annual plan for working with parents in preschool educational institutions, calendar and thematic planning

annual plan for working with parents in preschool educational institutions, calendar and thematic planning

Plan of interaction with parents of pupils for the implementation of the main general education program of the preschool educational institution

Relevance: On the one hand, regulatory legal documents have appeared that have outlined new goals and objectives in preschool education: - Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education using distance learning, one of the main directions in them is interaction with children’s families in the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education. On the other hand, an analysis of work with educators shows that there are problems in the effective interaction of parents and teachers in the formation of a holistic picture of the world of preschoolers, in the implementation of the main general education program of preschool educational institutions; problems of upbringing and development of children, as a rule, are solved only by the educational institution and teachers . Educators do not always know how to set specific tasks and choose appropriate forms of work with families; parents and teachers are sometimes not ready to successfully interact jointly to implement educational programs; there is no experience in implementing and implementing the ideals of equality of subjects of the educational process, mutual respect, and democratization.

Goal: to improve the content and mechanisms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families based on the methodology of partnership in the conditions of development of the educational space of preschool educational institutions.

Objectives: - to help stimulate the motivation of parental activity in solving educational problems, the formation of partnerships with the families of pupils;

— acquaint parents with the characteristics of the age and psychological development of children;

- promote the development of practical parenting skills in parents;

— create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support;

— organize joint activities to create conditions for the personal development of the child;

- maintain parents’ confidence in their own teaching capabilities.

Principles of interaction with parents:

1. Continuity of coordinated actions. Mutual understanding between the family and the kindergarten will take place with the agreement of educational goals and objectives, the positions of both parties, “built on the principle of unity, respect, and requirements for the child, distribution of duties and responsibilities.”

2. A humane approach to building relationships between families and preschool educational institutions - recognition of dignity, personal freedom, tolerance for the opinions of others, a kind, attentive attitude of all participants in the interaction.

3. Openness towards the student’s family.

4. Individual approach - taking into account the social status, traditions, intellectual and cultural experience of parents.

5. The effectiveness of forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family depends on the ability to identify the most important problems of the parties. Forms are selected depending on the interest of the family, the capabilities of the preschool educational institution, regional, socio-economic, and psychological conditions.

6. Friendly style of communication between teachers and parents. A positive attitude towards communication is the solid foundation on which all the work of the group’s teachers with parents is built.

7. Cooperation. It will be effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and support for the family in difficult pedagogical situations, to demonstrate the interest of the kindergarten staff in understanding the family’s problems and a sincere desire to help.

8. Dynamism. A kindergarten should be in development mode, not functioning, be a mobile system, and quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents. Their educational needs and educational requests. Depending on this, the forms and directions of work of the kindergarten with the family should change.

9. Feedback is necessary to study the opinions of parents on various issues of education.

No. Subject Term Responsible Participants Target Product of activity
1. Design of information stands in the group September Educators Parents — Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents;

— Activation of parental attention to issues of upbringing and life of the child in kindergarten

Information stands
2 Photo report “Memories of Summer” Educators Parents Invite parents, together with their children, to organize a photo exhibition about summer holidays, compose and write down short stories about interesting events. Exhibition of photographs on a summer theme
3 Consultation “Home Library” Educators Parents To teach children to read fiction, to cultivate a love of reading Exhibition of drawings based on books read
4. Organization and holding of joint festivals, events, projects, music and physical education holidays and leisure activities: - festival of family creativity “We are talented” Educators Parents and children organize joint work of children and parents in preparation for the festival of family skills Performance at the festival
1. Consultation "Doctor's Advice" October Manager, methodologist,


Parents To update and supplement parents’ ideas about the prevention of colds in the autumn. Organize an exchange of experience in conducting hardening events Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents
2 General parent meeting:

- “Features of interaction between kindergarten and family in the process of social development of children”

-familiarity with local regulations of preschool educational institutions

Educators Parents To update and supplement parents’ ideas about joint activities with preschool educational institutions; Minutes of the meeting No. 1
3. Round table “Educating with kindness” Educators Parents To update and supplement parents’ ideas about constructive ways of communicating with children and methods of education;

Introduce the consequences of using unproductive parenting tactics. Organize a discussion of current issues of family education and exchange of experiences.

