Summary of an open viewing of a walk in the preparatory group

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF


Kulakova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna MBDOU No. 37 “Belochka” teacher Kamchatka Territory, Elizovsky district, Vulkanny village

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the history of the emergence and development of transport, of the need, with its emergence, to create traffic rules.


  1. Educational: consolidation of knowledge about the features of different types of transport (air, land and water); formation of a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules.
  2. Developmental: develop the ability to expressively convey an image through pantomime and speech, rhythmically perform movements, coordinate them with the text, develop imagination, spatial thinking.
  3. Educational: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards people’s work, as well as a friendly attitude towards young children and each other.

Integration: “Socio-communicative development” , “Cognitive development” , “Speech development” , “Physical development”

Children's activities: communicative, productive, playful

Preliminary work: viewing multimedia presentations “From carriage to rocket” , “Journey to the world of transport” , conversations with children about traffic rules and the history of transport; learning poems about vehicles, looking at illustrations on the topic “Transport” ; solving puzzles; working with parents: moving folders “What can I tell you about transport?” , “Let’s cross the street .

Observation progress: we observe the snow removal tractor, answer the questions:

  1. What is this?
  2. Type of transport (land, water, air)
  3. Where and how is it used?
  4. Color and size.
  5. Details
  6. What do you need to move?
  7. How are they cared for?

Research activity: after observing the tractor, we try to find out whether it is so useful to humans. We clear the snow first with our hands, then try to do it with a shovel. We conclude that thanks to the large tractor bucket, it can easily cope with such a volume of work, even in bad weather. Without it, we would not be able to move along the streets, because they would not be cleared.

Labor activity: using toy trucks, help kids collect toys on the site

Goal: to consolidate the ability to perform labor actions; Continue to develop skills to work in a team.

Sedentary game: “Sky, sea, road”

Goal: to know the characteristics of the movement of different vehicles; be able to navigate in space, be attentive, act on a signal.

Rules: the teacher gives the children signals: “Sea” - the children depict a ship: their arms are extended forward, forming a triangle with the apex forward, swaying as if on the waves. “Sky” - depict an airplane, flying throughout space. “Road” - depict driving a car, driving without breaking the markings. “Rails” - stand one after another, depicting train cars, and move rhythmically in one direction.

Outdoor game: “Funny Cars”

Goal: remember the basic rules of the road; develop attention, running in a certain direction and in different directions; be attentive to your peers in the game.

Rules: Children line up one after another and, at the teacher’s command, begin to move. “Green traffic light” - we are driving, “yellow traffic light” - we are slowing down, “red” - we are stopping. It is important that children do not collide with each other and follow traffic rules.

Individual work on movement development: jumping on one leg.

Goal: practice pushing off energetically and landing correctly.

Progress of the walk

Educator: Guys! You and I are going for a walk, please put on mittens and adjust your hat...

Pinocchio: Oh, oh, oh, oh!!! Help!!! Anyone!!!

Educator: Guys, look who’s running?

Children: Pinocchio!

Educator: Pinocchio, what happened?

Pinocchio: Trouble! I was walking with my favorite car on the road, when suddenly Svetofor Svetoforitch ran up to me and started swearing! He says don’t walk on the road, don’t you know the rules of the road? Well, what am I... I don’t know and I don’t want to know! That’s what I told him... And he shakes his head, ah-ah-ah, he says, you don’t take care of yourself and your favorite toy either. In general, he punished me; until I become familiar with the rules of the road and transport, he will not give me anything. Please help, honestly, I will listen and remember everything! Can you help?

Educator: Shall we help you guys?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Then we set off on a fun journey “Into the World of Transport” ! Many tasks await us, but we will try very hard and cope with everything. Look, what is this?

Children: Pointers!

Educator: What do you think, why do we need them?

Children: To know where to go next.

Educator: Correct! Let's take a look at what is shown on the first sign?

Children: There is a cloud drawn there!

Educator: What kind of transport do you think we should name?

Children: Airy.

Educator: What kind of air transport do we know?

Children: Airplane, hot air balloon, helicopter, airplane...

Educator: Well done! But look closely, there is a letter hidden in the cloud, what is this letter?

Children: Letter "C"

Educator: I think this letter contains the name of the air vehicle on which we will fly!

Children: It's a plane!

Educator: But in order for us to fly, we need to remember what parts the plane consists of?

Children: Cabin, propeller, landing gear, wings, tail.

Educator: Now we’ve spread our wings, let’s start the engine. At first it works quietly and slowly: “tock-tock-tock” , then faster: “knock-knock-knock” , and finally, the engine roared: “r-r-r” .

Buratino: I, Buratino, the chief pilot, will indicate the flight path. We fly one after another, so as not to collide, and land near the next clue.

Educator: And here is the next sign! It says “To get further, remember the poems about transport!” So, guys, can we complete this task?

Children read poetry.

From carriage to rocket (Sergei Mikhalkov)


People traveled around the world, seated in a carriage. But the twentieth century came - a man got into the car.


