Final lesson in mathematics in the senior group “Mathematical Kingdom”. Lesson outline (mathematics, senior group) on the topic

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Summary of the final lesson in the senior group on FEMP “In search of a naughty girl”

Organization of continuous educational activities for children in the senior group on FEMP (final lesson - May)

Author of the summary of continuous educational activities (hereinafter - CED): educator - Ogienko E.V. Category: first MBDOU No. 9 “Rainbow” Karasuk

Priority educational area: Cognitive development


  • Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10. Strengthen the ability to answer the questions: “How many in total?” , “Which one is it?” , "Which?" .
  • Practice the ability to move in a given direction.
  • Strengthen the ability to form numbers from ones within 5.
  • Improve the ability to see and name parts and wholes in objects.
  • To consolidate elementary ideas about the sequence of parts of the day (morning - afternoon - evening - night).
  • Continue to develop the ability to see the shape of familiar geometric shapes in surrounding objects

Developing RPPS themes GCD: group room, box with 5 locks, 5 keys, picture of Carlson, letter, 10 pcs. colors for counting, a cube, circles from 1 to 5 on the sides, various objects for the game “Pick up as many different objects” , boards with nails and rubber bands, pictures for the game “Part-whole” , riddles about the parts of the day, 4 easels with parts days and pictures with moments of parts.

Integration: Speech development, socio-communicative development, physical development

Forms of work: surprise moment, riddles, story, conversation, explanation, examination, reasoning, etc.

Types of activities: gaming, motor, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of art. liters.

GCD move


V. - Guys, I’m so upset! So upset! What to do?

It was my birthday this weekend, I prepared a treat for you, but bad luck - it MISSED that night!!!! (the teacher notices a letter in the doorway)

- ABOUT!!! Letter!!! What's there? You know? Do you want to know?

(the teacher opens the envelope and reads)

"Good morning, guys! I did a little mischief tonight. Ha ha!

He flew to your group and brought a gift. I really like to joke, so I hid the gift. Ha ha! the letter is not signed

V. – Guys, I wonder who the letter is from? How do you think?

“Isn’t this my treat prepared for you?”

(children reason, but do not receive an answer)

V. - Okay! Where's the gift?

Further in the letter it is written “You will find a gift if you stand at the second table facing the large window and go to the far right corner”

(children find a box with multi-colored locks)

V. - Ah! Guys, this is my treat!! But here are Castles! And how do we open it? (children's assumptions)

V. - That's right! To open the box, you need to find the keys. And to get the key, we need to complete tasks. And only after completing all the tasks and picking up certain keys, we will be able to open the box and find out who made that joke.

V. – Guys, I really want you to get my treat! Will you help me give them to you by completing these tasks?

V. - Guys, look, are all the locks the same color?

(multi-colored: red, yellow, green, blue, purple).

- Oh, guys, look, we have sectors of the same color in our group.

- Which first one do you want to go to?

(Children begin to express their desires. In case there is no single choice, the teacher offers a “Color Wheel” . After spinning it, the children go to the sector which color fell out).

Sector "Red"

In this sector there are cubes, on the edges of which dots from 1 to 5 are depicted. Having tossed it, the dropped face shows the number of objects that need to be counted and selected by the children.

D/i “Pick up as many different objects”

Q. – How many objects did you count? Why?

After completing the task, children receive the key of the completed sector. They approach the box with the gift and remove the lock of the desired color.

Sector "Yellow"

D/i “Part-whole”

There are envelopes on the table for each child. Each envelope contains an item (whole or divided into parts). After examining the contents of the envelope, the children answer the teacher’s questions.

Q. - Name the item that you found in the envelope?

- What is it: a part or a whole? (if part, then why? How many parts is it divided into?)

After completing the task, children receive the key of the completed sector. They approach the box with the gift and remove the lock of the desired color.

Sector "Green"

D/i “Connect correctly”

For each child, boards with nails (on which objects are glued on one side and geometric shapes on the opposite side) and stationery erasers are prepared. Children need to match geometric objects with geometric shapes.

V.: - What is this? How do you think? (geometric figures and objects of geometric shapes)

- Why do we need rubber bands?

Execution, verification

..., what objects did you connect to the triangle?

…, And you?

…, at your place?

After completing the task, children receive the key of the completed sector. They approach the box with the gift and remove the lock of the desired color.

Sector "Blue"

D/i “Parts of the day”

The teacher asks the children riddles about the parts of the day. Having guessed them, they call them in one word. Next, children place the pictures in sequential order on 4 easels and attach them. pictures that match the parts of the day.

The sun woke up in the sky and looked into our window. The cockerel crows wisely, Announcing: “This is... (Morning)

The sun is high in the sky, And the night is far away, The shadow of the trees is short. What time of day is it? (Day)

The radiant sun has settled behind the house, We came from a walk. It’s time for dinner. (Evening)

The stars are shining in the sky, the streams are talking in the river, the moon is looking out the window, telling our children to sleep. (Night)

V. - What is this? Name it in one word.

After completing the task, children receive the key of the completed sector. They approach the box with the gift and remove the lock of the desired color.

Sector "Purple"

D/i “How much? Which one?

There are 10 flowers on the board, of different colors.

V. - Guys, what do you see?

How many are there, count them.

— How many colors are there on the board? (get complete answers from children)

V. — Each flower has a serial number

— How to arrange the numbers correctly? Which side should you start placing correctly? (children place the numbers in order starting from left to right)

V. - And now I propose to count in such a way as to indicate the serial number of each flower.

(children begin to count, ... - first, etc.)

- Which one... flower? (the teacher names any color)

After completing the task, children receive the key of the completed sector. They approach the box with the gift and remove the lock of the desired color.

After completing all the tasks and receiving the keys, the children go to the surprise box, remove all the locks, open the lid and receive treats.

V. – Guys, I’m so glad that you, having completed all the tasks, received my treats!

- But the question is, who stole them from me?

(a photo of Carlson is found in the box)

V. – Oh, who did it?

- Guys, who is this?

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