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Counting books for kids

Counting books for very young children differ from ordinary counting books by having an interesting plot and frequent repetition of the same words.
Counting book The Sun rides and rides in a golden carriage, The Sun sees and sees everything in the world from above: And a puppy, And a rooster, And a goat with horns, And how Petya waves his fists in the yard. ***

Hush, mice, cat on the roof

Hush, mice, the cat is on the roof, and the kittens are even higher. The cat went for milk, and the kittens went head over heels. The cat came without milk, but the kittens were ha-ha-ha. ***


Eniki-beniki ate dumplings Eniki-beniki - dumplings! A cheerful sailor came out. ***

Teddy Bear

The clumsy bear walks through the forest, collects cones, and sings a song. The cone flew off - right into Mishka's forehead! The bear got angry and kicked! ***

Horses, horses

Horses, horses, horses, horses, We sat on the balcony. They drank tea, broke cups, and spoke Turkish. ***

The benefits of counting counters

In modern pedagogy, it is customary to actively use game techniques in teaching preschool children, including elements of folklore: songs, riddles, rhymes and rhymes. The latter have proven their effectiveness in classes for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children when learning to count.

Already at 3–4 years old in the second junior group of kindergarten, a child learns to count to 5. By graduation from the middle group, a 4–5 year old child should know the numbers from zero to ten, count from one to five forwards and backwards. A graduate of the senior group must be able to count within ten, as well as competently use ordinal and cardinal numbers, and answer the questions “which” and “how many”. Before entering school, a preparatory group graduate must be able to do all the same things, but within twenty

. We offer a selection of rhymes that will help teachers teach numbers and counting to children aged 3–7 years more effectively and interestingly, not only during play, but also in the classroom.

Counting books have always been interesting to children of different ages as an opportunity to fairly and honestly distribute roles in a game or identify the order of tasks.

Funny little rhymes

Where would we be without a sense of humor, which, by the way, must be instilled from childhood.

Vest cuffs

Once upon a time a vest had three loops and two cuffs. If you count them together, Three and two, of course, are five! But do you know what the secret is? The vest has no cuffs! ***

Mouse counting book

One two three four. Let's count the holes in the cheese. If there are many holes in the cheese, then the cheese will be tasty. If there is one hole in it, it means it was delicious yesterday. ***


The centipede's legs hurt: Ten are aching and buzzing, Five are limping and hurting. Help the centipede count the sore legs. ***

Little girl

I'm a little girl. I don't go to school. Buy me sandals - I'm getting married! ***

Ene, bene, slave

Ene, bene, slave, Quinter, finter, toad. Ene, bene, res, Quinter, finter, zhes!

Mathematical rhymes

Photo gallery: mathematical concepts and skills that pupils of the second junior group should master during the year of study

Toddlers should recognize circle, square and triangle regardless of their color or size

Children of the 4th year of life become familiar with the concept of “parts of the day”

One of the objectives of teaching in early preschool age is familiarization with the concept of quantity.

Photo gallery: spatial orientation tasks

“Who is where?”

“Who is in front of the house, who is in the house?”

“Which is on the left, which is on the right?”

Photo gallery: tasks for the formation of the concepts of “big”, “small”, “long”, “short”

The ewe is big and the lamb is small

Pictures for series by size “Locks and keys”

The cat is big and the mouse is small

Poems with mathematical content

Close to riddles are short poems that preschoolers must complete on their own - choose the last word that matches the meaning and rhyme:

  • Spinning on one leg, carefree, cheerful. A dancer in a colorful skirt, Musical... (spinster).
  • An oval frog, But not a little animal at all, But a great vegetable - Green... (cucumber.)
  • The sky is like a blue house, There is one window in it: Like a round window In the sky sparkles... (the sun.)

Four-year-old children will enjoy funny math poems, but they should not be too long so as not to tire the kids:

  • I took a triangle and a square and built a house from them. And I am very happy about this: Now a gnome lives there.
  • We'll put two squares, and then a huge circle. And then three more circles, Triangular cap. So the cheerful eccentric came out.
  • The sun lifts us up to exercise. We raise our hands at the command “one”. And above them the foliage rustles merrily. We lower our hands on the command “two”.
  • One day the mice came out to see what time it was. One, two, three, four - The mice pulled the weights... Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound, the mice ran away.

