Role-playing games for children of senior preschool age (5–6 years old) Card index of games for planning.


First of all, we are talking about the plot content of the game. During the shift, the child experiences the development of the story that the authors put into their work. For a general epic game, the plot is the same for all ages, but the secondary scenarios may differ in groups of different ages. For example, stories about love, betrayal, and enmity can be found more often in senior units, because participants more easily distinguish the game from real life. They understand that just because one player attacked you during a game, this does not mean that he wants harm to you in real life. For preschoolers, for example, such stories are unacceptable.

Types of role-playing games:

1. Games with everyday themes : “home”, “family”, “holidays”, “birthdays”. And these games are occupied by games with dolls, through actions with which children convey what they know about their peers, adults, and their relationships.

2. Games on industrial and social themes , which reflect the work of people. For these games, themes are taken from the surrounding life (school, store, library, post office, hairdresser, hospital, transport (bus, train, plane, ship), police, firefighters, circus, theater, menagerie, plant, factory, mine, construction, collective farm, army).

3. Games on heroic-patriotic themes , reflecting the heroic deeds of our people (war heroes, space flights, etc.).

4. Games on themes of literary works, cinema, television and radio programs : “sailors” and “pilots”, Hare and Wolf, crocodile Gena and Cheburashka (according to the content of the cartoons), four “tankers” and a dog (according to the content of the film ) etc. In these games, children reflect entire episodes from literary works, imitating the actions of the heroes, adopting their behavior.

5. “Director’s” games , in which the child makes the dolls speak and perform various actions. At the same time, he acts on two levels - both for the doll and for himself, directing all actions. Participants in the game think through a scenario in advance, which can be based on episodes from familiar fairy tales, short stories, or their own lives. Children “teach” the puppets of the puppet and finger theaters, and the toy theater to “act” in accordance with the role they take on, endowing them with literary or imaginary characteristics.


The organization of a role-playing game also suggests that the method of interaction between players may differ depending on age. So, in senior units, you can simulate activities during battles, medical operations, etc. A characteristic feature of younger guys is that their gameplay is largely quest-based, i.e. implies a linear progression of events prepared in advance by the masters. Middle age can carry out any gaming activity if it sees direct motivation for action. All these are conventions, but masters always take into account the age characteristics of the participants in their games.

An important element in preparing for role-playing activities is the stage of creating a role. Older players can quickly adapt to game conditions and immerse themselves in the life of their character, even if it consists of several sheets of personal introduction. The main way to get younger kids interested is to demonstrate some of the gameplay in action so that participants can get a feel for what they might enjoy about role-playing. Thus, in Ariadne’s Threads, before the start of plot-role interaction, shift participants play so-called small role-playing games. They are aimed at ensuring that each child can practice acting out his role, as well as understand what role-playing game itself is like.

Role-playing games for children of senior preschool age (5–6 years old) Card index of games for planning.

Irina Kulikova

Role-playing games for children of senior preschool age (5–6 years old) Card index of games for planning.

Source: Krasnoshchekova N.V.

Role-playing games

for preschool children .

Preschoolers in group develop the content of games. Various social relations and actions begin to be reflected. Games reflect the specifics of adults’ activities, their interactions at work, and their attitude towards work. The change in topics is associated with the expansion of their sources. Children reflect not only those events in which they themselves took part, but also those that they observed on excursions, walks, and everyday life. For this age, our task is to show how a role can be included in various relationships with other roles. The teacher often takes on an additional role. Gradually leads children to more complex changes to a familiar plot , then to inventing new plots .

Children are increasingly demanding of the quality of the role they perform. The main task of managing games is to develop their independence and self-organization, develop the ability to agree on the theme of the game , distribute roles, and prepare the game environment. Also, the teacher must constantly enrich the content of the games. It is advisable to use children's literature.

Card index of plot-role-playing games for older children

Game 1. “Family”

Goal: To encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot . Formation of valuable moral feelings (humanity, love, sympathy)

.Game material: Dolls, toy dishes, furniture, game attributes
(aprons, scarves, musical instruments, substitute items)

Playing roles: grandfather, grandchildren, mother, father, brother, sister.

