Funny, cheerful, humorous tales of the peoples of the world

Cool short tales

Bunny and Squirrel

Once upon a time there lived a Bunny and a Squirrel. They were friends and loved each other. One day the Bunny suggests: “Squirrel, let’s live together and get married.” - How so, because you are a Bunny, and I am a Squirrel. – The power of our love is higher than stereotypes and species-racial considerations, Squirrel. We began to live as a family, and there was love and understanding. There are just no children. They became sad. The Bunny says: “Do we really not have children because I am a Bunny and you are a Squirrel?” How so? Let's go to Owl, she's smart, she knows everything. They came to the Owl and the Bunny said: “Owl, tell me why we don’t have children?” Because we are Bunny and Squirrel? - Are you crazy or what? You don’t have children because you are a boy and he is also a boy!

golden piranha

There lived an old man and an old woman near Lake Chad. The old man went fishing. The first time I threw in curare poison, only toads surfaced. The second time I threw curare poison - only crocodiles surfaced. The third time I threw the poison curare - the Golden Piranha surfaced and wanted to say, let me go older, I will fulfill three cherished wishes, but I could not, because I was paralyzed. The old man returned to the old woman with the prey, the old woman was delighted, they salted the toads for the winter, they dried the crocodiles for the summer, and instantly ate the Golden Piranha straight raw. So all three wishes came true by themselves.

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka

Once upon a time there lived a sister Alyonushka and a brother Ivanushka. Alyonushka was smart and hard-working, and Ivanushka was an alcoholic. How many times did his sister tell him: “Don’t drink, Ivanushka, you’ll become a little goat!” But Ivanushka did not listen and drank. One day he bought burnt vodka at a kiosk, drank it, and felt like he couldn’t stand on two legs anymore, he had to drop down to four points. And then the shameful wolves come up to him and say: “Well, you goat, have you finished drinking?” And they kicked him so hard on the horns that he threw off his hooves... And his sister Alyonushka got his apartment, because good always triumphs over evil!

Bear Hut

Bear's hut. -Who ate from my plate? - Father Bear asks menacingly. - Who ate from my plate? - asks the eldest son. - Who ate from my plate? - the youngest son squeaks. “You idiots, I haven’t poured some for you yet.” - the bear answers.

A soldier was returning from service

A soldier was walking home from service. He knocked on the way to one house. “Let me in,” he says, “to spend the night, masters.” And in the house lived a greedy old woman. “Sleep over,” she said, “but I don’t have anything to treat you with.” “It’s not a problem,” the soldier answered, “just give me an ax, and I’ll cook porridge from it.” “What, soldier,” the old woman was indignant, “do you think I’m completely stupid? What will I use to chop wood later?” So the soldier remained, not eating any salt. And his name, by the way, was Rodion Raskolnikov.

How Ivan guarded the door

There lived an old man and an old woman. They had three sons: two were smart, and the third was a fool. The brothers and their parents began to get ready for work. Ivan the Fool also began to get ready - he took crackers and poured water into the eggplant. They ask him: “Where are you going?” -To work with you. -You won't go anywhere. Guard the door well so that thieves do not enter. The fool was left alone at home. Late in the evening he took the door off its hinges, put it on his back and carried it. Came to the arable land. The brothers ask: “Why did you come?” -I wanted to eat. “We told you to guard the door.” - Yes, here she is!

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Fairy tales for all occasions. Therapeutic tales

“How Krosha became friends with Gosha” Anastasia Finchenko

One day a little squirrel appeared in a squirrel family. She was so tiny that her parents named her Krosha.

She had small smart eyes with which she looked at the world with surprise, appreciating the beauty of tall pines, the endless blue sky, and lush green grass.

You and I can only envy the ability of squirrels to see everything around them. Squirrel eyes are designed in such a way that they can see not only what is in front and to the side of it. But also what is behind her. It's very convenient, don't you think?

The squirrel's parents thought that their daughter would always be a tiny baby. But time passed. Krosha grew by leaps and bounds. And finally, a very important day came in her life when she had to go to a forest kindergarten for the first time.

It taught the basics of survival in the forest. They accepted all the little animals and distributed them into classes.

The parents told Crochet:

“It’s time for you to go to kindergarten, to the squirrel class.” It will be very interesting there. You will learn a lot of new and interesting things. For example, how to hide pine cones in secret places and choose the shortest path to tasty treats. You will find new friends. You will learn to jump from tree to tree and use your tail as a parachute.

