Card file “Outdoor games on a walk” to help preschool teachers Card file on the topic

Card index of outdoor games for children 5–7 years old

Viktor Yarkov

Card index of outdoor games for children 5–7 years old


Goal: To teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving according to the verbal signal.

Description of the game: The teacher calls the names of 3-4 children and invites them to prepare for the flight, having first shown how to start the engine and how to fly.

The named children go out and stand randomly on one side of the playground or room. The teacher says: “Get ready for the flight. Start the engines!

Children make rotational movements with their arms in front of their chest and pronounce the sound “r-r-r”
After the teacher’s signal “Let’s fly!”
children spread their arms to the sides
(like the wings of an airplane)
and fly - scattering in different directions.
At the teacher’s signal “Landing!”
they go to their chairs and sit on them.
Then another group of children .
Instructions for carrying out: The teacher must show the children all the game movements. When playing the game for the first time, he performs the movements together with the children.

When the game is repeated, you can call a larger number of children , and after repeated repetitions, you can invite all the children to fly on airplanes.


Goal: To teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place.

Description of the game: Children stand on the edge of the playground in a column, holding multi-colored mugs (serso)

“The cars are driving along the same road”
- the children run after each other, spinning in circles, imitating the movement of the steering wheel. Teacher:
“The road is bad, bumps, mud, we are driving quietly”
- the children slow down. At the teacher’s command:
“There are many roads, let’s go to different ones sides”
, the children run into the loose. At the teacher’s command:
“To the garage!
Let's get home quickly!" all the children return to their places.

During subsequent repetitions, the teacher only gives signals: “Let’s take the same road.”

“Bad road”
“Many roads”
“To the garage!”

"Beetles and Bird"

Goal: Teach children to “run”

on your palms and soles and quickly roll over onto your back.

Description of the game: Children, standing on their hands and feet, crawl across the entire playground, at the teacher’s signal “Bird”

roll over onto their backs and vigorously dangle their legs and arms
(scare the bird away)

“Wonderful bag”
game ) Purpose: To teach children to identify an object blindfolded.

Game description: Children sit on benches on the veranda or on the playground. One of them approaches the table, on which lies a bag of items. With eyes closed, the child must name the object after touching it with his hands.

"Breathing exercises"

"Hares and the Wolf"

Goal: To teach children to jump on two legs, loosely, without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal.

Description of the game: Children with a teacher stand on the edge of the playground - “House of Hares”

“The hares will now run to the meadow to play, jump, and nibble the grass
Children run, perform isolated jumps, landing on bent legs by rolling from the toe to the entire foot. The teacher always encourages the correct execution of the jump “You are a real hare, you jump so quietly”
- they squat
“nibble the grass”
Teacher “Wolf!
Run home, hares! - the children run to the edge of the playground.
The role of a wolf is played by a toy in the hands of a teacher. During subsequent repetitions, the teacher only gives the signal “Wolf!”
- but does not prompt children to act on this signal.
Gradually, only the signals “Hares!”

"The Mother Hen and the Chicks"

Goal: To teach children to crawl under the rope on their knees and palms only when overcoming an obstacle, without touching it, to dodge the catcher, to be careful and attentive; teach them to act on a signal, not to push other children to help them .

Game description: "Chicks"

located along one side of the platform, the cord is stretched 3 m.
from children . There is a fox sitting on the opposite side of the platform. The hen leaves the house and goes in search of food, she calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko
. When called, the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk with her, looking for food.

Scatter the “feed”

so that the children try to quickly crawl under the cord:
“Hurry up, chickens, otherwise there won’t be enough grains for everyone

At the signal “Fox!”

the chickens quickly run away. The role of the fox is played by the teacher; she does not catch, but only pretends to be catching up.

