Summary of an open music lesson in a senior group lesson plan (senior group)

Music classes at preschool educational institutions

1. Content and structure of music lessons.

The main form of educational activity with children is music lessons, during which the systematic, purposeful and comprehensive education of preschool children is carried out, the formation of the musical abilities of each child. In music classes, there is an interrelation in solving musical-aesthetic and educational problems. In the course of active musical activity, children acquire the necessary knowledge, acquire skills and abilities that provide opportunities for emotionally expressive performance of songs, musical and rhythmic movements, and simple melodies when playing children's musical instruments. All this contributes to the development of artistic taste, the development of musical and creative abilities, love of music and the formation of moral and aesthetic qualities of the individual.

Children are naturally endowed with bright abilities, but adults need to create the most favorable conditions for their development as early as possible. Music classes are aimed at developing musical, creative, intellectual and mental abilities in preschool children. The music education program solves the following tasks:

ü formation of skills in perceiving works of musical art,

ü stimulation of creative activity, freedom, emotional freedom,

ü development of imagination and musical memory.

The above tasks are solved taking into account the age characteristics of children, the level of their mental, intellectual and physical development.

Reliance in the practical implementation of set goals and objectives on the child, his immediate reaction, to works of musical art.

The main approach is person-oriented, that is, taking into account the specific developmental characteristics of children of a given age group and the psychophysiological characteristics of each child, when implementing the assigned tasks, the principle of developmental education is taken into account, which determines the leading methodological principles:

ü Operating principle.

During classes, the child is in a constant process of discovering new knowledge. Actions in the game are a way of cognition, experience, and involvement, both on the part of the child and on the part of the teacher.


ü The principle of variability.

The material constantly varies, thereby presenting unusualness and novelty, the effect of surprise.

ü The principle of creativity (organization of creative activity).

The teacher provokes and encourages the creative activity of children, creating situations in which the child becomes an artist, poet, musician, performer and realizes his creativity through collective and individual activities.

ü The principle of continuity.

The development process does not end in class, but continues at home.

ü The principle of humanity.

Love of life, love of art, love of a child. This trinity underlies the formation of personality.

Classes should be structured taking into account the constant complication of the material, its development and enrichment. The architectonics of the content represents a spiral along which the child ascends to knowledge from simple to complex. From knowledge about the aesthetic uniqueness of the surrounding world to knowledge about the characteristics of works of various types of art. The most important tool for organizing educational activities is collective dialogue, in which the teacher is included in the conversation - communication with each child. Any educational example is mastered not through reproductive activity, but through productive activity, because the child himself makes a choice based on his aesthetic ideas and life experience.

Each lesson must be carefully thought out and prepared, and also retains an element of unpredictability, surprise, and novelty for children. Improvisation is present in every lesson and is necessary for both the teacher and the child, because only it makes it possible to repeatedly play out a situation in the search for truth, and this search is carried out jointly. Classes include alternating different types of activities (singing, rhythm, listening to music, playing children's instruments, familiarization with the elements of musical literacy, musical and didactic games). At preschool age, a child already exhibits aesthetic feelings when perceiving music, singing along, participating in a game or dancing, and are expressed in the child’s emotional attitude to his own actions. Therefore, tasks become priorities.

Assimilation of material in music classes can proceed at an accelerated or slow pace, depending on the level of preparedness of the children. Classes are held 2 times a week, and their duration is 15 minutes in the middle, and from 20 to 30 minutes in the older groups of the kindergarten. During the classes, collective and individual teaching methods are used, an individually differentiated approach is carried out, taking into account the capabilities and characteristics of each child.

The most established structure of a musical lesson in kindergarten practice is the following sequence of children's musical activities: at the beginning of the lesson, musical-rhythmic exercises, followed by listening to music, then singing, and after that a musical game or dance.

Introductory part.
Musical and rhythmic exercises. Target

– set the child up for the lesson and develop the skills of basic and dance movements that will be used in dances, dances and round dances.

