Calendar-thematic plan on the topic: “Week of Health and Sports” (Preparatory group)

Planning on the topic “Health Week” in the preparatory group

Galina Vladimirovna Vasilyeva

Planning on the topic “Health Week” in the preparatory group

Topic: Health Week

Goal: Strengthening physical and mental health through introducing the child to a healthy lifestyle

RPPS: ECT, paintings, postcards, riddles, sayings, equipment for experiments, didactic games Final event: Quest game “In Search of Health

Time interval: 07/09/18 -07/13/18

Date: 07/09/18 Day of the week Monday “Cleanliness Day”

The first half of the day. SOD

Directions Morning exercises Objectives: improve children’s physical activity, promote health

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical,


Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development

Conversation “Where do diseases come from”

Objectives: to form an idea of ​​health , diseases, microbes; provide basic information about infectious diseases, methods of spreading diseases; teach you to take care not only of your health , but also the health of those around you .

Life Safety Game “Dangerous-Safe”

Objective: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how to take care of their
. Independent play activities. Objectives: to improve the ability to independently organize games, use attributes

Canteen duty

Objectives: to improve children’s ability to neatly put away dishes after eating

P/game “Whoever is named catches the ball”

“Goal: strengthening the ability to catch the ball, developing dexterity

OOD – Physical Culture

Topic: according to the plan of the physical education instructor Tasks: according to the plan of the physical education instructor Source


Supervising the work of the nanny (sweeping the gazebo)

Cognitive and research activity “Consider the shape of grains of sand”

Objectives: develop observation skills, desire to maintain order

Goal: development of cognitive interest.

P/i "Through the stream"

Goal: improving motor activity of children

P/i "Cat and Mice"

Goal: development of running, reaction speed

P/i "The third wheel"

Goal: development of attention, dexterity

II half of the day. SOD

Hardening activities

Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Purpose: strengthening the health of children

Reading fiction. V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad”

Goal: to develop listening skills, to help understand the meaning of what is read

Exercises "Big Frogs"

Goal: improving the ability to jump on two legs

3.Offer children natural and waste materials for children’s free activities Objectives: to promote the development of children’s creative abilities

Individual work to consolidate with Bogdan, Polya L, Stas game “Tell me about your pattern”

Objectives: to teach to master spatial representations: left, right, above, below

Game situation “Get things in order”

Objectives: to cultivate neatness, to know that every thing should have its place


Observing the sky Goal: developing interest in observation

Independent motor activity. Objectives: to improve the ability to independently organize outdoor games


Vie with the family Consultations on requests from parents

Date: 07/10/18 Day of the week Tuesday “Day of sun, air and water”

The first half of the day. SOD

Directions Morning exercises According to the plan of the physical education instructor

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical,

Artistic and aesthetic development

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical,

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development

3. Conversation “Sun, water and air in our lives”

— Objectives: to form in children knowledge about the importance of the sun, water, air in human life.

Cognitive and research activities. "Sunny bunnies"

Goal: development of cognitive interest

Independent motor activity. Objectives: improve the ability to independently organize outdoor games, cultivate friendliness

Duty: work in a corner of nature: washing plants. Tasks: invite children to talk about why it is necessary to wash indoor plants; improve labor skills and abilities.

P/i “The sea is agitated”

Goal: development of imagination, fantasy

OOD – Music according to the music director’s plan


Observing the sun Goal: developing interest in observation, the ability to draw conclusions

P/n: “Stream”

Goal: strengthening the ability to follow the rules of the game

P/i “Catch a mosquito”

Goal: developing the ability to jump high

P/i "Sun and Rain"

Work assignments: putting things in order in the gazebo, sandbox Goal: developing the ability to quickly respond to a signal

Goal: formation of necessary work skills

II half of the day. SOD

Hardening activities

Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Purpose: strengthening the health of children

Guessing riddles about water, air, sun Goal: activation and enrichment of vocabulary, development of thinking

Solution to the problem situation “What would happen if all the water and air disappeared on Earth?”

