Long-term plan for the long-term project “A fairy tale is knocking on our door.”

Planning a thematic week “Visiting a Fairy Tale” in the middle group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard

Organization of developmental independent activities for children.

Place in - collections of fairy tales illustrated by different artists, illustrations, postcards depicting fairy tale heroes.

Didactic and printed board games on the topic. Puzzles, cut-out pictures, dominoes based on fairy tales. Masks, elements of costumes of fairy tale heroes; Paintings depicting plots and heroes of Russian folk tales, materials for creative works, reproductions of paintings based on Russian folk tales; Design of the exhibition of drawings “Heroes of Russian folk tales in my drawings”

Interaction with parents and social partners.

Involve parents in collecting a library of fairy tales.

Organize a competition for family works based on fairy tales.

Making a collage based on fairy tales.

Consultation Fairy tale therapy
in the life of preschool children”
Drawing up a recommended list of works of art for parents to read, watch, discuss together.

Types of children's activities

Contents and forms of work.

“A fairy tale has come to visit us.”

"Russian folk tales from a magic chest."

Goal: To help children understand what oral folk art is. Introduce the concepts of fairy tales, everyday tales, and tales about animals. Systematize knowledge about Russian folk tales.

“What is good and what is bad in fairy tales.”

Reading fiction

Miracles and transformations in fairy tales

Literary quiz

“In the Land of Fairy Tales” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales.
To develop the ability to recognize fairy tales and their heroes. Develop interest in Russian folk art. Cultivate a love for books and respect for them. Excursion to the library “Where Fairy Tales Live”

on a walk, looking for the sun, looking at an inanimate object - looking at flowers in a flower bed, at passers-by, at insects.

Morning exercises

"Heroes of Fairy Tales"

Didactic games and exercises.

“Tell a story using a series of pictures”

“Find out the fairy tale from the illustrations.”

“Which fairy tales are mixed up” (group the characters by fairy tales).

“Who was here and forgot what?”

“What kind of fairy tale is this?” “What’s extra?”

Games to develop fine motor skills.

"Fairytale mosaic" Puzzles.

Gymnastics for the eyes.
Finger games based on folk tales.
Construction game

: “Fairy-tale palaces.” Goal: develop the ability to work with building materials, complement buildings with proportionate objects, and play with them.


"Figures of fairy-tale animals."


illustrations for Russian folk tales


"Grandmother's Tales"


to your favorite fairy tale." Continue working on using different art materials for drawing. Develop creativity, imagination, independence.

Exhibition of drawings

“Heroes of Russian folk tales in my drawings” We draw a fairy-tale city with crayons.
Application -
“Fairytale Bird”

Listening to songs and music from fairy tales and animated films. “The Wolf and the Fox”, “The Tale of the Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”.


songs and music from fairy tales and animated films. “The Wolf and the Fox”, “The Tale of the Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”.

Manual labor: “Repairing books”

Making a collage based on fairy tales

Final event:
Sports entertainment
“One, two, five and eight, we transport everyone into a fairy tale!”
of family works based on fairy tales, compiling a collage based on fairy tales.

Planning a theme week

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