Game2. "Shop"

Goal: To promote the emergence of the game , the unification of a series of stores into one (book, vegetable, clothing)


Game material: Construction material. Toys, dummies, cash register, mirror, display cases, dolls, wallets, substitute items, screens.

Game roles: sellers, cashier, buyers, driver.

Game "Journey"

Goal: To develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game . Getting to know the labor of a guard. Strengthening children's about the work of adults at the river station, on the ship. Consolidation and generalization of knowledge about the work of rural workers. Fostering a respectful attitude towards work. Getting to know the life of people in the North and South of our country.

Game material: Construction material. Technical toys - wind-up cars, map , motor ships, steering wheel, clothes for sailors, set “Road Signs”

, a set of toy animals and birds, substitute items.

Playing roles: Policeman, port master, cashier, salesman, captain, duty officer, boatswain, doctor, sailor, border guards,

Game "Factory"

Goal: Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game . Consolidation of knowledge about different types of transport: land, water, air. Expanding knowledge about the work of drivers, sailors, pilots. Familiarization of children with the work of the bus station, river station, railway station, airport. Expanding knowledge about blue-collar professions.

Game material: Construction material. Technical toys: wind-up cars, buses, boats, ships, planes, helicopters, trains, substitute items.

Playing roles: driver, passenger, builder, engineer, mechanic, technician, gas station attendant, washer, remote control operator.

Game "Pilots"

Goal: To develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game . Strengthen knowledge about air transport. Expanding knowledge about the work of pilots. Introducing the children to the work of the airport.

Game material: Construction material. Toy - airplane, propeller, wings, dolls, substitute items, clothing items, pilot uniform.

Game roles: pilot, flight attendant, controller, passengers.

Game "Russian Army"

Goal: To develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game . Formation in preschoolers of specific ideas about the hero-warrior, the moral essence of his feat in the name of his Motherland. Enriching children's about the feats of tank soldiers and sailors in their hometown (village)

Expanding children's of types of warships: submarine. Cruiser, missile boat, aircraft carrier, tank landing ship. Instilling in children a sense of patriotism , pride in their Motherland, and admiration for the heroism of people.
Game material: Construction material, caps, scarves, handbags, helmets, substitute items.

Game "Construction"

Goal: To develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game . Formation in preschoolers of specific ideas about construction and its stages. Consolidating knowledge about working professions. Fostering respect for the work of builders.

Game material: Construction material, helmet, substitute items, a set of equipment.

Game “Medical Center – Clinic – Hospital”

Purpose: Disclosure of the activities of medical personnel. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game . Fostering respect for the medical profession.

Game material: screens, “Puppet Doctor”

, a set of dolls, substitute items, medical gowns.

Playing roles: teacher, cashier, controller, cleaner, veterinarian

Game "Mail"

Goal: Teaching children to implement and develop the plot of the game . Expanding and consolidating children’s about different forms of postal communication: mail, telegraph, telephone, radio. Cultivating a sensitive and attentive attitude towards comrades and loved ones.

Game materials: screen, postman's bag, postcards, mailbox. Children's magazines, wallets, pencils, envelopes, raincoat.

Library game

Goal: Encourage children to create a game plot , develop interest in the work of a librarian. Cultivating a caring attitude towards books.

Game materials: books, forms, pencils, cards , shelves.

Playing roles: librarian, readers.

Game "Factory"

Goal: Formation of labor skills, ideas about the professions of workers at our plant (factory), development of creative imagination. Cultivation of interest in the professions of their relatives.

Game material: sets of cars, pipes, passes, construction sets, gowns, helmets, mittens, a set of boxes.

Game roles: plant director, mechanic, worker, driver,

Game "Theater Studio"

Goal: Formation of positive relationships in the game.

Game material: screen, game attributes: money, tickets, wallets, “Cashier”

, sets of different types of theater
(a set of soft toys, a set of masks.)
Game “Zoo”

Goal: Formation of skills to creatively develop the plot of the game . Cultivating a kind attitude towards animals.

Game materials: homemade products, animal sets, construction kits, natural materials, waste materials.

Game "Hairdresser-Beauty Salon"

Goal: Revealing the meaning of a hairdresser’s activity. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game . Fostering respect for the profession of hairdresser, makeup artist,...

Game material: substitute items, real items (combs, curlers, brushes, bottles, mirror, “Children’s hairdresser”

, magazines, screen.