Increasing parental competence
4. Consultation “The role of the family in raising a child” Educators, teacher - psychologist Parents To update and supplement parents’ ideas about what personal qualities, character traits, skills and competencies can only be formed in the family, to introduce them to methods of building interaction with children. Information stands
5. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “Golden Autumn” Educators Parents Develop mutual assistance skills, make crafts from natural materials for parents together with children, organize an exhibition of works Stand design
6. Individual consultations with parents:

-based on the results of diagnosing the level of cognitive and speech development of children 4-5 years old

Educators, teacher - speech therapist Parents Inform parents about the diagnostic result Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents
1. Consultation “Day off” November Educators Parents — To update and supplement parents’ ideas about how to make a day off interesting and useful for the child, to introduce various forms of leisure time that have developmental potential, with the principles and techniques of their organization. Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents
2. Photo report “Playing at home” Teachers, parents Parents and children — organize joint work of children and parents in preparing a photo report about what educational games they play at home; Exhibition of photographs
3. Organization of observations at home “Project “My Flower””. Educators Parents and children of older preschool age Organize the participation of parents in the project: organize the child’s care and observation of a houseplant, help in keeping a diary of observations, represented by notes, drawings, photographs of the plant and the child caring for it. Observation diary.
4 Consultation “Formation of the foundations of a culture of health among preschool children” Educators Parents To form an idea of ​​the culture of health and its components, of the role of the family in a child’s choice of a healthy lifestyle. Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents
5. Discussion “Formation of independence in children” Educators Parents Organize a discussion of issues related to children’s independence, introduce the views of scientists and practical teachers on this problem. Offer to share experiences in developing independence in children. Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents
6. Setting up a stand and preparing gifts for Mother's Day Educators Parents and children - cultivate a sense of love and respect for parents;

- develop a variety of family leisure activities

Children's crafts
7. Exhibition of creative works “Our mothers can do everything” (crafts made by mothers for Mother’s Day) Teachers, parents Parents and children - organize joint work of parents and the team;

- get to know the creative abilities of parents

Organize an exhibition of works
8. Concert for parents “We sing songs loudly” Teachers, music director Parents and children Teach children to emotionally and expressively perform familiar songs and perform in front of audiences. To form in parents an idea of ​​the methods of organizing musical activities in preschool educational institutions, ways of supporting the creative potential of children. Matinee dedicated to Mother's Day.
9. Preparation and holding of the Open Day “We are glad to meet you...” Educators Parents and children Introduce parents to the work of preschool educational institutions Visiting preschool parents
1. Consultation “Health without drugs” December Educators, honey worker Parents and children — update and supplement parents’ ideas about the prevention of viral diseases in the autumn-winter period;

— Introduce parents to the recommendations of specialists on creating a culture of health in children.

Information stands
2. Design of the folder – moving “Winter” Educators Parents and children — recommendations for parents, what a child should know about this time of year, what games are acceptable in winter Folder moving “Winter”
3. Decorating a group room for the New Year. Family workshop exhibition of works “Symbol of the Year” Educators Parents and children - to form a sense of family, common interests, to instill skills of mutual assistance between adults and children;

– demonstrate the creativity and imagination of parents and children

Exhibition of works
4. Parent meeting "New Year's holiday" Educators Parents and children — Update and supplement parents’ ideas about what games can be played with their child in the winter;

— Organize an exchange of experience on this issue;

— recommendations for parents “New Year is a family holiday”

Minutes of meeting No. 2
5. Joint holiday “New Year - he’s coming to visit us!” Teachers, music director Children, parents - develop a desire to spend holidays together, to enjoy entertainment prepared by a common team;

- foster cohesion in the children's team

Festive event
6. Issue of the photo newspaper “Our four-legged friends” Educators Children, parents To promote work in close contact between teachers, parents and children, to develop a sense of responsibility for a common cause Newspaper release
1. Consultation “Vitamin ABC” January Educators, honey worker Parents and children — Supplement parents’ understanding of which fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and useful in winter;

