Sports relay races according to traffic rules for children of senior preschool age

Fun according to traffic rules for the older group in kindergarten

NOTE on traffic rules for the senior group
Objectives: 1. To activate and test children’s knowledge about the Rules of the Road, the purpose of some road signs; 2. Bring to the awareness of children what violation of traffic rules can lead to; 3. Learn to express your thoughts clearly for others; 4. To teach children to make independent judgments; 5. Strengthen the ability to apply acquired knowledge in games and everyday life; 6. Develop a desire to study the Rules of the Road; 7. Promote the development of caution, observation, caution on the roads; 8. Develop attention, concentration, speed, reaction of movements; 9. Practice intonation expressiveness of speech; 10. Teach preschoolers the rules of safe behavior on the roads; 11. Foster friendly relationships between children, develop the ability to independently unite to play together, negotiate, help each other 12. Foster a culture of verbal communication; 13. Foster organization, discipline, and collectivism. Preliminary work: • review with children road signs, traffic lights, what an intersection is, how to behave correctly on the street, in transport; • teach poems about traffic rules and signs with children; • conduct a conversation on traffic rules. Host: Guys, we live in a big city, where there are a lot of cars and intersections. And to avoid getting into trouble, what do you all need to know? That's right - traffic rules! But as you know them, we’ll check them now! Today we will hold a relay race according to the rules of the road. We will have two teams, and which teams you will find out by guessing my riddle and answering the questions. Standing at the edge of the street Wearing a long boot Three-eyed stuffed animal On one leg. Where the cars move, Where the paths converge, Helps people cross the street Presenter: “What do you think, if there are no signs, traffic lights, traffic controllers, pedestrian crossings, what will happen then and what could happen? » Presenter: What is a traffic light for? Children: A traffic light is needed to regulate traffic so that there is order on the streets and roads. Host: What does each traffic light mean? Children: Red is a dangerous color, it means there is no move. Yellow - don’t rush, and wait for the signal. The color green says: Now the way is open to you. Presenter: Our teams will be called that, the green team, the red team, and our tokens will be yellow. Each team will receive points: for the correct answer, for each completed stage - a yellow token. Relay rules: 1. Start the race on command. 2. Don't shout over each other. 3. Listen to the tasks carefully. 4. Do not run out of line. So, the first task: Listen carefully to the riddle. Look, what a strong man, He’s used to stopping a five-ton truck on the move with one hand. (Traffic controller) What is this - striped? (Children answer) The traffic controller’s baton is to regulate the movement of vehicles where there is no traffic light. Relay race 1 “Traffic Controller” (children run around the counter one by one, passing the traffic controller’s baton as a relay baton). A house walks down the street, carrying everyone to work, not on thin chicken legs, but in rubber boots. (Bus)

Relay 2 “Public transport stop” (equipment: 2 stands (signs), 2 large hoops) The first child pretends to be a driver, he puts on a hoop, runs to the stand opposite his team, goes around it and returns to his team, then another child (passenger) joins him (gets into the hoop) and now they run to the counter together, the passenger gets out at the counter. This is how the driver transports all the relay participants. After all participants have arrived at the counter, all team members take each other, the driver in front, and return to their original place.

And now - the competition: “Fairy-tale situations.” I will tell fairy tales, and you must understand and correctly solve the situations of the heroes. When the answer is ready, the team captain raises his hand and names the player who will give the correct answer. In this competition, for every correct answer you can get one yellow token. 1. So, the first situation is “Where are we running with Piglet...”. The Three Little Pigs: Naf-naf, Nif-nif, and Nuf-nuf went to their friend's birthday party. When they reached their intersection, the traffic light was flashing green. Naf-naf ran across the road at a run, Nif-nif walked at a walk, and Nuf-nuf remained standing on the sidewalk. Which character did the right thing and why? (Nuf-nuf. It’s better for him not to start crossing the roadway when the traffic light is flashing - this indicates that it will change soon. This can lead to a dangerous situation. He needs to wait for the next green signal.) 2. “The Boy and the Little Red Riding Hood” The boy is driving bicycle At the bus stop he sees Little Red Riding Hood and Dunno. “Take me to the pharmacy,” Little Red Riding Hood asks, “my grandmother is sick.” “No, me,” asks Dunno. Who will go with the boy? (No one. Only one person is allowed to ride a bicycle. The trunk is used to transport luggage. And the frame is for attaching the main parts.) Presenter: Well done, you completed the task. And now we will listen to poems about the Rules of the Road, which every pedestrian needs to know well. 1 child: The city is full of traffic: Cars are running in a row, colored traffic lights are on both day and night. Walking carefully, watch the street and only cross it where you can. 2nd child. : Pedestrian, pedestrian! Remember about the transition! Underground, above ground, Similar to a zebra. Know that only the transition will save you from the cars. 3rd child: There are quite a few rules of the road in the world. It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all, But the main rules of the road are to know them like the multiplication table. Don't play on the pavement, don't ride, if you want to stay healthy! 4 child: Around the city, down the street They don’t just walk like that: When you don’t know the rules, It’s easy to get into trouble. Guys, what do you think, a long time ago, when there were no cars, was it necessary to follow traffic rules, because if cars had not yet been invented, maybe there was nothing to drive? (the children answer that they used to ride horses and also had traffic rules). Relay 3. “Horse racing.” Children take turns riding horses to the counter and back. The winner is the one who finishes the relay first.