Krosha was nervous before her first trip to forest school. She had never been separated from her mom and dad for so long. And she didn’t communicate with other squirrels.

- Mom, how will I communicate with other squirrels if I don’t know anyone? How can I make friends with them?

- Darling, don’t worry. All the baby squirrels don’t know each other when they come to school. You will have a break where you can communicate with them, and over time, make friends. Just walk up and say, “Hi, what’s your name? Let's play together?" By the way, the son of our friends, the little squirrel Gosha, should also go to school tomorrow. You can become friends with him. You already played together once.

- OK, Mom! — the little squirrel calmed down.

When Krosha came to the squirrel class the next morning, located in the hollow of an old oak tree, several squirrels had already gathered there. These fidgets have already become acquainted. They jumped and made mischief while waiting for the teacher.

- What is your name? Krosha? Why are you so small? Did you eat your porridge badly? Little galosh! Little galosh! - they began to tease her.

Squirrel Krosha felt very offended.

- Hey you! Don't tease Krosha! It's not beautiful! - shouted the little squirrel Gosha, who appeared at the door of the classroom. He sat down at the same desk with Krosha and said:

- Hello, I'm Gosha. When we were little, your parents and you visited us in the hollow. Remember, we even played pine ball a couple of times.

- ABOUT! I may not remember how we played. But I can tell you for sure, now I play pine ball better than anyone else. Dad taught me.

- When there is a break, let's play under the oak tree! You bet I'll score the first shot? - Gosha suggested.

- Great! But the first goal will be mine! - Krosha winked at him.

As soon as the first lesson ended and recess began, the squirrels went to play pine ball. They were having so much fun that the rest of their class asked to take them to the game:

- Sorry for teasing! Can we play with you? We want it too!

Krosha and Gosha looked at each other and agreed:

- Of course, come here and catch the bump! - said Gosha.

From that first day at forest school, Krosha and Gosha became friends. They went to school together, spent time at breaks and did homework in the evenings. And, of course, we played pine ball.

How wonderful it is to make friends with someone with whom you can do exercises, share your nuts, chat and jump at recess. Who understands you and loves the same things as you.

Funny fairy tales for children

Good afternoon, our dear readers! Every child needs stories in which fantastic events take place, unusual characters live, and vivid emotions swirl. From them, children learn what good and evil, friendship and deceit, cunning and sincerity are, and learn how to get out of difficult life situations. Today we will tell you what funny fairy tales for children are worth reading and what impact they have on the development of young listeners.

Fairy tales and humor - the benefits are obvious

Fairy tales can evoke a whole range of emotions in children: sympathy, pity, fear, joy and calm. But when a baby laughs at a funny situation, he:

  • gets rid of tension and worries;
  • switches attention from difficulties to positive ones;
  • learns to pass tests with humor along with the heroes of the fairy tale;
  • becomes more confident in himself and in the well-being of tomorrow.

In addition, in a relaxed and cheerful state, the baby’s vocabulary quickly expands, imagination, ingenuity and optimism develop.

Do you agree that laughing is good for everyone? Then let's get acquainted with wonderful folk works and original fairy tales, which are imbued with humor from beginning to end and form the basis of many scripts for children, as well as theatrical productions, films and cartoons.

Russian folk tales

Folklore works often demonstrate humor and witty jokes. They are instructive in nature and ridicule greed, stupidity, laziness and cunning.

"Magic caftan"

The plot of this fairy tale tells about a simple village man who chopped wood in severe frost. Despite the cold, the man began to sweat and took off his caftan. A gentleman drove past him in a carriage, who did not know what physical labor was, and was very surprised that a simple man worked without outer clothing. The rich man asked the hard worker how this could be. To which the cunning man replied:

- Here I have a magical caftan. It’s lying on a stump, and it’s hot for me from here.

The master did not understand that he was joking, and decided to exchange his luxurious fur coat for simple village clothes. But the enterprising villager demanded, in addition to the fur coat, an additional payment for his miracle caftan.

As a result, the master agreed to the exchange, but on the way home he was so cold that he could barely get there, and the man bought a fur coat and some money.

"The Crow and the Crayfish"

This short story is about a crow who picked up a crayfish from the ground. While she was taking him into the forest to feast on him, the cancer decided to talk to her and use cunning to lure out his salvation. He began to praise first the crow's relatives, and then the crow herself. The bird croaked at the top of its lungs with joy and missed the contented crayfish. This is how inattention and love of flattery deprived the crow of its prey.

