Calendar-thematic planning of physical education and health work of a physical education instructor at a preschool educational institution

Long-term planning for physical development in the middle group


1 Long-term planning for physical development in the middle group Topic of the week Program tasks Structure, form of work Integration area Day of Knowledge Part 1 Walking in a column, one at a time in September Exercise children in walking and running in a column, one at a time and scattered; in the ability to act on a signal; develop dexterity and eye when rolling the ball with both hands. Autumn Lesson 2 Exercise walking and running one at a time, on toes; teach each other how to roll a hoop; practice jumping. Autumn Practice walking around objects placed in the corners of the site; repeat throwing and catching the ball with both hands; practice jumping, developing landing accuracy. alternating with running; walking and running in all directions. Part 2 I.u. "Don't miss the ball." “Don’t touch me.” P.i. “Cars” Part 3 I. “Let’s find the sparrow” Part 1 Walking in a column one at a time, on toes at the teacher’s signal, running between pins placed in one line at a distance of 0.5 m from one another. Part 2 I.u. “Rent a hoop.” “Along the path.” p.i. "Find a match." Part 1 Walking in a column, one at a time, bypassing objects placed in the corners of the site; running in all directions; at the teacher’s signal, stop and take some position. Walking and running are repeated in alternation. Part 2 I.u. "Ball over the net." “Who can reach the cube faster?” “Throw and catch.” Jumping on two legs, moving forward to the cube (distance 3 m) P.i. "Sparrows and the cat." Social and communicative Literature, p.22 Lesson 6, p.24 Lesson 9, p.27 Autumn Lesson 4 Learn to throw the ball to each other, developing dexterity and eye; practice jumping. Part 1 Walking in a column one at a time, bending around objects at the corners of the site; running while stepping over cords (distance between cords cm); walking and running Part 2 I.u. “Throw-catch”; “Hurry up to catch”; "Along the path." P.i. “Cucumber, cucumber” 2, p.30

2 Autumn I am a man in the world I am a man in the world I am a man in the world October Practice throwing the ball over the net, developing dexterity and eye; in maintaining stable balance when walking and running on a reduced support area. Lesson 2 Practice walking while performing various tasks, strengthen the ability to act on a signal. Exercise walking and running between, placed randomly throughout the site; in rolling hoops, in jumping with forward movement Lesson 4 Repeat walking and running in a column one at a time; practice throwing a ball into a basket, developing dexterity and eye. Part 1 Walking in a column one at a time; walking and running along the path (width 15-20cm): the main thing is not to step on the line; walking and running in all directions with a stop at the teacher’s signal. Walking and running are carried out in alternation. Part 2 I.u. “Ball through a cord (net)” “Who can get to the pins faster” (jumping on two legs) Part 3 “Find your color” Part 1 Forming a column one at a time, walking and running in a column one at a time; at a signal, hands to the sides, on the belt; clapping your hands. Running on your toes alternating with regular running. Part 2 I.u. “Toss-catch” “Who is faster” relay race.p.i. “Traps” part 3 Walking in a column one at a time Part 1 Walking in a column one at a time, at the signal switch to walking between the cubes, switch to running. Part 2 I.u. “Roll it, don’t drop it” (rolling hoops) “Along the path.” p.i. “Colored cars” Part 1 Walking in a column one at a time, transition to walking with high knees, hands on the belt “like horses”; running in all directions (in alternation) part 2 I.u. “Toss and catch” “Ball in the basket” Part 3 P.I. “Horses” 5, p.33 8, p.35 Lesson 21, p.37 Lesson 24, p.39 My city, my country My city, my country Lesson 5 Repeat lesson 3 November Exercise walking and running with changing direction of movement , walking and running “snake” between; maintaining balance on a reduced support area. Lesson 2 Repeat walking while completing tasks; running with stepping; exercise in jumping and rolling the ball in a straight line Part 1 Walking in a column one at a time, walking with a change in direction at a signal, walking between those placed in one row. “Run without hurting” Part 2 I.u. “Don’t get caught” “Catch the ball” Part 3 Walking in a column, one at a time Part 1 Walking in a column, one at a time, performing tasks for the hands: on the belt, to the sides, behind the head; walking and running Lesson 27, p.41 0, p.44