— organizing the exchange of recipes for dishes that help preserve vitamins that children like;

Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents
2. Discussion “Computer games and children” Educators Parents and children — Update and supplement parents’ knowledge about computer games for younger preschoolers; — Organize a discussion and exchange of experience on this topic. Increasing parental knowledge
3. Consultation “Winter games and entertainment” Educators Parents and children Introduce parents to various games that can be played with their child outside in the winter. Pay attention to the rules for organizing gaming interaction and the safety rules that must be followed. Increasing parents' knowledge about various types of games.
4. Conversation “Behavior in Public Places” Educators Parents and children Update parents' ideas about the rules of behavior in public places. Increasing parental knowledge
5. Photo newspaper “Winter walk in kindergarten” Educators Parents — Update parents’ ideas about the importance of winter walks, their implementation in kindergarten, events and activities organized on the street;

— invite parents to select photographic material about joint family walks;

— introduce recommendations for organizing winter walks

Issue of a photo newspaper, stand design
6. Organization of a family photo competition “Crafts from snow” Educators Children, parents - develop the desire of children and parents to work together;

- cultivate interest in playing with snow and the world around us;

Photo - exhibition
7. Questioning of parents: — “On the attitude of parents to the educational process in the family and kindergarten” Educators Parents To identify the level of knowledge of parents of the educational process Increasing parental knowledge
1. Folder – moving “Our army is strong - it protects the world!” February Educators Parents and children — Introduce parents to the history of the holiday Folder – moving “Our army is strong - it protects the world!”
2. Consultation for parents “Physical education - hurray!” Educators Parents and children To update and supplement parents’ knowledge about the importance of physical education and the developmental possibilities of various exercises with sports equipment. Introduce techniques for activating children's motor activity. Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents
3. We are preparing gifts for fathers and grandfathers for February 23 Educators Parents and children - develop a sense of love, respect for fathers and grandfathers, pride in one’s country. Children's gifts
4. Consultation “The role of the family in ensuring the psychological health and safety of children” Educators Parents and children To update and supplement parents’ ideas on this topic, to introduce them to the conditions for ensuring psychological comfort and factors leading to stress. Sport's event
5. Parent meeting Educators Parents Involving parents in joint work with kindergarten workers Minutes of the meeting No. 3
6. Consultation “How to choose a toy for a child” Educators Parents and children To update and supplement parents’ ideas about the rules for choosing toys for children, to introduce the concepts of “pedagogical expediency”, “developing capabilities”, “physical, chemical, and psychological safety” Folder - moving
7 Workshop “Shy child” Educators Parents and children To acquaint parents with the methodology for identifying this quality in children, the reasons for its occurrence, and the principles of organizing interaction with shy children. Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents.
1. Consultation “Didactic games for the development of elementary mathematical concepts” March Educators Parents To acquaint parents with the categories of didactic games, methods of conducting them, and game plots as the target basis for children’s activities. Talk about the age characteristics of children that determine the choice of games, methods of organizing cognitive activity and the conditions for its effectiveness. Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents.
2. Folder – moving “Spring” Educators Parents — recommendations for parents on what children should know about this time of year Folder – moving “Spring”
3. Joint holiday “Women’s Day – March 8th”. Photo exhibition “Our Mothers and Grandmothers” Educators Children, parents — hold a spring holiday with the participation of mothers and grandmothers, delighting them with cheerful performances;

- cultivate a sense of love and respect for female representatives

Festive event
4. Consultation “We are pedestrians.” Educators Children, parents Invite parents to organize observation, introduce children to the main parts of the road, basic traffic rules. Introduce techniques for teaching preschoolers to evaluate whether other people’s actions comply with rules. Increasing the level of parental knowledge,

experience exchange

5. Consultation “Observation in nature in spring” Educators Children, parents — To supplement parents’ ideas about how to select objects of observation, how to organize cognitive and research activities;

- learn to organize observation of various objects

Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents.
1. Consultation “Identifying the type of temperament in children” April Educators, teacher - psychologist Parents To acquaint parents with methods for identifying individual mental properties in a child, the principles of observation and other diagnostic measures Increasing the level of pedagogical and psychological knowledge of parents
2. Folder – movement “Green Landing” Educators Parents — introduce parents to outdoor games;

- systematize parents’ knowledge about the game

Folder - moving
3. Landscaping, improvement of plots, flower beds and territories together with parents. Educators Parents and children — Involve parents in preparing the group, plot, flower bed for the summer work period.

