation skills.

-D/i “Seasons” - teach to see signs of seasonal changes in the weather, plants, animal behavior, life and work of people.

— D/i “Bees and Flowers” ​​— develop attentiveness and interest in nature.

— Lotto “Wildlife” — teach to distinguish different types of plants.

-Butterfly watching

— D/n “Numbers” — repeat numbers from 0 to 10.

- D/i “Similar - not similar” - exercise in comparing objects by shape, color, size.

Regional component

Topic: “Plants of the Khabarovsk Territory” - introduce rose hips, note that in the Far East it is called “Daurian Rose” , cultivate interest in the flora of the Far East.

Experimental activities

“Smell, taste, touch, listen” - to consolidate children’s ideas about the senses, their purpose (ears - to hear, recognize various sounds; nose - to detect smell; fingers - to determine the shape, structure of the surface; tongue - to determine taste).

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Thematic long-term planning in the preparatory group

June 11, 2021 Alexey Home page » Work programs

Author: Tatyana Ivanovna Uzerina, teacher of the municipal budget preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 29 “Alyonushka”, Perm region, Tchaikovsky city.

Educational and methodological development. Thematic long-term planning of the OO Social and communicative development of preschool children (school preparatory group) “Rainbow” program.

Educational field: Social and communicative development.

Goal: Positive socialization of preschool children, familiarization of children with sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state.


  • assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values
  • development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers
  • formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions
  • development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy
  • formation of readiness for joint activities with peers
  • developing a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization
  • formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity
  • formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature

Main areas of work:

  • Free communication with adults and children;
  • Willingness to collaborate with peers;
  • Basics of safe behavior at home, in nature, on the street;
  • Positive attitudes towards various types of work;
  • Patriotic education, as well as citizenship education (civic behavior - which presupposes the formation of certain personality traits - activity, independence, ability to make decisions, initiative, etc.).

School preparatory group group

Promote the formation of value orientations: form the foundations of moral consciousness, ideas about good and evil, introduce children to universal human values, promote a humanistic orientation of behavior;

Promote the formation of socially valuable relationships: form friendly and equal relationships between peers;

Develop the need for business and intellectual communication with adults;

Enriching children's ideas about the main sources and types of danger and the simplest ways of safe behavior in everyday life, on the street, in nature, in communicating with strangers, developing knowledge about the rules of safe road traffic as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle;

To form a clear idea of ​​work as a social phenomenon that ensures the growth of human needs, through expanding the range of knowledge and ideas about improving the man-made world and changing the world of professions, maintaining a creative attitude towards the world around us and a willingness to perform labor actions with adults and peers through duty, carrying out work assignments based on the development of the subject and the complication of the range of productive, communicative and creative tasks associated with work in a kindergarten and family.

To cultivate a sense of patriotism, love and respect for one’s country - Russia, to develop love, interest in one’s nature, one’s native culture and pride in it.


Kind of activityTopic of the week
1 Week2 week3 week4 week
monitoringmonitoring“Autumn Basket” (vegetables)"Abundance" (fruits and berries)
S.R.I.“School” - Teach children to create a play environment, develop a plot; reveal the content, connections and relationships of the role being played; use the game to develop a positive attitude towards school; cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers. “Kindergarten” - To consolidate children’s understanding of kindergarten workers. Introduce into the role of “cook”, “supply manager”, “musical director”; cultivate a caring attitude towards comrades. “Vegetable market” - Teach children to negotiate while playing, based on models. Independent selection of substitute items. Complicate a familiar plot with several events. Develop cooperation skills in children. “Fruit Shop” - teach how to establish interactions in a joint game; develop the plot, develop game dialogue; develop interest and respect for the sales profession; cultivate a culture of behavior in a public place.
Sweet hour“Etiquette” is to consolidate the skills of setting a festive table and the culture of behavior at the table.“Friends are visiting me” - reinforce the rules of guest etiquette; develop respect and care for your close friends. “Cabbage” - reinforce the rules of behavior at the table; introduce children to Russian cuisine - traditional vegetable dishes; to form children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. “Rowan Healer” - consolidate children’s knowledge about events in the folk calendar - Peter and Pavel - mountain ash; about the healing properties of rowan, about the signs associated with rowan.
Conversation“We are the elders in kindergarten” - develop group cohesion; overcome communication difficulties; to form a positive attitude towards peers and younger children in kindergarten; teach children mutual assistance and mutual assistance. “My best friend in kindergarten” - to form an idea of ​​​​friendship and actions; cultivate a culture of behavior in relationships between peers. “Let’s go with you to the garden” - to develop children’s interest in the world around them, expand their knowledge and ideas about vegetables, about the beneficial properties of vegetable dishes; enrich vocabulary, develop children’s coherent speech. “Bastard apple tree” - expand children’s knowledge and ideas about fruits, enrich their vocabulary, give ideas about varieties of fruits; cultivate interest in the world around us.