Main part.
Listening to music.

— to teach the child in class to listen to the sound of the melody and accompaniment that create an artistic and musical image, and to react emotionally to it.

b) Singing along and singing



– develop the child’s vocal abilities and teach him to clearly intonate a melody, sing without tension in his voice, and also start and finish singing together with the teacher.

c) Musical and didactic games



— introduce children's musical instruments, develop memory and imagination, musical-sensory abilities.

Final part.
Game or dance. Target

- bring emotional pleasure to the child, evoke a feeling of joy from the actions performed, interest and desire to come to music classes.

The structure of musical classes, which has some stability in practice, can and should vary depending on the educational, educational tasks, the degree of children’s assimilation of musical material, as well as the general psychophysiological state of the children. However, with any variant of the structure of a musical lesson, hygiene of the nervous system should be observed, taking into account its age characteristics and rapid fatigue.

A music director and educator should remember: any musical activity must teach and develop, and most importantly, form its basic structure.

Any musical lesson will be successful if it is thought out in advance by the music director, and the teacher is familiar with the material that will be given to the children and meets the requirements of the program. The knowledge, skills and abilities that are formed in this way contribute to the development of children’s musical abilities. Consistency in learning the material is maintained, and interaction between all types of musical activities is ensured. Various methodological techniques are used, the choice of which depends on the stage of learning the musical piece. Older children develop an interest in musical literacy; the desire to expressively perform a song, dance, show creativity, and the desire to express their opinion about what they hear becomes more pronounced. Children motivate their preferences and show increased interest in improvisation and writing. Forming a child’s personality based on the art of music still remains the core of musical education.

When organizing classes, the following provisions must be taken into account:

the perception of music occurs as a dialogue with the composer, as the experience of a certain emotional state and aesthetic feelings, awareness of one’s aesthetic emotions associated with music, which ultimately means the development of musical taste and consciousness. This depends on the teacher, who must structure the work so that the child acquires knowledge, skills and the ability to feel the image and convey it with the help of different types of arts and the integration of artistic activities in the aesthetic education of children is based on the child’s knowledge of the expressive means of each type of art and the gradual understanding of that the image of the same object, phenomenon in different types of art is created by means specific to each of them.

The embodiment of what is experienced in creative activity, especially for a preschooler of 6-7 years old, is mandatory. Synthesizing his existing artistic experience, he feels the need to embody his experiences and fantasies in an objective form. It is known: the richer his artistic experience, the more accurate the evaluation criteria, the more expressive his creativity.

For the successful musical development of children, it is necessary to have musical and pedagogical equipment: children's musical instruments (tambourine, drum, metallophone, spoons, xylophone, triangle, rattle, rattle, mallet); musical toys (organ, musical tops, toy piano, children's guitar); board music and didactic games; screen, sound and screen-sound (audio-visual) aids and special equipment for them with recordings of classical music and children's musical repertoire; equipment for artistic and theatrical activities in kindergarten; attributes and costumes for games.

The structure of a music lesson includes alternation of various types of children's activities, determined by the program and general educational objectives of each age group.

Types of music classes.

Depending on the composition of children, classes are usually divided into the following types: frontal (uniting the entire age group), group (small groups of 4-7 children), individual, combined (2-3 age groups are engaged). Depending on the content of the lesson, they can be thematic (in older groups) and complex.

Each of these types of musical classes meets the general objectives of musical education and has its own specific objectives. This or that type of musical classes is planned in advance in the long-term and calendar plans. The ratio of these types of activities in the age groups of the kindergarten is determined by the educational tasks, age and individual characteristics of the children, the level of their musical development and interests, the degree of assimilation of program material, the specific living conditions of this age group and the entire institution as a whole.

Let's look at some of the types of music classes separately.

The content of frontal music classes for each age group is determined by the “Education Program in Kindergarten”. Frontal music classes combine all the main types of children's musical activities - listening to music, singing, musical-rhythmic movements.

