We'll tell you about the function of children's parties, how to prepare for the holiday with your child, and why it is important to come to a children's party.

A preschool is associated with noise, fun, games, activities and, of course, holidays. Sometimes it seems that the life of a kindergarten is a transition from holiday to holiday: songs about soldiers give way to poems about mom, and white snowflakes replace autumn leaves.

Some mothers and fathers approach the holidays in a big way, while others consider them unnecessary. But there is not a single parent who would be indifferent to children's matinees.

Functions of children's matinees

If you look at life from a calendar perspective, it will seem like a series of holidays and everyday life. We are waiting for the weekend, preparing for events, buying gifts, waiting for guests. Holidays diversify our lives and make it richer.

Festive events in kindergarten play the same role. But in addition to general emotional significance, they perform a number of pedagogical functions.

1. Children's parties are motivators for children's activities. Children carefully prepare for each event: they learn poems, songs, dances, get acquainted with the features of the holiday, and help make scenery and decorations. Matinees provide an opportunity to demonstrate your abilities and talents in front of the main audience: parents and close relatives.

2. Preparing for matinees strengthens the relationship between parents and children, since they have to do a lot together: choose a festive outfit, learn poems, consolidate the words of a song. At the same time, it is important to take into account the interests of the child himself and know the requirements of the kindergarten. Parents and children become partners, and this is very important.

3. Matinees are a great way to identify and develop children’s creative abilities. Some children, like bright stars, show abilities in vocals, choreography, and acting. Future talent is visible from kindergarten.

4. During preparation for the holiday, the organizational skills of individual children are revealed. Children learn collectivism, cooperation and interaction. They begin to understand that overall success is made up of the contribution of each child.

5. Participation in activities evokes an emotional response in children, which contributes to moral development. Common experiences of the most important historical events leave an imprint on moral consciousness.

6. During the preparation process, active cognitive development of children occurs. Children learn a lot of new things: about natural phenomena, social events, history.

7. During common events, a parent community develops. Parents get to know each other, help teachers, solve some problem situations, and prepare surprises.

Holidays are long-term joint work between children and adults. This is not entertainment, but an important pedagogical event.

Methodological recommendations for organizing a New Year's holiday

Natalia Rudak

Methodological recommendations for organizing a New Year's holiday

New Year is always a fairy tale and an encounter with a miracle. This holiday is loved and celebrated by everyone. without holidays

Holidays are of great importance in a child’s life: they give a powerful positive emotional charge, allow them to escape from problems and relax. The New Year's holiday is a special event, all children and adults look forward to it. The holiday brings a lot of positive emotions and is designed to solve a number of educational problems.

Recommendations and methodological advice for those who organize a New Year's party

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the holiday , develop a preparation plan, and make a list of necessary props. Select games, competitions, mass songs and dances that will be used at the holiday . Do not forget to record the phonograms on separate media, sign and number the order in which the phonograms are performed. There are also basic rules that it is advisable to adhere to during the New Year holidays :

• you should not try to reach the maximum number of children; it is better to hold 2 Christmas trees with fewer children than one with more;

• you should not install a Christmas tree in the center of the hall, since children should see what is happening, the Christmas tree should not interfere with this;

• do not hold matinees in an undecorated room, the design gives positive emotions, the design that matches the scenario will look advantageous;

• do not force children to sit still throughout the holiday , alternate types of activities;

• do not plan to introduce too many heroes holiday

• it is imperative to give children the opportunity to express themselves through competition and games;

• if poetry reading is planned, then sit the children on chairs and let this part of the holiday take place like a concert ;

• transitions from one action to another should be smooth.

Stages of work on the holiday

1. Pre-planning.

2. Work on the script.

3. Preliminary acquaintance of children with the theme of the matinee.

6. Holding a matinee.

7. Summing up.

Well- organized holidays have a beneficial effect on the development of mental processes: memory, attention, create an excellent situation for the development of a child’s speech, for consolidating knowledge acquired in various classes, and contribute to moral education.

