Entertainment in the middle group on the topic: “Autumn has come to visit us”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Entertainment in the middle group "Autumn Ball".

Presenter: cobwebs fly by with spiders in the middle and cranes fly high from the ground

Everything is flying, it must be our summer flying away Summer is flying away, and the Golden Sorceress is rushing towards it... Who are these guys?

Children (in chorus)

: Autumn!

Host: That's right! Autumn is a very beautiful and magical time of year! Let's sit down and talk a little about fall!

Varya: Autumn! It's frosty in the morning! Yellow leaves are falling in the groves! The leaves around the birch lie like a golden carpet. The ice is transparent blue in the puddles, and there is white frost on the leaves!

Adelia: Falling leaves! Leaf fall! Autumn caulk forest! Tired of hemp; the edges have turned red! The wind flew past The wind whispered in the forest Don't complain to the doctor I'm treating the freckled ones I'll tear off all the redheads I'll throw them into the grass!

Arina: Autumn - a red-haired girl Sews outfits thinly and thinly Red, burgundy, yellow leaves These are shreds!

Ksyusha: if the leaves on the trees have turned yellow, if the birds have flown to a distant land, if the sky is gloomy, if it’s raining. This time of year is called autumn!

Danil G.: how quiet the autumn garden is. Leaves are flying from the branches, quietly whispering, rustling. They want to lull us to sleep.

Lily: the mischievous rain of leaves swirled above me. How good it is! Where else can you find something like this Without end and without beginning? I began to dance under it. We danced like friends, rain of leaves and me!

Timur: the trees are all so beautiful on an autumn day. Let's sing a song about golden leaves! Song-dance of autumn leaves Autumn enters under the dance of music:

Autumn: hello my friends! I came to you for the holiday! I dressed everything up! The dark forest has been enriched! It has become as bright as day. The leaves there are burning with fire!

Presenter: come on, come on through autumn! Be our guest, we are very glad to see you! Listen to the poems the guys have prepared for you:

Elvina: summer quickly flew away like a variable bird into the distance. Autumn wonderfully spread out the fading shawl.

Vlad: The guest presented autumn with fruit harvests with drizzling rains with a body of forest mushrooms

Vildan: autumn is walking in our park Autumn gives gifts to everyone Red beads - to the rowan Pink apron - to the aspen Yellow umbrella - to the poplars Autumn gives us fruits

Evelina: golden leaves are falling, flying Golden leaves cover the garden There are a lot of golden leaves on the paths We will make a beautiful bouquet out of them We will put the bouquet in the middle of the table Golden autumn has come to visit us

Julia: the leaves are embroidered with gold The paths are washed by the rain There are mushrooms in bright hats You give us all autumn!

Diamond: so let's glorify autumn with song, dance and games. Meetings will be joyful. Autumn is your holiday.

Autumn: well, hurry up and get up in a circle. Sing a song together. The song “autumn has come”

Autumn: you sang the song well It’s immediately obvious that you did everything in time, you didn’t waste your time Poems, studied songs But I want to hear how people and animals are preparing for winter.

Kiril: the fields are being harvested. People are collecting bread. The mouse is dragging the grains into a hole so that there will be lunch in the winter. The squirrels are drying the roots. The bees are storing honey.

Richat: grandma is making jam, putting apples in the cellar. The harvest has grown - In the cold, in the cold, in bad weather, Collect the gifts of nature.

Autumn: now let's play with you. My harvest is also ripe. Will you help me collect it?

Harvest game

Autumn: well, now I praise you. Look, you worked hard!

Presenter: It’s autumn, and our guys want to entertain you, they have prepared a dance for you.

Dance with umbrellas

Autumn: well done! You sang, danced and recited poetry. And now I’ll check how you can solve riddles.

1. I bring the harvests I sow the fields again I send the birds to the south I strip the trees But I don’t touch the fir trees and pines I’m a beautiful yellow... (autumn)


2. The leaves are spinning in the air Quietly lying on the grass The garden is shedding its leaves It’s just... (leaf fall)


3. the wind will call the cloud A cloud floats across the sky And over the gardens and groves A cold drizzle... (rain)


4. It’s become gloomy outside The rain is asking to come into our house The house is dry and outside Appeared everywhere... (puddles)


5. low in the gray sky Clouds are moving close Closing the horizon It will rain We took ... (umbrella)


Autumn: well done guys! You can do everything: sing and dance, read poetry and even solve riddles.

Presenter: Autumn is coming with a gloomy cloud and rain, and Summer with a ray of sunshine will not return.

Danil Yu. It’s raining down the street Wet road There are a lot of drops on the glass But there’s not much heat Like autumn mushrooms We carry umbrellas Because outside the window Autumn has come

Leysyan: and we’ll take it and color the rain. Listen to the rain, do you agree? You’ll be blue and yellow. Oh, I wish it would rain sooner! You will be an example to all the rains and you will never turn gray. The song is simple

Autumn: now we’ll play with you. I have a magic handkerchief, and you will have to guess who the handkerchief hid.