For this horse, food is gasoline, oil, and water. He does not graze in the meadow, he rushes along the street. (Car) Relay 4 “Sharp turn” (Children, one at a time, with a steering wheel in their hands, run a snake around the pins and their stand, passing the steering wheel as a relay).

Presenter: Now we’ll rest a little and - Let’s check how attentive you are. Answer my questions: “this is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Which of you goes forward only where there is a transition? (They answer.) Who runs forward so quickly that they don’t see the traffic light? (They are silent.) Does anyone know that a red light means “No movement”? (answer.) Which of you in the cramped carriage gave up your seat to the old lady? (They answer.) Who runs out onto a slippery road in bad weather? (Silent.) The brothers prepared for a visit, clung to each other, and rushed off on a long journey, only leaving a smoke behind. (Train) Relay 5 “Road Signs” Presenter: I suggest you line up in a train (one after another) and drive along our path following the arrows, along the way you will come across road signs, you must look at the road signs and explain what they mean and why needed (questions are asked to each team in turn)

Relay 6 “Transport”. Host: Each of you has your own transport. The cyclists start the relay first; they reach the stand, go around it and reach the relay line. After the first participant has reached the relay line, the second participant begins the relay race (for children: bicycle, scooter, stroller, car, traffic controller’s baton).

Relay 7 “Long Road”. Host: Now let’s see how you can work in a team. Your whole team needs to cover the entire circuit. Each team member has his own part of the road (his own section of the path), if you add up these parts, you get one long path. You need everyone with their own transport to stand at the beginning of their distance (path) and pass the baton to another team member (the teacher shows and helps each team member to stand at the beginning of their distance correctly).

Presenter: Our competition has come to an end, and in conclusion I would like to say: In order to live without knowing grief, In order to run, swim and fly, You must always follow the rules of the road. Be careful on the street, children! Remember these rules firmly. Remember these rules always, so that trouble does not happen to you! Summing up (counting tokens). Team awards.

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Description of material: I bring to your attention a scenario of sports entertainment for senior preschool age. In a playful way, children reinforce traffic rules, develop dexterity, coordination, and endurance. With the help of elements of health-saving technologies, children are instilled with the habit of a healthy lifestyle. The material may be useful to educators, primary school teachers, and physical education instructors in kindergarten. Objectives: 1. To consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and road signs in a playful way. 2. Promote the development of caution and prudence on the roads. Strengthen the ability to apply acquired knowledge in games and everyday life. Children enter the music room to the music and sit down in their seats. Preliminary work: Learning poems and speeches with children. Repetition of traffic rules and signs. Presenter: (physical development instructor): Guys, we live in a city with green, wide streets and avenues. Many cars and trucks and buses travel along them. And no one to anyone. Why, guys, is this happening? How do you think? The children answer. Presenter: Correct! This happens because there are such clear rules for car drivers and pedestrians. Who makes sure that traffic rules are followed? The children answer. Presenter: State Road Safety Inspectorate - abbreviated as traffic police. A traffic police inspector came to us. Let's give him the floor. Presenter: In order for us to better remember the rules, you and I will compete in agility, speed and dexterity. And all our relay games will be dedicated to traffic rules. Crossing the road from one side of the street to the other is not easy. Who helps us with this? Children: Traffic light. Presenter: Correct! And he came to visit us today. (Traffic light enters to cheerful music) Traffic light: There has been an owner on the roads for a long time - Traffic light! It’s not in vain that it burns above you with Multi-colored lights. How many signals do I have? Children: Three Traffic Lights: Name them (children name them). Child 1: Is the light on red? Stop! There is no way forward! 2nd child: The yellow eye repeats without words: Be ready for the transition! Child 3: When the light is green, go ahead! The path is clear. Transition. Traffic light: Crossing the road These bright colors will always tell you and help you. Well done boys! I am very glad that you know so much about me. Now I want to see how you compete. Presenter: We will be glad that you will attend our sports competitions. We have 2 teams consisting of Team “Avtomobilists” - 6 children from the preparatory group “Solnyshko”; Team "Pedestrians" - 6-10 children from the preparatory group "Bells". We welcome the members of the jury consisting of: a traffic police inspector, a kindergarten methodologist and the chairman of the parent committee. Presenter: The word for greetings is given to the “Pedestrians” team. Team captain: “Pedestrians” are a skillful team, dexterous, strong, brave! All together: We are already adults - not kids. Hurry up and compete with us! Presenter: The floor for greetings goes to the “Motorists” team. Team captain: We are Motorists, All together: Don’t stand in the way, Our team is always ahead! Presenter: 1st relay race “Driver” Children take turns driving large toy cars to the counter, driving around it and coming back, passing the car to the next player. The relay race is not only about speed, but also about attentiveness, since you can only start movements from a traffic light sign. The team that completes the task first wins.