2.Goal: To consolidate the ability to regulate the force of the push when jumping from a bench 30 cm high. Pay attention to ways of crawling up in conditions when children’s hands are empty (running into the yard)

and when they are busy
(carrying grains)

Description: "Chicks"

standing on a bench.
Before running into the garden, they must jump off the bench h 30 cm and jump over the cord lying 20 cm, 40 cm from it, crawl under the cord h 60 cm on their feet and run out into the yard for grains ( mosaic)
At the signal “Fox”,
the children return to the chicken coop with grains, overcoming obstacles.

"Who will collect more mushrooms"

Goal: To teach children to navigate in space without bumping into each other and to quickly find and collect objects.

“grow” throughout the entire area

mushrooms, 2-3 children, at the teacher’s signal, begin to collect them, and at the teacher’s signal, they finish collecting them.
The teacher, together with the children, examines the mushrooms and notes those children who have collected the most mushrooms.
"Who left?"

mobility game/
Purpose: To develop attention and observation skills in children.

Game description: Children stand in a circle. The teacher blindfolds one child and takes the other behind the screen. The child's eyes are untied, and he must name the child who was taken out behind the screen.

"Rabbits and the Master"

Goal: To teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, to crawl under the legs of chairs, to develop dexterity and confidence.

Game description: On one side of the court in a limited area “cage”

for rabbits.
The boundaries of the “cage”
are indicated by two chairs without a cord.
On the opposite side of the hall, the “owner”
is the teacher.
Between the “owner”
the “cage”
there is a meadow where children-rabbits are walking. The owner drives the rabbits into the cage and explains: “As soon as I open the cage, all the rabbits will go for a walk.
Be careful, we’re only crawling out of the cage.” The rabbits crawl out of the cage, walk through the meadow, crawl, run, and “nibble grass.”
At the signal:
“Rabbits, go home!”
the children run back to the cage.
During subsequent repetitions, children perform all actions according to the signals “Walk!”
. The teacher makes sure that the children crawl out and return only to a limited place - the entrance to the cage.

"Sparrows and the cat"

Goal: To teach children to jump softly , bending their knees, run without touching each other, dodge the catcher, quickly run away, find their place; teach children to be careful when taking up space and not to push their friends.

Game description: Children stand on benches - “Branches”

placed along the walls. At the signal:
- children jump, run, move forward, look for grains.
At the signal “Cat,”
the children run behind the bench and climb back onto it.
The role of the “cat”
is played by the child.


Goal: To teach children to move in pairs , coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change movements according to them.

Description of the game: 3-4 pairs of children stand in a column, holding each other's hands. With their free hands they hold on to the cord, the ends of which are tied, that is, some children hold on to the cord with their right hand, others with their left. This is a tram. The teacher stands in one of the corners of the room, holding three flags in his hands: yellow, green, red. He explains to the children that the tram moves when the signal is green, when it turns yellow it slows down, and when it turns red it stops. The teacher raises the green flag and the tram moves: children run along the edges of the hall (playground)

. If the teacher raises a yellow or red flag, the tram slows down and stops.

“Who will load the vegetables faster?”

Goal: To teach children to act in concert with each other, quickly transfer and collect objects.

Game description: 1. The rooms “grow”

vegetables, 2-3 children, at the teacher’s signal, begin to collect them, and at the teacher’s signal, they finish collecting them.
The teacher, together with the children, examines the vegetables and notes those children who picked up the most vegetables.
2. Vegetables are in a heap on one side of the site, the car is on the other side of the site. Children line up in a chain from the pile of vegetables to the car and pass each vegetable from hand to hand.

"Blow the ball into the goal"

/breathing exercises/

Goal: To teach children to take a full chest of air and blow it out completely. /ventilation/.

Description of the game: Blow a ball of cotton wool /ball/ into the goal, perform at the table.

"Colored Cars"

Goal: To train children in the ability to use running at different speeds, to quickly change the direction of movement when running in all directions. Encourage you to move faster and develop endurance.