3 direction. Part 2 I.u. “Don’t get caught” “Catch the ball” P.i. “Find a pair” part 3 walking in a column one at a time. In the world of animals Along the streets of my city Lesson 4 Practice walking between them without touching them, practice jumping and running with acceleration. Practice walking and running in a circle, holding hands; develop eye and throwing power when throwing at a distance, practice jumping. 1 hour walking in a column one at a time, walking and running between, placed in one line (6-8 cubes) at a distance of 0.5 m from each other, walking and running 2 hours. “Don’t hit me” “Pass the ball” “Catch up with a couple” 3 hours. Walking in a column one at a time. 1 hour walking in a column one at a time, walking and running in a circle, holding hands, at the teacher’s signal, change the direction of movement (right or left); walking and running 2 h.i.u. “Penguins” “Who will throw further” P.i. “Airplanes” 3 hours Low mobility game of children’s choice 3, p.46 6, p.48 December Exercise in walking and running between structures, in the ability to act on a signal from the teacher. Lesson 2 Practice walking and running between structures, and the ability to act on a signal from the teacher. Lesson 4 Practice throwing at a distance, developing throwing power. Strengthen the skill of sliding step. 1 hour walking in a column one at a time between 2 hours. “Funny snowflakes” “Who will throw it further” 3 hours. Snake walking. 1 hour walking in a column one at a time between 2 hours I.u. “Spring” (alternately raising legs and half-squats) 3 hours. Game “Funny Snowflakes” 1 hour walking in a column one at a time between 2 hours. “Who’s next” “Snow carousel” 3 hours walking in a column one at a time between 1 hour walking and easy running between 2 hours I.u. “Cockerels are walking” “On a snow bank” 3 hours walking between n placed in one line., p.50 Lesson 6, p.52 Lesson 9, p.55 2, p.57

4 Lesson 5 Repeat lesson 3 Winter January Continue learning to move with a sliding step, repeat game exercises Winter Lesson 2 Strengthen the skill of a sliding step, practice running and jumping. Winter Exercise children in jumping over obstacles; in throwing snowballs at a distance. Winter Lesson 4 Exercise children in walking and running between places placed randomly throughout the playground; in rolling hoops; in jumps with forward movement. Defender of the Fatherland Day Defender of the Fatherland Day Defender of the Fatherland Day February Lesson 2 Repeat throwing snowballs. Repeat game exercises with running, jumping, and ball. Practice throwing snowballs at a distance. March 8 Lesson 4 Develop dexterity and eye when throwing; repeat the game exercises. 1 hour. Show the correct posture of the skier, pay attention to the cross work of the arms and legs when skiing 2 hours. “Snowflakes-fluffs” “Who’s next” 3 hours. Walking “snake” between. 1 hour. Short jog (10-12 m), walking at a sliding step at a distance of 30 m 2 h.i.u. “Snow carousel” “Jumping to the Christmas tree” 3 hours sledding each other 1 hour Jumping on two legs 2 hours “Who will throw further” “Jump over - don’t hit” 3 hours sledding each other 1 hour walking in a column one at a time, at a signal, switch to walking between the cubes, then running between them. 2 hours I.u. “Roll it, don’t drop it” (rolling hoops) “Along the path” P.i. “Colored cars” 3 hours. Walking in a column one at a time 1 hour. Walking in a circle in both directions; jumping forward on two legs (3-4m). At the signal, stop, turn around, jump forward (no more than 3 m) 2 hours. “Snake between the sleds” “Get to the pin” 3 hours alternate sledding 1 hour I.u. "Blizzard" 2 hours. I.u. “Turn around” “Who will throw further” 3 hours. Sledding each other for 1 hour. Formation in two lines 2 hours. I.u. “Who will throw the snowball next?” “Let’s find the Snow Maiden” 3 hours. Walking in a column one at a time between buildings. I.u. “Exactly on target” “Tunnel” P.I. “Let’s find a bunny” 5, p.60 8, p.61 Lesson 21, p.63 Lesson 21, p.63 Lesson 27, p.68 0, p.69 3, p.71 6, p.73

