Summary of festive leisure activities dedicated to Russian Independence Day using ICT “Russia, we are your children”

Matinee “Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan”







An open event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan is held on the eve of the holiday. The purpose of this event is to form the foundations of citizenship and patriotism in preschoolers, instilling a sense of pride in their homeland, and respect for folk traditions.

Poems, songs, games, and dances performed by children during the holiday affect the emotional sphere and help instill in preschoolers such qualities as: friendliness, sensitivity, mutual assistance, and a sense of belonging to the life of the country. The script contains surprise moments (meetings with fairy tale characters) that evoke positive emotions in children.

During the celebration, slide presentations “Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “My Motherland is Kazakhstan”, musical recordings of songs and dances are used. Participants in the scenario should feel that they are part of the people of a huge country, that they are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Target

Formation of the foundations of citizenship and patriotism in preschoolers. Tasks:

  • consolidation of acquired knowledge about the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, about the Republic of Kazakhstan as a multinational state where every people has the right to develop their own language and culture;
  • development of the ability to emotionally perceive artistic material and reflect its sense of rhythm through various types of arts: dances, songs, poems, proverbs;
  • nurturing humanism, pride in one’s homeland, one’s people, and love for one’s native land.

The hall is festively decorated. Background music is playing. Children enter the hall.

Our knowledge - Independence

Our goal is peace and prosperity.

There is only one Motherland in this world!

This is Kazakhstan. (N. A. Nazarbayev)



Armysyzdar kurmetti konaktar, balalar!
Tauelsizdik kunine arnalgan saltanatty mereytoymyzdy ashyk dep zhariyalaymyz. El Tauelsizdіgіnіңә, zhyldyғy kutty bigsyn! We need a lot of money, We need a lot of money. Tattoo - that's a bad idea, Ketpesin tugan zherdіn berekesi. Presenter
. Good afternoon, dear friends and guests of the holiday. We are pleased to welcome you at this solemn hour in our hall. On December 16, our Republic celebrates a significant holiday - Independence Day! (fanfare). Twenty-six years ago, the name appeared on the world map - the Republic of Kazakhstan. A new name adorned the ancient country, spread across the wide expanses of the Eurasian steppes. The chronicle of modern Kazakhstan begins on December 16, 1991. On this day, Kazakhstan declared itself an Independent sovereign state. Having gained its independence, Kazakhstan embarked on a new path of development, grew stronger and received recognition throughout the world.

The people gained the opportunity to develop their culture, language, faith, religion and traditions. Homeland is the most important, dear and beloved word. Every person has his own homeland. Presenter :

Why are there so many adults and children in the hall today?
Children in chorus:
But this is a birthday - a holiday of my Motherland.
Why are the eyes shining and the streets full of people?
Children in chorus:
But this is a birthday - a holiday of my Motherland.
Guys, what do we call Motherland?

1 child.

The house where you and I grow up, And the birch trees along which we walk hand in hand.
: What do we call Motherland?
2 child.
The sun is in the blue sky.
And fragrant, golden Bread at the festive table. Presenter
What do we call Motherland? Children
(all together).
The land where you and I live! Leading.
That's right, children, by the word Motherland we mean our orphanage, our beautiful village, our entire Republic of Kazakhstan.
1 child.
Otan degen – atameken, Otan degen – tugan zher.
Otan ana, Otan ulken, Kazakhstan tugan el. 2 child.
My Kazakhstan is my home.
Everything about him is cute and pretty to me. My Kazakhstan is my steppe land. And there is no Motherland dearer to me. Zhurgizushi:
Anthem – was a Kazak khalkynyn buqil omirin oy eleginen otkіzetіn saltanatty an.
The anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is performed, accompanied by a slide presentation.

. The anthem of Kazakhstan glorifies the strength, work and pride of our people. There are many different countries on planet Earth, and each country has its own symbolism. Which of you can name the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan?


Flag, coat of arms, anthem. (Tu, eltanba, anuran)

(Children name the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Kazakh and Russian languages).


The region is wide and freely spread, in which sea and desert, steppe and mountains, eternal snow and taiga forests coexist. This is our Motherland. 1 child.
How lucky you and I are. We were born in such a country, Where people are all one family, Wherever you look, there are friends everywhere.
2 child.
Biz Otannyn gulimiz, Tugan zherdin nurymyz.
Tauels bezdin elimiz, Kazakhstan bay gerimiz. 3 child.
My Kazakhstan, you are independent. And the flag flutters over the country, The eagle soars freely in the heights - A sign of peace, friendship and goodness.

The song “Otan” plays (music by K. Shildebaev, lyrics by M. Zhumabaev).


Guys, we talked a lot about what a huge territory Kazakhstan occupies. Look at the map. (Show slide presentation “My Motherland Kazakhstan”).
The region is wide and freely spread, in which sea and desert, steppes and mountains, eternal snow and taiga forests coexist. What else is our country rich in? The children will talk about this.

1 child.

