Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group “Golden autumn has come to visit us”

Abstract of the educational activity “Golden Autumn” on the formation of a holistic picture of the world and broadening the horizons of children

Objectives in accordance with the integration of educational fields.

1. Communication: - enrichment of vocabulary through artistic expression - development of grammatical structure of speech - formation of complex words

2. Artistic creativity : - creation of expressive images using unconventional drawing method

3. Health preservation : - development of gross and fine motor skills

4. Socialization: - fostering goodwill and contact in relationships with peers - developing skills of self-control and self-esteem

5. Cognition: - nurturing interest in painting, poetry, listening to classical music.

Riddle (Blaginina)

Who beats and taps on the roof all night, quietly sings a song and lulls you to sleep? (rain)

Educator: Just recently the sun was so warm. We enjoyed the summer, flowers, berries, sunbathed and swam in the river. But then a cold wind blew, the sky became cloudy, it began to rain... What happened? Why has our nature changed so much? (children's answers)

The song “Autumn has begun...” plays.

Children play metallophones, bells and musical triangles.

Between heaven and earth, the rain stretches the strings, their transparent hand was gently touched by a ray of moonlight, just above the sleepy earth the chimes rang, the song flowed softly, autumn, autumn has begun...


- What is autumn? —What sounds does autumn have? (The sound of rain, the sound of wind, the rustle of falling leaves). — What does autumn smell like? (Rowan berries, cranberries, autumn fungus). — How does a person’s life change with the arrival of autumn? — Proverbs about autumn: — September is cold, but full; — From autumn to summer there is no turn; — September summer ends, autumn begins. -What is autumn like? (Golden, rainy, cloudy, sad, beautiful).

Educator: Autumn is a sad, but very beautiful time. All people, both adults and children, love beauty. Artists created beautiful paintings about this time of year, one of which we will look at. (Children look at the painting by I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”).

The teacher reads P. Sinyavsky’s poem “Golden Autumn”

Golden sorceress autumn, Wait, wait, leave. Well, please, we ask you to stay with us for a little while. We really like to admire how the leaves burn in the sun. We don’t want to part with you, We like your colorful outfit.

Questions for children:

• What kind of autumn did the artist paint? • What trees did the artist paint? • Why do you think the picture is so bright? • How does it make you feel? • What would you call this painting?

Educator: The artist Levitan called this painting “Golden Autumn”. Before us is a modest autumn landscape. There are a lot of such captivating corners in Russia. The birch grove is ablaze with birch fires. The earth glows with gold placers. The cold water of the river reflects the transparent blue of the sky, yellow and red steep banks, and reddish branches of bushes. Light clouds are barely noticeable. The autumn air is clean and transparent. Levitanovskaya autumn is a holiday of gold and blue. A joyful celebration of beauty. And a little sad: this is the beauty of farewell. Winter is coming soon.

Educator: Now let’s try to express the autumn beauty ourselves - dance with the leaves (Children improvise their dance - freely, easily, expressively to the music of Levi “Little Waltz”).

Children collect a bouquet of autumn leaves. Let him please us with his magical beauty.

Autumn inspired artists, poets, and musicians to create beautiful works. Artists paint nature, poets write poems about it. Artists have paints, poets have words, composers have sounds. But they can be used to paint nature beautifully. Just as P.I. Tchaikovsky does in his music.

Children listen to a fragment of Tchaikovsky's "Autumn Song"

Finger game “Autumn leaf”:

Look, look, a leaf is falling, And the autumn air is transparent and clean. In the spring, bursting small buds, firecrackers - leaves - exploded on the branches. Look, look, a leaf is falling. Yellow, dry, it is now unattractive. The leaves were painted with shadow chalk Portraits of sunny July days. Look, look, a leaf is falling, And the deserted forest is not so vocal. The trees have fallen asleep and sleep until spring. And they watch forest, green dreams.

