Music director's long-term plan for holidays and entertainment for the year.material

Children's holiday - what could be more fun, exciting and joyful than this event. Parents want to make their child's birthday or other important date memorable. Fortunately, today there are plenty of companies providing such services. Beginning entrepreneurs are increasingly paying attention to this area of ​​business, because it does not require serious investments, and creativity and imagination contribute to the rapid advancement of the business. A business plan for organizing children's parties is not only about writing scripts and preparing a show. This includes a full market analysis, determining the level of competition, creating your own competitive advantages, searching for animators and much more. As a result, with the correct organization of a business, it can pay for itself in a short time and generate good income.

Business in organizing parties for children: relevance, pros and cons of the idea

Every year the relevance of services for organizing children's parties increases. This is due to several factors:

  1. Increasing birth rate - since 2010, the population of Russia has been growing steadily. About 2 million children are born every year.
  2. Stability - the economic situation in the country is quite stable, wages, although not sharply, are still increasing, which allows people to save for vacation. For married couples with children, leisure time primarily involves visiting entertainment events for children.
  3. Availability - the criterion partly consists of the previous one, as well as low prices for organizing children's parties.

Taken together, it can be assumed that 80% of families can afford to give such a gift to their child, and more than half of people do just that. The demand for companies and private animators is so high that bookings are made weeks and sometimes months in advance. This is especially true for the New Year holidays and the summer period.

Positive aspects of business:

  1. Demand - if previously children saw clowns and animators only in the circus or at citywide performances, today, for little money, cheerful characters personally visit children and give them joy.
  2. Client base - with high-quality work, a wide range of scenarios and an affordable price, the entrepreneur quickly gains regular customers, providing regular income without downtime.
  3. Profit - organizing holidays does not require huge investments, like other types of business. There is no need for monthly purchases of goods, returning expired products, etc. It is enough to purchase or sew custom costumes once, and then just update the props. At first, you can even do without an office and make deals exclusively over the phone, and hold meetings with clients in a cafe. This results in a high net profit with minimal investment.
  4. There are no limits to earnings - a businessman can earn exactly as much as he has enough creativity and imagination. Some limit themselves to 2-3 orders per week, while others organize 15-20 performances during the same period, collaborating with several groups of animators or employing them as permanent employees.
  5. Work that brings joy is an important factor for creative people. In this case, organizing children's parties will become not a daily routine, but a hobby with good profit.

Negative sides:

  1. Competition is the main disadvantage of business. Every medium and large city already has a number of well-known companies organizing children's parties. It will not be possible to surpass them at the start, because the newcomer has neither reputation nor fame in this area. An entrepreneur faces difficult work in promoting his project, developing a client base and creating competitive advantages.
  2. Personnel – the number of employees and work format directly depends on the expected scale of the business. But in any case, unqualified animators can seriously damage the reputation of a new player in the market, so you need to take the most responsible approach to forming a staff of workers. At first, it makes sense to enter into one-time contracts for holding festive events with famous animators of the city. In the future, it is better to recruit your own team, for which the success of the business will be just as important as for the manager.
  3. Lack of demand for services - the reason may be several factors: inflated prices, lack of advertising, boring images and scenarios, unsatisfactory work of animators, complaints and negative reviews online from clients. As a result, an entrepreneur who has worked for 1–2 months may face an unenviable fate in the field of children's parties.

Reference. Before moving on to organizational issues of business and making money, you should conduct a market analysis, identify customer needs, determine the average cost of the show and the cost of props, and calculate estimated expenses and income. Only on the basis of the information obtained can one proceed to practice if the potential profit of the project has been identified.

Plan for celebrations and entertainment in kindergarten for 2019-2020


for the 2019-2020 academic year

Entertainment and holidays: The date of the: Responsible:
— “Day of Knowledge” 02.09.2019 Serebryakova S.N.
- Puppet show:

Traffic rules "Cheerful traffic light"

05.09.2019 Dolgikh N.A.
— “On a visit to the bear” (SDA) 12.09.2019 Kolomoets T.A.
— Games are attractions 19.09.2019 Teachers of all groups
— “Festival of Politeness” 26.09.2019 Vasilyeva O.E.