- to provide an opportunity to show unity and creativity in landscaping.

Landscaping, flower beds
4. Campaign “A house where a friend will live.” Educators Parents Invite parents to read and discuss with their children N. Nadezhdina’s story “The House in which a Friend Will Live,” find out how to properly place a birdhouse, and make birdhouses for birds. Exhibition of birdhouses
5. Consultation “Observation in nature in spring” Educators Parents Continue to acquaint parents with methods and techniques for organizing observation, rules of behavior that is safe for themselves and nature. Talk about objects recommended for organizing observations with children. Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents.
6. Review-competition for the best album “The Road from Kindergarten to Home” Educators Parents and children Invite parents to take part in the competition Album making
1. Parent meeting on the topic: “That’s how big we are”
  1. Questionnaire “What do you expect from summer in kindergarten?”
May Educators Parents Involving parents in joint activities with preschool educational institutions Protocol No. 4
2. Consultation “Child safety near a pond” Educators Parents, children To update and supplement parents’ ideas about potentially dangerous situations and safety measures when children are on water bodies. Introduce techniques for developing the necessary safe behavior skills in children. Increasing parental knowledge
3. Folder – moving “Sun, air and water are our best friends!” Educators Parents — Inform parents about hardening measures;

- the benefits of sun, air and water “baths” for the development of a healthy child.

Increasing the level of knowledge about the benefits of hardening
4. Matinee dedicated to May 9 “We honor the victory - we remember the heroes” Educators Children, parents — Cultivate a sense of pride towards family;

— hold a matinee dedicated to the celebration of May 9, delighting parents with children’s performances

Festive event
5. Drawing competition “Spring is red” Educators Children, parents — take part in the competition, come up with a plot for the drawing;

— Teach parents to support the creative development of children;

- promote the formation of productive child-parent relationships

Exhibition of drawings

Plan of interaction with families of pupils

Plan of interaction with families of pupils

the 20/19/2020 academic year

Main part Variable part*
Planned events

varied focus and content

Thematic events National-cultural component ECE component**
date Direction, theme, content Form of conduct date Direction, theme, content Form of conduct Educational area within which the event is being implemented
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

socio-demographic passport of families

Questioning, testing General theme for the period August 15 – September 1 “Knowledge Day”
We are future schoolchildren
“Gifts for first-graders from kids” Workshop for children, parents, teachers “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”
"School line" Visit to the line dedicated to September 1 by parents, children and teachers “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”

Continuation of the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
“How to effectively prepare a child for school” Consultation “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”
Kindergarten mode Information in the parent corner Favorite kindergarten
"Child in kindergarten" Information stand for parents "Social and communicative development"
Tasks of development and education of children 5–6 years old Parent meeting "Let's make the kindergarten beautiful" Campaign for kindergarten staff and parents to improve group premises "Social and communicative development"
Questioning to identify parental attitudes in education Who meets us in kindergarten?
"Our adult friends and mentors" Media presentations of kindergarten employees for children and parents in the parents’ club “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”
"Favorite teacher" Competition of professional skills with feasible participation of parents and students “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”

Continuation of the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
General theme for the period September 11–30 “Autumn”
Autumn time
“Children’s health is in our hands” Consultation workshop An invitation to parents to compose a poem about autumn with their children and write it down Competition for the best autumn poem “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Speech development”
Individual counseling for parents on issues of upbringing, development and education of children based on work in the “Mailbox” group An invitation to parents to make herbariums, ekibans, and crafts from natural materials with their children on the theme “Autumn” Homework for parents, involvement in joint activities with children "Cognitive Development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Joint creation of a program for interaction between kindergarten and family in the problematic field of educating preschool children Making with parents

photo collage on the theme “Autumn

in the forest (park, near a pond)"

