Physical education lesson notes in 1 ml. gr. "On a visit to the sun"

Physical development lesson in the nursery group “Walk with the Bunny in the autumn forest”

Lesson on physical development in a nursery group

"Walk with the Bunny in the autumn forest"


strengthen the physical and mental health of children;



• exercise the ability to walk and run after each other;

• develop the ability to correctly perform jumps through 2 parallel lines, pushing off with both legs and landing softly;

• practice maintaining stable balance when walking on a gymnastic bench;

• strengthen the ability to crawl under an arch and straighten up;

• enrich and activate children's motor experience.


Develop attention, fine motor skills of fingers and toes; spatial orientation skills, coordination and rhythm of movements, psychophysical qualities: speed, dexterity.


To cultivate interest in physical education, to evoke joy and satisfaction from joint gaming activities, to cultivate courage and confidence when walking on a limited plane.

Equipment for the lesson:

leaves - 2 for each child; arcs of different heights; gymnastic bench (height 20 cm); 2 ropes; soft toys - bunny and bear; treats for the Hare (vegetables and fruits - dummies).

Progress of the lesson

Part I - Introductory part.

Organizing time:

Educator - Guys, Bunny came to us today (the teacher shows a toy hare, he invites you for a walk in the autumn forest)

. Shall we go for a walk with the Bunny?

We walk along the path (walk one after another, 30 seconds)

(The teacher walks backwards, carries the Hare in his hand and offers to look at him - formation of correct posture).

We begin to stomp loudly (stomp).

Through a puddle, stream

Jump-jump, jump-jump (jumps with forward movement).

We are walking on pebbles

And we don’t get tired at all (Corrective walking along massage paths, an exercise to prevent flat feet)

Well, if you're not tired,

ran quickly and quickly (running after each other).

Part II - Main part:

Educator: Here we are in a forest clearing. Look how many leaves there are! Take 2 leaves each and let's play with them! And the bunny will see how the children can play with leaves (Children stand scattered facing the teacher, each holding 2 leaves).

1. Outdoor switchgear

1) “Showed - hid the leaves”

I.P. - standing, hands below, leaves in each hand. Show the leaves, hands forward, hide the leaves, hands behind your back (4-5 times).

2) “Let’s stroke the legs with leaves”

I.P. - sitting, legs apart, hands with leaves in front. Bend over your toes, stroke your legs with leaves, straighten up (4-5 times).

3) “Bugs hide in the leaves”

I.P. - lie on your back, arms with leaves extended along the body, raise your arms with leaves and legs, move them randomly “like bugs” (4-5 times).

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of educational activities for physical development in the 1st junior group. Theme "Visiting the Bunny"

The notes were compiled by teacher Olga Aleksandrovna Turova.

Goal: to develop children’s interest and value attitude towards physical education, harmonious physical development.

Objectives: continue to teach children to walk in a column one after another, practice walking on their toes and heels, maintaining balance. Improve your walking skills in a limited area, practice stepping over objects (sticks), and strengthen your skills of crawling on all fours under an arch. Foster a sense of teamwork.

Integration challenges.

Communication: in the outdoor game “The Little White Bunny Is Sitting,” continue to teach how to act according to the words of the text and solve riddles.

Health: instill a desire for a healthy lifestyle and physical exercise.

Cognition: through motor activity, introduce children to wildlife, animal habits, and form an idea of ​​primary colors.

Preliminary work: outdoor games, play exercises, morning exercises.

Equipment: toy bunny, wolf, collar (2 pieces), walking sticks (6 pieces), ribbed path.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Children, today we will go to visit you. Guess the riddle and then you will find out who we are going to.

Long ear ball of fluff Jumps deftly loves carrots.

Children. Bunny.

Educator. That's right, we'll go to the bunny, everyone follow me and let's go.

(Normal walking)

The legs walked straight along the path. (Walking on toes and heels) We will walk on our toes, and now on our heels. Look all around how the kids are walking. (Running after each other) Our legs are running, running along the path,

And until we get tired, we won’t stop running. (Regular walking, formation in a circle) Again our legs walk along the path. And now, honest people, join the round dance.

Part 2 (General developmental exercises).

1 I.p. Standing, legs slightly apart, arms down.

We raise our hands higher and then lower them

2 I.p. Standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the waist (turns left and right)

Look on the lawn to see if you can see a bunny's house.

3 I.p. Legs slightly apart, squat, clap in front of you.

The children began to squat and bang their palms.

4 I.p. Standing, legs slightly apart, arms down.

Jumping alternating with walking. And now you need to jump, quickly, fun and friendly. We'll walk on the spot

Friendly, fun and together. Main types of movements (flow method)

Educator. We've done our exercises, and now we need to continue to go to Bunny.

(stepping over sticks)

To find the bunny you need to go through the branches. We step through the branches and raise our legs higher.

(Crawling through the gate)

Climb into the hole and bend your back.

(Walking along a ribbed path)

We will go along the path and visit the bunny.

Educator. These are great guys, we can go to Bunny. And here comes Bunny.

Bunny. Hello my friends, I've been waiting for you, it's time to play.

(Active game “The little white bunny is sitting.” )

Educator. Children, the bunny is very tired and hungry, and we promised to give him a treat.

Look, we have geometric shapes here, find the square and go to it, what is hidden here?

Children. Carrot.

Educator. Now find the triangle and go to it, what is hidden behind the triangle?

Children. Cabbage. (We treat the Bunny with vegetables)

Educator. Who did we visit today? Did you enjoy our trip?

(Children's answers)

Educator. And now it’s time for us to return to the group, let’s say goodbye to Bunny.

I take the children to the group.

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