Card index of didactic games in mathematics for preschool children

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Using didactic games in learning mathematics

Furdiyako Alla Petrovna, teacher, MBDOU Irkutsk kindergarten No. 81

“Without play there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child’s spiritual world. “Game is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and inquisitiveness.” .

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Mathematics plays a huge role in the mental education and development of a child’s intelligence. Mathematics has a unique developmental effect. Its study contributes to the development of memory, speech, imagination, forms perseverance, patience, and creative potential of the individual.

Teaching mathematics to preschool children is unthinkable without the use of entertaining games, tasks, and entertainment. “play” mathematics with children Didactic games provide an opportunity to solve various pedagogical problems in a playful form that is most accessible and attractive to children. When a child’s attention is focused on the game, on completing game tasks, he, without noticing it, overcomes difficulties of a mathematical nature and learns to operate with existing knowledge in a changed environment.

Their main significance is to provide children with knowledge in distinguishing, highlighting, naming a variety of objects, numbers, geometric figures, directions. Didactic games have the opportunity to form new knowledge and introduce children to methods of action.

In developing children's mathematical understanding, I widely use entertaining mathematical material. I include the selection of gaming material in the event itself or use it at the end of it, when there is a decrease in the mental activity of children. In educationally organized activities for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, I use various didactic games: with numbers, for orientation in space, using geometric shapes, for the development of logical thinking, time travel, entertaining tasks, riddles. Various types of logical problems and exercises, word games that are based on the words and actions of the players help develop children's thinking. I use problems, riddles and jokes when teaching how to solve arithmetic problems, operations with numbers, and the formation of time representations. as “mental gymnastics” ; motivational techniques such as communicating with game characters who need help help.

Both parents and teachers know that mathematics is a powerful factor in the intellectual development of a child, the formation of his cognitive and creative abilities. To do this, educational activities must take place in a fun form. During the game, children acquire complex mathematical concepts, learn to count, read and write. And in developing these skills, the child is helped by people close to him: parents and teachers.

Over the course of the year, I collected a card index of didactic games, manuals, and materials that would help preschoolers develop the ability to understand and trace cause-and-effect relationships, develop reasoning skills, and draw simple conclusions. She prepared a mathematical fairy tale “How Nina taught her brother” , carried out an analysis and discussion of the fairy tale, counting rhymes and numbers.

She also produced a practical manual LAPTOP “Magic Square” with various game tasks that influence thinking techniques (analysis, synthesis, classification, attention, memory, perception.

During the year, I selected and carried out diagnostics for children, “Diagnostic work on the examination and development of mathematical concepts in preschoolers ,” the results showed that a low level prevails. After the diagnosis, I selected didactic games that were aimed at developing mathematical concepts in preschool children, such as: “Hide the Mouse” goal: To teach to distinguish 4 primary colors and shapes using the comparison operation. Fix their names in speech, cultivate perseverance; “Tea with Sugar” - goal: Expanding and deepening children’s understanding of the number of objects and counting. Learn to count objects by naming the total number. Consolidate knowledge of numbers, correlate them with the number of objects; “More-less-equal” - goal: Learn to compare adjacent numbers within 5. Develop the ability to understand the relationships of adjacent numbers (more, less, equal); “Digital Lotto” - goal: Reinforcing the names of objects, distributing cards into thematic groups; Correct the ability to analyze, compare, and draw conclusions. Practice dialogical speech, strengthen the ability to answer questions. Develop attention and thinking; “Mathematical mosaic” - goal: To consolidate children’s ideas about geometric shapes, colors, and to practice naming them. Teach children to distinguish and name well-known geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, group them by color. Improve the ability to determine the position of geometric shapes in relation to each other. Focus on the plane. Develop visual attention, memory, observation; “Wonderful bag” - goal: To teach children to select shapes by touch according to a visually perceived pattern, etc.

