Extracurricular activity: “Visiting Old Lesovichka”

“Old Lesovichok visiting children” material (middle group) on the topic

“Old Lesovichok visiting children” - 2017 (scenario for an autumn matinee for middle school children)

Educator: Savitskaya V.I.

Children enter the hall to calm music, stand in a circle (leaves lie on the floor)

Singing: The grass has withered, the flowers have faded, leaves are falling from the branches to the ground, it has become damp and cold all around, Birds are flying in a caravan to the south.

The sun disappeared behind the gray clouds. Everyone has been bored with the endless rain for a long time. Nature suddenly became sad and despondent - Summer has passed and autumn has come...

Muz.r: Cold autumn has come to visit. It lay on the ground like a gray fog. The rain from the clouds comes and goes, The wind carries leaves from the trees.

Let's go with music together, children? Shall we take a piece of paper in each pen? Let's spin and dance, And lift everyone's spirits!

Dance with leaves (collect leaves at the end)

Muz.r: We collected all the leaves, Made a big bouquet, Today we send everyone our autumn and friendly….

Hi everybody! (wave hand)

Song: The first drop fell and the second ran. We looked at the sky - Our droplets began to sing! We will open a big umbrella, We will sing with all our hearts.

Song "Rain", music. I. Olkhovik (standing under an umbrella)

(Suddenly, cones fly into the hall, one has a letter attached to it)

Vosp: What kind of joke is this? What kind of garbage is flying towards us? Wait a minute, there is a letter for us...

Everyone take your seats, I will read the letter to you.

(children go to the chairs)

Letter: Dear children! I’m coming to you for a holiday, And the brown cones from the forest are leading me.

As soon as you receive the letter, don’t waste time, start clapping loudly and meet me!

It’s not clear who is writing to us - instead of a signature there is a hook, Come on, come on..... the old man is looking for the way to us - Lesovichok!

(Lesovichok enters the hall to music and applause)

S-L: Finally, I got to you for the holiday, kids. I haven’t met you for a long time, but it seems like yesterday. My friends are animals, I’m not new to the forest... And my name, guys, is Old Man - Lesovichok! I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday, and grabbed the bag. And in my bag, guys, there are games, jokes, and riddles.

Here's your first riddle:

1. Little children sat on the branches. In brown shirts, with nuts in their pockets. (bumps)

S-L: Quickly sort out the cones, stand in a large circle with them. And then don’t yawn, pick up the cones from the floor.

Game with cones (in a circle)

S-L: And here’s another riddle, Listen, guys:

2. She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves. (autumn)

Vosp: And the guys and I know a song about autumn and will sing it with pleasure, listen, old man - Lesovichok.

S-L: Oh, I love it when children sing! Get started!

Song “Autumn”, music by Yu. Mikhailenko

S-L: Yes...you made me happy with your song, thank you!

Here's another riddle for you:

3. This is a small roof, Raise it higher! Then the water pouring from the sky will not be scary! (umbrella)

Vosp: We’ll go for a walk now. Shall we take an umbrella with us?

Children: Yes!

Game "Sun and Rain"

Vosp: Old man - Lesovichok, and we also prepared a riddle for you

I'm under a colored hat, standing on my leg alone. I have my own habits: I always play hide and seek. (mushroom)

S-L: Well, well, well, I’ll think about it now.......wait a minute... I know! It's a mushroom!

Vosp: That's right, I guessed right. And now it's time, let's dance, kids?

Children: Yes!

Vosp: We invite you, Lesovichok, to join the guys in a circle...

“Round dance of mushrooms” (4 mushroom caps)

S-L: You did great, I liked the mushrooms!

The time has come to say goodbye, to return to the autumn forest. I have a secret for you to remember, does anyone know or not? (takes out a box from their bag) Here is a box, and in it lies a surprise for all the children... (gives it to the teacher) Well, it’s time for me to go, Goodbye, kids! (goes to music)

Vosp: Let's look into the box, what's there?.....

Viewing slides with classical music

Autumn sports entertainment in kindergarten for the middle group “Visiting Lesovichka”