This is where things went wrong! The cities began to rattle. The noise of engines, the rustle of tires - Thousands of cars are rushing.


Pedestrians climbed into the steam slugs. And they could easily get off on the go.


And now, to the sound of wheels, an electric locomotive is carrying us. I didn’t have time to say two words - Look: we have to get out!


The ships were like that - they floated like toys. We sailed for a month, sailed for a year... A steamer appeared!


And today giants swim into the oceans. The white light is surprising, the speed of sea rockets.


Obedient only to the winds, the balloon rose. The man knew how to dream, the man wanted to fly!

Vanya L.

Year after year passed... A plane appeared! He sat down in a chair and ate breakfast. What's happened? Arrived!


Well, and this, well, and this is the Around the World Rocket! From carriages to rockets! Is this a miracle or not?

Educator: That's how great we are! You and I know not only about transport, but we also know a lot about the past of transport, as it used to be. And now we are moving on.

Guys, imagine that there is a lake ahead. They closed their eyes and imagined. Who can tell me how to get across the lake? (listening to options)

Pinocchio: Look, is there another sign here?

Educator: Exactly, guys, let's see what's drawn here.

Children: There is a balloon on the sign!

Educator: But will we be able to fly everything on it?

Children: No!

Educator: They probably want to confuse us. Guys, tell me, what vehicle can I use to cross to the other side? It is very similar to a balloon, and we can all fit in it.

Children: It's a balloon!

Educator: But first, we need to build it! What parts does a balloon consist of?

Children: Basket, ropes, ball.

Educator: Okay, what should we build first?

Children: Basket.

Educator: Let's weave a basket of ropes, to do this we stand in a circle and hold hands. Now let’s inflate the balloon, inhale through our nose, and exhale through our mouth! They cheated and flew! We move easily on our toes, because the ball is very light! The wind drives us forward and drops us on the other side of the lake.

Pinocchio: Hurray! We did it guys, you are so great! What would I do without you! And now we have a task for attentiveness, I’ll read you a riddle, you guess it:

The miracle janitor is in front of us, With his raking hands he raked up a huge snowdrift in one minute!

What is this?

Children: Tractor

Educator: Tractor! Absolutely right! Have you found it yet? Here he is, standing. Let's take a closer look at it. (conducts an observation conversation)

Pinocchio: Wow! Wow, I didn’t even know that! Now let's relax a bit and play! The game is called "Sky, Sea and Road" . How funny and mischievous you are!

Educator: Well, it’s time for us to move on. Look, there is a road in front of us. This is probably a clue. What do you think we will go on?

Children: By car!

Educator: What parts does the machine consist of?

Children: Cabin, interior, windows, doors, wheels, engine.

Educator: Now read the poem with me and show the movements!

We are driving, we are driving a car, they imitate the movements of the steering wheel.

We press the pedal. The leg is bent and extended.

We turn on the gas, turn it off, turn the imaginary lever with your hand towards you, away from you

We look intently into the distance. Place your palm to your forehead.

The “wipers” clean off the drops, bend your arms at the elbows in front of you, and open your palms.

Right left. Purity! Tilt your arms left and right.

The wind ruffles my hair. They move their fingers above their heads,

We are drivers anywhere! Raise your thumb up.

Educator: Since you and I are now drivers, let's remember the rules of the road

Need traffic rules

We not only know for sure,

But also strictly comply!

Educator: Wait guys, I see something. (I take out traffic signs from under the wheels). We probably need to remember the name of each of them. (we name the definition of each sign)


  1. “What is the name of the part of the street where cars drive?” (road)
  2. “What is the name of the part of the street reserved for pedestrians?” (sidewalk)
  3. “Why do you have to cross the street at a pedestrian crossing?” (it's safe and complies with traffic regulations)
  4. “Why is it dangerous to play next to the road? (life threatening)

Pinocchio: So that's why Svetofor Svetoforitch got angry with me! I got it! Guys! Look, what is this strange box near the traffic light? There is a note on it : “When you can solve all the tasks, then you can open the box!” Have we completed all the tasks? Then let's open it soon! (open the box) This is my favorite car! You helped me! Thank you very much! And for this I will thank you! I see the kids have scattered all the molds around the playground, let's collect them using my machine! By the way, to carry cargo, what kind of car should you have? (children's answers) Well, of course, cargo! You are so smart! Now let's go! (they collect toys, music plays)

Educator: What a good job we did! Now you can have some fun! Let's play the game "Funny Cars" (play the game)

Educator: Guys, what should I say to Buratino for his help? Thank you!

Pinocchio: Thank you! Now it's time for me to go home! Otherwise, my dad Carlo is probably already very worried! Goodbye, guys!

Children: Goodbye, Pinocchio!

Educator: We had such an amazing trip today! Did you like it?

Children: Yes!

Educator: I hope our guests really enjoyed it too! Let's say goodbye to them too!

(individual work is carried out to develop movements)

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