- “Who came to visit?”; 04.10.2019 Serebryakova S.N.
- “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy” 11.10.2019 Vasilyeva O.E.
— Autumn matinee “Autumn Festival”; 17.10.2019 Teachers of all groups
— “Cinderella at Autumn’s Ball” 25.10.2019 Gromova E.E.
- “Hello, potato!” (sports) 31.10.2019 Kolomoets T.A.


- “What does autumn have in its basket?”; 07.11.2019 Drevina S.P.
— “Toys visiting kids”; 14.11.2019 Vasilyeva O.E.
— “Friends of Moidodyr”; 21.11.2019 Dolgikh N.A.
- “In a forest clearing” 29.11.2019 Kolomoets T.A.
Entertainment and holidays: The date of the: Responsible:
— Entertainment “Fairytale Guests” 05.12.2019 Martyka O.N.

Entertainment "Winter fun Teddy bears."
12.12.2019 Serebryakova S.N.
- "St. Nicolas day" 19.12.2019 Drevina S.P.

Matinees: “Hello New Year!”
from 26.12 to 28.12 Teachers of all groups


— Entertainment “1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we go caroling. 10.01.2020 Vasilyeva O.E.
— Entertainment “Politeness and kindness.” 17.01.2020 Ermakova L.N.
— Entertainment “Winter Fun” (sports) 23.01.2020 Dolgikh N.A.


— theatricalization based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky; 06.02.2020
— entertainment “Zayushkina’s Hut”; 13.02.2020
- Defender of the Fatherland Day 22.02.2020 Teachers of all groups
— holiday: “Maslenitsa”; 27.02.2020 Teachers of all groups
Entertainment and holidays: The date of the: Responsible:
Matinee “MARCH 8” Until 08.03 Teachers of all groups
— “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales” 12.03.2020

"Journey into the Forest"


April Fool's Day "April Trouble" 01.04.2020


08.05.2020 educators


"Children Protection Day" 01.06. Teachers of all groups
"Visiting the Sun" 07.06. Dolgikh N.A., Gromova E.E.
“Asphalt drawing competition “Peace on Earth!” 14.06. Teachers of all groups
Holiday " Traffic light - a merry fellow " 21.06. Teachers of all groups
Entertainment "Vitamin Country" 28.06. Serebryakova


«Neptune's visit» 05.07 Ermakova L.N.
"Journey to the Land of Flowers" 12.07 Martyka O.N.

for children “Forest Tale”

19.07 Gromova E.E.
Sports entertainment “Sun, air and water are my best friends” 26.07 Educators
Exhibition of drawings “My Favorite Flower” until 20.07 Senior group teachers

Market analysis

The target audience

The target audience for the business of organizing children's parties is children and their parents. And there is a little trick here. Many novice businessmen mistakenly believe that if the event is paid for from the parents’ pockets, then the advertising campaign should be aimed strictly at adults. Hence, associative videos are created incorrectly, advertising products are placed in places inaccessible to children, etc. In most cases, all PR attempts go unnoticed - parents ignore advertising, and children simply do not see it.

That is why the main target audience is children. The entire advertising campaign must be directed specifically at them, placing products in places where children will definitely notice the information, and only then will certainly convey it to their parents. And they will do it in such a way that adults will not be able to refuse their children to celebrate the holiday.

Price policy

The cost of organizing holiday events is a flexible concept. It all depends on the duration of the program, the number of animators involved and props.

You should focus both on the costs of holding a show and calculating the potential benefits, and on the average prices in the city.

The approximate price may look like this (RUB):

  • 2,500–3,500 – 30-minute program with the participation of one animator;
  • 6,000–7,000 – the same, but with the participation of animals or birds;
  • 9,000 – 1 hour program with the participation of 2-3 animators (animals are allowed);
  • 15,000–20,000 – group performance of 7–10 children.

In addition, the price segment of the show can be divided into:

  • "premium";
  • "standard";
  • "economy".

Each option has its own price that satisfies customer needs.

Assessing the level of competition and risks

Conducting a competitor analysis is not that difficult. Single animators, for whom this type of activity is a part-time job, can be ignored. Only firms and individual entrepreneurs that have staff and offer a wide range of programs are taken into account.

