Didactic games and aids for speech development of children of senior preschool age

Didactic games and aids for speech development of children of senior preschool age

Svetlana Toropova

Didactic games and aids for speech development of children of senior preschool age

Didactic games and aids for speech development of children of senior preschool age

The Federal State Educational Standards requirements for the results of mastering the program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education. At the stage of completing the preschool level, the child must have good command of oral speech, freely express his thoughts and desires, use speech as a means of communication, express his feelings, thoughts, and highlight sounds in words. Speech development of children is very important and relevant in preschool age.

Speech development tasks according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

Mastering speech as a means of communication and culture

enrichment of the active dictionary

development of coherent, dialogic and monologue speech

development of speech creativity

acquaintance with fiction, culture, listening comprehension of various texts, various genres of children's literature

formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write

development of sound and intonation culture, phonemic hearing.

To achieve and solve all problems of speech development it is necessary:

creation of a subject-development environment

selection of didactic, developmental, educational games and gaming aids

use of various methods, means, innovative technologies.

personal example of the teacher, his correctly delivered speech

consultations and various forms of work with parents on children’s speech development.

Activating children's speech using a variety of means.

In my work, to activate speech and solve all speech problems, I use the following games and gaming aids:

1. “Loto” using pure phrases for difficult sounds.

Children are offered or children themselves choose their cards, the principle of the game is like an ordinary lotto. The game is complicated by the need to repeat the correct phrase correctly, if the children know how to read, read it. Other reading children can check the correctness of the answer or determine the correctness of the pronunciation. As rewards, you can give not only cards for correct answers, but for example, counting sticks or buttons, pebbles; this is very attractive and energizing for children. If a child experiences difficulty, the teacher needs to help him, because it is difficult the first time, the game requires repetition.

For example: take the picture “Girl with balloons”

The child must repeat or read: “RY-RY-RY, I’M CARRYING BALLS” or For-for-for transparent jellyfish.”

2. “Guess the words”

The cards show two pictures, which may differ from each other when pronounced with the same sound. For example: “Cat” and “Whale”. Children select letters according to the picture, or you can complicate the task - ask a riddle. During the game, the teacher and other participants in the game can come up with riddles and a description of the object themselves. “What picture did I have in mind: this is a fluffy, mustachioed one...” The child guesses and selects the correct letter accordingly.

3. Didactic game “Gifts”

During this game, children develop sound analysis skills, the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.

Children are invited to collect gifts for the boy Roma, but all gifts must have the sound “r”. Children select pictures with a given sound, you can use diagrams, the place of the sound in the word. After the pictures have been selected, you can offer to find these toys in the group and go to visit Roma, then you can develop the role-playing game. There are many game options, fantasize yourself and with your children.

4. Games with punched cards

Punch cards are individual sheets of interesting tasks that are laminated or can be inserted into a thick file for repeated use.

The purpose of each card is different; it can be tasks such as developing phonemic perception, improving the skills of sound-letter analysis, syllabic analysis, reading syllables, composing syllables, words, sentences.

5. "Rebuses"

It’s not difficult to make these cards yourself.

2 strips are glued to the cardboard, one for inserting pictures based on the first sound of which words will be composed, the other below, for inserting letters.

You can use different options:

-which letter is missing (in the middle of the word, at the beginning or end)

- pictures or letters are placed correctly or incorrectly (self-control, mutual control)

- make a diagram

-arrange according to the diagram

6. “Syllable trainer”

Can be used in the role-playing game “School” using the following background:

-help the bear arrange consonants and vowels in the houses

-correct the bear's mistakes

-make up syllables

introduce using the Zhukova simulator to form syllables and words

-identify soft and hard sounds.

Personal trainers

7. Speech snails to reinforce the pronunciation of sounds

I have collected a card index of phonemic nursery rhymes

8. “Syllable Lotto”

The leading activity of preschool children is play; through play, the child learns about the world around him and develops comprehensively. These games contribute to the speech development of children, I hope they will be useful to you too.

What teaching aids can you make yourself for kindergarten?

Language development is not an isolated skill. To a large extent, it is determined by the general level of development of the child and, in particular, his intelligence.

Didactic manual on speech development

Activities that improve sensory and fine motor skills in children are of great importance in this process. For this, it is important to use teaching aids, a significant part of which can be made independently.

Children's learning, especially in junior and middle groups, should take place in a playful environment, otherwise they will lose interest in the subject and time will be wasted. For teaching to be effective, the teacher needs to use all available means to maintain the child’s useful activity.

Didactic materials for sensory development

The “Flower Petals” manual looks like this. A circle is attached perpendicularly to the straight stem. The edges of the central part are covered with Velcro. Several petals with images of objects or fairy-tale characters are offered. This fabric is also attached to the inner edge of each of them. The task is to find the petals with the corresponding words based on the letter drawn on the mug and attach them to the central part.

The game “Blow out the insects into the clearing” is designed to develop speech breathing. For this purpose, the “Polyanka” manual is used. It is a low box with high sides. Small cardboards with images of animals are suspended on short threads from the outside. The child must blow them out, but does not have the right to puff out his cheeks.

Important! In this way he is taught how to breathe correctly during a conversation.

The game "Clothespins" is made using the same manual. For this, the kids are given several colored clothespins and asked to build a fence. They place them on the edges, while loudly calling out the color used.

There are two horizontal lines of Velcro glued to the outer wall of the Polyanka manual. Each row contains four cards with images of animals, fairy-tale characters or objects. The child is told that in each row one of the pictures is extra and is asked to remove it. Then he should tell what the remaining images have in common and why.

Lesson with children

Iconic didactic materials

One of these multifunctional aids is “Teremok”. It is a fabric house attached to a flat, solid base. It has a large number of pockets sewn into it, in which various pictures are placed. They can depict objects of the surrounding world, fairy-tale characters from the fairy tale of the same name, images of letters or syllables.

Is it possible to teach a child to pronounce the sound [sh] at home?

There are various ways to use this manual in kindergarten.

Here's one of them. Children are shown pictures taken from a pocket attached to the tower. They ask what fairy tale this hero, who is depicted on the card, came from. The child must remember the name of the fairy tale and try to retell its content.

Important! If the child needs the help of a speech therapist, then it is provided. During the story, the teacher asks the child simple leading questions.

You can also use this manual in a preschool educational institution as follows:

  1. The teacher takes out cards showing the inhabitants of the tower, but does not show them. He depicts the sounds these animals make. The child must repeat them and name the hero of the fairy tale who is depicted on the card.
  2. The manual can be used to study prepositions that show the relative position of cards. The teacher places cards with pictures of animals in various pockets and asks questions about who is located where. The child must answer using the prepositions “above,” “under,” or “between.”
  3. Then the child is asked to formulate questions using the mentioned prepositions and ask them to the teacher.

Another task is the following:

  1. The child is given cards with images of fairy tale characters and asked to place them in various pockets.
  2. After this, the kid must say which animal lives on which floor and who is to the left, right, above or below him.
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