Card file of didactic games on traffic rules for young children card file on life safety (junior group)

Card index of traffic rules games in the junior groupcard index (junior group)

Card index of games by




Didactic games.

“Guess what sign?”

Objectives: To teach children to distinguish road signs, to consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of the road; develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Material: Cubes with road signs pasted on them: warning, prohibition, directional and service signs.

Progress of the game:

1st option. The presenter invites you one by one to the table where the cubes lie. The child takes the cube, names the sign and approaches the children who already have the signs of this group.

2nd option. The presenter shows a sign. Children find this sign on their blocks, show it and tell what it means.


Goals: Teach children traffic rules; develop thinking and spatial orientation.

Material: Several playing fields, car, toys.

Progress of the game:

Several options for simple playing fields are prepared in advance. Each field is a drawing of an extensive road system with road signs. This will make it possible to change the road situation. For example: “You are a car driver, you need to take the bunny to the hospital, get gas and fix the car. The picture of the car represents the garage where you left and where you should return. Think and say in what order you need to visit all these points so as not to violate traffic rules. And then the two of us will see if you have chosen the right path.”

"Travel by Car"

Goal: To consolidate with children knowledge of road signs and rules of conduct on the streets.

Material: Game field, chips.

Progress of the game:

The children begin to play on the playing field. When passing road signs, they stop and talk about each of them. The one who reaches the sea first wins.

"On the way to"

Objectives: To consolidate knowledge about various types of transport; train attention and memory.

Material: Pictures of cargo, passenger transport, chips.

Progress of the game:

Before the trip, agree with the children who will collect what type of transport (for clarity, you can distribute pictures of trucks and cars, you can also take specialized transport: police, firefighters, ambulance, etc.). On the way, children pay attention to the cars, name them and receive chips for it. Whoever collects the most wins.

"Find the right sign"

Goal: Continue to consolidate knowledge of road signs and traffic control devices.

Material: 20 cardboard cards (puzzles). Some halves of the cards depict road signs, the other halves show the corresponding traffic situations.

Progress of the game:

Children divide all halves of cards with signs equally. The traffic elements are shuffled and placed face down in the center of the table. Children take turns taking cards and matching them to their own. The first person to find matching halves for all of their cards wins.

"Learning road signs"

Goal: Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about road signs and traffic lights.

Material: Cards large and small with signs.

Progress of the game:

Children are dealt large cards. The presenter takes turns showing cards with road signs, the one to whom it suits takes the sign, puts it in the upper right corner and tells what the sign is called and in what situations it is used. The winner will be the one who correctly selects the signs for the situations and can explain it.

"Traffic Laws"

Objectives: To consolidate the basics of road literacy; introduce the main road signs, their classification, purpose; promote the development of attention, memory, thinking.

Progress of the game:

The teacher takes on the role of a traffic police inspector. Participants move around the playing field using a cube. If the color is green - movement is allowed, yellow - attention, red - stop - the player misses a move. If the chip lands on a field with a picture of a road sign, the participant needs to find a sign from this group in the “common bank”. The one who scores the most points wins. 1 card – one point.

"True False"

Goal: To reinforce with children the rules of safe behavior on the streets and traffic signs.

Material: Playing field, traffic signs.

Progress of the game:

Children distribute the characters in the picture, and each one talks about who is doing what - right or wrong. The winner is the one who more fully and correctly describes the behavior of the selected character.

"We are passengers"

Objectives: To clarify children’s knowledge that we are all passengers; establish the rules for boarding and disembarking from transport.

Material: Pictures of traffic situations.

Progress of the game:

Children take one picture at a time and tell what is drawn on them, explaining what to do in a given situation.

"Road ABC"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge of road signs, the ability to correctly navigate them, classify them by type: prohibitory, prescriptive, warning, informational.

Material: Cards with traffic situations, road signs.

Progress of the game:

Children choose cards for themselves, the leader gives road signs, he shows the signs one by one, the one who has the right card takes the sign and justifies his choice.