Up to 90% of all competitors can be identified via the Internet - Yandex or Google maps, 2GIS, regional printed publications.

Based on the information received, a list of the most popular agencies and individual entrepreneurs providing services for organizing children's parties is formed, and the format of their activities is determined.

What is taken into account in the work of competitors:

  • price segment;
  • number of programs;
  • quality and quantity of props;
  • the presence of animals in the show and other original steps;
  • staff;
  • the specifics of the work are concluding contracts with everyone, including individuals, or collaborating only with educational institutions and speaking at city events.

The information obtained is sufficient to determine the level of competition, the capabilities of other companies and the formation of their own competitive advantages.

Despite the many positive aspects of the children's party business, the activity is associated with some risks:

  • Reduced demand for services - the risk is associated with high competition, as well as with the well-being of the population. Increasing prices for food, utilities and the lack of wage growth directly affects the number of orders downward.
  • Long-term payback of the project - with an insufficient advertising campaign, business promotion can drag on for months, during which effort, time and money are invested in the project, but it still does not pay off.
  • Other factors beyond the control of the entrepreneur (changes in legislation, increased tax rates).

Seasonality factor

The business of organizing children's parties can be called seasonal. This is especially noticeable on the eve of the New Year holidays. During this period, the demand for animators in the form of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and fairy-tale characters increases tenfold, so you can earn 3 months of revenue in a few weeks.

In addition, there are several more peak periods during the year:

  • the end of winter and the beginning of spring, which coincides with Maslenitsa;
  • May – graduations in kindergartens;
  • September – the beginning of the year in child care institutions;
  • end of October – Halloween celebration.

This all applies to orders from public and private structures that, together with parents, want to please their children. Orders for birthday parties do not depend on seasonality and are received regularly throughout the year.

Reference. It is a mistake to think that organizing children's events involves working only on weekends and holidays, because on weekdays children are busy with school. In practice, birthday greetings are ordered exactly on the day the child was born. You can’t explain to a kid - “today is your holiday, but it’s Monday, everyone is at work, so let’s celebrate his birthday on Saturday, when relatives and friends can get together.” There are plenty of orders from animators at any time.

Holiday planning

Planning the educational process in preschool educational institutions based on calendar holidays.

In our kindergarten, along with weekly calendar-thematic planning of the educational process, holiday planning is widely used, with the help of which teachers expand students’ understanding of the events of Russian and world holiday culture; introduce you to holiday etiquette, rituals, and customs; introduce you to the diversity of professions and working people; foster a desire to cherish and protect the surrounding nature, a positive attitude of the child towards himself and the people around him, tolerance, friendliness, a desire to bring joy to people and share it with others, empathy, care; strengthen family values ​​by involving parents in active cooperation; enrich vocabulary, develop children's creative abilities; cultivate aesthetic feelings and love for art.

Since ancient times, holidays have been the basis of human culture. The holiday calendar includes a huge number of different celebrations, which differ in their history, have their own traditions, rituals, carry various functions, many of them are entertaining in nature. There is a festive culture, which includes traditions, customs, rituals, and festive etiquette.

During the calendar year, using a monthly list of holidays that are understandable to preschoolers, we introduce children to the main international, state, national, and professional holidays both during organized educational activities and in their free time. Particular attention is paid to telling stories to children, conversations, reading fiction, viewing illustrations, presentations, videos, animated films, role-playing games, productive activities for students, regular entertainment and festive events, organizing exhibitions of crafts and drawings.

Children get acquainted with professional holidays: Day of preschool workers, post office, air traffic controller, cook, police, rescuer, dentist, nurses, fire department; with environmental holidays: Day without a car, sea, animals, nature reserves, cats, Earth; with social holidays: Day of Peace, the Elderly, the Disabled, Tolerance, Hugs, Thank You, Smiles, Human Rights, Family, Mother in Russia; with cultural holidays: Day of beauty, music, architecture, theater, museums, libraries; with educational holidays: Day of planetariums, children's television and radio broadcasting, animation.