Kind of activityTopic of the week
1 Week2 week3 week4 week
“Autumn carpet” (trees and bushes)“Skvorushka says goodbye” (migratory birds)"Autumn through the eyes of artists"“How animals prepare for winter”
S.R.I.“Ecologists” - create conditions and encourage social creativity, the ability to divide into subgroups in accordance with the game plot, and develop speech etiquette skills. Expand children's understanding of the humane nature of the work of ecologists, its necessity for nature conservation, and social significance. “Building a House” - introduce children to construction professions; pay attention to the role of technology in facilitating the work of builders; teach how to build a simple structure; foster friendly interactions in the team; expand knowledge about the peculiarities of construction work; introduce into the vocabulary such concepts as “construction”, “bricklayer”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “building material”. “Museum of Fine Arts” - teach children to independently assign roles and act in accordance with them. Display in the game events of social life, behavior in cultural places, teach to treat each other carefully and kindly. Develop children's speech and enrich their vocabulary. “Zoo” - teach children to be divided into subgroups in accordance with the game plot and, at the end of the game action, to unite again into a single team. Expand children's understanding of the humane nature of the work of zoo workers and their main professions: zoo director
Sweet hour"Honey" - consolidate children's knowledge about events in the folk calendar "Savvaty the beekeeper" - bee tithe." Talk about the healing properties of honey. “How they drink tea in different countries” - introduce children to the traditions of the tea ceremony in different countries; create interest in his past “Traditions of the Russian people” - consolidate children’s knowledge about some historical events of our people.“Hedgehog visiting a bear cub” - consolidate the skill of setting a festive table, culture of behavior at the table.
Conversation“How to recognize plants” - to help generalize children’s ideas about plants; develop in children the ability to generalize based on essential features and make evidence-based judgments; cultivate interest in the world of plants. “Birds are our friends” - expand children’s knowledge and ideas about nature; to form the basis of a holistic attitude towards oneself and nature; systematize and generalize the rules of behavior in nature. “There is in the original autumn...” - create conditions for generalizing children’s ideas about autumn as a season, its signs; the ability to describe natural events; cultivate a desire to observe the beauty of autumn nature. “Feelings of animals and humans” - to form specific ideas about the manifestations of animal feelings (feel changes in environmental conditions - preparing wild animals for winter, other influences: humans, other animals on each other and change their behavior); the idea that some animals can experience feelings similar to those of humans.


Kind of activityTopic of the week
1 Week2 week3 week4 week
“Journey into the past of objects” (dishes)"In the cabinetmaker's workshop" (furniture)“In the sewing workshop” (clothing)"Who to be?"
S.R.I."Cafe. Dining room. Pizzeria" - teach how to independently distribute roles and act in accordance with the role, teach how to independently create the necessary buildings, and develop the skills of a friendly attitude among children. Encourage children to more widely use knowledge about the life around them in games. “Furniture Factory” - learn to independently assign roles and act according to the role, develop speech etiquette skills, learn to join in group work and independently find attractive moments in it, learn to evaluate the quality of a completed task; continue to introduce children to the professions of adults. "Studio. Fashion House" - to develop the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot. To cultivate respect for the work of a seamstress, fashion designer, cutter, to expand the idea that their work is collective, that the quality of the work of another depends on the conscientious work of one person. Develop the ability to apply knowledge of measurement methods in the game. Develop children's dialogical speech. “Mail” - Teach children to accept a role and act in accordance with it; expanding the range of actions within one role; fostering a respectful attitude towards people working at the post office.
Sweet hour“The History of the Samovar” - introduce children to the history of the creation of the samovar; cultivate interest in his past. “Where did the table come from?” — continue to introduce children to the history of kitchen furniture; stimulate creativity in practical knowledge of surrounding objects and their transformation. “I invite you to the ball” - introduce children to the history of festive clothing; activate children's coherent speech; contribute to the development of knowledge about past modern etiquette, fostering a culture of behavior in a public place. “The History of the Creation of Money” - introduce children to the history of the creation of money; develop interest in the past.
Conversation“I know how to use cutlery” - to form children’s understanding of cutlery - their variety and purpose; expand children's vocabulary; cultivate a culture of behavior at the table during meals. “Visiting Pinocchio” - Expand children’s understanding of the work of adults; show the meaning and importance of each specialty for other people, for the whole country; cultivate respect for work. “Artist - fashion designer” - expand children’s knowledge about the professions of adults; promote the development of creativity and imagination; contribute to the development of aesthetic taste. “All work is good” - to expand children’s ideas about the work of adults, that every profession needs to be learned, and to cultivate respect for working people.


