Fire safety. Lesson notes for the middle group

Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

Summary of the GCD for the application in the middle group “Fire truck to the rescue” State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow “School No. 1415 “Ostankino”
LESSON SUMMARY for the GCD application in the middle group Topic:
Fire truck to the rescue” Compiled by: teacher of group No. 4 Yudina V.F. Moscow 2021 Goal: To introduce children to...

Summary of a conversation with children in the middle group “Caution - Fire”

Summary of a conversation with children in the middle group “Caution - Fire”

Goal: to develop in children a responsible attitude towards compliance with
fire safety . Hello, guys (The sound of a
fire truck ) - What are these sounds? Listen to the riddle. The sound of a siren for...

Summary of a lesson on life safety in the middle group Topic: “Young firefighter”

Integration of educational areas : health, cognition, communication and fire safety in the middle group.

Goal : strengthening the psycho-emotional health of children, developing health-saving skills through compliance with fire safety rules.


  • Introduce children to the work of firefighters; teach children the rules of safe behavior in case of fire;
  • To consolidate knowledge about fire safety rules and fire extinguishing equipment;
  • Know the fire department telephone number and know how to use it


  • Increase personal responsibility for your actions, develop discipline and a sense of duty;
  • Foster environmental behavior, develop an understanding of what actions harm nature and spoil it (forest fire).


Develop attention, memory, speech; improve volitional qualities (dexterity, speed, endurance, strength, courage, determination) cultivate respect and interest in the work of fire department workers.

Materials and manuals for educational activities:

Poster and pictures depicting situations about fire safety, soap bubbles, cards for cutting, scissors for each child, poster for sticking, imitation fire (pictures), box with toys.

Progress of educational activities:

Educator : - Children, let's greet each other and the guests. Let's stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly,

And let's smile at each other.

Teacher : (knock on the door) - Guys, is someone knocking on our door?

— This is the postman, he brought us a parcel. Let's see who this package is from and what's in it.

Children look at the package, find toys and a letter.

Educator : - Let's read who this letter is from:

“Hello girls and boys. My name is Vova, I am a former kindergarten student, I am sending you toys that I no longer play with, I will be glad if you find them useful.”

Educator : - Now the guys will take a closer look at the toys.

- Why did Vova put matches, a candle, and sparklers among the toys? Can children play this?

Children : - No!

Educator : What should children play?

Children : - Toys.

Educator : - Probably the boy Vova does not know the safety rules, what happens when children get these dangerous objects?

Children : - Fire!

Educator : - Let the guys write an answer to the boy Vova, send him a poster where dangerous and safe objects will be depicted and so that he does not forget about them.

Raised spruce : - But, in order to send a letter, let's remember all the fire safety rules.

Physical education minute

Educator : - I will name the words, and when you hear a word related to fire safety, you should jump and clap your hands, and those that are not related, stomp your foot. (Fireman, cake, saw, fire extinguisher, package, brush, fire helmet, notes, fire, matches, 01, table, fire truck.)

- Well done, everyone did it.

Educator : - Look, guys, I have a poster on the board, let's look at what is shown there?

Children : - Fire safety rules.

Educator : -What is the first rule?

Children : - This is because children should not pick up matches.

Educator : What could happen?

Children : - Fire!

Educator: -What is the second rule?

Children : - Do not turn on or use electrical appliances.

Educator : - What will happen?

Children: - If it sparks and catches fire, there will be a fire.

Educator : - What is the third rule?

Children: - Do not use or turn on gas appliances

Educator : - A gas leak, explosion and fire may occur.

Educator : - What other rule is shown?

Children : - Call number “01”, call the fire department.

Educator : - What should you say when you dial the number “01”?

Children : - Address, last name, first name and what is on fire

Educator : - What should you not do during a fire?

Children: - Hide under the bed, in the closet so that firefighters can find it.

Educator : I see that you all remember the rules well and now you can play the game with me.

(Children stand in a semicircle.)

The game is called “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends . I will ask questions, and you must answer in unison, “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends” and clap your hands if you agree or remain silent if the proposed actions are incorrect.

  • Who, sensing the smell of burning, reports a fire?
  • Which of you, noticing the smoke, will shout: “Fire! We're on fire!"?
  • Which of you plays tricks with fire in the morning, evening and day?
  • Who, seeing smoke in the apartment, will call “04”?
  • Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others to?
  • Who can quietly hide matches from their little sister?
  • Which one of you is playing with fire? Be honest about it!

Educator : Guess the riddle:

We must fight fire

We are bold and brave

People really need us,

Everyone's name is FIREFIGHTERS.

Educator : - And now we will play the game “Young Fireman”.

— What should a firefighter be like?

Children : - Brave, courageous, strong.

Educator : - What does a fireman need to put out a fire?

Children : -Fire extinguisher, water.

(Hand out soap bubbles to all the children.)

Educator : - At the command “FIRE - BURN”, children look for the source of fire and extinguish it (by blowing soap bubbles on the fire).