Objective: to develop curiosity, to provide knowledge about what is necessary to maintain life and ensure
human health .
Individual development work with Rita, Lera, Pasha to learn the saying “Close the tap tightly so that the ocean does not leak out”

Goal: fostering respect for water

Drawing “Journey to the Kingdom of Water”

Objectives: to teach children to be careful with water - after all, there is very little fresh water suitable for human consumption; expand children's horizons; develop drawing skills

Independent gaming activity in a theatrical corner Goal: strengthening the ability to select the necessary attributes for the game, fostering friendliness


Observing clouds Goal: expand understanding of the sky and its influence on the life of our planet ; develop the perception of the beauty and diversity of the celestial sphere.

P/i "The third wheel"

Goal: development of dexterity

Interaction with family Recommendations “Attention! Hardening!

Date: 07/11/18 Day of the week Wednesday “Vitamin Day”

The first half of the day. SOD

Directions Morning exercises According to the plan of the physical education instructor

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical,

Presentation “All about vitamins”

1. Objectives: to give children knowledge about the benefits of vitamins for our body.
Introduce the concept of “vitamins
A , B, C, D, E” and the products that contain them. To consolidate children's knowledge about the need for vitamins in the human body, about the benefits of foods that contain vitamins.

Cognitive and research activities Experience “Taste of Water”

Objectives: find out if the water has a taste.

Independent motor activity. Objectives: improve the ability to independently organize outdoor games, cultivate friendliness

Canteen duty Tasks:: continue to improve work skills.

P/i "The Bear and the Bees"

Goal: improving the ability to run in all directions, follow the rules of the game

Artistic and aesthetic development

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical,

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development of OOD – Physical Education

Topic: according to the plan of the physical education instructor Tasks: according to the plan of the physical education instructor Source


Excursion to the vegetable garden

Game exercise “Make a riddle about what grows in the garden”

Tasks: look at the beds, tell what grows on them, remind children about the benefits of vegetables.

Goal: improving the ability to write riddles according to the syncwine scheme

Didactic game

on orientation in space. Tasks: to clarify the knowledge of children on the left and right sides.

P/n: “Trap”

Goal: improving the ability to play together, play the main role, run without pushing

P/n "Who is faster"

,Goal: development of reaction speed, running

P/i "Hide and Seek"

Labor assignments: weeding flower beds Goal: developing interest in joint games

Goal: formation of necessary work skills

II half of the day. SOD

Hardening activities

Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Purpose: strengthening the health of children

Reading D. Kharms “A Very Tasty Pie”

Objectives: develop interest in reading, love for books

Invite the children to make dummies for the game “Vegetable Shop”

Task: to continue children to work together, to develop skills in working with paper and glue

Individual work with Polya, Dasha, Yura on speech development, situational conversation

“Why is it necessary to eat vegetables and fruits? Goal: improving children’s ability to answer questions

Game "Wonderful bag"

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to identify vegetables and fruits by touch

Independent gaming activity in the sports corner Goal: strengthening the ability to select the necessary attributes for the game


Examination of illustrations of medicinal plants. Purpose: enriching vocabulary, expanding children’s knowledge

Game "Tic Tac Toe"

Goal: development of friendliness, logical thinking


Vie with family Invite parents to read books on the topic . Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”


N. Egorov “Radish”


Riddles about vegetables, fruits, berries;

Date: 07/12/18 Day of the week Thursday “Healthy Food Day”

The first half of the day. SOD

Directions Morning exercises According to the plan of the physical education instructor

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development D/i “Bread is the head of everything.”

Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge that bread is one of the most important food products in Russia, black bread is especially healthy and rich in vitamins

Independent activity

“Coloring coloring pages vegetables, fruits and berries”

Goal: development of attention, improvement of coloring skills

Looking at illustrations and solving riddles about products. Tasks: continue to introduce products, their beneficial properties, and the vitamins they contain. Develop observation, logical thinking, attention, speech.

Duty: we take care of indoor plants. Goal: instilling labor skills

Research and experimental activities: experiment “Air in a glass”

Task: Set properties

Materials: Glass, water

Turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into the jar. Draw children's attention to the fact that the glass must be held very level. What happens? Does water get into the glass? Why not?