Scenario of sports entertainment in the middle group of the preschool educational institution “Visiting Lesovichka”
Objectives: to continue to expand children’s knowledge about the world around them, to develop fantasy and imagination; cultivate love for nature and respect for it; develop physical qualities (strength, agility, courage, flexibility); give children a feeling of joy. Equipment: audio recording “Weirdos.
Exercise”, cones, mushrooms, three baskets, three buckets, leaves of different colors, three tunnels, three collars for crawling, 9 hoops, soft toys: hares, hedgehogs, squirrels. Progress of the entertainment
Children enter the hall to the music and line up in teams. Fizruk: Summer is over, and now golden Autumn greets us at the gate with a bountiful harvest. 1 child. What a beautiful autumn, What a golden carpet. And today the guys are visiting, the autumn holiday has come to us. 2nd child. The leaves are yellow in the garden, the wind is sweeping. This happens only once a year, in the fall. 3 child. Autumn, autumn outside the window The rain is falling like peas The leaves are falling in a circle How beautiful you are autumn! Fizruk: Guys, how are you feeling? What time of year is it in our yard now? Autumn, of course! How did you guess? (leaves, puddles, cold, the sun is less warm, birds fly away) Correct. Guys, do you like to walk in the forest? I suggest you go for a walk in the forest and see how beautiful the forest is in autumn. It may be cold and chilly outside. It may be drizzling or snowing. Let it be warm and hot in our hall. And SPORTS will help us keep warm! To begin with, I invite you to a fun warm-up (children stand on colorful circles). There is a “Fun Warm-Up” accompanied by music (“Freaks. Exercise”).
Well done, warmed up and ready for the journey.
Now we close our eyes, stomp, clap and find ourselves in the forest... Well, here we are in the forest. How beautiful it is in the fall. How unusually autumn has painted the trees. Guys, what color are the leaves on the trees? Oh, who is this? The Old Man appears - Lesovichok. He says hello and invites the children to help the forest animals make provisions for the winter. Fiz teacher: Today we have three teams: the “Red Leaves” team, the “Yellow Leaves” team and the “Green Leaves” team, like real autumn leaves. You will need to quickly - quickly help the animals before the snow starts to fall. And to do this you need to listen carefully to the commands. Lesovichok announces the first relay race.
1. Here’s your first riddle: “A girl is sitting in prison and her braid is on the street.
(carrot)" Fiz teacher: Competition "Carrot for the Bunny" . Children stand at the starting line. Next to the starting line there is a hoop with a carrot, in the middle of each team’s path there is an obstacle - a “fence” for stepping over (or hoops on a stand for climbing). The child takes a carrot from the hoop (vegetable garden), carries it to the other side of the hall and puts it in a bucket next to the bunny. The relay continues until the hoop is empty and the bucket is full. Lesovichok announces the second relay race
2. Well, now the second riddle: “Who has one leg, and even that one without a boot?” (Mushroom) “Is Antoshka standing on one leg?” Physical teacher: “Mushrooms” competition The child must crawl through the tunnel, take a mushroom and run back. Place the mushrooms in the basket when all the children have passed the test. Lesovichok announces the third relay race. 3. Here’s the third riddle for you: “They don’t look like needles, but they also fell from the tree.” Physical teacher: Competition “Pine cones for the squirrel” Children need to jump from hoop to hoop (3-4 pieces) to get to the cones and bring them one by one. They just run back. At the end of the competition, put them in baskets. Lesovichok announces the fourth relay race.
4. And here are the last riddles: If I cry, it’s no problem, Instead of tears, water flows.
I'm so crying Because of the gray cloud. (rain) It hung on a branch since spring, It was green - it turned yellow, Just a weak wind blew, It already flew (leaves) Fiz teacher: Competition "Leaves in the rain" Children need to have an umbrella in their hand walk over the hummocks (cut circles from Lenolium), take a leaf from the tree and return back. Pass the umbrella to the next one.) Lesovichok invites the children to play the game “Funny Mushrooms” The old man - Lesovichok stands in the center. Children are around him. “We are funny mushrooms (narrow the circle) We grow on stumps and hummocks (expand the circle) We love to hide, play, (stomp their feet) Try to catch up with us!” (jumping in place, shaking a finger) They run away. The old Lesovichok catches up with them. Summing up. The old man - Lesovichok praises the children.
I was walking through the forest, carrying a magic chest, but apparently I dropped it somewhere. We need to find him. Now I remember where I was going. Past the oak tree, past the maple tree, past the large poplar tree, there were leaves rustling all around... apparently there they lost their magic chest, caught on a stump. Everyone looks for a chest in a pile of leaves and finds it. It’s so good that you found it, there’s a treat for you all, open it and take it. The children open it and there are apples. Children take turns taking them out of the chest. Eat healthy and never get sick. Goodbye, guys! Come to the forest more often, help the animals and birds. And use the gifts of the forest: pick mushrooms and berries. The children again stomp, clap and end up in kindergarten.

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Summary of the educational activity “Visiting Lesovichka” for children of the senior preparatory group

Abstract of the educational activity “Visiting Lesovichka” for children 5-7 years old

Synopsis of the educational activity “Visiting Lesovichka” for children of senior preschool age
Author: Yulia Alekseevna Gorchakova, teacher of the Irdanovsky kindergarten “Kolosok”, Nikolsky district, Vologda region. Description of the material: For several years I have been dealing with the problem of environmental education of preschoolers, because I consider this area to be very important and relevant.
I bring to your attention a summary of educational activities about the rules of behavior in the forest, which is designed for children of senior preschool age, and can also be useful for educators, parents and primary school teachers. Integration of educational areas:

cognitive and speech development.


consolidating children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest.


— clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of behavior in the forest;
— continue to introduce children to trees, clarify and expand knowledge about their external similarities and differences; - promote the development of speech by including works of fiction in direct educational activities, and activate vocabulary; — develop children’s physical abilities, promote increased physical activity; develop a caring attitude towards nature; - cultivate a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, a desire to correct them, and help nature. Vocabulary work: the riches of the forest. Preliminary work: viewing the presentation “Rules of Conduct in the Forest”, looking at illustrations of trees, reading poems about trees, individual work - memorizing poems about a birch tree. Equipment: colored pine cones on strings in a basket, illustrations of trees, cards - diagrams depicting the rules of behavior in the forest, toys - Lesovichok, squirrel and fox, 3 arcs of different heights, stumps, "bumps".
Progress of the conversation.
Organizing time. A magpie flew in with a letter: “Dear guys!
A misfortune happened in the forest: someone cut down many trees, many nests and burrows were destroyed! Help us please! Lesovichok." What are we going to do?
Shall we go to help Lesovich? It’s summer in the magical forest of old Lesovichka, and we can enjoy a little green grass and the bright, warm sun. Stand behind each other, We will now walk in a circle. Let's meet a squirrel and a fox and find ourselves in the forest! Outdoor game "Obstacle Course". 1 obstacle. “Meeting with a squirrel” We crawl carefully under the arches, walk along the stumps (arms to the sides), jump over the hummocks.
And towards us is a squirrel.
- Hello, friends! I'm glad to meet you. In the forest you can see various wonders. But only those who remember the rules of conduct in the forest can enter the forest kingdom. (Children examine and explain the diagrams attached to the tree).
— Walk past bird nests, try not to approach them: the bird may get scared and abandon the nest with its chicks.

- Try not to light a fire in the forest! Grass will not be able to grow in this place for 5 years, and if you are not careful, the entire forest will burn down. It's very scary.

- Avoid inedible mushrooms, do not break them, some animals are treated with them.

— Take the garbage out of the forest with you. Imagine if someone comes to your house and leaves a lot of garbage, will you be pleased?

— Leave the flowers to grow in the forest. Admire their beauty in nature. Have pity on them.

- Try to be quiet in the forest. Animals and birds are afraid of loud screams, music and laughter.

If you come to the forest for a walk, breathe in the fresh air, run, jump and play, just don’t forget that you can’t make noise in the forest, laugh or sing loudly.
The little animals will get scared and run away from the forest edge. - What smart guys! Please follow this path (massage path). 2nd obstacle “Meeting with the fox”.
And towards us is a fox.
- Hello, hello, where are you going? (To help Lesovich).
Oh, how cunning!
First, tell me, what trees do you know? (It is suggested to name them from the pictures).
What do you know about them?
Who will tell me poems about trees? (Children's answers). (Children recite poems they know about trees and birch trees).

“You guys made me happy; I haven’t heard such beautiful poetry for a long time.”
Please move on. Hello, forest, dense forest, Full of fairy tales and miracles! What are you making noise about in the leaves on a dark, stormy night? What are you whispering at dawn, covered in dew, like silver? Who is hiding in your wilderness? What kind of animal? What bird? Open everything, don’t hide it, You see, we are our own! Lesovichok appears.
- So my friends came to me.
There is a lot of wealth in my kingdom. What kind of wealth is this, guys? (Trees, berries, mushrooms, flowers, herbs, fruits of trees and shrubs).
It’s true, there is nothing useless in the forest, all that is here is all wealth.
While you were getting there, winter had come in my forest kingdom. Real, cold. Are you cold, dear guests? Come quickly to my warm house, I will tell you about my misfortune - grief. Today some person disturbed the silence of our forest and destroyed many trees. What can we do to help the forest? (You can plant new trees).
But how can we plant them now? We don’t have any seedlings, and now is not the right time to plant trees... What should we do?
(Children's answers: you can make them yourself, sculpt them from plasticine, draw them, make crafts from scrap materials).
With your help, I want to make a magical tree - a birch tree, which will come to life at night and heal the wounds of my forest.
Are you ready to help me? Team work - cotton wool applique. I have a birch tree drawn on my poster, let’s bring it to life and decorate the tree with fluffy snow mittens. (Children roll up lumps and flagella from cotton wool and glue them to birch branches).

Do you think we did a good job and the tree will take root in the forest?
(Children's answers).
And in the fall, you and I will plant an alley of birch trees near the kindergarten.
- Thank you guys. You helped me a lot, saved the forest from melancholy and death. For this I have prepared gifts for you. (Brings out a basket with the riches of the forest: multi-colored pine cones on strings and apples).
Now close your eyes, and you will quickly find yourself in your kindergarten. Goodbye! A tree, a flower, a grass and a bird do not always know how to defend themselves, If they are destroyed, We will be left alone on the planet. We will never destroy animal holes or bird nests. Let the chicks and small animals live well next to us.

We recommend watching:

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