When introducing students to holiday culture, we implement many ideas. Thus, we traditionally celebrate Mother’s Day in Russia with a concert program, which is attended by mothers and the rector of the Intercession Church, John Bakushkin. The priest talks with the children and instructs them, reminding them that it is important not only to accept mother’s love with gratitude, but also to take care of the mother yourself: try not to upset her, always take care, help, please. In November 2021, before this wonderful holiday, as part of the parent club, the project “I bake with my mother” was implemented in our preschool educational institution. The children of the “Bunnies” group, under the guidance of their skillful mothers, baked cakes, pies, cookies, and pastries at home. At the end of the matinee, preschoolers were shown a video that captured this fascinating process in different families. And then children and adults went to tea, where everyone appreciated the masterpieces of baking.

On Rescuer Day of the Russian Federation, we met people of heroic professions. Employees of the Center for Prevention and Response to Emergency Situations and members of the fire brigade came to visit us. With great interest, preschoolers studied means of rescuing drowning people, the structure of a fire engine, and repeated various rules of safe behavior indoors, outdoors and in nature.

International Mother Language Day was celebrated by watching a presentation and conversation on the topic “Treasury of the Russian Language” and getting acquainted with educational cartoons from the “Our Friend Pishichitai” series.

On World Marine Mammal Day, educators told children about how important it is to protect these animals. Next, productive types of children's activities were organized: the kids of the "Cherry" group drew whales using cotton swabs and gouache, the middle group "Squirrels" painted images, the senior group "Bunnies" performed a collective cut-out appliqué "Cheerful Whale".

In this way, we help preschoolers expand their understanding of professional holidays, holidays related to nature, science and technological progress, and the preservation and promotion of health. The students delight us with their interest, activity, patriotic spirit, social and moral feelings, and manifestation of creative abilities.

Pedagogical diagnostics includes several types of tasks: these are questions with expected specific answers, reflecting children’s ideas about holidays; questions for reflection, comparison, choice situations; tasks to reveal creative abilities. It allows you to determine the knowledge, abilities, skills of children on issues of festive culture, identify the social and moral position, the level of formation of moral and emotional feelings, imagination, arbitrariness - perseverance, accuracy, the desire to plan the stages of their activities and bring the work started to the end.

Diagnostic questions and tasks

1. What is a holiday?
Why do people need holidays? How do you understand the expression “holiday mood”? 2. Name the types of holidays. 3. What refers to the state symbols of Russia? 4. List the calendar public holidays of the Russian Federation. 5. What Russian folk holidays do you know, and at what time of year are they celebrated? 6. What international holidays do you know? 7. What applies to living and what to inanimate nature? 8. What holidays related to nature do you know? 9. Word game “What does anyone need for work.” The presenter names the profession, the child names the helper items, then the players change places. 10. List professional holidays. 11. Remember the symbols, attributes of several holidays of your choice (for example, New Year - a decorated tree, Maslenitsa - pancakes, Victory Day - the Eternal Flame). 12. What family holidays do you celebrate with your relatives? 13. How should you prepare for a festive reception of guests? 14. How should you prepare for a holiday visit? 15. Do you like to give gifts? 16. Do you like to receive gifts? 17. Think about what gifts would be suitable for these holidays: Knowledge Day, Mother’s Day, New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women’s Day, World Theater Day, April Fool’s Day, World Health Day, Easter, Victory Day, International Family Day, Birthday . 18. What holidays did we celebrate this year in kindergarten, which one do you remember most and why exactly? 19. Name your favorite holiday. 20. Which holiday is the most exciting for you? 21. Which holiday do you consider the most important, important? 22. Read a poem you learned for any holiday of your choice. 23. What holiday songs do you know? 24. Come up with a holiday wish. To whom is it addressed and for what occasion? 25. What holiday gifts did you give in kindergarten and what at home? 26. The child is given a choice of a variety of materials for handicrafts: paper of different types and colors, pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, brushes, scissors, glue, plasticine, material for decorations, and is invited to make and design a card for any holiday for the person for whom the child wants to give it to you. The results are assessed as follows: if the child independently copes with tasks, answers in detail and quickly enough, has a large amount of information and willingly shares knowledge, reasoning, using concepts, notations, shows creativity, the teacher notes a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic diagnostics At an average level of knowledge, children cope with tasks with the help of a teacher, and find it difficult to answer many questions. Children with a low level of learning ability cannot cope with most tasks, even with pedagogical help. The teacher’s task is to develop the child’s skills so that his level becomes higher than the level diagnosed at the beginning of the school year.

