Literary leisure in the middle group “Visiting your favorite fairy tales” outline of a lesson on speech development (middle group) on the topic

Literary leisure “Journey through Russian folk tales” in the middle group

Oksana Agafonova
Literary leisure “Journey through Russian folk tales” in the middle group

Literary leisure “Journey through Russian folk tales” in the middle group

Goal : Continue to teach children to recognize fairy tales by illustrations, passages, objects, dolls (i.e., by the characteristic features and actions of the characters). Continue to develop children’s dialogical and monologue speech, articulation and diction, facial expressions; develop the articulatory apparatus and intonation expressiveness of speech. Learn to combine movements and speech. Develop interest in Russian folk tales and theatrical activities, creative imagination, fantasy. Cultivate goodwill and communication skills.

Integration of educational areas: “Reading fiction”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Music”, “Socialization”

Benefits : costume of the hero “The Storyteller”, ball, hats-masks, wooden spoons, scarves for dancing, pictures of fairy tale heroes: bun, bear, wolf, fox rooster; magic bag, chest; clothespin theater "Three Bears", laptop, folk music.

Preliminary work:

-reading Russian folk tales;

-examination of illustrations for Russian folk tales;

-drawing based on the Russian folk tale “Turnip”, “Teremok”; sculpting your favorite fairy tale characters.

-dramatization of excerpts from the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”

-solving riddles, watching cartoons, visiting the theater, conversations: “What is a fairy tale?”, “Theater”, “My favorite fairy tale.”

1. Organization of leisure time:

Educator: Today, guys, we will have an interesting evening. Pleasant surprises await you. Do you want to see it all? Sit back and wait quietly. Begin!

Music is playing. The teacher goes behind the screen and changes into the Storyteller costume (put on a scarf, glasses, take a basket with a ball)

-Hello, my dear fairy tale lovers! I'm a Storyteller! I came to visit you and want to play with you. What do you want?

-I know from your teachers that you really love watching and listening to fairy tales, play with theater dolls and even showed the fairy tale “Teremok”. This is true? (children's answers). What a great fellow you are! I know that you love Russian folk tales. After all, they are very interesting and teach us good things. good. And now I invite you on a journey! My magic ball will help us travel - here it is. (shows ball)

Everyone gets up and, accompanied by music, goes on a journey to get the ball.

The children and the storyteller approach the place where the ball stopped. They find a bag.

-And the bag is not simple,

-And the bag is not empty.

-I don’t understand what lies in it,

- I'll take it and have a look.

They find hats and masks of fairy tale heroes in the bag. The storyteller offers to complete her task “Find out and tell.” Children take out a mask, name the hero, a fairy tale (fairy tales) where you can meet him.

The journey continues (music sounds). The ball leads everyone to the rest area (soft rugs are laid out, there is a magic chest). Everyone sits down comfortably.

The storyteller offers the following game.

-And now for you there’s also the game “Such Different Heroes”

-There are pictures in the magic chest. I show a picture with a fairy tale hero, and you show me the character of the hero of this fairy tale with facial expressions, gestures and speech. What is he like? (example: Kolobok - children or a child uses facial expressions and movements to depict a cheerful Kolobok, you can sing the Kolobok's song - there is a small dramatization of the fairy tale.

- And now, kids, it’s time to dance (hand out wooden spoons and handkerchiefs).

Dance warm-up. (music from a fairy tale or Russian folk music plays, children dance).

The journey continues. The ball leads the children to the table. On the table there are dolls from the fairy tale “The Three Bears”, they are covered with a cloth.

Storyteller: -And here a very interesting task awaits you (remove the fabric and show the dolls to the children).

-Did you recognize the fairy tale? Do you know her well? Then listen to the task: come up with a different, interesting ending to the fairy tale.

“Come up with a fairy tale” (telling a fairy tale using a clothespin theater or any other).

-What a great fellow you are! I liked it very much! Let's clap for each other!

-You guys are just a miracle,

I will never forget you.

I'll run by more often

And treat you to jam!

-Dear guys, I want to treat you to delicious wild strawberry jam. She picked the berries herself and made the jam. I invite everyone to the table! (takes out a jar of jam)

Everyone goes to the set tables and treats themselves. There is a conversation about travel.

-Did you enjoy traveling?

-Do you like Russian folk tales?

-Will you continue to listen to fairy tales and play theater?

Joint educational activity of the teacher with children of the middle group. Literary kaleidoscope “Journey through Russian folk tales” Municipal autonomous pre-school educational institution combined type kindergarten “Fairy Tale” Joint direct educational.


Leisure “In the Land of Fairy Tales” in the middle group

Ani Torosyan

Leisure “In the Land of Fairy Tales” in the middle group

Leisure “In the land of fairy tales

the middle group
• Introduce children to the world of art;

• Create a joyful mood in children;

• Repeat with children fairy tales already familiar to children;

• Develop thinking, memory, speech, imagination;

• Maintain interest in Russian folk tales ;

• Introduce theatrical activities;

• Foster kindness, love, sincerity, honesty.

• Reading fairy tales “Kolobok”

“The Wolf and the Little Goats”
“Turnip” “Zayushkina’s Hut”

• Examination of illustrations for fairy tales ;

• Selection of hats and medals for the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Little Goats”


• Making fairy-tale characters ;

• Learning the games “Kolobok”

“Grandma Yozhka”
• house, tree models, ;

• Costumes of Goat, Wolf, Baba Yaga;

• Fruit basket;

Literary leisure for children of the middle group “Journey through fairy tales.”

Elena Zolotova

Literary leisure for children of the middle group “Journey through fairy tales.”

Literary leisure in the middle group

«Travel through fairy tales»

Goal: To introduce preschoolers to the origins of folk culture through the integration of various types of joint activities: gaming, artistic, communicative, productive, musical.

1. Introduce children to various genres of folklore: fairy tales , riddles, proverbs,

2. To develop the ability to determine the title and content of literary works

works, fairy tale based on excerpts from books and illustrations, and descriptions.

1. Develop imagination and creative abilities of children ,

children's vocabulary , speech apparatus, articulation and diction, expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions.

3. Develop communication skills, memory, attention, thinking when solving game problems.

1. Introduce to the artistic word, cultivate interest in various genres of folklore.

2. Develop the ability to coordinate your actions with partners, to be friendly, resourceful, and quick-witted.

Acquaintance with works of Russian folklore ( fairy tales , proverbs, sayings, riddles, discussion, free communication on various topics:

"My favorite fairy-tale hero "

"What do fairy tales "

“We read books but never get bored”

Examination of illustrations, design of the exhibition “What a delight these fairy tales


Conducting dramatization games based on read fairy tales “Turnip”

“Playing a
fairy tale ,

Conducting didactic games “Compose a fairy tale

Fairy Tales ,

Fairytale Mosaic ,
“Bunny’s Problems”
, etc.

E/i "Mirror"

“Guess the mood”
, games with an emotion cube.


miracle tree with pictures of accessories of fairy-tale characters ,

house, rooster, hare, fox masks,

B. Yaga's glove, And "
Fairy Tales " (puzzles)
elements of costumes of fairy-tale heroes ,

chest-box with inflated balloons,

1 ball with a painted face,

Russian folk costume for a storyteller .

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