What interesting, instructive, funny stories should you read to children at bedtime? The best fairy tales for young children

Fairy tales that teach good...

These good bedtime stories with a happy and instructive ending will delight your child before bed, calm him down, and teach kindness and friendship.

Good fairy tales for children from the series: That's it! It is recommended to read fairy tales with deep meaning to children from 1 to 101 years old, modern, interesting and understandable to children.

If you want to raise a kind and sympathetic child, and help him act correctly in difficult life situations, then be sure to read educational bedtime stories to your child.

So, good, wise tales by the author Nelly Kopeikina.

A series of good instructive tales about a boy - Fedya Egorov.

Fedya Egorov's meeting with Puss in Boots or Fedya's new transformation into a mouse

Brothers Fedya and Vasya Egorov have long wanted to have real slingshots. Sometimes Fedya made slingshots for himself and his brother from aluminum wire. The boys used these slingshots to shoot paper bullets at targets, but they wanted to have large slingshots made from real wooden slingshots.

The brothers' passion for slingshots appeared and then disappeared. But this time it was definitely the last, because the events associated with slingshot shooting were extraordinary, they were not just events, but real adventures. And this time the guys had a slingshot not made of wire, but a real one made of a poplar branch with a leather sight on a wide medical rubber band. This slingshot could shoot real stones. Dad made this slingshot for his sons.

Having made his sons promise that they would only shoot from a slingshot at an inanimate target marked on the wall of the barn, the father and his sons went into the nearby forest. They took with them everything they needed to make slingshots: a knife, two leather tongues from Vasya’s old boots and a medical rubber tourniquet. By lunchtime, all three returned with a bouquet of flowers for mom, a glass of fragrant strawberries for tea, and two fresh slingshots.

Fedya and Vasya were in joyful excitement. They vied with each other to praise their slingshots, told their mother how far they managed to shoot with them in the forest, and even made guesses as to who would hit the target on the wall of the barn how many times. Read the story in full...

Bedtime story

(problem: can’t get me to sleep at night)

Once upon a time he lived in the village of Petya-Petushok. Petechka loved to crow in the morning and sing songs to the sun. There was nothing more fun in the world for Petya than this.

Petya the Cockerel plays all day long, sings songs to the Sun, and when evening comes, he becomes sad. Our Petya the Cockerel doesn’t like the night, he doesn’t like to sleep.

As soon as the Sun begins to set, Petechka immediately becomes sad and cries:

-Ko-ko-ko, I don’t want to go to sleep! Ko-ko-ko, I want to crow songs.

And Petya the Cockerel cried so bitterly one day that the Sun decided to take pity on him. The sun did not go to bed, and decided that it would shine both day and night for Petechka.

Petya was so happy, he crowed and played happily all day and all night.

But here’s the thing: the Sun brightened the night, and Petya crowed, and the next day the Sun stopped shining, and Petya-Cockerel lost his voice.

Why do you think this happened? That's right, because everyone needs to rest and gain strength. And we gain the best strength in our sleep.

Petya-Petushek understood that he and Sunny needed to sleep. And night came, the Sun rested, Petechka also got some sleep. And the next morning the Sun shone as before, and Petya the Cockerel crowed even louder.

The tale of how Fedya saved the forest from an evil sorcerer

In the summer, the boy Fedya Egorov came to rest in the village with his grandparents. This village stood right next to the forest. Fedya decided to go into the forest to pick berries and mushrooms, but his grandparents did not let him in. They said that the real Baba Yaga lives in their forest, and for more than two hundred years no one has gone to this forest.

Fedya did not believe that Baba Yaga lived in the forest, but he obeyed his grandparents and did not go into the forest, but went to the river to fish. The cat Vaska followed Fedya. The fish were biting well. There were already three ruffs floating in Fedya’s jar when the cat knocked it over and ate the fish. Fedya saw this, got upset and decided to postpone fishing until tomorrow. Fedya returned home. Grandparents were not at home. Fedya put away the fishing rod, put on a long-sleeved shirt and, taking a basket, went to the neighbor’s children to invite them into the forest.

Fedya believed that his grandparents had written about Baba Yaga, that they simply did not want him to go into the forest, because it is always very easy to get lost in the forest. But Fedya was not afraid of getting lost in the forest, since he wanted to go into the forest with friends who had lived here for a long time, and therefore knew the forest well.

Much to Fedya’s surprise, all the guys refused to go with him and they began to dissuade him. Read the story to the end...


