Fire safety. Lesson notes for the younger group

Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old

OOD on fire safety "Cat's House" in the early age group OOD in the early age group Educational area: Cognition Topic: "Cat's House"

Goal: To develop
fire safety in preschoolers through artistic expression. Objectives: To introduce children to natural gas; Reinforce fire safety ;...
Lesson notes on fire safety in the second early age group Notes on fire safety in the second early age group. Purpose: To introduce children to basic fire safety , to help children understand why they should not play with matches; who puts out the fire . Objectives: Educational: to promote the formation of elementary…

Calendar planning in the second junior group “Good fire, evil fire.”

-You’re great, you know a lot!

— How should drivers behave while driving if they notice a special car

with beacons and siren on?
(Children's answers)
- That's right, give way!

Look how different they all are, each with their own important job.

For example, a fire truck


Poetry :

Fire truck - red


Come on, think about it, why is this necessary?

Then, so that everyone, seeing, runs

It wouldn't bother her to go to the side. High speed! It sounds like a howl.

“Everyone stay put!”

- the guard whistles.

Only red car

Driving is permitted straight along the avenue.


wearing helmets they sit in two rows.

a fire somewhere

. They're going there!

— By the way, today there is a lot of work at our station. Several fire engines

are out of order and require repair.
I need helpers. Are you ready to help me with the repairs? (Children's answers)
A mechanic distributes cardboard blanks of fire trucks

. Showing a sample of the finished work.

- Look guys - here is a working fire truck

What is missing on the cars
you have?
(Children's answers)
- Correct. Fire escape

, wheels, headlights, signal beacon.

-We will start repairs from the wheels, because without them the car

will not be able to move.

-How many wheels do you see on the side?

-Take black plasticine and divide it into three equal parts (for the middle group

, (for
the younger group
- prepared chopped pieces).
Soften the plasticine and roll it into a ball in your palms, using circular movements. Now let’s place them on suitable places on our cars
and press with our thumb to make a wheel and hold it firmly in place.

Now let's make a ladder. We need to roll out two long sausages and many identical short crossbars. Roll out with straight movements in your palms or on a board. Assembling the stairs.

- Well done! You're trying really hard! All that remains is to fix the headlights and beacon. We pinch off small pieces, roll them with our fingers and fit them on the front and back of the machine

. We will place the beacon on the roof so that everyone can clearly see it.

Our work is finished! Look, all the machines are ready to go


Summary of a conversation with children of the second junior group “Good fire and evil fire”


Goal: Continue to teach children the rules of behavior in the event of a fire, show children the positive and negative sides of fire. Teach children to be attentive and careful when handling fire. Introduce children to the profession of a firefighter.

Material: Illustrations for the theme, plasticine, “fireplace”

made of paper (for bas-relief modeling
Fire in the fireplace
, planks, napkins, stacks.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today I want to talk to you about fire

Tell me fire is our friend
or enemy?

Conversation “Why fires happen” material on life safety

Conversation “Why fires happen”

Target. Give students an understanding of fires, their causes and possible consequences.


  1. Development of cognitive interest of pupils, expansion of horizons of knowledge.
  2. Formation of behavior in compliance with fire safety rules.

3. Instilling skills in careful handling of fire.

Equipment: presentation.

Progress of the conversation:

- Guys, listen to the riddle and guess it, and you will find out what our conversation will be about.

For years I have been a meek captive living inside the oven And cooking soups with borscht, Baking rolls. I provide warmth for the home, But believe me, there is always a hidden beast in me, worse than the sound of thunder. (Fire)

- Today we will talk about fire.

- Tell me, guys, is fire a friend or enemy of man? (answers)

- “He’s such a little flame - both good and bad: He shines, he warms, and he knows how to play pranks!”

Fire is a long-time friend of man. With its help we accomplish many useful things. We cook food on fire, warm our homes, use it as decoration, when we light candles, to illuminate the room. With the help of fire, you can process various materials (clay, metals) and make weapons and tools from them. People of the following professions have learned to use the beneficial properties of fire: steelmaker, fireman, blacksmith, baker, glassblower, electric welder, etc.

“Everyone knows: a man without fire does not live a single day.”

With fire it’s as bright as with the sun! It's warm in the fire and in winter!

Look around, guys: fire is our everyday friend!

But when we are careless with fire, it becomes our enemy.