Game "Magic Handkerchief"

One, two, three, who's hiding inside? Don't yawn, don't yawn. Answer quickly.

Autumn: oh, well done kids, both dancers and singers. At parting, I will be glad to give you an award, friends, for your kind attitude towards nature. I have a treat for the common table.

Autumn brings out a basket of fruits.

There are no tastier ones in the world. Eat your vitamins, children. It’s a pity to part with you. But it’s time to say goodbye!


Next >

Don't yawn, collect the harvest. Sports leisure in the middle group in the fall

Sports leisure for children 4-5 years old corresponds to the plan in September Integrating theme: autumn

Progress of sports activities: Children of the middle group enter the hall and line up in a circle.
Instructor: Greets the children, begins a conversation about the season of autumn, and brings the conversation to the fact that the harvest is harvested in the fall.
Let's imagine that we are in a garden, but not in an ordinary one, but in a sports one, where all the vegetables have turned into balls, let's have fun and reap an unusual harvest. We'll all go in a circle, we'll go around our vegetable garden, Well, if we want, we'll go around our vegetable garden

Walking and running in circles

Look at this, guys! Who is this standing here? Says nothing, guarding our vegetable garden (Scarecrow)

That's right - it's scary. Why is there a scarecrow in the garden?

Children's answers: It scares away birds to save the harvest.

There is a good harvest this year, we need to collect it.

Here, in our garden

In a golden peel Ripened in the heat Who cleanses it Sheds tears (Onion)

Onions contain many vitamins and are very good for health. And in our garden we can not only collect onions, but also do exercises with them. Children take yellow balls and stand in a circle

A set of exercises is carried out with a ball, after which the balls are placed in a large basket.

Now look here:

There is a bush in the garden It is green and thick You dig a little Under the bush grows... potatoes

Grab your spatulas quickly; picking potatoes will require your dexterity and perseverance.

The fun game “Potato Potatoes!”

Description of the game: At one end of the hall, a rope marks a garden where green balls lie freely, children take small plastic spatulas, go to the garden, pick up a ball with a spatula and carry the ball into the basket on the spatula, there are more balls than children, they have to come back for more balls.

Well done, guys, we collected the potatoes quickly, now until the next harvest you can prepare various delicious potato dishes: you can boil, fry, stew them.

Which vegetable can make a statement:

I am growing in the ground in a garden bed, Red, long, sweet. (Carrot)

The beneficial vitamins of carrots improve vision, and harvesting carrots in our garden will develop your speed

The game “Pull the Carrot” is played.

Description of the game: There are red balls in a hoop in the middle of the court, children run scattered around the hall to the sound of maracas, according to a conditioned signal, you need to take 1 ball and raise it up. The game is played 2-3 times, then the balls are placed in a basket.

The instructor draws the children's attention to large yellow balls lying in a row (5 pieces) Look here, guys:

A round house without windows, its color is similar to the sun. Only a fairy can turn this Vegetable into a carriage (Pumpkin)

We'll walk carefully, we'll step over all the pumpkins, and then we'll collect them.

Walking while stepping over balls, children perform the exercise 2 times, then the balls are sent to the basket.

Instructor: Our basket was filled with an unusual harvest, the garden was empty, only the scarecrow remained. The scarecrow in the empty garden felt sad, let's play with him.

The game "Scarecrow" is being played

Description of the game: A scarecrow is chosen from among the players, ribbons are given to the scarecrow, and the rest of the children pretend to be birds. The scarecrow stands in the middle of the hall, fenced with a rope (large circle), and multi-colored balls lie in the fenced area. Children pretending to be birds run in a circle, saying the words:

In the middle of the garden stands the Voevoda. He dances all day long, waving his sleeves. So that the Crows-Crows scatter to the sides!

At the end of the words, the “birds” try to go outside the circle, drag the ball away, the scarecrow drives the “birds” away with ribbons. The game is repeated 3 times.

While the children are playing, the teacher changes the basket with balls to a basket with real vegetables.

At the end of the game, children in the middle group look at the harvest, remember the names of vegetables, share their experience of what can be prepared from potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, and in what dishes onions are used. How to call potatoes, onions, carrots (vegetables), and everything harvested (harvest) in one word? After sports activities, children take the basket with the harvest to the kitchen.

Autumn leisure for the middle group of kindergarten. Travel to the autumn forest

Scenario of autumn leisure for children of the middle group of kindergarten “Journey to the autumn forest”

Description of material:

The script will be useful for educators and music directors when organizing autumn leisure activities with children. This event can be held in a music hall or in a group.