— And don’t forget to call number “01.”

“So we put out the fire, but there was a small flame left.”

“Turn around.

Turn into a light..."

Educator : - Children will stand in a small circle. Let's imagine that we are small, bright lights. Suddenly, guys, the window opened and a spring breeze flew in. And that’s all the little fire needed, it began to grow and turned into a great, angry and angry fire.

The fire is starting!

The flame is higher, the flame is steeper

Reaches right up to the clouds

The chief fireman (educator) extinguishes the fire with large soap bubbles.

Educator : -Well done guys, they coped with the task and put out the fire.

We have remembered all the fire safety rules, and now we will send a message to the boy Vova in the form of a poster about dangerous and safe objects. (Children sit at tables, cut out pictures, and paste the picture onto this poster, choosing which object is depicted as dangerous or safe.)

Educator : - Guys, we are giving this poster to the boy Vova, and in the letter we will write:

“Study and know the safety rules Vovochka and may everything be fine with you! Thank you very much for the toys! Goodbye!"

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of a safety lesson in the middle group “Fire alarm”

Purpose: To generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about fire safety;

Objectives: to give students an understanding of the benefits and dangers of fire; consolidate knowledge of the fire department telephone number and your home address; enrich vocabulary; develop memory, intelligence and thinking; instill in children a desire to comply with fire safety rules at home and in kindergarten.

Materials and equipment: pictures with drawings of fire equipment and with drawings of toys; telephone.

Progress of the lesson:

Line up in the hall.

Educator: Hello, guys. Today we have an unusual activity, and in order to find out how it differs from the others, I suggest you listen to the riddle:

In a canvas jacket and helmet, Forgetting about the chain mail armor. Resolutely and without fear, the knight rushes into the fire.

Children: Firefighter

Educator: Correct. Today I invite you to be firefighters. Do you agree?

Children: Yes.

Educator: what do firefighters do?

Children: Put out the fire, save people and animals from the fire.

Educator: That's right, well done. Thus, we can say that today’s lesson is dedicated to...

Children: Fire safety.

Educator: Correct. But before we begin our exciting activity, we must remember what firefighters do in the morning, as soon as they wake up...

Children: Doing exercises.

Educator: And in truth, in order to be vigorous all day, firefighters do exercises, which is what we will do now.

1. Walking and running in a column, one at a time, at the teacher’s signal (the signal is hitting the tambourine)

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - stand with legs parallel, arms below. Raise your arms up to your sides, clap your hands; lower your arms to the sides, return to the starting position (4-5 times).

3. I. p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. Turn right (left), move your right hand to the side; straighten up, return to the starting position (3 times).

4. I. p. - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, hands on your belt. Sit down, bring your arms forward; stand up, straighten up, return to the starting position (5-6 times).

5. I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands behind your back. Lean forward, touch the floor with your fingers; straighten up, return to the starting position (4-5 times).

6. I. p. - stand with legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs on a count of 1-8; repeat 2 times with a short pause.

Educator: Guys, now we will move on to the tasks. But first we will divide into 2 teams (team of the Fast and the Brave).

First task: Someone scattered the firemen's equipment, but besides them there are also our toys. Your task is to put the fire department in order and put the pictures of toys in one box, and the pictures of fire equipment in another. Whichever team completes it first will win this competition and receive one point.

Educator: Well done. Both teams performed this task very well. Now let’s listen to the following task: both teams have a telephone in front of them, your task is to run to the telephone, dial the number of the fire department, briefly tell what happened and give your home address. The team that completes this task first will win.

Educator: Well done, both teams spoke well about the reason for the call and gave their home address. We will complete the next task while sitting on chairs. I will ask you some questions or I will ask you a riddle, your task is to correctly answer all the questions and riddles.

-What do we use fire for? (when preparing food)

- What harm can fire bring? (fire)

— What is the name of the bolon that puts out fire? (fire extinguisher)

- How else can you put out the fire? (water, sand, snow)

- If there is a fire, who will help us get rid of it? (firefighter)

— What number do we dial when calling a fireman?

— What qualities should a firefighter have? (strong, fast, smart)

- If a fireman is not afraid of anything, then what is this firefighter called? (fearless)

— Dwarfs live in a wooden house. They are such good-natured people - they hand out lights to everyone.


* Hangs - is silent, but when you turn it over, it hisses and the foam flies

(fire extinguisher)

Educator: Well done and you coped with this task. And now we will play the game “Fire Alarm” . As you know, firefighters rest in their free time, gain strength, but as soon as the “Alarm” , the first thing they do is form a line and go to save everyone from the fire. Your task is, as soon as you hear the “Alarm” , you need to get into line and be ready to go to the fire. Until then, you can walk, go wild. (alarm sounds 3 times)

Educator: Well done. Our lesson has come to an end. You guys showed your knowledge, skill, strength, dexterity and mutual understanding. With such firefighters, no fire alarms will scare us.

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