“Know and follow traffic rules”

Goal: To reinforce traffic rules with children; repeat the traffic light values.

Material: Illustrations of city streets.

Progress of the game:

Children are given a riddle about a traffic light, a discussion is held about the meaning of the colors of the traffic light, an analysis of situations on the road and the correct behavior of the characters.

"Behavior rules"

Goals: To reinforce the rules of behavior with children; discuss various dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the courtyard or on the street; teach necessary precautions.

Material: Cut pictures.

Progress of the game:

On the board are pictures depicting people in various situations. The teacher invites the children to look at them. Children look at these pictures, choose any one and tell them, remembering the rules of the road, what not to do and how to act.

"Pedestrians and transport"

Goal: To reinforce with children the rules of the road and the rules of safe behavior on the streets.

Material: Dice, playing field, chips.

Progress of the game:

The playing field depicts a road along which the players move with the help of chips; they have obstacles in the form of signs on their way.

When hitting these obstacles, the player returns back. Once at the “pedestrian crossing”, the player moves forward along the red arrow. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

"Big Walk"

Goal: To familiarize children with the road signs necessary for a motorist.

Material: Game field, chips, road signs.

Progress of the game:

Children in token cars drive through the city streets, observing traffic rules, collecting photographs of friends and returning to their home. Whoever returns first, breaking the fewest rules, wins.

"Follow the traffic rules"

Goals: To teach children to navigate by road signs, to follow traffic rules, to develop the ability to be polite and attentive to each other.

Material: Playing canvas, road signs, cars, figures of people.

Progress of the game:

Children choose their own cars and figures of people, guided by the situation drawn, and guide their characters around the playing field.

"Talking Road Signs"

Goal: To teach children to navigate by road signs, follow traffic rules, and be attentive to each other.

Material: Each playing field is a drawing of an extensive road system with road signs. Cars, game characters.

Progress of the game:

In front of each child is a field, each task: after driving across the field, following all the rules, without missing a single sign, get to the named point.

"Cut marks"

Objectives: Develop the ability to distinguish road signs; fix the name of road signs; develop logical thinking and eye in children.

Material: Split signs; samples of signs.

Progress of the game:

The child is first asked to remember which traffic signs he knows, and then he is asked to assemble cut signs using a model. If the child copes easily, then he is asked to collect the signs from memory.

“I am a competent pedestrian”

Goals: To teach children to analyze situations on the road; strengthen children's skills of safe behavior on city streets; develop thinking, attention, observation.

Material: Two sets of cards with situations, road signs.

Progress of the game:

The child is asked to first consider dangerous situations that may happen on the road; If the child answers correctly, then he is asked to independently find the right sign in accordance with the situation on the card.

"Road Lotto"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules; learn to find the right road signs depending on the situation on the road; develop logical thinking, memory, attention, observation.

Material: Cards with situations on the road, road signs.

Progress of the game:

Each child is given a card that depicts a traffic situation, and children are asked to find the right sign that corresponds to the situation on the road.

Board and printed game “The Road to Grandma”

Goals: To develop attention, memory, observation in preschool children; contribute to increasing the level of road literacy.

Material: A field depicting the path to grandma with various road signs; chips; cube.

Progress of the game:

Two or three children are asked to race to get to their grandmother’s house, while observing traffic rules.

Outdoor games according to traffic rules


Children imagine themselves as cars and move according to the teacher’s signals.

The words “slow”, “right”, “left”, “forward”, “back” are pronounced.

Children “Cars” move along the “roadway” of the group according to


"Traffic lights"

The teacher invites the children to turn into traffic lights and play. Each child receives a circle of one of two colors. Children move in circles to cheerful music. As soon as the melody fades, two of them gather in the “traffic lights”. The game is repeated several times.

"Listen to the command"

Children move according to the teacher’s commands: the steering wheel turns;

The car window goes up and down; wiper blades move left and right, etc.

