A selection of riddles and tasks for children on fire safety. Outline of lessons on the world around them on the topic

Fire safety competition program. Primary School

Fire safety event for primary school students “You can’t joke with fire!”
Goal: Formation of the basics of fire safety for schoolchildren. Objectives: teach children to act correctly in emergency situations; consolidate knowledge of correct behavior in case of fire; instill skills in careful handling of fire. Planned results: Subject
- remember the basic rules of fire prevention, learn to call firefighters by phone, characterize fire hazardous objects, get acquainted with the profession of a firefighter,
learn to understand the educational task and strive to complete it, plan your action in accordance with the task, establish cause-and-effect relationships connections, generalize and draw conclusions, ask questions, control yourself and your comrades,
work in groups, in pairs, talk about the purpose of fire safety items, formulate conclusions from the material studied, answer final questions. Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation “Fire Safety”, cards with tasks for independent work; riddles, proverbs, poems about fire, about fire; a fire safety inspector and a medical worker were invited.

Progress of the game.

Today we will talk to you about a very important and relevant topic for all of us.
Guess the riddle: “The red beast is sitting in the oven, the red beast is angry with everyone.
He eats firewood out of anger for a whole hour, maybe two. Don’t touch it with your hand, it will bite your entire palm” (fire) What do you think will be discussed at our event today? During the event: We will get acquainted with the basics of fire safety, the causes of fires, learn to follow fire safety rules and act correctly in the event of a fire II.
Main part Presenter 1. Fire is a long-time friend of man. With its help, many useful things are accomplished. But sometimes it happens that fire turns from a faithful friend into a merciless enemy, destroying everything in its path. The power of fire is great. It takes millions of human lives, wipes out big cities and small villages from the face of the earth. Today, about five and a half million fires occur annually on our planet. Every 5 seconds there is a new fire. Enterprises and hospitals, trains and planes, forests, fields and houses are burning. The result is colossal losses. And most importantly, tens of thousands of human victims, including children. 3. Causes of fires Guess the riddle: Oh, these little sisters are dangerous...(matches) _ Why are matches dangerous? Presenter 2. Don’t play, my friend, with a match. Remember, it’s small, But a small match can burn the house to the ground. Younger brothers and sisters and preschoolers are told: “Remember that matches are not a toy for children!” 4. Why is fire dangerous? -How dangerous is a fire? - Why might a fire occur? 5. Rules of conduct in case of fire What if a fire does occur? Firefighter's story: What are the rules of behavior in case of fire. ___________________________________________________________________________________ “If the fire is small, you can try to put it out immediately by throwing, for example, a thick cloth, a blanket, or pouring a pan of water over it. BUT REMEMBER: DO NOT extinguish live appliances with water, as well as gasoline, kerosene and oil. If the fire does not go out immediately, immediately run away from the house to a safe place. And only after that, call the fire department. If you cannot escape from a burning apartment, immediately call “01” and tell the firefighters the exact address and number of your apartment. After that, call neighbors and passersby for help from the window. In a fire, smoke is much more dangerous than fire. Most people in a fire die from smoke. If you feel like you are suffocating, squat down or crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below. If possible, breathe through a wet cloth. If there is a fire in the entrance, never get into the elevator. He may shut down and you will suffocate. Call “01” or ask your neighbors about it. Presenter: Now we will play a game with the guys, during which we will find out whether the guys know the fire safety rules, and we will practice some techniques for dealing with a fire. The motto of our game will be the words of V. Mayakovsky “We firmly need to remember - Fire does not arise on its own!” “Business card” 1. “FLIGHTS” Our motto: “Fire is a dangerous thing He doesn’t like jokes on himself” 2. “FIREMEN” Our motto: “Remember, friends, that you can’t joke with fire.” Host : I present to you the jury that will evaluate each competition. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Introduction to the competition program Competition No. 1 “Warm-up” Guess the riddles: 1) In a small barn they keep 100 fires (Matchbox) 2) Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water. With a tongue, but does not bark, Without teeth, but bites (Fire) 3) Where people are careless with fire, It will definitely be (Fire) 4) I saw smoke, don’t yawn, Call us quickly (Firemen) 5) A midge was flying, an aspen leg She sat on a haystack and ate all the hay (Match) 6) I am shaggy, I am shaggy, I am above every hut in winter, Above the fire, the steamboat, I am never without fire. (Smoke) 7) Carbon monoxide smoke billowed out, the room was full of smoke. What does a firefighter wear? What is it impossible to live without? (Gas mask) 8) I’m rushing with a siren to the fire, I’m carrying water with foam. Let's put out the fire and heat in an instant We're quick, like arrows (Fire truck) - During the warm-up, you repeated terms related to fire safety. 2 COMPETITION “Call the Firemen”. Presenter 1 . What will you do if you see fire? (Team responses) Presenter 2. Every citizen must know - Firefighter phone number “01”: If something catches fire, Take the courage: Urgently call “01”, Give the exact address, What’s been burning, how long ago, where. It will rush for a few minutes - the fire department will rush to you and help you in trouble! Imagine that your apartment is on fire, and the fire occurred in a large room from the TV. You need to inform the fire department about this. Before you have the opportunity, be familiar with the questions you'll need to answer during the call. (shows a poster) On the poster. 1. Address: street name, house, apartment, entrance number 2. What is burning and where 3. Floor. How many floors are there in the building? 4. Is there a danger to people? 