Native land, young and ancient! I sing about you and live through you. I look to the north - I see greenery, trees, I look to the south - the winds dry the grass.

2 child.

You have forests and lakes, And the blue depths of overworked rivers. Endless steppes, high mountains, And I am your master, I am your man.

3 child.

Otan - atam, Otan - әkem Қate bolsa, nege bіzder Deymіz ony Atameken.

4 child.

Otan - menin ata - anam, Otan - menin auylym, Otan - olkem Astanam, Otan - tugan bauyrym.

Kazakh dance is performed
(Music by I. Nusupbaeva)

Our Kazakhstan is a happy, powerful country.
Our beloved Motherland is full of riches. They stand like a wall of bread, the herbs smell like honey, and all around there are gardens rustling and oak groves rustling. 1 1 child:
Anamyzday tіleui ak, Otan bіzde bireu ak, Ol – bіzdіn Kazakhstan!
2 child.
You blossom Kazakhstan - blossom.
Our beloved and sunny land. On this day we congratulate you, Be joyful, dear land. 3 child.
We live in a special country, the most friendly, the kindest. We are proud of it, our Motherland.
4th child:
Otan, Otan, elim menin, Tugan zherim – Oz elim. Nowadays we are emgenim, Nowadays we are zhegenim.


“The earth is generous to those who have kind hands,” says popular wisdom. Let us also wish for ourselves that the star of our state shines brightly and high, so that every Kazakh citizen believes in its guiding power. We glorify our Motherland, our land, and therefore we must know, understand and learn our language, which the people of Kazakhstan speak. Kazakhstan is our common home, a big family. And we should all live in this big house - together, peacefully. Host:
And now we will check what you know about our Republic. Let's do a little quiz:

1. National currency of R.K. (tenge) 2. National home of the Kazakhs (yurt) 3. Hero of folk tales and Kazakh folklore, a cunning deceiver (Aldar - Kose) 4. The Holy Book of Muslims (Koran) 5. National drink (kumiss) 6. The first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan (N . A. Nazarbayev) 7. Constitution Day (August 30) 8. A string of camels (caravan) 9. Kazakh woman - yaga (zhalmauz - kempir) 10. Holiday of the unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan (May 1) 11. What does “shanyrak” (shanyrak) symbolize – the heart of the coat of arms, this is the hearth, the family) 12. City - center for space exploration (Baikonur) 13. Kazakh folk instruments (dombra, kobyz) 14. Name the capital of our Motherland (Astana) 15. Kazakh warrior - hero (batyr)


Well done guys, you know everything.
Our people have their own traditions, customs, rituals, proverbs and sayings. Let's listen to proverbs about friendship, about the Motherland. 1 child.
Please contact us, please contact us.
2 child.
The strength of a bird is in its wings, the strength of a person is in friendship.
3 child.
Dostyk — baga zhetpeitin bailyk.
4 child.
Friendship is a priceless wealth.
5 child.
Tugan zher – altyn besik.
6 child.
The native land is a golden cradle.
7 child.
Otan ottan da ystyk.
8 child.
Homeland is hotter than fire.
9 child.
Otansyz adam – ormansyz bulbul.
10 child.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a forest.
11 child.
Otan – eldin anasy.
12 child.
The Motherland is the mother of the people.
(There is a knock on the door. Ayaz enters in national costume (sad)). Leading.
Oh, wise Ayaz!
Where are you coming from, what happened to you. Ayaz.
I served with the khan, was the chief vizier, but the khan’s evil and envious associates slandered me.
Khan believed them and sent me away. Leading.
Don’t be upset Ayaz, justice will prevail, and the khan will understand that he was wrong and will return you to his palace. In the meantime, stay with us, be our guest. Do you like to play? Let's all play the game "Yurt" together.

A Kazakh folk game is being held.
(lyrics by Preobrazhensky, arrangement by Yu. Tugarinov.) (The voice of the Khan is heard) Khan.
Where is my vizier?
Khan enters. Khan.
I'm looking for you everywhere, it's hard for me without you, come back to me, I realized that I was wrong! Ayaz.
Okay, my master.


Be, Khan, our guest too.
Play a fun Kazakh game with us. The Kazakh folk game “Tyubiteyka” is being held. Khan.
Oh, what a good mood I was in after the game, I even started making up stories! Listen here.

One day my brother sent a black crow on a long journey. The crow was nimble and carried the cart into the sky.....


No, that doesn't happen.
The crow will not lift the cart. Khan.
Well, what great fellows you are, you know everything!
It’s time for Ayaz and I to leave. Leading.
Thank you, Khan, for your funny tales.
Stay at our celebration, we will sing a song for you. The song “True Friend” is performed (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by P. Savelyev). Leading.
What is our Kazakhstan rich in? Do you remember the words from the poem by Z. Zhabaev

Look, my friend, look! In the pure flame of our dawn Before the owners in full All the wealth of the country was revealed!

(Children carry objects corresponding to the presenter’s text or a slide show on trays).