When selecting and sequencing various types of musical activities in the classroom, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the child’s body and especially the nervous system of preschoolers (all age groups) to cope with a particular educational load.

The most typical frontal musical lesson involves sequential alternation of the main types of musical activity of children: listening to music, singing, musical-rhythmic movements. The structure of a music lesson may vary. Let's look at sample options for classes and their specifics.

1. A music lesson begins by listening to music. In this case, children’s entry to class does not require musical accompaniment. In this case, it is important to tune children to perceive music and focus their auditory attention. After listening, it is advisable to move on to singing and repeating the repertoire of songs being learned. It also includes exercises to develop singing skills, musical-sensory and creative abilities. At the end of the lesson, short-term musical and rhythmic exercises are carried out in order to clarify the movements of the dance or game.

2. A musical lesson can begin with children entering to the music of a march, followed by musical and rhythmic exercises (with or without objects, dance, figurative). After this comes singing with the whole complex of the above-mentioned singing musical-sensory tasks, repetition and learning of one or two songs. At the end of the singing, children are asked to listen to a piece of music they are familiar with and music for a new musical game, the program of which the teacher first reveals in a plot-shaped story. If the game is not plot-based, then listening to a piece of music is combined with an analysis of it (character and structure, means of musical expression) and with the active participation of children. Then an explanation of the game actions is given and a musical game follows.

3. Musical activities can be associated with setting creative tasks. Such options for musical classes involve children performing creative tasks in the field of singing and musical-rhythmic movements. If creative tasks are offered in singing. It is advisable to plan and conduct them at the beginning of the lesson, when children are not tired and are most active.

4. The most effective can be considered classes that combine the learning process with creative tasks in one or two sections of children's musical activity. They alternate with the process of learning songs and are included in musical and rhythmic movements in games and dances.

5. In addition to those mentioned, the specifics of thematic classes for the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten should also be considered. The selection of all musical works is determined by its theme. It is “cross-cutting” for all types of musical activities - listening to music, singing, rhythm and, when possible, playing a children's musical instrument.

6. Of particular interest for the general and musical development of children in the preparatory group are complex classes, creative ones in a non-traditional form, musical classes with a cognitive orientation and integrated classes.
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Summary of a music lesson for preschoolers 3-5 years old

Summary of the musical lesson “Building a new tower”

Author: Daria Anatolyevna Pakhomova, teacher of folk singing, MBUDOD DSHI, Chegdomyn village, Khabarovsk Territory, Verkhnebureinsky district. Description of the material: This material will be useful to teachers of children's art schools, kindergarten teachers, and music directors of children's groups. Goal: formation of musical abilities. Objectives: • Recall the plot of the Russian folk tale “Teremok”; • Develop musical, rhythmic, dynamic hearing; • Reinforce the material covered (articulation exercises, songs, games) • Develop acting skills; • Develop memory, attention; • Develop articulation; • Arouse interest, awaken imagination; • Develop personal communication skills. Equipment: picture cards, musical instrument, picture puzzle, ball. Preliminary work: Making picture cards for exercises, picture puzzles, learning musical material with children (the song “Look how it is in our workshop”, the song-game “Tili-bom”), learning tongue twisters.
Progress of the lesson:
Teacher: Hello, guys! Remember from which fairy tale these words: “Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?” (Russian folk tale “Teremok”) That’s right, from the fairy tale “Teremok”! Now let’s learn the song about Teremok:

There is a mansion in a field It is neither low nor high Who lives in it Who will open the door for me? (Children are learning the song) Now try to guess my riddles about the heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok”: • Small stature, Long tail, Gray fur coat, Sharp teeth. (Mouse)

Let's imagine what she is like? (small, agile, curious...) Guys, try to sing the song from the perspective of the mouse (children sing, trying to intonationally and emotionally show how small, agile, curious the mouse is...) • Green, but not grass. Cold, but not ice. Sings, but not a bird - This is such a fable. (Frog)