Systematic, based on the age-related characteristics of children's development and the principles of didactics, methodically correct introduction of preschoolers to festive events of national and world scale makes it possible to include children in the current system of social relations, broaden their horizons, prepare them for successful learning at school, lay the foundations of morality, patriotism, and tolerance. , which will further help raise worthy citizens, full-fledged and full-fledged members of the world community.

This planning makes it possible to implement important tasks in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: nurturing a culture of children’s personalities, improving their morality and spirituality, enriching children’s knowledge about themselves and the world around them.

List of holidays that can be included in the educational process in a preschool organization

1 - Knowledge Day 8 - International Literacy Day 9 - International Beauty Day 21 - International Peace Day 22 - World Car Free Day 26 - World Sea Day 27 - Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers


1 — International Music Day, World Architecture Day, International Day of Older People 4 — World Animal Day 5 — World Smile Day, Teacher’s Day 6 — World Habitat Conservation Day 9 — World Post Day 20 — International Air Traffic Controller Day, International Chef Day 28 — International Animation Day


4 — National Unity Day 10 — Police Day 16 — International Day of Tolerance 18 — Father Frost’s Birthday 21 — World Greetings Day, World Television Day 25 — Mother’s Day in Russia 26 — World Information Day


3 — International Day of Persons with Disabilities 10 — Human Rights Day, World Football Day 12 — Constitution Day of the Russian Federation 15 — International Tea Day 27 — Russian Rescuer Day 28 — International Cinema Day


1 - New Year 7 - Christmas Eve and Christmas 7-19 - Christmastide 11 - International Thank You Day, Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks 14 - Old New Year 19 - Epiphany 21 - International Hug Day


2 — Day of Military Glory of Russia 8 — Day of Russian Science 9 — International Dentist Day Maslenitsa 21 — International Mother Language Day 23 — Defender of the Fatherland Day


1 - Cat Day 3 - World Writer's Day 3 - International Day of Children's Television and Radio Broadcasting 8 - International Women's Day 14 - International Rivers Day 15 - World Sleep Day 17 - International Planetarium Day 21 - World Poetry Day, International Puppeteer Day 27 - World Day theater


1 - April Fool's Day, International Bird Day 2 - International Children's Book Day 7 - World Health Day 12 - World Aviation and Space Day 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites 22 - International Earth Day 29 - World Dance Day 30 - Firefighter Day 31 — Easter (check the date according to the church calendar)


1 — Spring and Labor Day 3 — Sun Day 7 — Radio Day 9 — Victory Day 12 — International Nurses Day 15 — International Family Day 18 — International Museum Day 24 — Day of Slavic Literature and Culture 27 — All-Russian Library Day


1 - International Children's Day 5 - World Environment Day 6 - Pushkin Day of Russia (Russian Language Day) 9 - International Friends Day 12 - Russia Day 23 - International Olympic Day


3 - Traffic Police Day 7 - Ivan Kupala 8 - All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Loyalty 11 - World Chocolate Day 20 - International Chess Day 23 - World Whale and Dolphin Day 28 - Navy Day Russian Post Day - second Sunday in July


5 - International Traffic Light Day 10 - Sportsman's Day 14 - Honey Spas 18 - Russian Air Fleet Day 19 - Apple Spas 22 - National Flag Day of the Russian Federation 29 - Nut Spas Builder's Day - second Sunday in August

Lyudmila Korotkova, senior teacher,
MDOU D/s No. 9 “Friendship” p. Cherkizovo Kolomenskogo city

Organizing a business step by step

Registration of activities

The answer to the question of where to start a business for holding children's events is always the same - registration as an entrepreneur. This could be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. If there is no experience in this area, and the scale of the project requires a staff of no more than 4–6 people, then it is more advisable to register as an individual entrepreneur.

The procedure is simple:

  • preparation of documents - passport, TIN, application, paid receipt of state duty (800 rubles);
  • contacting the tax service;
  • indication of OKVED codes;
  • choice of taxation system;
  • submission of documentation.

Within 5 days you can pick up a certificate of entrepreneurial activity.

