Summary of a literacy lesson on the topic: “Sound [e]. Letter E"

Automation of sound E

The next stage in learning the letter and sound E is automation. The teacher can attach pictures to the board and invite preschoolers to name objects. For example, escalator, excavator, emu, screen, electricity, etc.

In the process of teaching children, it is important to use play methods, for example, a general game with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and says the word. The preschooler must catch the ball if he hears the sound being studied. Memorization is better when reading entertaining poems, riddles and fairy tales. In addition to visual and auditory training, the child should also be given written tasks.

Suitable Games

Didactic games for attentiveness:

  1. Find the same sound in the words (screen, emu, equator, relay).
  2. Think of a word starting with E.
  3. Clap your hands as soon as you hear a word with the desired sound (watermelon, polymath, monkey, eureka, echelon, turkey).
  4. Find the extra word in the series. (standard, eucalyptus, ear, excursion).
  5. Game “Complete the word” (learning the structure of words) Eta (floor), bale (crew), sport (export), coupon (standard), press (express), strada (stage), floor (Hermitage), crane (screen).
  6. Game "What's missing?" Objects (toys) are laid out on the table, the names of which contain the letter being studied. The child is asked to name all the objects, and then turn away or close his eyes. At this time, the teacher removes one item, and the child must name what is missing.

Game exercises:

  1. Speech exercises. Repeat the syllables EP-OP-AP, AP-EP-IP, OP-EP-UP, EP-OP-EP, IP-AP-EP, UP-OP-EP.
  2. Master class “Houses”. Prepare houses with three windows (diagram: beginning, middle, end of the word) and suitable subject pictures. The child needs to determine the location of a given sound in a word and insert a picture into the first, second or third window.
  3. A funny group. For this game you will need a table with printed letters and chips (coins). Children need to find E in the tables and cover them with chips.
  4. Letter constructor. Invite the children to complete the E from other letters (O, C). You can use beans or other grains.
  5. Telephone competitions. Children sit in a row. The teacher speaks the tongue twister into the ear of the first child, and he passes on what he heard to the next. The last player must recite the tongue twister out loud.

There are many didactic games and exercises that will help turn the learning process of preschoolers into an entertaining and exciting activity.

Poems about the letter E for children

The excavator is the brother of the crane. It stirs up such boulders that, perhaps, a hundred shovels could not overcome them. (Ya. Akim)

This button and cord is an electric bell. (S. Marshak)

Emu I'm talking about an ostrich, About an EMU, I would write you a Poem, But I just can't understand: Is he an Emu or an Emu?! (B. Zakhoder)

Echo - Mom! - heard from the hill. Echo will also shout: “Ma-a-a!” It was the baby who called his mother. Echo, who are you shouting to? (G. Vieru) We are looking for Echo with the whole squad: - Echo, where are you? - Near! Near! Echo! Echo! What fun! This means that the Invisible echo walks and wanders with you day after day along the forest path. (F. Bobylev)

It is unclear whether he is an animal or a bird. He has feathers, but is afraid to fly. Perhaps you will solve the problem: The animal or bird is the emu. (E. Grigorieva, I. Gamazkova)

Task for preschoolers: printed letter E

To increase the effectiveness of learning, it is necessary to give the child in the preparatory group written assignments or online assignments:

  • circle by dots;
  • add a letter;
  • find E in the picture;
  • cross out incorrectly written letters;
  • color objects that contain E, etc.

We write the letter E.

Riddles for children starting with the letter E

I brought the sun out of my window, hung it from the ceiling, and it became fun at home. (Bulb)

The carriage itself opened the doors for us, The stairs lead to the city. We can’t believe our eyes: Everything is standing still, she’s walking. (Escalator)

Lives without a body, speaks without a tongue. Nobody sees him, but everyone hears him. (Echo)

A mole has climbed into our yard and is digging at the gate. A ton of earth will enter the mouth if the mole opens its mouth. (Excavator)

- Little hand, what are you looking for in the ground? - I'm not looking for anything. I dig and drag the earth. (Excavator)

There is a wonderful shovel in the world - On wheels, crooked and hunchbacked. But she begins to dig - One replaces a hundred shovels. (Excavator)

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