Family photo competition “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”
"Sports games for older preschoolers" "Screen

for parents"

People's work in autumn
"Vegetable and fruit homemade dishes" Diet nurse consultation for parents “Physical development”, “Cognition”

Continuation of the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
creative development"
Child agricultural labor Conversations with parents “Cognitive development”, “Physical development”
Introducing parents to logic games recommended for playing with children of senior preschool age “Edible and inedible mushrooms: how to distinguish, where to collect? First aid for poisoning with inedible mushrooms" The doctor's consultation “Cognitive development”, “Physical development”
"Advice from Doctor Aibolit" Health promotion Nature on planet Earth
“Rules of behavior for children and adults in nature” Booklets for parents “Cognitive development”, “Physical development”
“Model of the ecosystem of the native land” Competition of three-dimensional models of ecosystems made by children and parents “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Continuation of the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Involving parents (if desired) to provide all possible assistance in preparing the kindergarten territory for winter (digging up plants, removing dry leaves, pruning branches


Recommendations for parents

take a walk in the forest and provide all possible assistance to the forest: remove garbage, fence off an anthill, “treat” a broken tree

Conversations with parents “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”
Consultation for parents on the topic “Children’s deceit.”

Purpose: to introduce the causes, mechanisms and ways of the emergence and development of deceit in children; give practical recommendations for preventing and correcting children's deceit

General theme for the period October 1–15 “I will grow up healthy”
I want to be healthy
"We are future Olympians" Family sports competition “Physical development”, “Socio-communicative development”
My parents
"My Parents' Professions" Organized educational activities with the participation of parents “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”

Continuation of the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Working together: a family workshop Repairing children's furniture, sewing clothes for dolls The general theme for the period October 16 – November 4 is “National Unity Day”
Home country
Involving parents and residents of the nearest microsociety in the campaign “Let's make our hometown (village) cleaner” “Physical development”, “Socio-communicative development”
A conversation between a psychologist and parents on the topic “Children’s shyness.”

Goal: to help parents understand the nature, mechanisms and ways of the emergence and development of childhood shyness; offer practical techniques for overcoming childhood shyness

Competition for parents and residents of the nearest microsociety “Do-it-yourself small sculptural forms as a gift to your hometown (village)” “Physical development”, “Socio-communicative development”
Festival “Multinational Russia” with the participation of parents, children, residents of the nearest microsociety of various nationalities “Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”
Competition of creative works “Heroes of Russia”.

Goal: to attract the attention of parents to the moral and patriotic education of children through various methods and methods

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"

Moscow is the capital of our homeland
"Trip around Moscow" Family project "Cognitive Development"

Continuation of the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
“Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Speech development”
“How to dress a child in the cold season” Subgroup consultations General theme for November 5–15 “Nature corner in kindergarten”
Taking care of indoor plants
"Miracle Doctor" Competition for the best houseplant grown by parents for kindergarten “Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”
Inhabitants of the living corner
"Young Actors" Theater living room "Do it yourself aquarium" Competition for the best craft (fish, aquariums, algae from waste material) "Artistic and aesthetic development"
"Let's think together..." Solving pedagogical problems with parents General theme for November 16 – December 31 “New Year”
What is a holiday?
“Traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries” Consultation “Cognitive development”, “Social-

Continuation of the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
"Beauty Christmas Tree" Activities for the implementation of a child-adult project communicative development"

"Cognitive Development"

"What to do

child at home

on holidays?