Conducted an open lesson using game and entertaining material (games using counting sticks). During the games, I acted as an adviser, an assistant in making the right choice and, of course, tried to support children’s initiative and independence. The use of these games not only expanded the knowledge of preschoolers, but also consolidated children’s ideas about quantity, size, geometric shapes, orientation in space and time.

Designed an exhibition for parents “Mathematical games and exercises for preschoolers” (ON-line). I prepared a presentation for parents on my self-education topic “Mathematics at Home” ; “One step, two steps” ; “Loto-learning to count V.A. White" ; “How to organize children’s games at home using didactic mathematical material” .. Prepared consultations, conversations, folders - transfers on the topic of self-education. Organized work with parents to make a baby book with their own hands.

Thus, thanks to the didactic games used, children of this age category developed an interest in mathematics. Complex topics have become much easier to understand. Thanks to this, children’s curiosity and cognitive motivation increased; cognitive actions are formed; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of ideas about shape, color, size, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, causes and effects. They actively influence the formation of mental actions that are so necessary for understanding the world around us. Children describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features, find characteristic signs of similarity and difference, guess from the description, and group objects according to various features and properties. At the same time, they develop the ability to use the correct form of statements: “I believe that...” , “I think that...” , “my opinion...” , which they rarely use in everyday life.

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Develop logical thinking, consolidate quantitative and ordinal counting within 5. Strengthen knowledge of numbers within 5. Develop the ability to change your role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners; ability to change playing role. Expand children's knowledge about the work of cafe workers. Foster friendships between children.

Progress of the game

— Children, have you ever been to a cafe? Did you like it there? Let's open a cafe in our group and then play it.

- Guys, let's decide together what we need for our cafe? (tables, chairs, food) Remember, we have already talked about how to arrange furniture in a cafe so that it is comfortable for all visitors. And today we will equip the cafe according to this plan. (The teacher leads the children to the place where the tables are)

- Look at the shape of the lids on our tables? (round, square). Let us arrange them as indicated in our plan.

- Which figure was drawn first? (circle)

— What shape should the top of the first table be? (round)

- Boys, put the table with the round top first.

-What figure is drawn second? (square)

— What shape will the lid of the second table have? (square). Place a table with a square top. What shape will the third table have? (round). Place a third table with a round lid.

- Look, guys, there is no fourth figure on the plan, instead there is a question. Think and tell me what the shape of the fourth table cover should be? (children's answers)

— To make our cafe beautiful, let’s cover each table with a tablecloth. Look, what color tablecloths do we have? (red and yellow). To find out how to do it right

spread out the tablecloths, you and I need to look at this card.

— What color is the first figure on the card? (red). This means that we will cover the first table with a red tablecloth. What color tablecloth will we set the second table with? And the third?

— What color tablecloth do you think the fourth table should be set with? (children's answers)

— Guys, in cafes, waiters deliver orders to visitors, so that it is convenient for them to work, there are numbers on each table. Let's put numbers on our tables too. (Children and their teacher arrange the numbers.)

— We have arranged the tables, think about what else we need to do? (Arrange the chairs)

- Children, here are the chairs, each of them has a number on it. Place chairs at tables.

- Guys, we have arranged the tables and chairs for you. What do we need to open our cafe? (Food). That's right, to cook food we need food. Where do you think we can get them? (in the shop). We will send Anton and Egor for groceries; they will be our drivers. And I will be the seller. Here are cards for you boys, they indicate how much and what products you will have to purchase and bring by car.

- And you girls will be waitresses and set the tables. Place cups and saucers on each table and don't forget to decorate the table with flowers. (The girls set the tables, the boys “purchase” the food.)

- And now I will be the director of the cafe and I want to check whether the drivers brought us all the necessary products (check).

“And now I’ll check the work of our waiters, whether they set the tables correctly.” So, I am satisfied with the work of both the drivers and the waiters. Our cafe is ready to welcome visitors.

- Girls, you can take your girlfriends and daughters and bring them to our cafe.

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