5. State your last name and first name (Children stand in a column. One by one they run up to the phone, pick up the phone, dial “01”, give the address and run back.) 3rd competition “Going to the fire” Presenter 1 . You called the fire department. How will they respond to your call? (children's answers) Presenter 2. The car is red, there is a siren, a bright light. Always ready in it: Hoses, ladder, water! If there is a fire somewhere, And the heat of the fire is dangerous - They give way to her! Everyone knows this rule. At the signal, team members stand in the hoops, raise them to waist level and move to the opposite side of the gym, running around the pins like a snake. The mission is considered completed if the crew has not lost any of its crew members. Presenter 1. So, the young firefighters arrived at the fire. How many of you know the name of a fire hose that is used to extinguish fires with water? (sleeve) The fire hose should always be in perfect order, neatly rolled into a large “snail”. Captains will take part in this competition. 4 Competition “Combat Deployment” Presenter 1. At a signal, team captains deploy a fire hose (satin ribbon), and then carefully roll it up. The one who completes the task faster wins. Fire ditties 1) We will sing you ditties About firefighters, about fire.8) Don't take them seriously, otherwise you'll get hit. 2) When you leave home, turn off all appliances, otherwise you will come home from school and there will be nowhere to drink tea. 3) There are many different professions, but one of them is more important. Being a firefighter means saving people from fire. 4) Kolya, Kolya, are you so pale, weak, not yourself? “I forgot to put out the match, I barely made it out alive.” 5) New house - green roof Maybe it won’t burn down: Our firefighter friend Fedya will protect from fire. 6) Open the gate, mom, I’m leading the fireman. He will now teach you how to simmer a frying pan. 7) Who went through fire and water And marked his helmet with copper? This is our brave fireman, If he is nearby, there are no problems. If there is a problem somewhere, There is a lot of smoke or fumes, A fireman will come to you And will douse any fire. 9) If suddenly a fire happens, you, girlfriend, don’t yawn - “01” call quickly and call for help. All: Suddenly there will be a fire at school. We know like twice two: The emergency door will do, We quickly run there. 5th competition “Rescue the Victims” Presenter 1 . Sometimes in a fire it is not so much the fire that is dangerous as the acrid smoke. It stings your eyes and makes it difficult to breathe. Who knows how to behave correctly in a smoky room? When walking through smoky areas, try to overcome them by holding your breath or covering your mouth or nose with a damp handkerchief or towel. But how difficult it is to see the victim in the smoke. Small children often hide from smoke in closets or under beds, making it difficult for firefighters to find them. Now our young firefighters will save not people, but their favorite toys. Each team must squat (“goose-step”) through a “smoky room” to the hoop, breathing through a wet rag. Next you take, i.e. save 1 toy and return to your team. Your task is to save everyone and take them to a safe place. 6 competition “Find the fire” Presenter 1. Sometimes it happens that the fire is located in several places. Firefighters have to “knock” the fire into one place in order to completely extinguish it there. Now the teams will have to gather the fire in one place. Red handkerchiefs are hung throughout the hall - these are hot spots. The task of each team is to put on mittens or gloves so as not to get burned and collect the handkerchiefs in a bucket. The team that collects the most handkerchiefs wins. 7 competition. “Put out the fire” Presenter 1. How do you put out the fire? (water, fire extinguisher). But it happens that you cannot put out a fire with water, and there is no fire extinguisher at hand. Then simple sand is used. Now you and I will put out the fire with sand. Teams, one at a time, run to a hoop containing sandbags and throw them into buckets with red handkerchiefs. The team with the most hits wins. Presenter No. 2 Careless handling of fire leads to burns, unfortunately. Just in case, you need to know how to help with burns. Let's learn this today, following the principle - everything in life will come in handy. ______________________________________________________________________________ Medic. I will tell you what assistance should be provided to the victim if he has received burns. The burned part of the body should be freed from clothing, but if burnt remains of clothing are stuck to the skin, then you cannot remove or tear them off the body: this will damage the skin even more. Special precautions must be taken if the clothing is synthetic, since when it burns it melts and sticks to the skin. To make the process easier, it is better to cut the clothes. Place the burn area under cold water and hold for 10-15 minutes. If blisters have formed at the burn site, under no circumstances should they be opened: this may lead to infection of the burn surface. If blisters appear, apply a sterile bandage. For burns, do not lubricate the skin with any fats or ointments. In case of extensive burns to the body and limbs, the victim should be wrapped in a clean sheet, urgently call an ambulance or taken to a hospital, where he will receive qualified assistance. 8 Competition “Help the Victim” Each team has 1 fire victim. We work in pairs. The first pair puts a bandage on the arm, and the second on the leg. The jury evaluates the quality of the bandages. Competition for fans. Guess riddles about the fire.
1. I am stronger than everyone in the world, I am bolder than everyone in the world, I am not afraid of anyone, I will not submit to anyone (fire) 2. Carbon monoxide smoke began to swirl, the room is full of smoke. What does a firefighter wear? What is it impossible to live without? (gas mask) 3. I’m rushing with a siren to the fire, I’m carrying water with foam. Let's put out the fire and heat in an instant. We're quick, like arrows. (fire truck) 4. The insidious fire will be defeated by the one whose name is... (Firefighter) 5. A coal fell on the floor and lit the wooden floor. Don't look, don't wait, don't stand. And quickly fill it up... (with water) 6. What kind of cramped, cramped house is this? A hundred sisters huddle in it. And any of the sisters can flare up like a fire. Don’t joke with the thin sisters... (Matches) 7. If something suddenly happens in the house - Smoke billows from the windows, And fire, and heat blazes - This means there is (a fire)