(Name), although very small, has already been to the sea. When he (she) saw him, he simply fell in love with him. The sea is large, there is no end in sight. The waves rise high when the wind blows, and fall down like white foam. Beauty!

(Name) played on the shore and built sand castles, and mom and dad helped him (her). They built tall castles with turrets. Mom filled (name) with water in a bucket, and he (s) poured sand into it and cooked porridge or simply poured water on his head: it was hot.

Then (name) started playing ball. He threw him up and kicked him with his legs. But suddenly the ball flew into the water. Dad rushed into the water to save the ball. But on this day there were big, big waves in the sea. And these huge waves carried the ball further and further from the shore. They carried it so far that the big ball already seemed very small.

And then everyone who was sunbathing on the shore saw dolphins appear in the distance. There was a whole flock of them. They jumped above the water and dived headlong into the water again. Finally, the dolphins saw (name)'s ball. They began to push him with their noses and play with him. The ball flew from one dolphin to another.

And suddenly one dolphin noticed a crying boy on the shore.

“This is probably his ball,” the dolphin thought. - We need to return it to the baby.

He said something to his comrades, and they all began to push the ball towards the shore. They rolled the ball over the waves until it ended up on the shore, at the very feet of (name).

(Name) was very happy. And the dolphins circled a little near the shore, greeting the baby, and again swam far into the ocean.

(Name) stood and waved at them.

You know, (name), dolphins are very smart and they are always ready to help people. If someone has swum far and gets lost in the ocean, dolphins will help this person get to the shore. And they are also very beautiful. Is it true?


Once upon a time there was a boy Fedya Egorov. Fedya did not always keep his promises. Sometimes, having promised his parents to clean up his toys, he got carried away, forgot and left them scattered.

One day Fedya’s parents left him alone at home and asked him not to lean out of the window. Fedya promised them that he would not lean out of the window, but would draw. He took out everything he needed for drawing, sat down in a large room at the table and began to draw.

But as soon as mom and dad left the house, Fedya was immediately drawn to the window. Fedya thought: “So what, I promised not to peek, I’ll quickly peek out and see what the guys are doing in the yard, and mom and dad won’t even know that I was peeking.”

Fedya placed a chair near the window, climbed onto the window sill, lowered the handle on the frame, and before he even had time to pull the window sash, it swung open. By some miracle, just like in a fairy tale, a flying carpet appeared in front of the window, and on it sat a grandfather unfamiliar to Fedya. Grandfather smiled and said:

- Hello, Fedya! Do you want me to give you a ride on my carpet? Read the whole story...

“How the dog Barbos suddenly meowed”

Everyone knows that dogs bark and cats meow.
And you, (name), of course, know this. But I will tell you an extraordinary story.

Once upon a time there was a dog Barbos. He was big, big. He guarded his master's house. If someone stranger approached the fence, he began to bark loudly: “WOOF! WOOF! WOOO! And therefore his owner was calm - no stranger would get into his house.

In general, the dog Barbos was a kind dog. He ran across the lawn in front of the house and caught butterflies and all kinds of midges. True, if a neighbor's cat ran into his territory, he would bark again and drive it away. After all, everyone knows that dogs don’t like cats.

But one day the incredible happened. A scary, hunchbacked old woman walked past the fence. Barbos began to bark, as usual, “WOOP! WOOO!” But the old woman, not paying attention to him, opened the gate and entered the yard. Barbos became very angry and bit the old woman on the leg so that she would not walk around other people's yards. The old woman turned to the dog, looked at it with evil eyes and said: “Because you bit me, I will punish you. I am an evil witch. And now you will no longer bark, but will meow like a cat!” The old woman said this and disappeared, as if she had evaporated into thin air.

Barbos wanted to bark, but instead of “WOOF!”, he said: “MEOW!” He coughed, clearing his throat, and wanted to bark again. But he meowed again.

Barbos was so scared that he couldn’t find a place for himself, he ran around the yard and meowed helplessly: “MEOW! MEOW!"

The neighbors' cats heard that someone was meowing in the neighboring yard and thought that a stray cat had come there. They ran into the yard, looked around - there was no one except Barbos. And Barbos rushed after them to drive them out of his yard, but again he could not bark, but only said: “MEOW!” The cats even stopped in surprise and sat down on the ground. Where have you seen dogs meow?

“Barbos, what happened to you,” they asked the dog.