Conclusion: there is air in the glass, it does not let water in.

Game "Fishing Rod"

Goal: development of dexterity, jumping ability

Artistic and aesthetic development

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical,

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development

OOD – Music

Topic: according to plan Task:: according to plan Source


Monitoring the unloading of products in the store Tasks: develop attention, observation

P/n: “Running in pairs”

Goal: development of agility, running

P/i "Rucheyok"

Goal: development of goodwill

P/i “The ball is hot”

Goal: strengthening the skills of throwing and catching the ball

II half of the day. SOD

Hardening activities

Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Purpose: strengthening the health of children

P/i “Catch a mosquito”

. The task is to form the ability to jump, develop dexterity

Reading Marina Soboleva

"A Tale of Healthy Eating ."

Objective: to teach children to feel and understand the meaning of a fairy tale, to remember that
healthy eating is beneficial for the human body.
Didactic game “Healthy is not useful”

,Tasks: development of thinking, intelligence

S/r game “In the cafe”

Objectives: teach how to use the acquired knowledge in the game, develop the plot of the game


Weather observation Purpose: to develop interest in observation

Individual work with Anya, Egor L, Oleg to learn the quatrains of L. Zilberg

“I never lose heart,

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.”

Goal: development of memory, thinking, expressiveness of speech.

P/n "Don't stay on the ground"

Goal: fostering friendliness and quick reaction

Interaction with the family Consultation for parents “Child nutrition”


Date: 13. 07.18 Day of the week Friday “Fun Training Day”

The first half of the day. SOD

Directions Morning exercises According to the plan of the physical education instructor

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, Conversation “Sports and Athletes”

Objectives: to arouse children’s interest in sports and athletes.

Reading literature S. Mogilevskaya “About Mashenka and the toothbrush”

Goal: developing the ability to listen to a story carefully, answering the teacher’s questions.

Independent play activities with sports equipment Goal: development of dexterity

Nature duty: watering and loosening plants Tasks: improve children’s ability to care for plants; instill in children a responsible attitude towards caring for plants

D/ game “Find the mistake”

Goal: development of logical thinking in children.

P/i "Changing places"

Objectives: develop the ability to line up smoothly, act in concert, on a signal

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical

Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development of OOD – Physical culture in the air

Topic: According to the plan of the physical education instructor Tasks: According to the plan of the physical education instructor


Cognitive and research activity, knowledge of the social and objective world “Who to be? What should I be like?

.Objectives: summarize and supplement children’s knowledge about hygiene rules;
to promote the harmonious physical development of children through various sports games, relay races, etc. Discuss what habits can become the key to future well-being, and what habits are for our health , what qualities and how we can develop in ourselves.
Observation of birch and mountain ash Purpose:: consolidating children's knowledge about trees, fostering respect for nature

P/ Russian folk game “Colors”

Goal: development of speed of reaction to a signal

P/i “On one leg along the path”

Goal: development of dexterity, ability to jump on one leg

Breathing exercises “Let’s listen to our breathing”

Objectives: to teach children to listen to their breathing, determine the type of breathing, its depth, frequency and, based on these signs, the state of the body.

II half of the day. SOD

Hardening activities

Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Purpose: strengthening the health of children

Creative workshop: Painting souvenirs for competition winners Objectives: develop imagination, cultivate the desire to give joy to comrades.

Logical task for FEMP “Find the missing figure”

Goal: development of attention, thinking, intelligence

Individual work with Polya, Oleg, Stas on physical development “Who will jump further?”

Objectives: improve the ability to long jump

P/i P/i “We are funny guys”

Tasks: continue to teach children to act on a signal, run from one side of the playground to the other quickly while dodging.

Role-playing game “Sporting Goods Store”

Objectives: to expand children’s understanding and enrich their gaming experience on this
topic , to teach them to convey the content of gaming roles in a new way.

Cloud watching

Goal: development of the desire to observe, imagination

Independent motor activity. Objectives: to improve the ability to independently organize outdoor games

Interaction with family “The importance of walking barefoot”

Objectives: To involve parents in joint physical activities; promote rapprochement between children and parents

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