The grain fields are spread wide, the land of Kazakhstan is famous for its grains! (Bread and ears of wheat).

Baursaks made from flour are rosy and delicious. (Baursaki).

In Kazakhstan, fragrant apples are ripening! (Apples).

Our sheep on Dzhailau are very noble! After all, hats and fur coats are made from sheep skin. (Products made from sheep yarn).

There is a lot of steel in Kazakhstan, with it we have become richer. (Steel products).

Cheese and butter and kaymak They give us cows. (Dairy products).

To keep everyone warm, here with us, and everywhere. Gas is produced in Aksai and Ugolek in Karaganda. (Coal).

Look, guys, how rich our Kazakhstan is, and all this is created by the hands of people living in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Children

Here all the peoples are like one family, My Kazakhstan, My Republic! The song “ Kazakhstanim . Presenter.
There is such a country in the world where we sing and play songs and it is full of all sorts of miracles and we call it a fairy tale.
Our Kazakhstan is a huge house. We live here with a big family!
A dance with balloons is performed.

Bugin, me, Egemendi tauelsiz elimizdin y merekesin toiladik.
Zhuzіmіz hot pain, aspanymyz ashyk pain, letâtіmіz shalkyp, bereke – berligimіz heat bersin! Barshanyzga baqyt, densaulyk, ashyk, aspan, beybetshilik omir tileymiz! Merekemiz kutty bolsyn! Presenter:
My Kazakhstan! I love you. For your beauty, wide open spaces. My Kazakhstan! You are great and mighty, Your tongue is melodious, majestic are the mountains! Let the sun pour into your open spaces, In the wealth of the depths and in the gold of grain, Let the Fatherland, Motherland rise like snowy mountains, For good deeds.

The Kazakhs have a good custom “Shashu”. Any good event is accompanied by scattering of candy for happiness and well-being. So we wish everyone - densaulyk zor bolsyn! Bakyt bolsyn! Dostyk bolsyn. Happiness, good luck, health.

Daily planning for the day in the senior group on the theme “Russia Day”

Anastasia Raikova

Daily planning for the day in the senior group on the theme “Russia Day”

Topic of the day: “Russia Day !”

Joint activities between adults and children

Educational activities during regime moments

Thematic conversation: “Our Motherland”

Ts: Continue to introduce children to the holiday Russia Day


Examination of illustrations about the nature of Russia , the animal world.

Reading fiction: G. Ladonshchikov “Native Land”

, T. Bokova
C: Introduce works about the Motherland, cultivate patriotism.

Didactic game: “Restore the flag”

C: Fix the sequence of colors of the Russian flag

Conversation “What does Motherland mean?”

Ts: To clarify children’s knowledge about the concept of homeland, about its meaning in human life.

C: Develop design abilities. Learn to apply your knowledge in practical independent activities

Ts: Learn to determine weather conditions.

P. and. : “Trap with a ribbon”


Ts: Learn to run without bumping into each other, develop agility.

C: Practice catching the ball with both hands, without pressing it to your chest.

Etc.: Loosening the sandbox

C. Arouse the desire to work.

Role-playing game "Hospital"


Ts: Improve children’s ability to coordinate the theme of the game and their actions with partners.

Practice high jumping over obstacles

C: Develop leg muscle strength, coordination, jumping ability.

Offer to draw with crayons on the asphalt on a free topic

C: Foster independence, develop the ability to combine colors.

C: Strengthen the ability to find objects by description. Development of attention and intelligence.

Reading the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Jug"

, processing O. Kapitsa.

Ts: Improve the ability to listen carefully to a literary work, answer questions about its content, cultivate interest and love for Russian folk tales.

Learning the Russian

C: Education of patriotism, development of memory, creative abilities.

Memorizing a poem for Russia

C: Development of expressive speech, memory.

Games in play corners, free creative activity

C: Development of independence, the ability to find something to do according to your interests.

Bird watching

C: Expand knowledge about birds, pay attention to the behavior of birds in June. Development of observation and attention.

P. and. : "Colors"

“The Fox in the Chicken Coop”
C: Develop attention and speed of reaction.

Etc.: “Let’s sweep the veranda”


C: Develop a desire to work.

Dance game “Repeat after me”

C: Development of body plasticity, creativity, imagination. Suppressing feelings of shyness.

Count to ten and back

Independent play activities with external materials: sand play sets, balls, jump ropes, badminton, scooters.

Daily planning “Victory Day” in the middle group Topic: “Victory Day” Final event: Thematic exhibition “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” Purpose: To foster a sense of pride and love.

Open Day. Summary of the event “June 12 – Russia Day” Topic: “June 12 – Russia Day”. Goal: To create conditions for children to express their ideas about themselves through artistic and visual means.

Scenario of entertainment in the senior group “Russia Day” Summary of the educational activities in the senior group Compiled by: Z. A. Velilyaeva, teacher of MBDOU DS No. 1 “Space” Topic: “Russia Day” Lesson type: entertainment Type.

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