5 March 8 March Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions Lesson 2 Develop dexterity and eye when throwing at a target; exercise in running; consolidate the ability to act on a signal from the teacher. Exercise in walking, alternating with jumping, in walking with changing the direction of movement, in running at a slow pace for up to 1 minute, in alternation with walking. Exercise endurance running; in walking and running between; in jumping on one leg (right and left, alternately). Spring Lesson 4 Exercise walking alternately with wide and short steps; repeat exercises with the ball, balance and jumping. Spring April Practice walking and running while finding your place in the column; in rolling hoops; repeat the exercise with balls. Spring Lesson 2 Repeat walking and running in a circle; Jumping and climbing exercises: exercise the ability to maintain stable balance when walking and running over a limited area of ​​support. Spring Practice walking and running, stopping at the teacher’s signal; 1h.i.u. “Traps” 2 hours. I.u. “Fast and agile” “Knock down the pin” P.i. “Little White Bunny” 3 hours. Walking in a column one at a time. I.m.p. “Let's find a bunny” 1 hour. Walking in a column one at a time, at a signal jumping over 5-6 cords (distance 40 cm); on command, change the direction of movement. Run at a moderate pace for up to 1 minute, alternating with walking. 2h. I.u. “Throw it up and catch it” “Ride it without hitting me” P.i. "Horse" 3 hours "Guess who's screaming" 1 hour. Walking in a column one at a time and running at a moderate pace for up to 1 minute. Walking between (distance 30 cm) 2 hours. I.u. “On one leg along the path” “Throw it over the rope” P.i. "Airplanes" I.m.p. 1 hour Walking in a column one at a time, at a signal, walking in wide strides at a slow pace; normal walking with small, mincing steps in alternation. 2h.i.u. “Jump over the stream” “Running along the path” (15 cm wide) “Nimble guys” (throwing the ball on the ground, up and catching it with both hands). 1 hour Walking in a column one at a time, walking and running in all directions, at a signal, changing into a column. 2h. I.u. “Ride and catch” “Knock down the pin” P.i. "At the Bear's Forest" 3 hours. I.m.p. 1 hour Walking in a column one at a time; in a circle, turning in the opposite direction while moving according to a signal; walking and running 2h.i.u. “On the path” “Don’t hit me” (climbing under an arc) “Jump over without hitting me” P.i. “Sparrows and the car 3 hours. I.m.p. “Let’s find the little sparrow” 1 hour. Walking in a column one at a time, completing tasks when given a signal. Walking and, p.74 Lesson 6, p.77 Lesson 9, p.78 2, p. 80 5, p. 83 8, p. 85

6 in throwing balls to each other, developing dexterity and eye. Victory Day Lesson 4 Exercise walking and running between; in balance; throwing the ball. Victory Day Lesson 5 Repeat Lesson 4 May Practice walking in a column one at a time, alternating with jumping; repeat game exercises with the ball. Summer Lesson 2 Practice walking, stopping at the teacher’s signal; walking and running in circles; repeat tasks with running and jumping. Summer Practice walking and running in pairs; strengthen jumping over a short rope, the ability to change lanes as you move. Summer Lesson 4 Exercise in walking and running with changes in direction of movement, in throwing and catching a ball; repeat games with the ball, jumping and running. running 2 hours I.u. “Have time to catch” “Toss and catch” P.i. “Catch up with the couple” 3 hours. Walking in a column one at a time. 1 hour Walking in a column one at a time; walking “snake” between 5-6 placed in a line; walking in all directions, raising your knees high; running in all directions for 2 hours. I.u. “Run in the afternoon” “Throw on a ring” P.i. “Catch up with the couple” 3 hours. Walking in a column one at a time. Game m.p. 1 hour Walking in a column one at a time; jumping over bars; walking and running 2 hours I.u. “Get to the ball” “Don’t touch the runs” P.i. “Owl” 3 hours. Low mobility game. 1 hour. Walking in a column one at a time, completing tasks at a signal. Walking and running 2 hours I.u. "Get in the basket." “Throw it, catch it.” P.i. “Fishing Rod” 3 hours. Low mobility game 1 hour. Walking in a column one at a time, changing into pairs at a signal; walking in pairs, running in all directions, one at a time in a column. Walking "snake" between. 2 hours I.u. “Don’t drop” “Don’t touch” “Run along the path.” P.i. “Run quietly” 3 hours. Low mobility game “Who left?” 1 hour. Walking in a column one at a time, walking with a change in the direction of movement at a signal. Walking in a circle, stopping and turning around, continuing to walk. 2 hours I.u. “Throw it, catch it” “Who is faster along the track.” P.i. “Planes” 3 hours. Game “Guess who called?”. Lesson 21, p. 86 Lesson 24, p. 88 Lesson 27, p. 90 0,c. 91 3, p. 93 6, p. 94

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