- If treated carelessly, fire can turn into a ruthless enemy, destroying cities and villages, factories and factories, taking human lives. This fire is bright red or orange and is very hot. The flames are always in motion, they tremble and tremble. Smoke curls around the fiery flame - this is a fire.

- What is a fire? Let's try to define fire. (Children give possible answers)

— How is a fire different from a fire or a bonfire? (Answers)

— What happens during a fire, how is it dangerous for people, their homes, and nature? (people get burns, injuries, die, houses and forests burn down, animals suffer)

- So, a fire is a fire that has come out of the control of a person, which cannot be controlled. A fire destroys houses, forests, destroys other objects, and harms human life and health.

- What causes fires?

Most fires occur due to the fault of people themselves, due to inattentive and careless handling of fire, and approximately every sixth fire in the residential sector occurs due to the fault of children and adolescents.

- Guys, think and tell me, what could cause a fire in a forest, in a field? (Children's answers)

— Most often, a fire occurs due to careless handling of fire. To avoid this, you need to be very careful and careful: do not leave a burning fire in the forest, do not play with matches. It is necessary to cover it with earth or fill it with water.

-Don’t light the fire yourself and don’t let others,

Even a tiny spark is not far from a fire!

Each of you guys knows that leaves fall in the fall. Adults clean them up. Yes, and you help them rake the leaves into a pile. Often mature leaves are burned right next to buildings. – Is it possible to burn leaves near buildings? (Children's answers)

— Adults forget about the danger, which leads to a fire.

— Tell me guys, what could cause a fire in the house? (Children's answers)

— The cause of fire is often careless handling of the gas stove.

Do not leave the gas open or dry clothes over the stove. Remember: if you smell gas, do not light a match or turn on the light. You need to ventilate the room immediately.

You get naughty near the gas stove - expect trouble. Better yet, don’t even stand in front of the gas stove!

— A common cause of fire is a kettle left unattended.

The kettle kept boiling and boiling until it all boiled away

And out of anger, black smoke billowed up to the ceiling!

Do not leave the kettle unattended on the stove.

— Fires are often caused by electrical appliances that are not turned off - irons, televisions, stoves, lamps. Often people use faulty electrical appliances, which also leads to fire.

I told my mother for a long time: “Bring the iron in for repair!” Mom, like a stubborn child, began to iron the sheet. Suddenly the phone rings... Mom talks for a long time, And the iron is already overheated, Smoke is pouring out of the sheet.

— Poor wiring or too many electrical appliances connected through a tee can cause the outlet to catch fire.

Those who study science do not turn on the instruments. An overheated socket often lights up!

Remember: if electrical appliances catch fire, they cannot be extinguished with water.

— For the New Year we try to decorate the Christmas tree beautifully. But remember, under no circumstances should you light candles on it, as the needles of our forest beauty burn very well and quickly. It is dangerous to decorate the Christmas tree with flammable toys, cotton wool, or light sparklers near it. Due to careless handling of sparklers, garlands, and candles, fires can occur.

To prevent the Christmas tree from catching fire, do not hang firecrackers or flammable toys on green needles. And in the sparklers there is heat, which means there may be a fire.

— Children's pranks with matches are one of the most common causes of fires. You children play with matches, light fires near buildings, set fire to garbage in bins, old grass, poplar fluff, set off burning “airplanes” without the permission of adults, start dangerous games with fire, do not think about the consequences.

Those who are careless with fire may experience a fire. Children, remember that you cannot joke with fire.

To avoid a fire, you need to know well and strictly follow the fire safety rules:

1. Do not play with matches and ensure that small children do not play. Matches should be stored in places inaccessible to children.

2. Do not heat unfamiliar objects, powder and paint packaging, especially aerosol cans.

3. Do not leave electric heating devices unattended. Do not allow children to turn on the TV on their own. When leaving home, unplug electrical appliances.

4. Remember that not only a barrel of gasoline is dangerous, but also an empty barrel of gasoline or other flammable liquid (for example, paint), and a lit match can cause severe burns and injuries.

5. Do not leave the gas open, do not dry things over the gas stove, do not leave the kettle on unattended on the stove - this can lead to a fire.

6. Do not leave fires unextinguished - this can lead to a fire.

7. Do not set fire yourself and do not allow your younger ones to set fire to poplar fluff and dry grass; fire not only kills the insects that live in it, but also leads to a fire.

8. Do not decorate the Christmas tree with flammable toys, cotton wool, or light sparklers near it. Due to careless handling of sparklers, garlands, and candles, a fire can occur.

