Summary of a lesson on speech development in the first nursery group on the topic “Visiting Grandma”

What toys, books and aids can be used for speech development

To help parents, there are special benefits that will accelerate the baby’s speech development. Most often these are cards with pictures. It is very useful to accompany classes with images of objects. Looking at the card, the child will first name what is shown on it. Then you can come up with a short story together about this animal or object.

Children are developed by blocks, puzzles, toys, construction sets, including Lego. You need to start with 3-4 parts, increasing their number with age. Toys are always included in educational games. The most convenient object is a ball. The favorite children's game - "Edible - inedible" is impossible without this item. Let your child catch the ball when you say something is edible, and return it when you say the opposite.

Other ball games:

  1. Mom throws the ball and names the letter. The child catches it, comes up with a word starting with the named letter, pronounces it and throws the ball to his mother.
  2. With older children, try playing antonyms. Mom throws the ball and says a word, and the child comes up with the opposite: day - night, light - shadow, fast - slow, black - white, etc.

Listening to sounds should be included in your classes. It’s good if you have the opportunity to take your child to the zoo.

Useful books for speech development:

  1. E. Yanushko “Speech development in children 1-3 years old.”
  2. S. Batyaeva, E. Savostyanova “Album on speech development for the little ones.”
  3. L. Smirnova “Speech development in children 2-3 years old.”
  4. A. Astakhov “My first book.”
  5. O. Zhukova “Baby’s first textbook.”
  6. All books with folk tales and pictures, alphabet.

Summary of a lesson on the speech development of children in the nursery group. Pets

Summary of a lesson on speech development of children in the nursery group “House for Bobik the Puppy”
Goal: to create conditions for the development of speech activity in children. Objectives: 1. Continue to introduce pets: puppy, cat, horse 2. Develop attention, memory, observation, thinking, and the ability to perform various game tasks. 3. Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher. 4. Cultivate kindness and responsiveness, an emotionally positive attitude, and a desire to help. Didactic material: toy puppy, cat, horse, basket with gifts, magnetic board, basket with treats.
Decoration of a forest clearing. Progress of the lesson
Organizational moment Educator: Hello, guys!!! How beautiful, sweet and good you are today!!! Do you like to play? Of course you love it!!! Children: yes!!! Educator: Then let's start!!! Repeat after me bolder and more fun!!! Game “If life is fun, do this” If life is fun, do this (clap) If life is fun, do this (clap) If life is fun, we will smile at each other If life is fun, do this (clap) If life is fun, do this (stomp) If life is fun, do this (stomp) If life is fun, we will smile at each other If life is fun, do this (stomp) If life is fun, do this (jump) If life is fun, do this (jump) If life is fun, do this (jump) If life is fun, do this (jump) , we will smile at each other. If life is fun, do this (jump) (Children perform all the actions for the teacher)
The main part of the lesson
Teacher: Oh, do you hear, guys, someone is crying? ... (the teacher listens, then goes to cry) look, right here... Who is this? (takes the children and shows them under a bush. Under the bush is a puppy. The teacher asks the children questions about the animal: what is it like?) What happened to you, my friend? (the teacher takes out and picks up a toy - a puppy, hugs and feels sorry for him). Don't cry, our good, cute little dog!!! (Listens to him, and tells the children, from the words of the puppy) The puppy told me that his name is Bobik. And he cries because the bear has broken his house and now he has no place to live. How can we help Bobik? How can we please him? Children: The puppy needs to build a house! Educator: Absolutely right! You guys are so good!!! We will help you, Bobik, make a new home, it will be much better than the previous one (addresses the puppy). And our friends and assistants will help us with this. Shall we go visit them? Children: yes Teacher: Let's go to them by car. How does the car sound? Children : bib-bib (The teacher plays the game together with the children) Game “I’ll start my car” I’ll start my car. Beep, beep, I'll pour some gasoline. I'll take the steering wheel firmly and firmly. I'll press the pedal with my foot! (The teacher and the children go to visit for help. The song “I’m driving, driving, driving. I’m turning the steering wheel, turning it” sounds. Teacher: And here is our first assistant. (The teacher points to the horse) Who is this? Guys, did you find out? Children: Horse! Educator: That's right! It's a horse! Hello, horse! We really need your help! Bear broke puppy Bobik’s house, now he has nowhere to live, please help the guys and I build a new house! (The teacher addresses the horse) Children, let's ask for a horse together! Children: Horse! Please help us build a house! Educator : You know, the horse loves it when people tell rhymes about it, let’s please the horse and tell a rhyme? (The teacher invites the children to recite the poem). Poem by Agnia Barto “Horse” I love my horse, I will comb its fur smoothly, I will smooth its tail with a comb, and I will go on horseback to visit. Educator : The horse says thank you very much to us and gives us a gift, this gift is not an easy one. He will help us make the puppy happy. (The teacher thanks the horse together with the children) (The teacher and the children continue their journey. The song “I’m going, I’m going, I’m going. I’m turning the steering wheel, I’m turning)” Educator : And here’s another assistant. (The teacher points to the cat) Who is this? Guys, did you find out? Children: Kitty! Educator: Which one, cat? What does he like to eat? What does the cat say? Children : Cat, cute, fluffy, gray. He loves to drink milk. Purrrrrrr... Educator : That's right! This is a cat - a gray belly! Hello, cat! We really need your help! Bear broke puppy Bobik’s house, now he has nowhere to live, please help the guys and I build a new house! (The teacher addresses the cat) Children, let's ask together! Children : Cat! Please help us build a house! Educator: You know, the cat really loves rhymes, nursery rhymes, songs, let’s please our friend and tell him a rhyme? (The teacher invites the children to tell the children the nursery rhyme “Like our cat’s”) Like our cat’s fur coat is very good. Like a cat's mustache of amazing beauty. Bold eyes, white teeth. Educator: The cat says thank you very much and gives us a gift. This gift is not simple. He will help us make the puppy happy. (The teacher thanks the cat together with the children) (The teacher addresses the children) Now it’s time for us to go to the puppy to help build a house. (The teacher and the children return back in the car. The song “I’m driving, driving, driving. I’m turning the steering wheel, turning it” plays. Educator: So we’re back, it’s time to get down to business! Finger gymnastics “Building a house” Knock, knock, knock, knock (We tap the fist of our right hand on the outstretched palm of our left hand.) A loud sound is heard. (The same movement, but we change hands.) We build Bobik a house, (We place fist on fist one by one .) He will live in it, in it. This is the roof, the bright window (We raise our palms, join our fingers, depicting the roof of the house, then the window) It will be cozy and warm here. (Children perform all actions after the teacher.) Final part of the lesson The teacher connects the two parts of the house on a magnetic board. Shows the children what they did. He says that the puppy is very happy and thanks everyone who helped him for the help. He gives the kids candy and says goodbye to them.