Educator: Guys, would you like to create a panel of multi-colored leaves and decorate the group with it? (Children work collectively).

Unconventional drawing - children tint a sheet of Whatman paper with paints, and the contours of maple, rowan, and oak leaves appear on it, outlined in advance with wax crayons.

Educator: Guys, you tried together, and you came up with a very beautiful panel.

What would you call it? (Children's answers).

Children read V. Semernin’s poem “Golden Autumn”.

Author: Nikolaeva Elena Vladimirovna teacher, MBDOU “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 9” Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic, Russian Federation

The article is published in the author's edition

“Autumn” – lesson notes for the middle group

Malyshkina Elena Ivanovna Nikolaeva Irina Aleksandrovna educators MADOU "Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 54 "Baby" Kemerovo region - Kuzbass. Osinniki

The material was sent for publication in the All-Russian printed collection of practice-oriented materials “Preschool and primary education - modern methods and technologies of teaching and upbringing” - SEPTEMBER 2021.

AUTUMN lesson notes in the middle group

Form of educational activity: joint activity of adults and children (group), cognitive and communicative activities.

Goal: to expand children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn, teach them independently, find them: clarify children’s ideas about the measurements that occur in autumn in the life of plants, continue to teach them to distinguish some deciduous trees; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to admire its beauty.

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Equipment: a painting of autumn, a letter, pictures of animals, dried leaves.

Progress of the lesson:

Conversation on the topic: Guys, let's look out the window. What time of year is it now? (autumn). Today we will talk about autumn.

  • - After what time of year does autumn come?
  • - Name the autumn months.
  • — What happens in autumn in nature, in the life of animals and birds?
  • — What clothes and shoes do you wear in the fall? Why?
  • - What is the weather like in autumn? If it rains - rainy, the wind blows - windy, it’s cold outside - cold, cloudy - cloudy, damp, sunny, clear?
  • — What trees grow in the forest? (oaks, birches, aspens, maples)

Game “Correct the mistakes” (surprise moment, the hare comes and asks questions)

  • - Autumn months - February, June, March? (No)
  • - Autumn months - September, October, November? (Yes)
  • — Is the weather clear, sunny, and warm in autumn? (Yes)
  • — When does this weather happen: at the beginning or end of autumn? (at first)
  • - Now tell me which of the two sentences is correct: “In the fall, children put on Panama hats, T-shirts, shorts and sandals” or “In the fall, children put on raincoats, jackets and boots.”
  • — What would happen if we went outside in Panama hats, T-shirts, shorts and sandals?

The bunny praises the children and shows them the letter.

Didactic game.

Look what I have. This letter. The forest inhabitants sent it to me from the forest yesterday. Look who? He opens the envelope and takes out the pictures. Name them (squirrel, hedgehog, bear, and mouse).

  • — How do these animals prepare for winter in the fall?
  • — What supplies do they make? (a squirrel puts cones, nuts, berries and mushrooms in a hollow; a hedgehog hides mushrooms; a bear digs a den; a mouse drags spikelets into a hole).
  • - Why do animals store supplies for the winter?
  • — What color is the grass and leaves in autumn? (yellow, red, green, brown, orange).

The bunny praises the children and leaves.

Physical education minute.


We are autumn leaves, we sit on the branches. (Squat down) The wind blew and we flew. (We ran in a circle) We flew, we flew, and sat quietly on the ground. (Sat down) The wind came again and picked up all the leaves. (Stand up) Spun and flew. (They circled and ran) And sat down on the ground again. (Sit down)

Didactic game.

Guys, I brought you some leaves.

— From which trees did the wind blow them? (from rowan, maple, oak, birch) - If oak has oak leaves, then maple has what kind? (at rowan, at birch, at poplar, at willow, at aspen).

Summary of the lesson.

  • - What did we talk about today?
  • — What did you learn about autumn?
  • - Who came to visit us?
  • - What did you play today?

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