Mathematical rhymes

The children should also be taught fun math rhymes, which will be useful to them later for group games:

  • One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk. Suddenly the hunter runs out, shoots straight at the bunny, but the hunter didn’t hit, the gray bunny ran away.
  • One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk. What should we do? What should we do? We need to catch the bunny. Again we will count: One, two, three, four, five.
  • Once upon a time there lived a hundred guys. Everyone went to kindergarten, Everyone sat down for lunch, Everyone ate a hundred cutlets, And then they went to bed - Start counting again.
  • One two three four. Who lives in our apartment? Dad, mom, brother, sister, Murka the cat, two kittens, My puppy, a cricket and me - That's my whole family! One, two, three, four, five - I’ll start counting them all again.

Fun problems in verses for 1st grade

Fun problems in verse (grade 1).

1. There are tubs against the wall. Each one contains exactly a frog. If there were five tubs, how many frogs were in them?

2. They gave Petya a book about a rocket. Petya read it and gave it to Sveta. Sveta to Vanya, Vanya to Tanya, Tanya to little Maryana. How many children have read the book? 3. As soon as I went into the bushes, I found an aspen boletus, two chanterelles, and a boletus. And a green moss. Who has the answer ready, How many mushrooms did I find? 4. Mom is a squirrel for kids. I brought pine cones from the forest. I didn’t give everything away at once, I gave everything one at a time. The eldest - spruce, the Middle - pine, the Younger - cedar. Tell me, kids, how many baby squirrels did you eat?

5. They gave everyone lunch: The dog - in a bowl, In a pussy saucer, The hen - a laying hen, Millet in a skull, Mashenka - in a blue plate, not small. How many of them are having lunch? 6. The guys were playing hide and seek. Everyone was hiding: Kolya - in the oats, Olya - behind Kolya, Egorka - behind the hill, Andreika - behind the watering can, Timoshka - behind the cat, Lena - behind the hay, Svetka - behind the branch, Philip - behind the mushroom. And Barbos came. I found everyone right away. How many children did the dog find? 7. Seven guys were sliding down the slide. Egorka ran home, and then Vadim left and Seryozha followed him. How many children are left on the hill? Who has counted, answer quickly! 8. Hares, sables and squirrels beat the timpani and cymbals. A penguin waving a wand, Citizen of the polar ice floes. On both sides of him, raccoons turn over the sheet music. How many different animals are there in the orchestra?

9. Masha had sweets. She treated Sveta, Natasha, Ira, Seryozha, Tanya and Petya too. One candy remained, and Mashenka was confused: How many candies were there? Who can answer?

10. Sashka has candy in a piece of paper in his pocket. He gave candy each to Sveta and Petya, Irina, Galina, Marina and Nina. And he ate the candy himself. How many candies were there?

11. Many animals live in the zoo: Polar bear, giraffe, hippopotamus, Tiger, chimpanzee, fox and raccoon, Elephant, leopard, snow leopard and coyote. Who bothered to count the animals, I ask you to give an answer immediately!

12. Sing along, sing along! Count the birds! This bird is a nightingale, This bird is a sparrow, This bird is an owl - a sleepy little head. This bird is a waxwing, This bird is a corncrake, This bird is a squall, a gray feather. This is a finch, This is a swift, This is a cheerful siskin. Well, this is an evil eagle. Birds, birds - go home. How many birds did you count, children? Who will answer the fastest?

13. The students came to the class and brought them according to the drawing. You guys, don’t yawn - Count all the pictures: Vika has carnations, Nikita has daisies, Anyutka has forget-me-nots, Andrei has an orchid, Lilies of the valley - Sasha, Dahlias - Marina, Alena has peonies, Natasha has daisies , Tulips - from Oksana, Narcissa - from Larisa.

14. In the first grade of our school there are Egorka, Kolya, six Sergeevs, two Natashas. Will someone tell me now, How many girls do we have?

15. A jackdaw sat down on the fence, and the counting begins: One, two, three, four, five... I’ll count all the guys. Yulia, Misha, Sveta, Kolya, Petya, Ira, Vitya, Olya. If I get tired of counting, I’ll stop for a minute. I’ll keep quiet, take a break, and start counting again. I counted and counted. But the jackdaw doesn’t understand, How many guys are there in the counting counter?

16. An elephant, a female elephant and a baby elephant walked in a crowd to a watering hole. And towards them the tiger cub returns home. How many animals, think quickly, went to the watering hole?