Kind of activityTopic of the week
1 Week2 week3 week4 week
“Winter window” (all about everything)"Animal world of the polar regions of the Earth"“May the New Year tree bring us joy”"Winter's Tale"
S.R.I."Family. Winter walk" - Teach children to develop the plot on their own; develop a caring attitude towards loved ones; promote the development of playful dialogical speech; “Journey to the North” - enrich children’s gaming experience; pay attention to the relationship between events in living and inanimate nature; develop the imagination and dialogical communication of children in play; encourage the use of substitute items. “Toy Store” - Continue to introduce the profession of the seller, cashier, and their interaction; consolidate acquired knowledge with children; develop creativity, activity, and the ability to work together; develop friendly qualities. "Family. New Year's Eve" - ​​expand children's ideas about collective housekeeping, the family budget, family relationships, and joint leisure activities; cultivate a friendly, caring attitude towards family members, interest in their activities
Sweet hour“The history of the winter holiday. Family Traditions” - consolidate children’s knowledge about the history of the New Year celebration; cultivate interest in his past. “The History of Ice Cream” - introduce children to the history of ice cream; cultivate interest in the past. “New Year Tree” - consolidate children’s knowledge about the traditions and customs of decorating a Christmas tree in Rus' and other nations; cultivate interest in the culture of your people; activate children's dialogical speech. “New Year’s traditions of different nations” - consolidate the received ideas using the example of the New Year holiday.; highlight some characteristic features of the holiday; to form children's understanding of the New Year traditions of other nations.
Conversation“In December, December...” to form children’s idea of ​​the beauty of winter nature; develop children's speech activity; teach to build reasoning; give examples from personal experience. “Reindeer Herders” - introduce children to the peoples of the Far North, their living conditions and types of activities; develop interest in people of other nationalities. “Beauty Christmas tree” - to promote the development of the ability to name the characteristic features of the structure of the spruce, the signs that distinguish it from other trees; cultivate a caring and caring attitude towards living nature. “New Year's Gifts” - to form children's ideas about New Year's gifts, about holiday traditions, and to cultivate a friendly attitude towards family and friends.


Kind of activityTopic of the week
1 Week2 week3 week4 week
holidays"Wild animals of central Russia""Our True Friends" (pets)“This is Africa!” (animals of hot countries)
S.R.I.“Firehouse” - Distribution of roles by children, unobtrusively, using their own example as an equal partner in the game; give an idea of ​​the functions and importance of a fire department. Learn to capture situations of uncertainty. Foster respect and pride for people of heroic professions. “Circus” is to teach how to distribute roles and act in accordance with the role assumed, to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other. Strengthen children’s ideas about cultural institutions and rules of behavior in public places. To consolidate knowledge about the circus and its workers. “Veterinary Clinic” - To form children’s understanding of the work of a veterinarian, the clinic and its functions. Teach children the main points of organizing the game. Reveal the content and interaction of roles; develop a caring attitude towards animals. “Zoo - “Madagascar” - teach children to be divided into subgroups in accordance with the game plot. Expand children's ideas about the humane nature of the work of zoo workers, about the main professions: zoo director, workers, doctor, conductor, kitchen worker, tour guide, etc.; about the main labor processes in servicing exotic animals.
Sweet hour“Family traditions of the New Year’s table” - to develop children’s ability to conduct a calm, relaxed conversation; cultivate respect and preservation of the traditions of your family. “Christmas and Christmastide” - consolidate children’s knowledge about the history of the appearance of the main Christian holiday “Christmas” in Rus' and other countries; cultivate interest in the past. “Tea Stories” - introduce children to the beliefs of the Russian people about domestic animals; teach to understand language and habits; cultivate a caring attitude towards animals. “Do they drink tea in Africa?” — introduce children to the traditions of the tea ceremony in different countries; cultivate interest in the traditions of different peoples.
Conversation“Through the Pages of the Red Book” - introduce children to the animals of the Perm region listed in the Red Book; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. “I have a kitten” - develop an interest in pets; activate children's speech; cultivate a caring, caring attitude towards animals. “Animals of the Desert” - to form children’s ideas about the animals of hot countries, about their adaptations to life in the desert; develop an interest in the animal world.