Description of the game: 1. Along the perimeter of the site at a distance of 15-20m. from garages, mark houses, shops, draw lines (streets where cars are heading. At the signal “To the garage”

the cars return and drive in depending on the position of the flag. Then the teacher encourages a quick run: “Now let’s see whose fire truck will arrive first to the burning house;
whose ambulance
will arrive first to the patient.”
The run begins at the signal “Go

2. the children into three teams, holding steering wheels (rings of different colors)

Each team has its own color.
The teacher takes turns raising rings of different colors and the “cars”
drive out of the garages one by one. Children are running around the playground. The teacher simultaneously lowers all the rings, and the cars drive into the garages. The team that returns to its garage the fastest wins.

"By the Bear in the Forest"

Purpose: To train children in the ability to use running at speed or with dodging, depending on the situation.

Game description: At the signal “Children!”

- the guys go to the clearing and say the words:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries (they pick mushrooms and berries and walk around the entire clearing)


They stop and tease the bear:

And the bear was disgusted.

Frozen on the stove!

Children walk and run around the playground. At the signal “bear!”

run away to their house.


Goal: To teach children to crawl on their hands and feet under the nearest obstacle, to develop quick orientation in space.

Description of the game: The owner opens the cage and the rabbits, crawling under a cord h 60cm, run to the meadow, nibble the grass, and run. On the opposite side of the hall, there are rabbit holes where you can escape from the fox (arch height 60cm)

The fox hole is in the middle of the hall. At the signal “Fox!”
the rabbits escape from it by crawling under the nearest obstacle, so they can return home. The role of the fox is initially performed by the teacher.

“There will be firewood for the winter”

Goal: To teach children to perform the exercise in pairs, moving rhythmically.

We'll cut the log now,

Saw-saw, saw-saw,

One-two! One-two! There will be firewood for the winter. (E. Blaginina)

Description of the game: Children stand in pairs, facing each other, giving their right hands to one another. With the beginning of the poem, imitate the movements of sawyers (taken with right hands)

. When repeating, they give each other their left hands.

"Finger gymnastics"

"Find your color"

Goal: To teach children to act quickly on a signal, to teach them to navigate in space, and to develop dexterity.

Description of the game: The teacher distributes flags (circles, ribbons)

three or four colors: red, blue, yellow, green.
Children with flags of the same color stand in different places in the room, near flags of certain colors. After the teacher says , “Go for a walk,”
the children disperse around the playground in different directions. When the teacher says,
“Find your color
,” the children gather near the flag of the corresponding color.

"Migration of Birds"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to move from running to climbing a gymnastic wall, correctly grasping the bar with your hands and placing your foot in the middle of your foot.

Game description: Children are divided into two groups “Sparrows”

stand on the gymnastic wall (a tall tree, and
stand on gymnastic sticks
(a low tree)
. At the signal
“Birds are flying,”
the children go down the stairs and run around the playground.
- the children return to their places. After After 2-3 repetitions, children change aids.

"Who is faster?"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to run with acceleration and deceleration, taking the correct and. n. for running.

Description of the game: Children line up in fours, each with two objects on the starting line (a bag, a cube, children’s chairs on the opposite side. At the signal “Run!”

children take one object at a time and run to a chair on the opposite side, leave the object on the chair and run for the second object, do the same and return back behind the starting line. The first one to complete the task wins. Then the second four perform the same exercise, etc. The running distance is 8 m.

"Traffic light"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to accept the right and. when rolling a small ball. Run easily without bumping into each other.

Game description: All children are divided into 4 units. An adult plays the role of a traffic light; he has a red flag in his hands. At the signal "Go"

all the children run around pretending to be a car steering wheel with a ball.
At the signal “To the bridge,”
everyone lines up at the line.
To drive across the bridge you need to take the right way. p. and roll the ball with either hand into the goal at a distance of 3 m. Then catch up with your ball and continue running around the entire hall. If the child and... n. I misunderstood that
the red light at
the “traffic light
” is .

"Christmas trees and the forester"

mobility game/
Purpose: To train children in the ability to take correct posture, develop expressiveness, and smooth movements.