OKVED codes:

  • 93.29 – entertainment activities;
  • 96.09 – personal services not specified in other groups;
  • 74.20 – activities related to photography.

Tax system – simplified tax system 6%.

Renting premises

The office plays a secondary role in the business of organizing children's parties. Many entrepreneurs working in this area claim that it is possible to successfully start work without any premises at all.

In practice, this is possible if you store props and take orders at home, and meet clients in public places, showing your portfolio on a tablet or laptop. How convenient and practical it is, everyone decides for themselves.

Office advantages:

  • entrepreneur status;
  • work comfort;
  • the ability to demonstrate completed work, programs and props;
  • convenient place to store props;
  • having a permanent workplace away from loved ones who in one way or another can disrupt negotiations.

Standard premises requirements:

  • area – 15–20 sq. m;
  • the presence of a small storage room for props;
  • fresh cosmetic renovation;
  • availability of necessary office furniture for work;
  • location - city center or busy neighborhood.

Despite the fact that more than 50% of orders will be received via the Internet and by telephone, having your own office will create a good impression of the manager.

Drawing up a list of company services

The number of programs depends on the preferences of the entrepreneur. Naturally, the more, the better, but, as they say, you shouldn’t “overdo it” either. Some programs can be borrowed from competitors, the rest can be invented independently.

Reference. More than 50% of all show programs of entertainment agencies are identical to each other. This cannot be called plagiarism, so you can safely use established schemes.

Writing your own scripts is a great step towards success. If there is no experience in this area, then screenwriters and writers can be invited. Once written, successful programs generate income for several years.

What must be required:

  • programs with famous cartoon characters (Luntik, Masha and the Bear, Smeshariki, Disney characters) - events are intended for younger children;
  • soap bubbles show;
  • “Young Alchemist” program – presents original tricks based on knowledge of chemistry;
  • quests and intellectual games for children 10–12 years old;
  • disco and light show;
  • festive fireworks.

In addition, individual programs can be developed based on the child’s preferences, age and interests, which is already discussed with the parents in advance.

Purchase of equipment

Purchasing office equipment is not difficult. You need to buy a set of furniture and office equipment. It would be useful to have a widescreen TV or projector to display your portfolio or individual aspects of the program.

In addition, costumes will be required. They can be sewn to order or bought ready-made, which is practically the same in price. It is better to order those characters that cannot be found on the open market.

Development of scripts and purchase of props

The specific list and volume of props depends on the developed programs and approved images. High-quality acoustics with a microphone and light and music are required.

At the initial stage, scenarios can be developed by professionals, but in the future, the business manager will, in any case, delve into the essence of the process, understand the relevance of a particular program and the need for improvement. Writing scripts yourself is much easier than it might seem at first glance, and after working in the field of children's parties for at least six months, everything becomes extremely clear.


It’s easy to guess that the main characters in a company organizing children’s parties are animators. At the initial stage, 3-4 people should be invited to cooperate. They can be employed either as a permanent job or as a part-time job if people are simultaneously involved in other projects.

Help: it is best to have your own staff so that the same people do not participate in your competitors and yours.

Requirements for animators:

  • experience;
  • age up to 35 years (can be older, depending on the format of the available scripts);
  • pleasant appearance;
  • communication skills.

In addition, the office will require 1-2 employees to keep records, receive calls, and supervise projects.

Long-term plan of entertainment and leisure for the year (multi-age senior preparatory group)

Evgenia Velichko

Long-term plan of entertainment and leisure for the year (multi-age senior preparatory group)

Long-term plan for entertainment and leisure activities for different age (
senior - preparatory ) for the 2021–2022 school year .
Year Month Week Name of entertainment Program content

September 1 week Musical entertainment

"First day of knowledge"

Show children the social significance of the holiday - Knowledge Day; bring joy, create a cheerful festive mood; develop independence and initiative, artistic and aesthetic taste; cultivate neatness and friendliness.

Week 2 Leisure

"The red summer has passed"

Give children pleasure, create a joyful mood and a positive attitude through songs and dances.

Week 3 Sports festival “Journey to the land of health”

Improve skills in performing basic movements, develop physical qualities , consolidate knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, and cultivate mutual assistance in games and relay races.

Week 4 Entertainment “Road rules, all children should know!”