2 relay race “Underground passage” In front of each team there is a tunnel. Children take turns climbing through the tunnel, running around the counter and returning to their team. The team that completes the task the fastest wins. 3rd relay race “Make a sign” (mosaic) Very often, traffic violators damage road signs, and now we have to repair some of them. You need to assemble a road sign from the proposed components and name it correctly. You have 1 minute to complete the mosaic. 4th relay race “Pedestrian crossing”

Participants in the competition run to the “pedestrian crossing”, cross the road and return, passing the baton to the next participant in the game. The team that completes the task the fastest wins. 5th relay race “Happy Pedestrians” The first team member takes the hoop and runs around the stand on command, returns to his team, takes the second player and the two of them run around the stand, etc. until the whole team, holding the hoop, completes the task. The team that completes the task the fastest wins. Riddles for teams: 1. He has colored eyes, not eyes, but three lights, He takes turns with them, immediately looks at me... (traffic light) 2. Doesn’t fly, doesn’t buzz, A beetle is running down the street. And they burn in the beetle’s eyes Two brilliant lights... (car) 3. On a clear morning along the road Dew glistens on the grass, Two cheerful wheels spin along the road, The riddle has an answer: This is my... (bicycle) 4. The car won’t go here. The main thing here is the pedestrian. To avoid interfering with each other, we need to keep the path to the right. (Sidewalk) Presenter: While our jury is counting the points, we are playing a game for the audience “Allowed - Forbidden.” Play and jump at the bus stop... Scream loudly at the bus stop... Behave calmly on the bus... Give way to older people... Lean out of the window... Walk around standing vehicles in front... Respect traffic rules... “Mental warm-up” What types of transitions are there? (ground, underground) What do you call people walking down the street? (pedestrians) Which traffic light is allowed to cross? (green) What is the name of the intersection of roads? (crossroads) Presenter: The floor is given to our jury. (rewarding teams) Presenter: Friends, be competent pedestrians and never forget the traffic rules!

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Leisure time in the senior group on traffic rules Scenario of a speech by a propaganda team on traffic rules for children of the senior group Conversation in the senior group on the topic: Traffic rules Synopsis of an integrated lesson on traffic rules in the preparatory group

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Sports event on traffic rules “Road Nursery Rhymes”


reducing child road traffic injuries


repetition of traffic rules, prevention of the most common mistakes in children’s behavior on the road, nurturing a sense of mutual assistance, respect for the work of drivers, pedestrians and passengers, development of students’ cognitive interests in studying traffic rules


models of traffic signs, a model of a traffic light, sports flags, balls, a scoreboard, blanks for a traffic light, 2 scooters, 2 bicycles, 2 balls, musical accompaniment “Sports Marches”.

Contents of the event

  1. Organizing time. Stage "Acquaintance"

Formation, presentation of teams, jury. (The song “It’s Fun to Walk Together” plays.)

  1. Message of the theme of the event. Introductory conversation.

There are a lot of traffic rules in the world

It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all,

But the main thing from the traffic rules

You should know how to use a multiplication table.