As you know, frogs love to jump. Let's try to musically depict how a jumping frog sings this song (the teacher sings the song staccato - abruptly, the children repeat) • He was Russian, but the snow fell, His fluffy fur turned white, And he is invisible in winter to the Wolf and the red fox! (Hare)

And our bunny is very cowardly, his heart sinks into his heels (the teacher sings the song like this: sings the first line and claps his hands 4 times, explains to the children that the heart of a cowardly hare beats like this after each line of the song) • Protects his fluffy tail And guards the little animals: They know the red one in the forest is a very cunning one (fox)

The fox is a cunning, resourceful cheat, she has a beautiful fluffy tail, guys, let's show how the fox proudly walks around, showing off its tail and performing a song. (Children sing a song depicting the gait of a fox, its lazy gait, how it touches its tail, etc...) • Appearance of a dog, In a gray tailcoat, In the forest under the bushes Clicking its fangs. (wolf)

Guys, what kind of wolf is there in fairy tales? (angry, hungry, cruel, he can be both stupid (the fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf”) and wise (the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”), etc...) And how does the wolf howl? Let's try to howl with you (children try both together and one by one) And now we'll sing our song and after each line we'll try to howl like a hungry gray wolf. • The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring, And in winter, to the howl of a blizzard, He sleeps in a snowy hut. (Bear)

The bear in fairy tales is kind, strong, capable of protecting the weak, finding justice, and the only right solution. But the problem is that he is so clumsy, because it was he who destroyed the tower. Show how a clubfooted bear walks. Well done! We will sing a song on behalf of the bear, we will sing and depict how he walks awkwardly and leisurely. Teacher: And now we will remember and repeat the tongue twisters about the heroes of this fairy tale:

(we pronounce each tongue twister 3 times at an average pace, make sure that we breathe properly and have clear diction) • The mouse washed the cones. There were too many cones. The mouse didn't clean up the cones. • The frog croaked a song in the frog's ear. • The hare stands with a scythe, mows the grass, carries hay. • In the forest, a fox under a pine tree made a bed for the little fox. • Wolves lived near the forest. The wolves howled loudly at night. • The bear growled in the den, His feet were frozen. Teacher: Well done, guys! Now let’s remember the plot of the fairy tale “Teremok”. I will ask you questions, and you try to answer correctly:

1. Where is the tower located? (in the field) 2. Who ran to the tower first? (mouse) 3. How tall is the tower? (not low, not high) 4. Who came to the house after the frog? (hare) 5. Who destroyed the mansion? (bear) 6. How many animals were gathered in the house when the bear came to them? (five) 7. Who was the first to be invited by the mouse to live in the little house? (frog) 8. Mouse-norushka, frog-frog, bunny-bunny, little fox-sister, what was the name of the wolf? (top - gray barrel) 9. Under what conditions were the animals ready to forgive the bear for his ridiculous act? (if the bear helps them build a new house) Teacher: Guys, let's help the fairy tale heroes build a new house so that there is enough space for everyone, even the bear? And without what can we not build a house? (children's answers) I'll tell you riddles:

• With an iron head he hits those whom he hits, he will hammer them into the floor and into the ceiling. A sharp nail... (hammer) • A very important tool. Will prepare firewood in no time. She has teeth: Sharp, not dull. They guessed that it was necessary - ... (Saw) • I am all made of iron, I have neither legs nor arms. I’ll fit up to my hat into the board, but for me there’s still a knock and a knock. (Nail) • It has knots and a nose like a shovel, It has a hunchbacked back. The yard is full of wood, what is his name? (Axe) • Earwig boasts - I like to dance. I'm friends with Screws and I'll spin anyone. "Look!" She started dancing and the screw got stuck in the board. (Screwdriver) • The measuring tape was twisted and placed in the case. It helps us to measure the length using marks... (tape tape) What are they called in one word? (tools) That's right, tools! Teacher: So what should our heroes build a house from? I will name the material, and the one to whom I throw the ball will name what the house will be like from this material (task for schoolchildren): From straw - straw; From stone... From wood... From metal... From glass... From iron... From brick... (For younger children, you can play a game like “edible things are not edible”; only on the contrary, you need to catch objects that are useful for construction, but don’t catch edible ones. For example : brick, apple, nail, screwdriver, cucumber, tomato, boards, etc...) Teacher: What do you think would be better to build a strong house from? (children's answers) And we will try to build a house in our own way. (articulation exercises)