Remember these rules, follow them yourself and explain them to others.

— What should you do if a fire does start? (Children's answers)

Remember the following rules:

1. If the fire is small, you can immediately extinguish it using a blanket, coat, water, sand, or fire extinguisher.

2. If the fire cannot be extinguished, you must immediately leave the premises and move to a safe place. And also take younger brothers and sisters out of the house.

3. Be sure to close the door to the room where the fire started. A closed door can not only delay the entry of smoke, but also extinguish the fire. Unless, of course, the windows in the room are closed.

4. If a fire occurs, turn off the electricity and gas.

5. Don't hide under the bed, in the closet or in the bathroom.

6. Call adults for help as quickly as possible.

7. Call the fire department.

Smoke carries the same danger in a fire as fire.

1. If smoke has entered the room, you need to wet your clothes with water, cover your head with a rag and go out, bending down.

2. If there is strong smoke, breathe through a damp cloth.

3. If you feel like you are suffocating, squat down or crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below.

If you heard about the fire, give a signal about it quickly. Feel free to pick up the phone and dial “01”! And then name the city, street and house. And the apartment where you live and what lock it has and also say: “I give you my last name, also the phone number where I’m standing.”

- Guys, who puts out fires? (Answers)

– Firefighters are heroic people who are always ready to help. They constantly put their lives in danger.

- And now I will read to you situations about how your peers called the fire department. You must determine whether the guys called the fire department correctly and find their mistakes.

1st situation:

— Lida: “Oh, everything is on fire here! Please come quickly!”

2nd situation:

— Sergey: “Hello! My name is Sergey Petrov. I am in the second grade of school No. 1. My parents are not at home, so I am calling you. We started a fire. Come to Lilac Street."

3rd situation:

— Matvey: “Hello, a fire started in our apartment at 5 Central Street, apartment 35. There are no adults at home. Matvey Smirnov is calling you.”

— Where do you think the firefighters will be able to arrive? - Why? – What did the other guys do wrong?

“There are cases when children, having decided to have fun, dial the fire department number and give the attendant false information about the fire. But maybe at this time real help from fire departments is needed elsewhere?! And a childish prank can lead to dire consequences, punishment of your parents and yourself.

- Let's summarize the conversation.

— List the causes of fires. — What rules must be followed during a fire? — How to correctly call the fire department by phone?

“I hope that today’s conversation will be useful to you in life.” You will be attentive and careful with fire, you will not allow trouble.

Internet resources:

Fire safety in the second junior group “Kapelka” of kindergarten No. 15

News 01/12/2017 1,122

Author: N.S. Kolchanova, teacher of the second junior group

Children are especially often injured and killed during fires, and sometimes they themselves become the culprits of their occurrence. This comes from the fact that when raising children, adults often forget about the need to instill in them a sense of responsibility for pranks with fire.

Usually everything is limited to prohibitory shouts: “Don’t touch the matches!” Put the boxes back! - Don’t turn on the electric stove, you’re still little... - Don’t go near the gas stove... Unfortunately, children often ignore such prohibitions and shouts. The forbidden fruit is known to be sweet. They are drawn like a magnet to fire, which is very easily and simply caused with the help of matches. In order to protect children from possible tragedy, targeted work is needed to develop a culture of fire-safe behavior in them. Work on fire safety occupies a special place in the educational process of a preschool institution.

After all, often getting drawn into the cycle of everyday life, we forget about how many unexpected dangers lie in wait for a person on the path of life. Our carelessness and indifference to our health often lead to tragedy. But a person can prevent trouble, protect himself and his loved ones from danger, if he has basic knowledge of the basics of life safety. This knowledge is formed in the process of education, therefore, teaching children the safety of their life activities is an urgent pedagogical task.

In connection with this, in our second junior group “Kapelka” the following events were held: Conversations, viewing presentations on fire topics, Didactic games, Role-playing game, Watching cartoons: Cat’s House; Confusion. We read a lot of fiction about fire safety.

During which the children became acquainted with a fire extinguisher and those items that could cause a fire (matches, lighters). We learned a lot about the harm that playing with fire can cause.

The guys and I made a collective work “Don’t touch the matches, there’s fire in the matches.”

Work was carried out with parents to increase attention to the study of fire safety rules in everyday life, informing them about the causes and consequences of children's pranks.

Parents were introduced to how they can and should protect their children from big trouble and received booklets as souvenirs.



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