Description of the game: The Christmas trees in the forest move smoothly: they sway, dance in circles; but when the forester came to the forest, the fir trees froze and assumed the correct posture. The forester will choose the slenderest Christmas tree for the New Year.

"Don't fall into the mousetrap"

Goal: To train children in running in all directions , without bumping, in using acceleration, and to develop courage.

Game description: 6-7 children form a wide circle (mousetrap)

Children run into the “mousetrap”
and, quickly running, run out of any gate.
At the “Clap”
, children standing in a circle quickly squat down -
the “mousetrap”
slams shut.
The children who come across stand in a circle. 6-7 children remaining are eventually declared winners and offered to catch “mice”

"Kittens and Puppies"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to move on the feet and palms, crawling under a cord h-60cm, climb and descend along the gymnastic wall, without missing the slats.

Description of the game: Children are divided into two subgroups - “kittens”


The kittens are on the gymnastic wall (the height is determined by the child himself, on the opposite side there are puppies. The teacher invites the kittens to run, the children go down and run around the hall. At the signal “Puppies”

another group
of children crawl under the cord and run on all fours after the kittens. The kittens meow and return to the “tree”
and climb onto the gymnastic wall. The puppies return to the house. After 3 repetitions, children change roles.

"Snowflakes and the Wind"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to run easily across the entire court without bumping into each other.

Game description: The teacher gives the signal “Wind”

and all the snowflakes begin to spin and run around the site.
“The wind has died down,”
the teacher gives the command, and all the snowflakes crouch down and freeze.

"I'll freeze it"

Goal: To develop the ability to quickly change the direction of movement when chasing, to use running at speed and dodging.

Description of the game: Introduce a rule: if a child runs to the edge of the playground and crouches, he cannot be salted. Avoid chasing after one child, but you can’t sit in one place for a long time.

"Taking the Fortress"

Goal: To train children in the ability to perform an energetic forward-upward swing when throwing: to consolidate the ability to take the correct and. when operating with small objects (snowballs or bags)

Encourage children to adjust the force of the throw depending on the distance (2m, 3m)

Game description: As a “fortress”

you can use a snow building or a gymnastic wall (whose snowball ends up on the other side of the wall hits
the “fortress”
). Mark 3 distances (2m, 3m, 3.5m, children independently determine the place for throwing, encourage the correct execution of throwing, hitting the fortress, only then the distance of location.

"Stand up and sit down"

/ low
mobility game /
Purpose: To strengthen children's attention , to perceive commands by ear and to carry them out clearly and quickly.

Description of the game: The teacher gives the commands: “Sit down”

“Stand up
,” but he himself can sometimes do the opposite. Children should follow the command they hear, and not what the teacher sometimes shows.

"Snowball game"


Goal: To consolidate the ability to run in all directions, without bumping, and quickly navigate in space.

Game description: Children stand on the edge of the playground, in the center is the teacher (Santa Claus)


Educator: I am Frost - red nose

I'll freeze my hands and nose

Which one of you will decide

Set off on the path.

Children: We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost.

Children run to the other side of the playground, dodging the teacher.


Goal: To practice the ability to perform acceleration.

Description of the game: Children stand at a distance of 3-4 m from the edge of the site, on which 3-4 traps are located. On the signal "Catch"

they catch up with the fleeing people.
Depending on the capabilities of the traps, change the distance to the evaders and the distance for running (15-25m)


Goal: To train children in the ability to quickly change running speed, run with high knees and mincing steps depending on the ground and the signal, and perform acceleration. Coordinate movements, acting in pairs (driver-horse)


Game description: Children are divided into pairs ( “horses”

They run around the site without colliding with each other. You can arrange a race. You can the “horses”
in twos or threes.

"Hens and Chicks"

Purpose: To train children in performing jumping in natural conditions. Draw attention to the softness of the landing.