Game roles: Hairdresser (master, cashier, clients, cleaning lady.

In the life of a preschool child, play occupies one of the leading places. For him, play is the main activity, a form of organizing children’s lives, and a means of comprehensive development.

The urgency of the problem is that children come to kindergarten with low social competence, inadequate orientation of the child in social relationships in the family or in the child’s relationships with peers. Therefore, social relationships should become the subject of special preparation of the child for adult life. The optimal form of this relationship is role-playing game. Hence the importance and relevance of considering the theory of game application. We must teach the child to live by common interests, obey the demands of the majority, and show kindness to peers. My observations of children helped me outline specific ways to work with each child. I set myself the following tasks: to teach a child to play, to help unite children in play; tactfully guide the choice of game, teach children to follow the rules during the game, cultivate a sense of goodwill and mutual assistance. Work on the development of role-playing games was carried out in the following directions:

1.Creation of the necessary developing subject-spatial environment.

2. Direct supervision of children's games.

My task as a teacher is to make the game interesting and meaningful, so that in the process children learn to experience sublime, noble feelings, learn to dream and fantasize.

This can be achieved by opening up to children the world of kind, selfless actions of people. Positive emotions, impressions, knowledge – this is the basis of meaningful games!

With the help of parents, we equipped a developing subject-spatial environment. We made durable, comfortable doll furniture, made attributes, sewed costumes for acting, sewed and knitted clothes for the dolls.

Positive results in work can be achieved only by working in close contact with parents. I advised fathers and mothers what toys their children should buy. Conducted a parent meeting on the topic “The Importance of Play in a Child’s Life,” set up a stand “Plot-role play in a child’s life,” and prepared moving folders.

The requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment according to the Federal State Educational Standard are the creation of a favorable social situation for the development of each child in accordance with his age and individual characteristics and inclinations.

The content of the Program should cover the following educational areas:

  • social and communicative development;
  • cognitive development;
  • speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • physical development.

The developing subject-spatial environment of the group must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

The richness of the environment must correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program.

1) Transformability of space implies the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children.

2) The multifunctionality of materials implies the possibility of varied use of various components of the object environment, for example, children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.;

3) Variability of the environment presupposes the presence in the group of various spaces (for play, construction, privacy, etc.), as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment, ensuring the free choice of children; periodic change of play material, the emergence of new objects that stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

4) Accessibility of the environment presupposes free access for pupils to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic types of children's activities.

5) The safety of the subject-spatial environment presupposes the compliance of all its elements with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use.

Our life is changing, due to new conditions, there is a need to organize more modern games, which I want to offer you:

Travel agency

Objectives: To introduce children to professions - director of a travel company, tourism manager, courier, cashier, tourist, etc. Learn to change game interaction depending on changes in the plot plan. Develop fantasy and imagination. Develop positive communication skills and an active life position.

Approximate game actions: vouchers, tickets, help with advice; booking railway and air tickets, hotels, cruises, cars for rent; meals, excursions, entertainment; distribution of promotional literature; preparation of travel documentation; advising clients on various issues: climate, customs, visa requirements, etc.

Subject-game environment. Equipment: photographs; souvenirs; city ​​maps; vouchers; tickets.


Goals: Choose a role and act in accordance with it, develop cooperation skills. Reflect the phenomena of social reality in the game, reinforce the rules of behavior in public places, and develop speech etiquette skills.

Approximate game actions: visiting a bank, selecting the necessary services; operating a cash desk, a currency exchange office; paperwork, accepting utility payments; working with plastic cards; consultations with the bank director.

Subject-game environment. Equipment: forms; cash register; savings books; computer; plastic cards; money from different countries; machine for working with plastic cards.

Hypermarket Essen

Goals: to teach children to coordinate their own game plans with the plans of their peers, to change roles during the game. Encourage children to more widely use knowledge about the life around them in games; develop dialogical speech.

Approximate game actions: coming to the supermarket; purchasing necessary goods;

management consultations ; sales announcements; payment for purchases; product packaging;

resolving conflict situations with the director or administrator of the supermarket.