- Hello, dear friends! Today we are meeting at the “Road Rhymes” sports event, and all the questions, as you guessed, will be on the topic “Road Rules”, which you all know.

(Poems about traffic lights are read).

To help you pass the dangerous path, It lights up day and night - green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light, we are three brothers, We have been shining light on the road for all the children for a long time.

We are three wonderful colors, you often see us, But sometimes you don’t listen to our advice.

The strictest is the red light, if it is on - stop! There is no further road! The path is closed to everyone!

So that you can cross calmly, listen to our advice: wait! You will soon see a yellow light in the middle.

And behind him, a green light will flash ahead, He will say: there are no obstacles, boldly go on your way!

If you follow all the traffic lights without arguing, you will, of course, get home and to school very soon!

  1. Main stages of the competition.

1) Warm up

(puzzles). For each correct answer the player receives one point.

This horse does not eat oats, instead of legs there are two wheels. Sit on horseback and race on it, but steer better. ( Bike).

Where should we go to the store? Behind these stalls, where the arrow is at the gate, we ourselves read on this arrow... (Transition).

What a blue house! There are a lot of kids in it. Wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline. ( Bus).

The car has it, the cart has it, the bicycle has it, but the train has it, too many. (Wheels).

Caution does not hurt, this light warns. ( Yellow).

At the end of the warm-up, the results are summed up.

“Connect the traffic light”
Quiet music plays.

A message was received from the traffic police headquarters about the failure of traffic lights. Your task is to go through the obstacle course and connect the traffic lights.


The first participant, passing the obstacle course, receives a package. His task: to lay out colored circles from the bag and lay them out on the table, then go back and stand last in the column, passing the baton to the next one; the participants make up traffic lights. The winner of this competition is the team that correctly designed the traffic light and spent the least time on the obstacle course. The jury evaluates the competition on a 5-point scale.

Obstacle course:

  • Forward somersault
  • Overcoming the “log”

3) Moving on a scooter


Each team member must ride a scooter to the stop line, leave the scooter and then dribble the ball, circling the posts, the other member does the opposite. The competition is assessed on a 5-point scale.

4) Game “Name the road sign”

Now we’ll check how well you know road signs!


The first participants, completing the obstacle course, receive packages containing road signs. Their task: to give the exact name of road signs. After completing the task, the participant returns back, passing the baton to the next one. All participants complete the task. The winner is the team that spent the least time completing the obstacle course and demonstrated the correct knowledge. The competition is assessed on a 5-point scale.

Obstacle course:

  • "Tunnel"
  • "Snake".

5) Driving a bicycle


A captain represents each team. On command, he begins to complete the task. The jury evaluates the best performance on a 5-point scale. The captains do the driving and the teams answer questions.


What groups are road signs divided into?

— How are pedestrian crossings marked? (road signs, zebra crossings)

— How should you walk along the sidewalk? on a country road?

— Where on the roadway can you wait out the flow of traffic?

—Where can you ride a bike? (under 14 years old can only ride in the yard, on the sports ground)

— Why is it dangerous to cross the road in front of nearby traffic? (might get hit by a car)

6) Game “Collect the word”


on command, the first participant lays out one card with a letter, after which he returns to the team and stands last in the column, passing the baton to the next. The team that forms the word correctly and quickly wins. The competition is assessed on a 5-point scale.

Our tests are over. Now the jury will sum up the results of the competition, and we will listen to ditties on traffic rules.

  1. Put your ears on top of your heads and listen carefully.

We will sing ditties for you very wonderfully.

  1. We are cheerful guys and we sing here today

About problems on the roads and the traffic police service.

  1. Oh, Vanya! Oh, Vanya, look at the traffic light,

You, Vanya, mixed everything up and went to a red light.

  1. You must, of course, obey the traffic light's instructions.

You need to follow the traffic rules without objection!

  1. Like the driver doesn’t brake, but the car keeps sliding,

On wheels, like on skis - closer, closer, closer.

  1. There is an opportunity for salvation, the best brake is caution,

Save your life, don’t run in front of the car!

  1. When going out, prepare in advance

Politeness and restraint, and most importantly - attention!

  1. Summarizing.

The jury's word. Winner's reward ceremony. (The song “I’m pedaling, I’m pedaling” sounds)

— Thank you all for the answers, for the enthusiasm, for the ringing laughter.

For the excitement of competition that ensured success!

I wish you to be healthy and never forget to take care of your safety.

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