Final part.
Competition “Pass the exam” Presenter. Firefighters (like students in school) are constantly undergoing training. You and I saw on the excursion that they also have a classroom in the PCH. And they not only study, but also pass exams. Now you will have to remember everything you learned today and pass the exam. I give you exam cards, each participant must answer 1 question. If a young firefighter cannot answer a question, the team helps him. Exam questions: 1. What should be done if there is a fire in the apartment? (call “01” and give your address.) 2. What should you do if there is a lot of smoke in the apartment? (moisten clothes with water, cover your mouth and nose with a wet rag, crawl towards the exit). 3. For what purpose were dogs used during the fire? (To search for people in burning and smoke-filled rooms.) 4. How can you extinguish a fire? (blanket, water, sand, fire extinguisher). 5. What needs to be done when leaving the apartment to prevent a fire? (Turn off the lights, gas, turn off electrical appliances, hide matches from small children.) 6. Your clothes are on fire. What should your actions be? (I will fall on the floor, the ground, snow or grass, roll or cover myself with a cloth; I will not run, this cannot be done.) 7. How to help a person who has received a burn? (take to the hospital, apply a bandage, under cold water) 8. People of what profession, wishing good luck, are told: “Dry sleeves for you”? (Firemen) 9. Is it possible to use candles and sparklers at the Christmas tree without adults? (No, you can’t, a fire may occur. 10 Is it possible to touch switched-on electrical appliances with wet hands? (You can’t, water passes current through itself. This is life-threatening.) The jury sums up the presenter . Guys, did you know that every year on April 30 Firefighter Day is celebrated - a professional holiday for fire service workers. Poems: 1) We will tell you about those who save people, and are the first to arrive when called to a fire. 2) To extinguish the evil flame - This is their concern. Fearlessly extinguish the heat - That's their job. 3) These people are the best! Strong and brave, Skillful masters are not afraid of anything! 4) Zero one - the phone rang, Someone's cry was brought by the wires, Someone's cry was caught by the microphone - So, somewhere there was trouble... 5) Day by day, night and day, firefighters are ready to fight the fire. And there is no second in the service for sleep, Seconds - they have a high price! 6) As soon as the phone reports trouble, the division will rush to the rescue. But it’s not enough to be brave and courageous in order to defeat the evil and insidious fire. And you need to know and be able to do a lot in order to overcome the fire clearly and quickly. 7) Always be careful with fire - Firefighters will tell everyone strictly. Let the alarm call to you less and less every day for us when there is a fire. Summing up, rewarding. Presenters No. 2. We wish you good luck in everything and ask each of you. About the most important thing - about one thing: Together: “Be careful with fire!”

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Game industry

Along with police officers and astronauts, many children also want to become firefighters, so quite a few games have been created in which you can put out fires, drive a big red car and save people by leading them out of burning buildings. Unlike other game genres, here you will find many exciting arcade games with varied gameplay.

In some games you will need to catch people jumping out of the windows of burning houses, in some you will have to put out fires from a helicopter or plane, in some you will have to pull people out of hard-to-reach places, but of course, most often you will have to put out the fires themselves.

Screenshot from Flughafen Feuerwehr Simulator 2010, by Rondomedia GmbH.

And if everything is clear with catching and rescuing people, then it will be possible to extinguish fires in different ways. In some games you will control rescuers from a third person and help them collect fire hoses and then direct them to the fire. In others, you will immediately control the fire hose, which must be aimed at the flame using the mouse. Games where you have to put out a fire in the first person are exciting, but games where you also have to control a large fire truck will be much more interesting.

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