And Barbos told them about the evil witch in real cat language.

- Wow! - the cats were surprised. - What to do now? How to restore your ability to bark? After all, the owner can kick you out of the house - why does he need a meowing dog?

And Barbos grabbed his head with his paws and just whined pitifully.

The cats called all their friends from neighboring yards and began to confer. They thought about how to help Barbos.

“Barbos,” they asked the dog, “if we help you, will you no longer chase us and scare us?”

- MEOW! - Barbos said plaintively, which meant: “Never.”

And then one white cat remembered that a good witch lived in the neighboring village.

“We need to go get her, maybe she will help Barbos.”

All the cats agreed with her. Two cats stayed with Barbos to calm him down, and the rest ran to the neighboring village.

Two hours later they returned with the good witch. She was young and beautiful, and she had a magic wand in her hand. She looked at Barbos, who was meowing pitifully, then she waved her magic wand and, lo and behold, Barbos said: “WOOF!”

He did not immediately believe his luck and continued to bark and bark.

The good sorceress patted Barbos on the back and left.

And from then on, the cats were no longer afraid of Barbos, because he kept his promise: he never chased them and did not scare them with his barking.

Since then, the cats and Barbos have become friends. After all, only true friends help a friend in trouble.

A tale about food

The boy Fedya Egorov became stubborn at the table:

- I don’t want to eat soup and I won’t eat porridge. I don't like bread!

The soup, porridge and bread took offense at him, disappeared from the table and ended up in the forest. And at this time an angry hungry wolf was prowling through the forest and said:

– I love soup, porridge and bread! Oh, how I wish I could eat them!

The food heard this and flew straight into the wolf's mouth. The wolf has eaten his fill, sits contentedly, licking his lips. And Fedya left the table without eating. For dinner, mom served potato pancakes with jelly, and Fedya became stubborn again:

- Mom, I don’t want pancakes, I want pancakes with sour cream!

Reading a bedtime story to your child...

Alphabet of your body

R - arm - a paired upper limb of a person, consisting of several sections: hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, shoulder. What is it for?

What do you need your hand for? Think about it a little. You use your hand to put on your boots.
And she will help you eat the porridge and drink the juice. Can you help Granny Threads wind everything into a ball?

And pull the boy by the nose, and the girl by the braid. And without fingers you won't be able to pick your nose.

In general, take care of your hands! Try not to break them! After all, it’s really hard to play with a broken arm.

And be careful with fire! And with hot water! Well, take sharp objects out of sight!

And the hands will say thank you. They will help you. You can do everything in the world that you can dream of.

N - Leg - a paired lower limb of a person, consisting of several sections: foot, ankle, lower leg, knee, thigh. What do you need it for?

Jump, run and gallop, or just kick the ball. Legs are very important. Everyone needs legs.
You can measure puddles with them, Or run into the distance from the cold. Jump over a rolling pin, or bounce them in a dance.

You need to take care of your feet. Protect them from diseases. Do not freeze them in winter, douse them with water in summer.

C - The heart is the main organ of the circulatory system, located in the chest on the left, divided into two halves. It is a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout your body. What do you need it for?

We have a heart in our chest.
This organ is top class! It drives our blood, It gives us love. Like a car without an engine, it won't go anywhere. So you and I are without a heart, neither here nor there.

G - The stomach is a hollow muscular organ. Responsible for food processing. What do you need it for?

After chewing a piece of bun, you swallow it yourself. It gets into the stomach to swim there in the juice.
This juice is not at all simple, you can’t wash it down with water. There are a lot of enzymes there, all the food goes there.

Love your stomach, feed it well. Don’t chew any nasty stuff, don’t swallow it, just spit it right away.

Since my daughter liked her mother’s creativity so much, I decided to come up with instructive stories on various topics in advance. They are not finished yet, I am constantly adding something new, or removing some phrases. Perhaps, when the time comes to read them to my daughter, there will be nothing left of the original version... I really hope that when the time comes, such stories will help both her and me in communicating with each other, and we will overcome the difficult transitional age with ease.

The Tale of the Nervous Pika or the Magic Book of Yegor Kuzmich

There lived two brothers - Fedya and Vasya Egorov. They constantly started fights, quarrels, divided something among themselves, quarreled, argued over trifles, and at the same time the youngest of the brothers, Vasya, always squeaked. Sometimes the eldest of the brothers, Fedya, also squealed. The squeaking of the children greatly irritated and upset the parents, and especially the mother. And people often get sick from grief.