Kind of activityTopic of the week
1 Week2 week3 week4 week
“Tchaikovsky – past, present, future”"My Perm region"“My native country is wide” (conversation about the army)“By countries and continents”!!!! (transport)
S.R.I.“Typography” - teach children to act in accordance with their chosen role. Broaden your horizons, improve the culture of communication. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the work of a printing house, expanding and complicating the previously known plot with several plot links (production of newspapers, magazines); cultivate a caring attitude toward books, newspapers, and magazines as a source of knowledge. “Real Estate Agency” - to develop children’s ability to independently assign roles and act according to them. Expand the scope of children’s social activity and their understanding of the environment, consolidate knowledge about the work of real estate agencies, provide the child with the opportunity to occupy various adult positions. “Military Intelligence” - introduce children to paramilitary games; teach children to quickly complete assigned tasks; develop attentiveness and caution; to cultivate respect for military professions and the desire to defend the Motherland; expand children's vocabulary, consolidating the understanding of words such as “reconnaissance”, “scout”, “sentry”, “security”, “soldiers”. “Steamboat”, “Railroad Workers” - Teach children to establish interaction in joint games, reveal the content, connections and correlation of the roles played; develop an interest in learning about the unknown; develop respect for people in this profession.
Sweet hour“The history of the creation of a doll” - introduce children to the history of the creation of a doll, develop a retrospective view of things.“Sights of the native land” - develop interest in the history of the native land; memorable places; to cultivate love, respect for the native land, the desire to preserve its beauty. “Folk traditions. Farewell to the army" - introduce children to the tradition of the Russian people - "Farewell to the army"; to develop an interest in the history of one’s people and their way of life. “History of Air Transport” - introduce children to the history of the creation of aircraft; to form an idea of ​​the profession of a flight attendant; cultivate a culture of behavior in a public place
Conversation“The city is like a song, the city is like a bird” - perceive the beauty of your hometown through the poetic lines of poets; develop interest in the small Motherland; cultivate a desire to maintain cleanliness and order on the streets of the city. “What is the glory of my native land” - to develop interest in the history of my native land; to form an idea of ​​the natural resources of the native land, to instill love for the native land. “Military professions” - to form children’s ideas about military professions, about the humane orientation of the work of the military, about the need for the army, to develop children’s speech; cultivate respect for the military. “Transport of the past, present and future” - (review of the encyclopedia “Transport”) - to form children’s ideas about transport, its importance for people, to consolidate the rules of safe behavior; activate children's speech, the ability to compose a descriptive story according to plan.


Kind of activityTopic of the week
1 Week2 week3 week4 week
"About Beloved Mothers""Spring, spring, way to spring""The Rooks Have Arrived""Nature Awakens"
S.R.I.“Family” - expand children’s understanding of collective housekeeping, the family budget, family relationships, and joint leisure activities; cultivate love and benevolence. Caring attitude towards family members, interest in their activities. "Store "Flowers"" - develop children's speech; Expand words knowledge; learn to include a variety of plots in the game; enriching children's gaming experience; cultivate friendly relationships with playing partners. "Atelier." House of Fashion" - to develop the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot, at the end of a given game action, to unite again into a single team. To cultivate respect for the work of a seamstress, fashion designer, cutter, to expand the idea that their work is collective; develop children's dialogical speech; cultivate creative imagination in creating a spring clothing collection. “The Ministry of Emergency Situations is rushing to the rescue (ecological disaster)” - to expand children’s knowledge about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations; teach them to quickly make the right decision in extreme situations, cultivate courage, responsibility, and the desire to come to the aid of people.
Sweet hour“My mother is the best” - cultivate a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards elders, the desire to help them.“Waltz of the Flowers” ​​- strengthen the skills of setting a festive table, culture of behavior at the table; ability to perceive a calm melody; introduce the history of the tape recorder. “Magpies - the second meeting of spring” - tell children about magpies, the spring equinox, what kind of events they are, how they are connected in folk memory and life.“The History of the Tablecloth” - introduce children to the history of the creation of the tablecloth; to develop interest in everyday objects and the past; note the elegance of the floral pattern on the border of the tablecloth.
Conversation“All kinds of mothers are important” - to form a caring attitude towards parents (mother); develop children's speech; learn to write a descriptive story about your mother. “Spring is red” - to help clarify and generalize ideas about spring; perceive the beauty of nature through the poetic lines of poets; cultivate respect for the storyteller and the ability to listen. “Proverbs, sayings about birds” - consolidate children’s knowledge about birds, habitat, appearance, habits; development of ideas about human care for birds; cultivate a caring attitude towards bird nesting areas. “Ashamed before the nightingale” - to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; discussion of proverbs and sayings about attitude towards nature.