Consultation for parents We are preparing for the new year
“Let’s decorate the group for the holiday” Competition among parents for the best group decoration "Artistic and aesthetic development"
“Project activities in kindergarten” School for parents New Year presents
“Let’s make gifts for those closest to us” Creative workshop “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”
"Holiday table for your child" Consultation with a nutritionist New Year's party Role-playing participation of parents in children's New Year's party “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”
Selection of a family reading library “Parenting Tips” General theme for January 1–31 “Winter”

Continuation of the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
“Winter has come and brought a lot of snow” Excursion

with parents

and the children to the park

“An interesting and exciting winter walk with a child” Conversation with parents “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”
Effective means and methods of hardening Workshop for parents We are athletes
Organization of winter sports games, fun and entertainment for children and parents during an evening walk in kindergarten.

Goal: to unite children and parents with common fun and games, to show practical ways to organize children's winter games

"Physical development"

in the relationship between parents and children"

Consultation Winter wonders
"Experimental activities of older preschoolers" Consultation for parents "Cognitive Development"

and computer:

pros and cons"

Reminders for parents General theme for the period February 1–23 “Defender of the Fatherland Day”
Our army
Drawing up instructions for fathers on the topic “Simple tips and rules for raising children.”

Purpose: to provide assistance

“Who did my dad serve in the army?” Stories from fathers for children

at a themed event

“Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”

Continuation of the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
fathers in some aspects of raising children "Word to mouth." Stories from fathers for children about family war stories that glorified the family "Social and communicative development"
"We play with dad" Festival of outdoor games Future defenders of the Motherland
"Poems about the Motherland" Poetry evening with parents "Speech development"
"Future Defenders of the Motherland" Competition of paramilitary games and relay races for children and parents “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”
Parents making posters and drawings “My Family Tree” The general theme for the period February 24 – March 8 is “International Women’s Day”
Preparation for the holiday
“All kinds of mothers are important, all kinds of mothers are needed!” Thematic educational activities with the participation of group mothers "Social and communicative development"
"How to raise

children have love

to your family, mother?

Conversation with parents Gifts for the holiday
"Skillful Hands" Making gifts

for mothers and grandmothers together

with dads

“Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Continuation of the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
“How to develop creative abilities in a child?” Parent meeting General theme for the period March 9–31 “Folk culture and traditions”
Folk toy
Folklore festival “Fair” for children, parents, teachers and residents of the nearest microsociety "Artistic and aesthetic development"
Compiling a library of Russian folk tales and nursery rhymes to help parents Folk culture
Creation of museums and mini-museums of Russian life and folk utensils “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Cognitive development”
“Simple safety rules for adults and children” –

booklets for parents

Arts and crafts
“Together to the museum (exhibition) of folk art” Weekend route “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”
Presentation “Piggy banks add- Evening meeting with parents General theme for the period March 21 – April 15 “Spring”

Continuation of the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a lot of things."

Goal: exchange of experience of moral education in the family

lyami “Spring is coming towards us with quick steps...”
"Walks in the open air".

Goal: to familiarize parents with methods and practical recommendations for organizing outdoor walks

Individual communication "Cognitive Development"



Memos for parents:

“How to behave in nature?”,

“What should I take with me on a hike?”

Living and inanimate nature. Labor in spring
“Let’s make a birdhouse with our own hands” Family promotion "Physical

development", "Cognitive development"

Conversation with parents on the topic: “What does the concept of “morality” mean today? How to raise a child to be a moral person? General theme for the period April 16 – May 9 “Victory Day”
Heroes of the Second World War
“We honor our native history” Children and parents going to the library to look for information about the heroes of the Second World War "Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"

“We will help a lonely elderly person.”

Goal: to unite children and re-

feeding adults in general

business, to lay the foundations of kindness and morality in children

Promotion of children, parents and kindergarten staff "Social and communicative development"

End of table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Selection for parents of a family reading library on the topic “Children about the Second World War” Monuments to the heroes of the Second World War
Excursion of children and parents to monuments to the heroes of the Second World War, to places of battles and military glory "Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"


without drugs"

Reminders for parents General theme for the period May 10–31 “Summer”
Summer is red
"The sun is our friend" Consultation for parents "Cognitive Development"
Nature blossoms
“Poisonous plants of our region” Reminders for parents "Cognitive Development"
"The whole family to the stadium" Reminders-booklets for parents "Nature of the native land" Photo exhibition "Cognitive Development"
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