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Getting ready for the holiday

Children's matinees require careful preparation. Of course, the lion's share of the work falls on the shoulders of teachers. However, the comfort of the child’s stay at the event depends on the parents. There are no small details here.

First, make sure your child is an active participant in the activity. To do this, study the children's repertoire and repeat it at home. You should not miss rehearsals, participating only in the holiday itself. Your child will concentrate not on emotions, but on correct execution, and this will affect the quality and impressions.

Secondly, choose a costume that matches the overall theme of the holiday so that the clothing is appropriate. Choose a costume together with your child; it is important that the child likes the chosen outfit.

Thirdly, take care of the child's comfort. Clothes and shoes should be light, as the child will have to move a lot. At the same time, the baby should not be hot or cold, he should not experience discomfort associated with the details of the costume.

Fourth, think about your role at the holiday. Children are very pleased if their parents take an active part.


It’s worth setting aside a month or a month and a half for preparation. During this time, you will have time to conduct several thematic classes in modeling, fine art and appliqué, talk with children about the holiday and its heroes, learn poems and songs. At the initial stage of preparation, garden staff also need to develop and edit the program, assign roles, select scenery and costumes.

There are two main requirements for the script: it must captivate the children and amuse them. The basis for the scenario could be:

  • Performance with the participation of fairy tale heroes. The actors in it are teachers and kindergarten employees. With this presentation format, the script must contain intrigue: waiting for a new hero, searching for an item important for the holiday. The main attributes are magical things that help children and goodies. It could be a magic wand, a book, walking boots, a flying carpet, etc. Dancing, round dances, recitations, competitions and games are unobtrusively introduced into the storyline. At the key moment, the festive tree should shine with lights.
  • A fairy-tale plot well known to children. It includes the same elements as the first version, only within one storyline and with the direct participation of some children. In this format, as a rule, a New Year's party is held for older groups.
  • Fun show. Here, the script for the New Year's entertainment event includes fun competitions, festive numbers, games with elements of adventure and relay races. The key roles are played by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, but fairy tale heroes can also be included as secondary characters.

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Whatever format you choose, the program should be developed taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children. For the younger group it is written separately, while for the middle and older groups it can be the same.

Basic rules for holding a New Year's party for children of different groups

Junior age category

  • the morning time is chosen for the celebration,
  • the matinee lasts 20-25 minutes, including time for presenting gifts,
  • The holiday is accompanied by a teacher and an assistant.

You shouldn’t invite moms and dads to a celebration for kids 2-3 years old so that the children don’t get distracted. It’s better to make a video or video - parents will watch it later.

At this age, many children consciously see a large decorated Christmas tree for the first time, and some consciously meet Father Frost and the Snow Maiden for the first time. Therefore, Santa Claus can be replaced with familiar fairy tale characters if there is a risk that the elegant, impressive Santa will scare the children. The role of the Snow Maiden is usually played by one of the teachers. Her task is simple - take the kids to the Christmas tree, sing a song with them, show them toys, and organize a New Year's round dance.

Important! The program of the New Year's party for children aged 2-3 years always includes a surprise moment - the lighting of garlands on the Christmas tree.

Middle and senior groups

It is recommended to spend 34-45 minutes celebrating the New Year in these groups, including presenting gifts. The celebration can be held before lunch or in the afternoon. For children over 3 years old, the script is usually more complicated: it is based on a familiar fairy tale, but the number of characters increases and some of the roles are assigned to children.

The performance includes songs, poetry recitations, round dances and dialogue scenes in Russian and English. Relay races and games are selected from among active competitions, and roles are distributed so that each child can reveal his or her talent.

Important! By the age of 4-5, children are actively interested in cartoon characters and many strive to be like them. Take this into account when drawing up a scenario and creating a dress code for the holiday. It is advisable to choose the same gifts for children of each age group: universal, equally interesting for boys and girls. Also, the gift should not contain factory-made sweets and fruits.

At the New Year's party for older groups, it is necessary to constantly maintain interest in what is happening. Switching from one type of activity to another helps here, as well as including surprise moments in the script. In order not to tire the children, the program numbers are rehearsed separately from each other, and before the event there is one dress rehearsal.

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