Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory group. Letter U

SOUND AND LETTER “U” tasks for preschoolers

The work is carried out with children of preschool age. Children become familiar with the visual image of the letter U, looking for similarities and differences. The next task is aimed at developing letter gnosis - searching for the letter U. On the second page, much attention is paid to the development of graphomotor skills: coloring maple leaves with the letter U, writing the letter, adding missing elements; search among snails for a learned letter.

Letter U for preschoolers

Tasks for preschoolers “Letter U”

Letter U, copybooks, tasks

The children write the letter U in the boxes, and then find objects whose names begin with the sound U and color or trace them. This is a platypus, a fishing rod, an iron, a snail.

The letter U in pictures for preschool children.

Source: O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefyodova “Tables for teaching reading”


Activities with the letter U for the little ones

  • Development of fine motor skills - shading snails, writing the letter U.
  • Reading syllables with the vowel U.
  • Completing words (letter U only).
  • Painting parts of the mosaic with the letter U.

Letter U cursive for preschoolers

Tasks for preschoolers with the letter U
This manual is intended for parents who want to prepare their child for school on their own.

Letter U for children

Letter U for preschoolers

Primer with the letter U

Copybook with block letter U

Letter classes with speech therapists and speech pathologists

for preschoolers

1. Look at the picture. What sound does the boy make? How did you guess? What (who) else can make such a sound?

2. When pronouncing a sound, a small circle is drawn near the lip. Fill the small circle with red. We prepare children for the color designation of vowel sounds.

3. Trace the large and small letter Y with a pencil along the dots. Write down the lines of the letters U. Underline the letter U in the row of vowels (development of attention and visual perception).

4. Look at pictures of airplanes. Which plane do you think flies closest to you? Which one is further from you? Why did you decide so?

5. Guess which aircraft's drone sounds loud, like this. (The speech therapist pronounces the sound U in a loud voice. Children: “Big plane.”)

And what plane's drone sounds quiet?
(The speech therapist pronounces the sound U in a quiet voice. Children: “Small airplane.”)
How did you guess?

6. Now sing the big airplane song yourself; small plane. (The speech therapist makes sure that when pointing to the corresponding picture and pronouncing the sound U, the children change the strength of their voice.)

The speech therapist invites one of the children to make a guess, and the rest of the children to guess which aircraft is humming. (The child pronounces the sound U, changing the strength of his voice, the children point to the corresponding plane.)

7. Now take a pencil. Draw your pencil along the paths and sing airplane songs. (The speech therapist makes sure that the children pronounce the sound U on one exhalation and with different voice strengths.)

Letter U, development of phonemic perception

Letter U, tasks for speech therapists

Compiled by: Koptik S.A. “Workbook of speech therapy classes for 1st grade students”

  1. Introducing children to the letter U.
  2. Isolating the first sound in the words “duck”, “iron”.
  3. Determination of articulation when pronouncing the sound U.
  4. Writing the letter U in the air on a piece of paper.
  5. Primary work on distinguishing letters from sounds.
  6. Development of phonemic hearing - highlighting the vowel u in words.
  7. Spatial orientation - left-right.
  8. Working on fine motor skills.

Letter y for preschool children

Tasks with the letter U

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory group. Letter U

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Acquaintance with the letter Y”
Author: Anisimova Oksana Vitalievna, MAOU “Secondary School No. 10” JV “Kindergarten” Methodological description: the lesson is conducted in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. This material may be useful to preschool teachers and parents of children in the preparatory group. Objectives: • Carrying out a sound analysis of a word • Repetition of the rules for writing vowels after consonants • Mastering the action of changing a word with a given sound Material used: cards with the letters “b”, “a”, “m”, “o”, “i”;
envelope with letter. Progress of the lesson
1. Organizational moment - Guys, a letter has arrived in our group (showing it). I can’t understand what’s written on the envelope, since all the letters are scattered, but I hope you can help me? (children's answers) Help me collect them. We are discussing options (Yura). Let's open the envelope and find out what Yura is writing to us. “My name is Yura, I am a first grade student. I study at the same school where you will soon go. I decided to test you to see if you are ready for school. Yura sent tasks that you must complete and thereby prove that you are ready for school. — Are you ready to prove to Yura that you can cope with his tasks? (children's answers) Before completing the tasks, I suggest you do gymnastics for your tongue so that our tongue speaks and works correctly. Exercise “Brushing your teeth” Well done, now we are ready to complete the tasks sent by Yura. 2. Main part First task: - guys, to complete the task, guess the riddle: Two roads, I’ll put them on my feet. Do the arrows go straight and show the way? (trousers) That's right, tell me how many letters are in the word trousers? (correct 5) And how many syllables are in the word trousers (2 syllables). Well done, what is the first sound in the word trousers (sound B). How many vowel sounds are there in this word? (2 sounds). What (and, yu). Let's figure out what kind of consonants we have in the word trousers - hard or soft. Let's repeat with you in which case we write the letter yu, and in which case y. After a hard consonant, if we hear y, then we write U, after a soft consonant, if we hear y, then we write Y. Game “Attention” The teacher swaps the vowels. Children must determine what has gone wrong. Well done, guess the following riddle: I've been sewing all day today. I dressed the whole family. Wait a little, cat, - There will be clothes for you too! Dressmaker (Seamstress) Dressmaker or seamstress is one of the many professions that we have. And what other professions are there you will learn from the physical lesson . Let's get up and rest a little. We played in the profession Instantly we became pilots We flew on an airplane And suddenly we became best men The steering wheel is now in our hands - We're going fast - top class! And now we are at a construction site - Laying bricks evenly. The game is over. It’s time to go to the tables again! We rested a bit, it's time to complete Yura's next task. Mastering the action of changing words Bam - Bim - Bom Game “Name the words with the given sound” 3. Conclusion Guys, we have completed all of Yura’s tasks. Which of you experienced difficulties in completing tasks, what kind? Which task did you like best? Well done everyone, thanks for your work!

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Letter U cursive for 1st grade

Letter U for 1st grade

Copybooks with the letter U

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Letter U, cursive (speech development)

Copywriting with the letter U (plants)

Copybook with letter U (animals)

Copybook "Letter U"

Writing the capital letter U

Lowercase letter U

Additional tasks with the letter U

These activities can be used with both first graders and preschoolers. Coloring pages with words that contain the sound U. And a very interesting and favorite coloring book with the letter U, where you need to find hidden letters.

Author of the manual: Kosenko Yu. A. “Learning to read and write”

Determine the place of the sound U in the word

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Find all the letters U

Development of graphomotor skills

Coloring page with the letter U and writing the printed letter. Determining the place of the sound U in a word.

Coloring book with the letter U
Live sounds and letters in pictures

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Children's poems about the letter U

To prevent O from rolling away, I’ll nail her tightly to the post. Oh, look what happened: It turned out......the letter Y. ***

The letter Y is all bent, holding his wand. This is what she looks like - an old woman with a stick.


In the arena, the tamer is the ruler of the Terrible Tigers. He, like the letter Y, with a ring, boldly faced the tigers


On the road, in an unknown land, the compass is our best friend. The south is marked with one capital letter Y. We're flying above the clouds, heading south on the compass. To the seashore, to the southern Crimea, where there are no blizzards in winter.

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