Game description: Children are divided into two subgroups “Chickens”

and place them on opposite sides of the site.
At the signal “Walk”, the “chickens”
jump from a bench 30 cm high, jumping over a stream 50 cm wide, and
the “chicks”
jump out of hoops, also jump over a stream 50 cm wide and run into the clearing.
At the “Fox”
, everyone returns to the house, running behind the bench and hoops.

"Homeless Hare"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to easily navigate in space, run in all directions without bumping into each other, quickly make decisions when running, monitor the actions of other children .

Description of the game: Hoops /houses for hares/ are laid out on one side of the site, with a house for each hare. At the teacher’s signal, the hares come out of the houses into the clearing, jumping and frolicking. At the signal from the teacher “Volu”

children hide in their houses. As the game progresses, the teacher removes one hoop or several hoops. The hare, who does not have enough house, leaves the game, in the end only the fastest and most dexterous remain.

"Find the Lost Chicken"

/Game of low
Purpose: To teach children to find an object at the teacher’s prompt.

Description of the game: The teacher hides the object in the group in advance and gives several clues to the children as the game progresses. Children are looking for an object.

"Ball over the net"

Goal: To train children in the ability to throw a ball with different forces, taking into account the distance, to release the ball along an arcuate path.

Description of the game: 2 teams stand on opposite sides of the net, each child has a large ball. At the signal, they begin to throw the ball to the opponent’s side. At the signal, the transfer ends; whichever team has extra balls remains, it loses.

"Shepherd and Flock"

Goal: To teach children to independently use different methods of climbing in accordance with the conditions of the game in a calm environment.

Game description: In the "herd"

different animals - horses, cows, goats, they all live in different houses.
Children are divided into 3 groups according to height. Tall – horses – arch height 60cm; medium height – cows – arc 50cm; low growth - goats - arc 40cm. At the signal “Horn” (whistle or music),
all the animals calmly leave the houses, and the shepherd leads them to graze.
They run, jump, walk around the “pasture”
, at the signal
everyone returns to their homes, trying not to hit the arc, choosing the right method of crawling.

"Sparrows and Doves"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to climb a gymnastic wall (climb onto two slats, listen to the signal.

Game description: Children put on medallions with the designation “sparrows”

and run around the site.
At a signal, the “sparrows”
climb onto the gymnastics ladder, and
the “pigeons”
stand in the hoops located on the opposite side of the site.
"Let's fly!"
- children go down the gymnastics stairs, run out of the hoops and run into the loose.
At the command “Pigeons”,

climb onto the wall , and
occupy the hoops.

"Fox in the Chicken Coop"

Purpose: To train children to softly jump from different heights and quickly rise to a height.

Game description: Use the steps of the veranda, benches; if the fox is very fast and dexterous, then it is necessary to increase the distance or it will crawl out of the “hole”

The “chicken coop”
into which the children crawl is located on the side of the site, closer to the other chicken coop. Make sure you jump and climb correctly.

"Bears and Bees"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to move from running to climbing a gymnastic wall, rising higher, and going all the way down in a calm environment, without missing the rails.

Game description: "Bears"

from the edge of the site they move to
the “trees”
the “bees”
sit on gymnastic walls
The "bears"
woke up
the "bees"
Everyone quickly descends from the gymnastic walls, the “bees”
try to sting
the “bears”
. Then they change.

"Save the Chick"

game Purpose: To train children in the ability to act in a coordinated and careful manner.

Description of the game: Children find a nest with a chick, line up in a chain and, passing the nest from hand to hand, lift it up a tree / gymnastic wall or shelf /.

"Migration of Birds"

Purpose: To train children in the ability to perform the correct grip of the gymnastic wall bar, vines and correct foot placement on the move (children stand with their feet only on the first bottom rail)


Description of the game: Children fly around the playground when the teacher signals “Danger”

children fly up to the gymnastics wall and climb onto it.

"Sparrows and the car"

Goal: To teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place.

Description of the game: Children with a teacher stand at one end of the hall, at the other end of the hall a place for a car is designated. At the teacher’s command: “The sparrows have flown out of the nest.”

children begin to run around the hall in different directions. At the signal: “Car (teacher, and the sparrows run away to their places.”