To install the walls, take the “hammers” and knock.
Exercise “Hammer”. Goal: preparing articulation for the sound [r] and vibration of the tip of the tongue. Methodical recommendations: tap your tongue and pronounce the sound [d]. Make sure that the tip of your tongue does not fall down or stick out of your mouth. Note: if a guttural sound is corrected, then the sound [t] is pronounced. Make sure that there is no nasal tint, the voice does not strain, and the lower jaw does not rise. Knock with the sound [d, t] 5-6 times. The tip of the tongue knocks at the top of the alveoli with the sound [d] or [t]. They made large, bright windows in the wall. Like these ones. • Exercise “Window”. Goal: to be able to hold the mouth open while simultaneously showing the upper and lower teeth. Methodical recommendations: slowly open your mouth. The teeth should be visible. Keep counting to 5. When the walls and ceiling were ready, the animals decided to paint them. Let's paint the ceiling. • Exercise “Painter”. Goal: to develop an upward movement of the wide front part of the tongue. Methodical instructions: Smile, open your mouth. Using the wide tip of your tongue, stroke the roof of your mouth from your teeth to your throat. The lower jaw should not move. Now let's paint the windows and walls. • Exercise “Painting the windows” - lick your lips; “Let’s paint the walls” - move your tongue inside your cheeks. We'll put a pipe like this on the roof of the house. • Exercise “Pipe” - stretch out your lips with a wide tube. Wash the floor. • Smile, open your mouth, and use the tip of your tongue to strongly “clean” behind your lower teeth. When the house was clean, they hung up beautiful “curtains.” Like these ones. • Exercise “Curtains” Goal: to be able to hold your mouth open while simultaneously showing the upper and lower teeth, activate the muscles of the tongue. Methodological instructions: smile, open your mouth wide, lift the tip of your tongue and place it behind the tubercles behind the upper teeth, hold in this position. Teacher: In which song that we were learning are instruments found? That's right, the song “Look how it is in our workshop”) Let's sing it!

Look how in our workshop, the workers there work day and day. As they begin to chop with a hatchet, - (children put their hands in a “lock” and show the movements of the chopping ax)
Use a hammer to hit the nails.
- (they tap on the palm with their fist)
And with saws they saw, saw, saw, -
(they put their hand forward and put it back - “staring”)
Sawdust is flying in all directions.
It's time for the carpenters to finish their work, so they go and dance in a squat: (the boys dance in a squat, the girls spin around)
Ay, lyuli, ah, lyuli, ah, lyuli, Ay, lyuli, yes, ah, lyuli, yes, ah, lyuli!
Ay, lyuli, ah, lyuli, ah, lyuli, Ay, lyuli, yes, ah, lyuli, yes, ah, lyuli! Teacher: Well done, you remembered the song! Now let's play the game "Tili-bom" .

Tili-bom, tili-bom We will build a new house! Dance to your heart's content Your legs are beautiful! 2 people are selected - this is the “Gate”, they stand facing each other, hold hands and raise them up (they get a gate). The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front or simply join hands. While singing the song, the resulting chain of children must pass under the gate. On the last syllable of the word “good,” the “collars” abruptly lower their hands, and those that are caught also become “collars.” Gradually the number of “gates” increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all children become "gates". (similar to the game “Golden Gate”) Teacher: Before you is a cut-up picture of our new Teremok, your task is to assemble the picture.

Teacher: What great fellows you are! You managed to build a new Teremok in which there was a place for everyone, both the little mouse and the big bear. Let's applaud each other! See you again!

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