Summary of an open lesson on fire safety in the preparatory group

Conversation “Rules of conduct in case of fire”

2. Immediately leave the premises, checking to see if there are anyone left in the apartment who cannot get out on their own (the sick, the elderly, children);

3. If there are no adults, call the fire department by phone 01 (112), tell the exact address, what is burning and where, your name and phone number.

The basic rule for extinguishing a fire is the following: cover the burning object with a thick cloth or blanket and immediately leave the room, tightly closing the door behind you.

Particular attention should be paid to what not to do in case of fire:

*extinguish the fire until the fire department is called (during this time a large fire may break out);

*extinguish electrical appliances with water, as water conducts electricity well;

*try to exit through a smoke-filled stairwell (hot air burns the lungs, and smoke is very toxic);

* use the elevator;

* descend from the upper floors through drainpipes and risers using ropes and sheets, unless there is an urgent need for this, because in the absence of skills, a fall is almost always inevitable;

* open doors, windows and jump out of them.

If a fire occurs, you need to be prepared for anything, because the successful evacuation of the building, your life will depend on your correct actions.

Let's look at different situations that can happen:

Actions when evacuating from a burning or smoke-filled room:

1.Protect your eyes and respiratory organs.

2. Cover yourself with a thick damp cloth and move, crawling or crouching.

3. Take a flashlight with you, as it’s hard to see in a smoky room.

4. Do not enter areas where there is a high concentration of smoke.

If you cannot go outside due to thick smoke and high temperature, you should immediately return back, closing the door tightly behind you.

If the smoke concentration increases, then move around the room by crawling or crouching.

In multi-storey buildings, go towards the smoke-free staircase and then towards the exit. Hold on to the walls, handrails, breathe through a damp handkerchief. Using the elevator during a fire is strictly prohibited.

Actions if it is not possible to leave the apartment during a fire in the house:

1.Call the fire department, give your address and say that the exit to the stairs is closed.

2.Close the door to the apartment, plug all the cracks and ventilation holes with rags.

3.Create a supply of water in the bathroom.

4. Lock yourself in the room farthest from the entrance.

5. Get ready to signal to rescuers with a piece of bright fabric from the balcony.

6.If the smoke concentration is high or the temperature has risen sharply, go out onto the balcony, closing the door tightly behind you. Bring a soaked blanket or other thick cloth with you to protect yourself from fire if it comes through a window or door.

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