17. One evening the bear’s neighbors came to have a pie: a hedgehog, a badger, a raccoon, “slanty”. A wolf with a tricky fox. But the bear could not divide the pie among everyone. The bear was sweating from labor; he didn’t know how to count. Help him quickly, count all the animals.

18. My mother has five sons. I start counting and it doesn’t turn out to be five. Look: Volodya is my first brother, Here is Kostya - the second, Here is the third - Ignat, The fourth is Grishutka. But there is no fifth. I count first. Still the same answer. Four always counts. Who will find the fifth son, guys?

19. We are a huge family. The youngest is me. There is Tanya and there is Vasya, Yura, Shura, Zina, Masha, and Natasha is also ours. How many children are in the family?

20. Fishermen are sitting, guarding the floats. Fisherman Korney caught a perch. Another fisherman got a shoe, Yevsey got a crucian carp, Fisherman Kiryusha got a galosh. And fisherman Mikhail caught Soma. How many fish did the fishermen bring from the river?

21. Arina entered the class, followed by Marina, and then Ignat entered. How many children came to the class?

22. Grandmother Nadya lives in the village, has animals, but doesn’t keep score. Guys, I will name them, and you try to count them all. A cow, a calf, two gray geese, a sheep, a pig and a cat Katusya. How many animals does Aunt Nadya have?

23. Multi-colored balls Grandmother took out and knitted gifts for her dear grandchildren: a hat for Masha, a blouse for Natasha, mittens for Ilya, socks for Andryusha, a scarf for Romochka, gloves for Tomochka. The grandchildren are glad to receive such gifts, They all said thank you as one. How many children thank Grandma in total?

24. Alyonka is visiting Two chickens in bast shoes, A cockerel in boots, A chicken in earrings, A drake in a caftan, A duck in a sundress And a cow in a skirt In a warm sheepskin coat. How many guests does Alyonka have?

25. Good autumn has come, bringing us gifts: tanned buckwheat and ripe wheat, striped melon, bearded beets, and tailed carrots. Autumn has brought fragrant apples, golden pears. How many gifts did you count?

26. Ksyusha ate barberry, and Ilya chews toffee. And Olesya is very happy about the delicious slice of marmalade. And Olechka has a surprise! She received the main prize: In a long, beautiful wrapper, Two candies with prunes. Quickly count the answer, How many candies were there?

27. Me, Seryozha, Kolya, Wanda - Volleyball team. Zhenya and Igor are two reserve players for now. And when they learn, How many of us will there be?

28. Mom put cabbage pies in the oven to bake. For Natasha, Masha, Tanya, Kolya, Olya, Galya, Vova, Pies are already ready. And the cat dragged another pie under the bench. How many pies did mom bake?

29. Seryozha fell into the snow, and behind him Alyosha, and behind him Irina, and behind her Marina, and then Ignat fell. How many guys are there in the snow?

30. Seryozha, Zina and Antosha fell into the snow, and behind them Lena, Katenka and Gena. And then Ignat fell. How many guys are there in the snow?

31. There are two Elenas on the swing. And Ivan and Ignat with the ball. Two Irinas came running to jump ropes. Valya, Zina and Egor. So our whole yard is assembled. Now tell me, how many children are there in the yard?

32. There are deer in the zoo, and camels walk humpbacked. Crocodiles are here, and monkeys are here, and big shaggy bears. How many species, friends, have I listed?

33. A hunter was walking through the forest, and he entered the thicket of the forest. Here he met a hare, a wolf, a fox, and a bear. Every single one of the animals ran away from him. Count all the animals! And as quickly as possible.

34. How many apples do the guys have in their hands like the sun? At Natasha's and Roma's, at Seryozha's and at Toma's, There is another one filled with sunshine on the table. Well, how many apples, brothers? Who can guess?

35. A bun rolled along the path into the forest. He met a gray hare, he met a wolf, he met a bear, and he met a cheating fox in the forest. Answer quickly, How many animals has the bun met?

36. Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, two tits, two swifts and five eels. How many birds? Answer quickly.

37. Badger - grandma baked pancakes. Treated two grandchildren - Two pugnacious badgers. But the grandchildren didn’t have enough to eat. The saucers are knocking with a roar. Come on, how many badgers are they waiting for more and remaining silent?

38. How many times have they told the cat: It’s not nice to eat without a spoon. As soon as I run into the house, I lick the porridge with my tongue. It’s even worse with the piglet: He was swimming in a puddle again. And the naughty little goat ate four dirty pears. How many were naughty?