"Cat and Mice"

Goal: To teach children to run easily , on their toes, without bumping into each other; navigate in space, change movements at the teacher’s signal.

Description of the game: Identify holes for children - hoops, chairs, benches. On the opposite side of the hall sits a cat, whose role is played by the teacher. At the Mouse's

children run out of their holes and run all over the hall.
Place forfeits ( "cheese")
, encourage
children to run closer to the cat to pick up the "cheese"
. At the signal
the mice run into the hole. The cat
to catch
the children .
"Planes and clouds"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to run in all directions, without bumping, and quickly navigate in space.

Description of the game. Children are divided into two groups: some “airplanes”

, other
- 5-6 people, all with medallions indicating their roles. Both groups are located on opposite sides of the hall. On command:

"Planes are flying

And they don’t want to go to earth,

They are flying merrily in the sky,

But they won’t collide with each other” - the children run in all directions. At the signal from “Clouds”,
the “airplanes”
fly to
the “airport”
Those who are caught remain at the “airport”
for one game.

“Who gets to the other side of the court faster?”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to move from running to crawling on your feet without using your hands under a cord stretched at a height of 70 cm.

Description of the game: The teacher can select different types of obstacles to overcome the site, and you can also use different types of running.

"Find your tree"

Goal: To develop in children quick orientation in space and the ability to run without bumping, quickly changing the direction of movement.

Description of the game: The teacher and the children examine the trees on the site, the children each have one leaf from the trees that are located close in their hands; At the teacher’s signal, the children move around the playground /fly/. At the teacher’s signal “Tree”

, each child finds
tree; After 2-3 repetitions, change the leaves.

Outdoor play as a means of physical development and strengthening the mental health of a child


Antipina Natalya Viktorovna,

teacher at MADOU Child Development Center -

kindergarten No. 146 in Tyumen

Outdoor play is one of the main means of children’s physical education. According to Pyotr Frantsevich Lesgaft’s definition, “outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life.”

One of the main goals of my teaching activity is to satisfy children’s natural biological need for movement, to achieve a good level of health and development of children’s motor experience.

Relevance - problems in communication between children; - conflicts between children; - children’s inability to track their feelings and experiences; - inability to conduct a dialogue; - lack of experience in expressing one’s emotions in socially acceptable forms

In our group, about 25% of children are in an emotionally unstable state: with excessive motor and emotional activity, with difficulty concentrating on educational activities, these children have changeable moods, show outbursts of anger, aggression, problems that arise are solved through conflicts, there are also shy ones children.

Outdoor play is a complex motor, emotionally charged activity, determined by precisely established rules.

Since outdoor play with rules is a conscious, active activity of a child, the goal of which is achieved by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players, I am trying to make outdoor play my ally.


  • Ø on a walk;
  • in physical education classes;
  • during holidays and leisure;
  • Ø as physical education minutes in other classes;
  • in pauses between classes (motor warm-up).

I carry out correctional work through gaming activities. After all, if nothing is done, such a child does not always “outgrow” this condition. Older children with similar manifestations tend to conflict, show aggression, they have difficulty adapting to a team

THE ROLE OF OUTDOOR GAMES in the physical development and education of preschool children

  • Ø Improve motor skills.
  • Ø Develop strength, endurance, agility, coordination, endurance.
  • Ø They develop strong-willed qualities: endurance, courage, the ability to overcome difficulties, independence.
  • Ø Forms honesty, discipline, justice.

It should be noted that in outdoor games, children not only learn to move correctly, but also learn to navigate space, coordinate their actions with the actions of their peers, and act in accordance with the rules.

They develop mental processes: memory, attention, imagination, form independence, activity, initiative, knowledge about the surrounding life, the properties of objects is clarified, children get acquainted with new words and learn to pronounce them.

Thus, outdoor games have a huge impact on the all-round development of children.

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