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Summary of a lesson on the speech development of children in the nursery group “Visiting Squirrel”
Author: Anastasia Aleksandrovna Gordeeva, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten” No. 34, Ivanovo Description: This event is aimed at developing speech, socialization, expanding knowledge about the world around toddlers . Children of this age begin to develop independent speech. And it is very important not to miss this moment. And of course, this must be done in a playful way, so that the children find it interesting and educational. This activity involves fine motor skills, which helps to activate the speech centers of the child’s brain. It’s not for nothing that they say: “A child’s speech is at his fingertips.” Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the forest dweller Squirrel. Create conditions for the development of speech activity in children. Objectives: Educational: 1. Contribute to the development of communication skills. Involve children in communication. 2. Promote children's vocabulary development through play activities, fine motor skills and tactile sensations. 3. Enrich the vocabulary with names denoting parts of the body. Learn to correlate words and expressive movements. Educational: - to develop interest in living nature, emotional responsiveness. Material: Toy squirrel, basket, nuts.
Artificial trees, flowers. Decoration of a forest clearing. Progress of the event:

Guys, today we are going on a very interesting journey.
We'll go there by train. How is the train moving? (We represent it with a sound signal and action, Chukh-chukh-chukh). Go! Too-too! Children go on a trip with their teacher. Here we are! What do you see around? We are waiting for the children's answers. Where have we arrived? ( In the forest). That's right, do you know what animals live in the forest? We are waiting for the children's answers. And who lives on a Christmas tree in a hollow and likes to gnaw nuts? (Squirrel). Right. How does a squirrel chew nuts? (clack, clink, clink). Let's say hello to the squirrel and tell us our names. Children say hello and say their names. And what about the squirrel? Pet the squirrel. (Fluffy, soft, small). Does the squirrel have eyes? Where are the squirrel's eyes and nose? What about the children? Look what else the squirrel has? We are waiting for the children's answers. Children list the body parts of the squirrel. Well done, as you all know well. Oh, guys, the squirrel wants to play with you! Shall we play with the squirrel? Finger game “Squirrel” A squirrel sits on a cart, (clenching and unclenching her fingers into a fist in the rhythm of a nursery rhyme) She sells nuts (we begin to bend our fingers) to the little fox-sister, Sparrow, titmouse, Thick-fifted Teddy Bear, Mustachioed Bunny, Who in the goiter, Who in the scarf , Who cares. Look how many friends the squirrel has in the forest. Let's give the squirrel and her friends a gift. What does a squirrel like to eat most? (Nuts). Children give nuts to the squirrel. Squirrel thanks the children. Next, dance with the squirrel to the cheerful song “Squirrel’s Song .

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