Kind of activityTopic of the week
1 Week2 week3 week4 week
“Television programs – the natural world, the human world”“Earth is our home in the universe” (Cosmonautics Day)"Water is the source of life"“What from what and for what” (Easter)
S.R.I.“Television” - To consolidate the role actions of television workers, to show that their work is collective, and the result of the entire team depends on the quality of the work of one. To consolidate children’s ideas about the media and the role of television in people’s lives. “Space Explorers” - Teach children to independently assign roles, understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it. To consolidate children's knowledge about space research, about the specific working conditions of researchers, to teach how to model game dialogue, to use various construction sets, building materials, and substitute objects. Develop children's creative imagination and coherent speech. “Ecologists” (Earth’s water system) – develop children’s ability to enter into a certain image; to form children’s ideas about springs and their conservation; develop coherent dialogical speech and thinking; develop cognitive interest and observation skills; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. “Family” - enrich the life and play experience of children, pay attention to the interconnection of events in the family; develop children's imagination and communication through play; encourage children to use substitute items and flexible use of play equipment; cultivate respect for family traditions.
Sweet hour“Laughter Panorama” - introduce children to entertaining television and radio programs, introduce them to the history of the April Fool’s Day holiday; cultivate interest in the past. “Tea party in orbit” - consolidate children’s knowledge about space; develop imagination; to form children's ideas about food products for astronauts in orbit. “The Story of Water” - to develop children’s knowledge about the purity of water; enrich children's environmental knowledge; foster a culture of dialogue. “Easter Holidays” - consolidate children’s knowledge about the history of the appearance of the main Christian holiday “Easter” in Rus' and other countries; cultivate interest in the past of your people.
Conversation“Television announcer: latest group news” - to form children’s knowledge about television workers; develop interest in adult professions; cultivate a culture of communication. “Is it easy to become an astronaut” - to form children’s ideas about the profession of pilot-cosmonaut; develop interest in professions associated with danger and the unknown; cultivate respect for working people. “Water is the source of life” - summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about the properties and importance of water for the life of all life on Earth; introduce natural monuments - lakes, glaciers, waterfalls, geysers; bring to the conclusion: “Water is the source of life and health,” therefore water is the greatest wealth and must be protected. “Means of transmitting information of the past, present and future” - teach children to use encyclopedias; develop cognitive interest; activate children's speech, develop the ability to conduct a conversation.


Kind of activityTopic of the week
1 Week2 week3 week4 week
"If only the people of the whole earth"“We are for peace, for friendship..” (Victory Day)“We have fun living together” (Family Day)monitoring
S.R.I.“Round the World Trip” – broaden children’s horizons; consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries; cultivate friendly relationships. “Medical assistance” - continue to introduce children to the professions of a doctor, nurse, and orderly; to cultivate respect for these professions and a caring attitude towards people" Family" - Teach children to play the game "Family" in interaction with other games"; develop a caring attitude towards loved ones; develop respect for older people. “Family - a trip to the country” -
Sweet hour“Spring and Labor Holiday” - introduce children to the national holiday of spring and labor, talk about how it is celebrated in different countries.“Victory Day” - remember with children the exploits of soldiers, the people who defended the Russian land, and cultivate a sense of respect for veterans.“Family Traditions” - introduce children to the history of Russian cuisine; to develop interest in the traditions of Russian cuisine and family traditions; develop the ability to conduct a calm, casual conversation; promote the development of speech etiquette. “Goodbye kindergarten” - to develop in children friendly relationships, table manners, and the ability to conduct a calm conversation.
Conversation“Dolls of the World” - introduce children to dolls made from different materials; introduce the role of dolls in the lives of children and adults; cultivate interest in dolls and traditions of different nations. “Good qualities of a person” - to form children’s idea of ​​honesty, respect, responsiveness, courage; promote the development of skills to defend one’s opinion and take into account the opinions of others; interact in a group; cultivate a culture of behavior in relationships with different people. “Traditions and favorite activities of my family” - to form children’s ideas about family traditions, to consolidate the children’s ability to speak out about themselves and their loved ones; cultivate respect for family and friends. “What I learned in kindergarten” is to teach children to speak about themselves, about their impressions, to evaluate their own deeds and the deeds of their comrades.

Tags: in preparatory group, Perspective, Planning, Thematic

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