Arouse the desire to take part in dancing, games, and maintain a conversation. Learn simple dance moves. To form in children an idea of ​​the time of year - autumn, about the signs of autumn.


Create a joyful holiday mood in children and bring pleasure.


A series of demonstration pictures “Autumn”. The scarf is yellow-orange. Costume for Bunny. Costume for Fox. Cardboard leaves are orange, red, yellow (according to the number of children). Leaf crown and cape for Autumn. Basket with apples (for treats).


Taking advantage of a surprise moment. Use of conversation with children, songs, music, dances and games.

Room decoration:

Pieces of paper of different colors, balloons, an exhibition of children's drawings and crafts on the theme “Autumn”.

Event participants:

teachers, music director, children.

Celebration progress:

To the music, the children and the teacher enter the hall and sit on chairs. (the teacher shows the children pictures about autumn, asks questions) Teacher.

1. What time of year do you see in these pictures? 2. How did you guess that it was autumn? 3. What happens in nature with the arrival of autumn?

(here the teacher sees a silk scarf lying on the floor)
Kids, look, what is this?
Someone lost a handkerchief, what to do with it now? (bring the children to the idea of ​​finding the owner and returning him)
Let's think about whose handkerchief this could be? (children's answers)

(the teacher points out that Autumn lost this handkerchief)
Since we decided to return the handkerchief to her, we need to call her!

All in unison.

Autumn, autumn, we invite you to visit us!

(we listen, no one is coming)
Remember, I told you that autumn loves to listen to good songs! So let’s sing our song for the beautiful autumn, she will hear us and come.

Song “Autumn in the Forest” (“Autumn, autumn, autumn – has come to us again”)

(we listen, no one) Educator.

Autumn was probably busy and didn’t hear us.
Children, where do you think autumn can be found? (children's answers)
. Or maybe she's walking through the forest now? Helps animals prepare for winter? Let's go into the forest and try to find autumn! And to while away the journey, we’ll take the bus!

(music “Bus” (E. Zheleznova) sounds)
We have come with you to the forest. Take a closer look, do you see autumn anywhere? Oh, look who it is?

(the bunny runs and runs up to the children)
Hello, bunny! Can you tell us where we can find autumn?


Hello, why do you need it?


Children, tell the bunny why we are looking for autumn.

(children explain to the bunny)
Okay, I’ll give you a hint if you answer my questions!
First question: What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall from trees? (leaf fall)
Well done! Second question: what color are the leaves in autumn? (red, orange, yellow)
And the third question: which tree leaves its red berries on the trees and for whom? (rowanberry, for birds)


Well, bunny, we have answered all your questions, now will you tell us where we can find autumn?


Play leaf fall with me, then I’ll tell you for sure!

Outdoor game “Colorful leaves” (children go to the chairs)
Okay, now I can tell you where you can find fall! Oh, oh, oh, who's running there? It's a fox...sorry, but I have to run, otherwise the fox will catch me...

(the bunny runs away, the fox runs up)


Hello, have you seen a bunny here?


Hello, fox! First, answer the question for us, and then we will help you.


Okay, I agree! Say what you want?


You see, Foxy, the guys and I found a handkerchief, we think it was autumn that lost it! We want to find her and return her.


Where did you get the idea that this was her handkerchief? This is my!


Children, explain why we decided that autumn lost this scarf?
(by color) Fox.
So, I’m orange too, so this is my handkerchief!


Yes, you are bright, beautiful, like autumn, but you have only one autumn color. And here, look, yellow, red, orange, but you don’t have those colors.


Okay, I’ll help, I know that autumn often rains! So, let's dance now, she will hear that it is raining here, and she will come to us!

Dance “Rain” (music “It’s bad weather outside the window again”) Fox.

So, run away, kids, to your places! Let's listen whether autumn is coming to us or not!

(silence, no one)
I probably didn’t hear, but let’s dance some more!

Dance “The Guilty Cloud” authors Y. Entin, D. Tukhmanov, Spanish. Fidgety Fox.

Run to your places!!!

(music sounds, Autumn enters)
Who is shedding rain here without me?


That's all of them!
It's not me! (points to the children)


The bunny told me that you are looking for me? Why did you need me?


The guys and I found a handkerchief, and decided that you had lost it.


Oh thank you! I'm looking for him in the forest.


Autumn, since we have met you, allow us to give you a dance!


I will be glad to receive your gift! Dance of girls “Autumn, dear, rustle” lyrics by S. Eremeeva, music by M. Eremeeva


Thank you for such a bright gift!
And I want to give you a gift too! (takes out a basket of apples)
Here, accept my autumn harvest!
Get your vitamins! Take care of yourself and dress warmly! Goodbye, it’s time for me to hurry, I still have a lot to do before winter, I need to get everything done! And you, fox, follow me and you will help me! (Children see off Autumn and Fox and go back to the music “Bus”)

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