So the mother of these boys got sick, so much so that she stopped getting up even for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The doctor who came to treat my mother prescribed her medication and said that my mother needed peace and quiet. Dad, leaving for work, asked the children not to make noise. He gave them the book and said:

– The book is interesting, read it. I think you'll like it.

Read the text of the fairy tale...

“Like the hare and the tortoise ran a race”

One day a hare was pulling a carrot in someone's garden and gnawing on it with his big teeth. And then he saw a turtle slowly crawling past him along the path. Everyone knows that hares run very fast, so he was very surprised how it was possible to move so slowly.

He has already eaten three carrots, but the turtle has only moved a few centimeters. Laughter and nothing more!

The turtle stopped, looked at the hare and thought: “What long legs he has! Can you really keep up with something like that? But he’s stupid, and I’m smarter.”

- Apparently, you don’t know, hare, that if you really want something, it will definitely come true! - the turtle said to the hare. - Let’s make a bet: we’ll run a race through the gardens and meadow straight to the river. Whoever comes running first is the winner!

The hare laughed so long at the tortoise's proposal that his stomach even hurt.

- Do you, turtle, really hope to overtake me? Well, this is just funny! This will never happen.

“Let’s check it out,” the turtle said calmly.

They stood on the same line at the start and ran. The tortoise, of course, immediately lagged behind the hare. She also slowly crawled along the path, and the heels of the hare flashed somewhere in the distance.

And the hare ran, ran through the vegetable gardens and suddenly saw a greenhouse.

“I’ll look into it for a minute,” the hare decided.

He went into the greenhouse, and there were sweet carrots, cabbage, and lettuce growing there. In general, there were some goodies there. The hare began to eat sweet carrots and everything that grew in the greenhouse. I ate, as they say, from my belly. And he felt so sleepy after such a hearty lunch that he decided to lie down and take a nap.

He was sleeping so soundly that he didn’t even hear the turtle crawl past the greenhouse. It was already getting dark when the hare woke up. He jumped up headlong and rushed to the river. And there, on the shore, the turtle was already sitting and smiling.

When he ran up to her, the turtle said to him:

- You lost your bet, hare, and I won. Boasting, gluttony and laziness are bad helpers!

Do you agree with this, (name)? Bragging and being lazy is bad.

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The Tale of Fedya's Toys

Once upon a time there was a boy Fedya Egorov. Like all kids, he had a lot of toys. Fedya loved his toys, he played with them with pleasure, but there was one problem - he did not like to clean them up after himself. He will play and leave where he played. The toys lay in disarray on the floor and got in the way, everyone was tripping over them, even Fedya himself threw them away.

And then one day the toys got tired of it.

“We need to run away from Fedya before they completely break us.” We must go to the good guys who take care of their toys and put them away,” said the plastic soldier. Read the full version of the tale...


Several kids were playing in the sandbox. Everyone had their own spatula, bucket, molds in the shape of stars, shells, and carrots. The kids filled the molds with sand, then turned them over and gently tapped them with a spatula. Then they opened the mold and they got a shortbread cake. They were so happy when beautiful sand figures came out of the molds.

But then a very small boy climbed into the sandbox. His mother forgot to take a shovel, a bucket and sand molds for a walk. And the baby also wanted to play with everyone. He took one mold in the shape of a shell, but the owner of this shell took it away from the baby. Then the kid took someone’s shovel and just wanted to dig in the sand. But the other boy also took the spatula from him. The baby began to cry, he felt so upset that no one wanted to play with him.

(Your child’s name) saw the little boy crying and gave him his bucket and shovel. The kid began to smile and hastily pour sand into the bucket - he was afraid that his toys would soon be taken away from him. But (name) is a kind boy. He did not take away the toys, but began to play with his new friend.

If you are not greedy, then every child will have many friends.

Funny fairy tales for children

The instructive nature of a fairy tale often manifests itself in a humorous situation. Funny stories in no way weaken the educational impact on the child, but on the contrary, strengthen it.

Children really like such works, they lift their spirits, put them in a positive mood, and develop a sense of humor. They say that a sense of humor in children is a sign of intelligence. Here you can recall many wonderful children's authors; read to your preschooler the fairy tales of G. Oster, B. Zakhoder, V. Suteev, E. Uspensky, D. Kharms, stories by N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky, V. Golyavkin.

Funny tales

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