Author's fairy tales

Many foreign and domestic writers were well versed in the psychology and development of the child, and therefore created works that delighted and educated more than one generation of children.

“Wrong fairy tales”, Andrey Usachev

Why did the author choose this title for his book? Because he modified the plots of the most famous fairy tales beyond recognition, making them witty, funny and modern. Even the preface to this book can make you smile:

There is a green cat near the Lukomorye. It has been walking under the oak tree for many years... You will say that the cat is a scientist and that there are no green cats?!

And “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Turnip” from this book will perfectly lift the spirits of those children who have long been familiar with the Russian folk tales “The Turnip” and “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” It starts like this:

Maybe in a sanatorium, maybe at the dacha, Grandfather sat by the sea and fished all day. Suddenly there was a sharp tug - my hat was blown into the water! The fishing line is stretched - Grandfather calls Grandma.

The tale of “The Ugly Duckling” will also amuse the kids:

Indeed, the ugly duckling: Chased children with a slingshot, broke a window in the chicken coop, stole millet from a turkey. I drove the cat into the doghouse. Everyone asks the mother duck: “Your son is a terrible hooligan... When will he become a swan?”

You can read about the funny adventures of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and little snowmen in the children's stories “School in Dedmorozovka” and “Miracles in Dedmorozovka”. In these funny stories, the author talks about the everyday life and pre-New Year bustle of the main characters, and also explains to young readers why they don’t see those who put gifts under their Christmas tree. The book is intended for primary school age.

Have fun with your child and read the fairy tale “Journey to Myshland. The Book of Mice for Big and Small" in verse. The beginning of the work will immediately interest you:

Little mice live on our round ball: They live in the harsh Arctic and in hot, sultry Africa. You ask, what do they do and how do little mice live? They run to visit their neighbors and gnaw on their crackers. Serious Mysharians sit in parliaments, moving their ears and mustaches like adults. And the little mice sit on the benches and before bed they watch “Smeshariki” on TV.

Other famous stories

“Baggage”, S. Ya. Marshak

We remember a very witty story in verse about a lady who lost her small dog, in whose place careless employees slipped another big dog. It’s time to tell it to modern kids, because it still has not lost its relevance. A funny denouement of the emotional plot awaits the reader at the very end of the tale:

- Excuse me, mother! At the station, According to the luggage receipt, they received luggage from you: Sofa, Suitcase, Travel Bag, Picture, Basket, Cardboard And a small dog. However, during the journey the Dog could grow up!

“He’s so absent-minded”, S. Ya. Marshak

What do you think of the story about a man who surprised everyone with his absent-mindedness? He not only confused different clothes when getting dressed, but also did real eccentricities in transport. One day, confusing letters in words, he voiced a very unusual request, which, oddly enough, was granted:

No matter what, I need to go out. Is it possible to stop at the Vokzai tram? The counselor was surprised - the tram stopped.

That's how absent-minded he is from Basseynaya Street!

"Alice in Wonderland", L. Carroll

An amazing fantasy story about the girl Alice, written in 1865, is still very popular today. In addition, it contains a lot of sparkling jokes that will amuse your child:

- Tell me, please, where should I go from here?

-Where do you want to go? - answered the Cat.

“I don’t care...” said Alice.

“Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.

“...just to get somewhere,” Alice explained.

“You’ll definitely end up somewhere,” said the Cat. “You just need to walk long enough.”

A. Milne “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”

We all know the cartoon about the funny bear Winnie the Pooh and the pig Piglet. The plot is based on the fairy tale by A. Milne “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All.” This story teaches children friendship and mutual assistance, and also demonstrates the diversity of the characters’ temperaments. But despite the fact that all the characters are very different, they manage to get along, communicate and resolve controversial situations.

How to turn children's fairy tales into parenting guides?

It's no secret that fairy tales have a deep philosophical meaning. How can we use them to guide a child on the right path and help him form a correct idea of ​​the world around him? "Eureka" knows the answer:

If you have the choice of reading or listening to children's fairy tales online, then the first option is preferable, as it is based on communication. Try to select stories that indirectly indicate errors in the child’s behavior. Discuss the plot and behavior of the main characters with your child. Fantasize and verbally “help” the characters correct their mistakes. Laugh with your child at common human vices: laziness, sloppiness, short-sightedness, stupidity, stinginess and rudeness. Tell your child that friendliness, mutual assistance, sincerity and hard work are always rewarded. We wish you a pleasant time reading and discussing fairy tales with your children, and see you again!

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