39. Early in the morning, at five in the morning, the birds flocked: Sparrows, jackdaws, siskins, swifts, goldfinches, magpies, crows, tits and swifts. How many species of birds have you counted?

40. Egorka was lucky again, It’s not in vain that he sits by the river: Two crucian carp in a bucket And four minnows. But look, a sly cat appeared at the bucket. How many fish will Yegorka Na Ukha bring home to us?

41. The duckling has a birthday, games, dancing, treats. All my friends came to visit and brought gifts. The ram gave the ball. Donkey is a ringing drum. A gift from a bunny Not a carrot, but two books. All gifts are good, the duckling is happy from the bottom of his heart. He began to count the gifts and decided: there are exactly five of them. Count and give your answer: He made a mistake or not.

42. The family loves to sing in a choir. In our choir - dad, me, mom, grandfather Ilya, cat and my sister. Grandma Taya is busy in the kitchen, But she also wants to sing with us! The class is thinking... Count how many of us there are?

43. Knocking with hammers, having fun and laughing, the gnomes walked through the forest to build houses. The gnome Gray Beard built a house by the pond, the round, plump Vatrushka built a house on the edge of the forest, the mischievous gnome Egorka built a house near a hillock, and the cheerful gnome Dunno built a house on the lawn. And Grumpy, a gloomy gnome, is building a house right in the thicket. How many gnomes were there, and how many houses were there?

44. How a Bunny, a squirrel and a badger stood in a circle under the tree, a hedgehog and a raccoon, an elk, a boar, a fox and a cat stood up. And the last one to stand was the bear. How many animals are there? Answer!

45. Andryushka arranged the toys in two rows. Next to the monkey is a Teddy bear. Together with the fox - Bunny with a scythe. Following them are the Hedgehog and the Frog. How many toys did Andryushka place?


One, two, three, four, five, Six, seven, eight, nine, 10 - You can count everything, Count, measure, weigh... How many corners are there in the room, How many legs do the sparrows have, How many toes are there, How many benches are there in the garden, How many kopecks are there in a penny!

One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk. Suddenly the hunter runs out, shoots straight at the bunny, but the hunter didn’t hit, the gray bunny ran away.

One, two, three, four, five, the cat learns to count. Slowly, little by little, he adds a cat to the mouse. The answer is: There is a cat, but no mouse!

One, two, three, four, five, Kolya will start. The bees flew into the field, they buzzed, they buzzed, the bees sat on the flowers, we scare you - you drive!

One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk. What should we do? What should we do? We need to catch the bunny. Again we will count: One, two, three, four, five.

Once upon a time there lived a hundred guys. Everyone went to kindergarten, Everyone sat down for lunch, Everyone ate a hundred cutlets, And then they went to bed - Start counting again.

One, two, three, four, midges lived in the apartment. A friend of his own, Krestovik, a big spider, got into the habit of visiting them. Five, six, seven, eight, let’s ask the Spider: “You glutton, don’t go.” Come on, Mashenka, drive!

One day the mice came out to see what time it was. One, two, three, 4 - The mice pulled the weights. Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound - the mice ran away.

One two three four. Who lives in our apartment? Dad, mom, brother, sister, Murka the cat, 2 kittens, My puppy, cricket and me - That's my whole family! One, two, three, four, 5 - I’ll start counting them all again.

One, two, three, four, Who is not sleeping in our apartment? Everyone in the world needs sleep. He who is not sleeping will get out!

There lived 1 burbot in the river, Two ruffs were friends with him, 3 ducks flew to them 4 times a day and taught them to count - One, two, three, four, five.

The seagull warmed up the kettle. She invited 8 seagulls: “Come all over for tea!” How many seagulls, answer!

Seagulls lived at the pier, The river rocked them with waves. One, two, three, four, 5 - Help me count them!

One two three four. I was taught to read and write. Don't read, don't write, just jump on the floor. I jumped and played , broke a doll’s leg, and sent for the doctor. The doctor rides on bulls, and with an accordion in his hands.

To fly us to the planet. We made a rocket. One, two, 3 - You will fly today!

A hare runs across the bridge, long ears, short tail. Don't run too far, help us do the math. One, two, 3 - Come out!

Here are the mushrooms on the meadow wearing red caps. Two mushrooms, 3 mushrooms, how many will be together? - Five.

On the zloty Porch sat the Tsar, the prince, the King, the prince, the Shoemaker, and the tailor. Who will you be?

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