"Colored Cars"

The guys receive circles of different colors and “turn” into colored ones

cars. The group organizes the “roadway” and “cars”

move along it, observing all traffic rules known to them.

"Sparrows and the car"

Children - “sparrows” sit in nests (on chairs). The teacher or one of the children is a “car”. When the site is quiet, there is no car, all the sparrows scatter around the site. At the teacher’s word “car” or an unexpected signal from the car, all the sparrows return to their places. The teacher selects the birds that flew to the nests first. To give the children a little rest, the teacher, pretending to be a car, drives twice from end to end along the playground and stands on the side. The children run out to the middle of the playground again and the game repeats.

"Traffic Signals"

The teacher shows the traffic lights, the children perform the following actions: red - stop, yellow - get ready, green - walk, jump, run.

“We won’t tell you where we were, what we were driving, we’ll show you”

(low mobility)

The child depicts some type of transport, the rest guess.

Role-playing game “We are passengers.”

A bus driver and conductor are selected. The rest are becoming

passengers. The group chooses a “stopping” place, from chairs

a “bus” is being compiled. Rules for boarding the bus are being practiced;

behavior while driving; getting off the bus.

Card index of games on traffic rules for preschoolers with goals

The traffic rules card file in the middle group according to Federal State Educational Standards (federal state educational standards) with goals includes such entertainment as “Guess what sign?”, “Drivers” and “On the Road”.

"Guess what sign"

The purpose of the “Guess Which Sign” lesson is for children to consolidate their knowledge of traffic rules and independently use them in everyday life. The gameplay is represented by cubes with directional, warning and prohibition signs stuck on them in a checkerboard pattern.

Traffic rules in the second junior group - a card index with goals

The teacher should take turns inviting the children to the table where the cubes are laid out. The student takes a cube, names the sign and goes to the group of children who already have symbols of this variety.


In the process of educational entertainment "Drivers", the little ones also learn the rules, but in addition to this, they also develop thinking and spatial orientation. To conduct a lesson, you need to stock up on playing fields, toy cars and other toys. The teacher prepares 3-4 options for playing fields in advance, each of which is represented by a picture with signs. This is necessary to change the traffic situation.

For example, a kid becomes a car driver, and he needs to take the fox to the store, get gas and repair the car. The image of the vehicle represents the garage where the little one left and where he must return. The child needs to think and say in what order these points should be visited so that the traffic rules are not violated.

"On the way to"

Thanks to the lesson “On the Road”, students consolidate their knowledge about types of transport, train their memory and attention. To play the game you will need images of cars and trucks, as well as chips. The game is played outdoors, but before starting you need to agree with the children who will collect what type of cars. During the game, the little ones pay attention to the cars, name them and receive chips for each correct answer. Whoever has the most chips at the end is declared the winner.

Note! Based on all of the above, we can conclude that it is easiest for preschoolers to perceive information about traffic rules in a playful way.

Such activities will definitely be effective, because the child will study with great pleasure and interest in the circle of his friends.

Goals and objectives of traffic rules games for preschool children

The main goal of organizing lessons on learning the rules of the road is for the little ones to acquire theoretical knowledge, and in their heads to develop stable practical skills on how to protect themselves on the street and on the road.

In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to implement a system of training, development and educational tasks. Educational tasks are represented by broadening one's horizons on issues of safe behavior on the road, studying traffic rules for pedestrians and passengers, mastering the terms and concepts that are used in road traffic and contribute to the successful acquisition of the basics of safe behavior in the future. As for educational tasks, they are as follows:

  • formation of a road traffic member culture;
  • fostering a negative attitude towards everyone who violates norms of behavior and traffic rules.

Note! Developmental tasks mean the development of independence and the ability to organize one’s activities while driving in such a way that it is rational. Also, during developmental activities, the child develops logical and spatial thinking, imagination and memory.