In a playful way, consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and road signs. Deepen your knowledge of street rules. To promote the development of caution on the roads, to cultivate attention and concentration.

Week 5 Congratulations to the entire team on “Preschool Worker’s Day!”

Foster a respectful, caring attitude towards preschool workers, create a positive emotional attitude.

October 1 week Musical festival

"Colors of Autumn"

To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about plants, vegetables, fruits, and where they grow. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, which generously gifts us with its riches; respect for the work of people working on the land.

Week 2 Autumn holiday

“Autumn, dear rustle”

Create an emotional mood for children to say goodbye to autumn. To consolidate knowledge about the season - autumn with the help of a music and game program.

Week 3 Health Day “We love physical education!”

Increase motor activity, improve children’s motor skills and abilities, create a joyful, cheerful mood.

Week 4 of KVN

“Let's do arithmetic”
Develop visual perception, attention, a sense of teamwork and mutual assistance during leisure . Development of curiosity and cognitive motivation in children.
November 1 week Entertainment for National Unity Day

"My little homeland"

To instill good and patriotic feelings in children, to develop positive emotions from what they see.
Week 2 Game – quiz “We love fairy tales”

To evoke joy from meeting your favorite fairy tale characters, to form a stock of literary artistic impressions, to cultivate an interest in reading, a love of oral folk art, a desire to take part in team competitive games,

Week 3 Physical education

“For health in kindergarten”

Promote the comprehensive
development of motor skills, develop competitive skills, and cultivate a caring attitude towards one’s health.
Week 4 Musical holiday

"Mothers Day"

Create a favorable environment for communication, develop an ear for music , and instill in children a tender sense of love and respect for their mothers.

December 1 week Entertainment

"Fair of Games and Fun"

Continue to introduce children to winter games and fun and evoke positive emotions.

Week 2 Musical entertainment

"New Year's traditions in different countries "

Continue to introduce children to the folk customs of different countries , and also introduce them to Russian folk culture through musical activities.
Week 3 Physical education

"Looking for a Christmas tree"

Create an atmosphere of festive mood and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Week 4 Musical and theatrical performance “Little Red Riding Hood”

To develop children's speech and creativity, the ability to carefully follow the course of a fairy tale and the actions of fairy-tale characters ; improve communication and motor activity.

Week 5 New Year's party Create a festive mood, a sense of teamwork, evoke an emotional response

January 1 week “Christmas gatherings”

— Carols Forming the desire to actively participate in
entertainment , communicate, be friendly and responsive.
Week 2 Entertainment Traffic rules

"On the Road to Adventure"

Reinforce the rules of the road, develop artistic and speech performing skills.

Week 3 Game reenactment

“How the sun and the frost quarreled”

. Arouse interest in theater and theatrical activities.

February 1st week Zarnitsa “Russian fighter is a model for everyone”

Improve the technique of basic movements, achieving ease, accuracy, and expressiveness in their execution. Strengthen the skills of performing sports exercises, cultivate endurance, perseverance, and determination.

Week 2 Leisure

“Fire is a man’s friend, just don’t touch it in vain!”

To consolidate knowledge about fire safety rules and rules of conduct in case of fire; cultivate respect for the work of firefighters.

Week 3 Matinee for Defender of the Fatherland Day

“We are faithful sons of the Fatherland”
Develop imagination and creative abilities; consolidate knowledge about the history of the Russian army; to cultivate accuracy, determination, and pride in the Fatherland using the example of the exploits of soldiers who defended the Motherland in different periods of history.
Week 4 Musical entertainment


(Farewell to winter)
Develop interest in educational entertainment that introduces the traditions and customs of the Russian people, the origins of Russian culture, to develop a sense of involvement in the events that take place in kindergarten and family;
create an environment of emotional well-being, provide children with the opportunity to relax and gain new experiences. March 1 week Matinee dedicated to International Women's Day Create a joyful mood in children, cultivate a respectful attitude towards all women in the world. Develop love and kindness towards your mothers and grandmothers.

Week 2 Theatrical performance

"Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales"

To generalize children's knowledge about fairy tales, to develop the ability to recognize fairy tales and their characters, to develop creative imagination and associative memory. Foster the need to read books. To cultivate a love for oral folk art, for fairy tales of various writers.