Subject-game environment. Equipment : cash register; sets of products (vegetables, fruits, waste materials); overalls for sellers, cashiers, managers; souvenirs; checks, bags, wallets, money; sets of small toys; magazines, newspapers; clothes, shoes, hats, etc.; account books, price tags, indexes, names of departments; telephones, walkie-talkies, microphones; packaging, food carts.

They are showing new TV shows and again the idea arose to organize new story-based games with the children, such as “Television”.

A television

Goals: To consolidate the role actions of television workers, to show that their work is collective, and the result of the entire team depends on the quality of the work of one. To consolidate children’s ideas about the media and the role of television in people’s lives.

Exemplary game actions: choosing a program, compiling a program by editors;

compiling texts for news and other programs; preparing presenters and spectators; studio design; work of lighting and sound engineers; showing the program.

Subject-game environment. Equipment: computers; walkie-talkies; microphones; cameras; firecracker; programs (texts); symbols of various programs; costume elements; makeup; cosmetic sets; interior elements, decorations; scripts, photographs.

Model agency

Goals: to teach children to assign roles and act in accordance with them, to learn to model role-playing dialogue, to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, to determine the characters of the characters, to evaluate their actions. Display the phenomena of social life in the game.

Approximate game actions: admission to a modeling agency; training: stage speech, stage movement, etc.; selection of models for display; work with fashion designers; working with photographers; drawing up a “portfolio”; fashion show.

Subject-game environment. Equipment: camera; scenery; cosmetic sets.


Goals: To consolidate the role actions of editorial staff, to show that their work is collective, and the result of the entire team depends on the quality of the work of one. To consolidate children's knowledge about the media, about the role of newspapers and magazines in our lives. Develop children's speech.

Exemplary game actions: editorial board; making a newspaper or magazine layout; distributing tasks and completing them; taking photographs, writing articles;

using drawings, coming up with headlines; compiling a newspaper (magazine).

Subject-game environment. Equipment: cameras; magazine layouts; notebooks;

photographs; film; typewriter; computer; drawings.

Beeline Corporation, MTS, Megafon

Goals: to teach children to independently assign roles and act according to the role they have assumed. Reflect the phenomena of social reality in the game, reinforce the rules of behavior in public places, corporate ethics, develop speech etiquette skills, learn to join in group work and independently find attractive moments in it, learn to evaluate the quality of a task, and develop cooperation skills.

Approximate game actions: the work of telecom operators; the work of sales managers for telephones and other means of communication; a repair shop; payment for services; help desk.

Subject-game environment. Equipment: cell phones; computers; invoice forms; checks; items and packages with Beeline symbols; badges for employees; advertising brochures, magazines.

Design studio

Objectives: Learn to independently assign roles and act according to the role, develop the skill of speech etiquette, learn to join in group work and independently find attractive moments in it, learn to evaluate the quality of a task (your own work and your play partners), learn to express your opinion publicly; consolidate children's knowledge about the life around them, continue to introduce them to the employees of the design studio.

Approximate game actions: choosing an object, accepting an order; layout competition; selection of materials, measurement of the area of ​​work; coordination with the customer; interior design, delivery of the order; addition of decorative details; resolution in case of conflict or controversial situations; payment for the order.

Subject-game environment. Equipment: albums for interior decoration; samples of fabrics, wallpaper, paint, etc.; layout of various rooms; decorative ornaments; flannelgraph with a set of pictures of furniture and decorative ornaments; centimeter; roulette; albums with lamp samples; albums on floristry.

In a collective game there are usually organizers, thanks to whom the children’s plans are realized. The children choose the organizers themselves. To impart knowledge to children about the work of adults, I conducted excursions to Ak Bars Bank, a travel agency, etc. The children observed: the work of adults. I drew their attention not only to the external side of the work of adults, I explained how adults approach their work, how their work is organized.

In conclusion, I would like to say that role-playing games will definitely come into the lives of our children. But how rich and varied it will be, and how many complex life conflicts children will overcome while playing, largely depends on us, teachers. Do not forget that role-playing games are a very powerful means of successful socialization and mastering the skills of solving the most unforeseen situations. It is not without reason that the best managers in the world resort in their work to an analogue of a children’s role-playing game, which they call “business” in an adult way.


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5. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008.


6.V.V.Zenkovsky. Psychology of childhood. Ekaterinburg, Business book, 1995.

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