Game form of lessons on traffic rules in younger groups

It is recommended to start a lesson with the youngest preschool children (1.5-2 years) on the topic of road transport concepts with a walk down the street. The teacher must show the tiny pedestrians the sidewalk, the roadway and must tell them about their purpose (it is not necessary to go beyond the preschool). Children will become familiar with concepts such as passenger, driver and pedestrian, while simultaneously observing how vehicles move on the road. As a visual aid, consider a car that delivers food to the kitchen every day and discuss how this road is constructed.

Learning the rules with children outside

During group lessons, experts recommend resorting to the technique of modeling different road situations as often as possible. The teacher should encourage pupils to play with toy cars, pronounce each action out loud and encourage preschoolers to do this (for example, the vehicle reduced speed, reversed or turned right).

Game form of classes in middle groups

In the middle group of kindergarten, all traffic rules games for preschoolers are aimed at learning and practicing traffic rules. The didactic game method is mainly used here. The mandatory points of this method are:

  • rules;
  • clear and consistent game actions;
  • a precisely defined result.

Important! The educational form of classes is presented in 2 types: focusing on the content of game actions or on the props with the help of which the storyline of the game is built.

Game form of classes in senior groups of preschool educational institutions

As a basis for lessons on traffic rules in older groups of kindergarten, personal social skills of interaction with the outside world are used, and behavior patterns are also copied on toys or peers who also participate in the game. For example, in the game “Bus” in the senior group, students must take turns entering the “transport”, then buy tickets from the conductor and ask the driver to stop at one stop or another.

Calendar and thematic planning in the senior group on the topic “Spring”

Game form of classes in preparatory groups

With children 6-7 years old who go to the preparatory group, you can already play theatrical games, implemented in two forms. As a rule, teachers use dramatization, that is, the participants in the game become “artists” who play roles according to the script. You can also resort to director's play, where children direct the movements and actions of characters - dolls.

An example of a doll for traffic rules classes

Types of games based on traffic rules

Since gameplay is the leading activity for preschoolers, with its help children quickly learn what can be done on the road and what actions are prohibited. For this reason, lessons on studying traffic rules are included in programs according to which the educational process is implemented in preschool institutions.

Outdoor games in the senior group according to traffic rules

In the process of active gameplay, children develop skills to act in conditions that are constantly changing, and to instantly respond to unexpected situations. Outdoor lessons develop the following motor skills in toddlers:

  • determination of distance (far - close);
  • speed (fast - slow);
  • dimensions (more - less);
  • visibility (whether the car is obscured).

The child must coordinate his actions with the movements of surrounding people and record the movements of objects.

Didactic games in the senior group on traffic rules

In order to conduct lessons on learning the rules of the road, you must, of course, stock up on visual material in advance. The props can be represented by the main signs with which traffic is regulated, images of a traffic controller, a street map with pedestrian crossings and buildings. In the process, children learn signs and rules of behavior.


With the help of role-playing lessons, the preschooler engages in free improvisation and forms a model of social relationships, acting out various situations. Role-playing entertainment always involves playing “something” or “someone,” and their distinctive characteristic is the presence of a script and roles.

Note! You can play with children on the territory of a children's automobile playground, which must be in a kindergarten, or in a room with special layouts and a magnetic board.


The use of various multimedia tools has become almost the most important innovation in the work of kindergarten teachers. Methodological tools and techniques of educators were diluted with information and communication technologies, which made it possible to make lessons for children more exciting and memorable. Today, the method of interactive games is popular, relevant and effective, and teachers quite often use presentations to study traffic rules.

Puzzles, dominoes, board games

With the help of the unusual “Road” domino, the child will always be able to apply all the knowledge he has acquired about road signs in practice, as well as study traffic lights and road markings. Participants in the entertainment must work together to build their own road, correctly connecting the cards to each other.

Domino "Road"

Note! To study the most common traffic signs, experts recommend using a children's plastic lotto “Traffic Signs”, on the chips of which signs are drawn, and their decoding is written on the cards.

Project on artistic and aesthetic development according to the Federal State Educational Standard at a preschool educational institution

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