Week 3 Theme evening

“All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Expand cognitive interest in professions;
respect and value each profession; to develop respect for the work of adults in different professions .
Week 4 “Water Day - March 22”

Musical entertainment

"Travel with Droplet"

Formation of a system of consciously correct ecological ideas about nature in preschool children, creation of conditions for the formation of elements of environmental culture in the child.

Week 5 Leisure “Mysteries of Spring”

Create a joyful mood in children,
develop cognitive interest in the natural world around them, and cultivate a sense of respect for comrades and play partners.
April 1 week Musical entertainment

"Humor in our lives"

To develop in children sociability, the ability to correctly perceive humor, to form emotional responsiveness to the nature of music, to improve dance movements using previously acquired skills.

Week 2 Entertainment “Space Travel”
Develop the ability to show imagination and creativity, give children the joy of interacting with each other in motor play activities.
Week 3 Leisure

“Be polite”
Develop communication skills, stimulate children’s emotional empathy with their peers. Develop good relationships between children.
Week 4 Health Day

"Fun Starts "

Improve the technique of passing the baton, develop the ability to compete.
Develop speed-strength and motor qualities, promote endurance, perseverance and independence.
May 1 week Music room

"Evening of songs of the war years"

Forming in children an idea of ​​what the Great Patriotic War was; activate children's vocabulary; to cultivate love for the Motherland, pride in the victory of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War. Introducing children to songs written during the war, showing illustrations.

Week 2 Physical education

"Birthday of the Fly Tsikotukha"

To contribute to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, children’s emotional and positive response to fun
activities based on outdoor games and exercises.
Week 3 Game - dramatization based on the fairy tale “Under the Fungus”

Creating favorable conditions for creative activity in children through theatrical activities, developing in children an interest in play - dramatization, the ability to improvise to music. Activate people's speech activity.

Week 4 Graduation party Create a cheerful mood in children and parents, develop interest in musical activities.

Advertising and marketing policy

Promoting the business of organizing children's parties is one of the main tasks of an entrepreneur. It is necessary to use as many resources as possible:

  • television and radio;
  • outdoor advertising (banners, billboards, banners, posters);
  • your own website is a prerequisite for successful promotion of services;
  • groups on social networks;
  • advertising in city public pages and communities;
  • advertising inside and outside public transport;
  • distribution of leaflets and business cards in supermarkets, entertainment centers and cinemas;
  • cooperation with kindergartens and primary schools (distribution of brochures to parents);
  • contextual advertising on the Internet.

Financial calculations

Investments in the project

Costs on the stratum (in rubles):

  • 10,000 – registration of business activities and preparation of additional papers;
  • 35,000 – conclusion of a lease agreement (advance payment);
  • 50,000 – premises renovation;
  • 100,000 – purchase of office equipment;
  • 250,000 – purchase of costumes and props;
  • 100,000 – advertising;
  • 25,000 – payment for services for the development of scripts and programs;
  • 20,000 – unforeseen expenses.

Result: 590,000 rubles.

Current expenses

Costs for the first month of operation:

  • 35,000 – rent;
  • 10,000 – utilities (office);
  • 70,000 – wages for office employees.

Animators' salaries will be piecework, so they are not included in the total expenses.

Result: 115,000 rubles.

Income, profit calculation and payback period

The income of a business organizing children's parties consists of the volume and cost of orders.

The average price tag for an event is 6,000 rubles. The number of shows per week is 12–15.

Total monthly income is 360,000 rubles.

Mandatory expenses are deducted from this amount - 360,000-115,000 = 245,000 rubles.

About 145,000 goes to the animators for salaries (4-5 people), as well as for updating the props.

The entrepreneur's net income is 100,000 rubles.

For starting a business, this figure is above average. In the future, total income, as well as net profit, increases from month to month.

The payback period of the project, taking into account all investments, periodic expenses on advertising and props, ranges from 8 months to a year.

When planning a business for organizing children's parties, you should take into account dozens of nuances and subtleties, if ignored, the project will turn out to be unprofitable already at the opening stage. A well-drafted business plan, detailed financial calculations and pre-prepared scenarios will eliminate many problems regarding the incorrect distribution of funds.

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