Synopsis of the musical and theatrical performance “All professions are needed, all professions are important”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Kovaleva Lyubov Mikhailovna Teacher of MADOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 29 "Cinderella" Gubkin, Belgorod region

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Acquaintance with fiction”, “Communication”.

Goal: to give children initial knowledge about different theatrical professions and the purpose of some theater premises.

Objectives: -develop dialogical and prosodic speech, -consolidate the ability to compose a story according to a diagram; - learn to correctly name labor actions and objects; -to develop skills of cultural behavior in the theater.

Materials and equipment: elements of costumes, props, scenery, photographs depicting different rooms of the theater, “tickets”, pictures depicting people of different professions, emblems depicting various fairy-tale characters, musical accompaniment.

Preliminary work: dramatization of elements of fairy tales, poems, stories, production of scenery, selection of musical accompaniment.

Vocabulary: actor, director, scenery, props.

Progress of the lesson.

Various theatrical items are laid out in the group: costumes, masks, props, set elements.

Educator: Guys, today in our group there are items that relate to one very interesting profession. Look carefully and tell me what profession we will talk about today. (children's answers) If the children find it difficult, the teacher offers several pictures depicting people of different professions: a policeman, a teacher, a builder, an artist. Which of these professions do the subjects belong to? Educator: That's right, all these items are necessary for an artist. And today we will go to the “theater”. Theater is an unusual, magical world that gives us a fairy tale. There are different rooms in the theater (the teacher shows photographs depicting different rooms of the theater: auditorium, foyer, wardrobe, box office, buffet): A place where you can leave clothes for storage - wardrobe A place where spectators are before and after the performance - foyer Place, where you can have a snack - a buffet The place where you buy tickets - the box office The place where the spectators are is called the auditorium The place where the action of the play takes place is the stage. Educator: Now let’s play the game “Where am I?” Each child receives a picture and answers where he is, for example, “I am in the lobby,” etc.

Educator: People of different professions work in the theater: costume designer, make-up artist, decorator. The teacher, pointing to the costume, talks about the work of the costume designer, examining the wig and paints - about the work of the make-up artist, the scenery - about the decorator. Educator: There is another very important profession in the theater: He runs the show, knows all the scenes by heart. He teaches how to play a role. What should we call him, friends? (Director.) Educator: The director is the most important person on the stage or film set. He is an organizer, creative director and inspiration for the entire acting group. If it were not for the art and high professionalism of directors, the world would not have seen talented feature films or theatrical productions. I will be the director, and you will be the aspiring actors. I propose to depict any fairy-tale animal, and I will try to guess. Children take turns depicting any character with movements and facial expressions. Educator: What profession have we not yet named, without which there will be no performance? He works while playing (There is such a profession). He's been on stage for a long time. That profession... (children's answers) ... (Actor.) Educator: That's right, this profession is an actor. An actor plays different roles. He must be talented, hardworking, have a good memory, competent speech, and be able to change his voice. — Do you want to become an actor, at least for a few minutes? (children's answers). Then I invite the “spectators” to purchase tickets at the box office and take seats in the “auditorium”, and the “artists” to take the necessary items for their role. Children put on costumes and take the necessary details. A dramatization is carried out based on pre-prepared plots (fairy tales, poems, excerpts from stories).

Educator: Now remember which of these words mean professions, and which - premises: foyer, hall, director, box office, artist, actor, wardrobe, etc. Educator: What professions did you learn about today? Which profession did you like best and why? Children compose a story according to the diagram. 1 2 3 4 1.Name of profession 3.Labor operations 2.Items necessary for work 4.Result of labor

Educator: Today you were wonderful actors and as a gift you receive emblems depicting fairy-tale characters.

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Theatrical performance “Without labor there is no fruit”

  • July 19, 2010

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative”
Junior school and senior preschool age are called the pinnacle of childhood. It is during this period that the child begins to think about his future. This age is characterized by curiosity, curiosity, and a great desire to help adults and their peers.

The Kormilovsky House team is working on the topic: “Formation of key competencies in the process of labor education of children and adolescents of the orphanage.”

The relevance of this activity is to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of adults, and perhaps decide on the choice of profession for oneself.

Purpose of the lesson : To develop in students a keen interest in the world of work.


  1. Introduce children to the main professions found in an orphanage.
  2. Form a positive attitude towards any type of work, teach respect for people’s work.
  3. Foster a creative approach to the professions of the orphanage.

Preliminary work

  • Getting to know some professions through observing people around you.
  • A number of events have been held on this topic.
  • We learned a number of poems with the children.

Progress of the lesson

Host: Today we will talk about the work of adults and children. Let's imagine that everyone is on vacation: shops, hospitals, schools. What would be?

Children: children's answers.

Host: Imagine that an electrician is resting.

Children: Then it will be dark in the houses; TVs will not work; We won’t be able to iron clothes with irons; Washing machines won't wash clothes...

Host: Imagine that a baker is resting.

Children: Everyone will be without bread, and bread is the main food product.

Host: The driver is resting, doctor.

Children: Everything will freeze. People will not be able to travel long distances.

Host: You can list thousands of professions this way. Life on earth will freeze. There will be hunger and immobility. Therefore, everyone must work. Work is a necessity, it is our life. Everyone must work – adults and children. Let us turn to the poem by S. Pogorelovsky “Try to become a wizard,” which describes the responsibilities of children.

Become a good wizard, just try! There is no need for special cunning here.

There is a flower in the flowerbed, its leaves are hanging, He is sad... About what? Guess his thoughts. He wants to get drunk... Hey, rain, come on! And the rain flows from your watering can.

Even though mom hasn’t returned from work yet, it’s not difficult to recognize her thoughts and concerns: “When I come back, it would be nice to sew, fix, But I need to start cleaning again.”

Here you perform a funny miracle. The carpet sparkled, the dishes shone! And my mother gasped when she returned home, Yes, it’s like in a fairy tale, you are my wizard!

Author: Soyonena Marina Leonidovna, teacher of the highest qualification category at the budgetary educational institution of the Omsk region for orphans and children left without parental care “Kormilovsky Orphanage”. Pedagogical experience in the position is 16 years.

About the author: Marina Leonidovna Soyonena is a creative person (drawings, writing scripts), systematically increasing the level of professional competence, working in a constant pedagogical search mode, building her activities on a diagnostic and analytical basis. He works closely with the educational institution of further professional education "IROOO", actively participates in the methodological work of the orphanage, gives reports and messages at pedagogical councils, psychological and pedagogical seminars.


  • A letter of gratitude from the Administration of the municipality - a participant in the regional competition “Teacher of the Year - 2006”;
  • Certificate from the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region - participant in the regional competition “Teacher of the Year - 2007” among teachers of the Omsk Region State Educational Institution for orphans and children without parental care;
  • Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region;
  • Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region for 2nd place in the category “Individual Pedagogical Projects and Technologies” in the regional competition of teaching materials for employees of educational institutions for orphans and children without parental care;
  • Certificate from the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region for participation in the regional competition of teaching materials for employees of educational institutions for orphans and children without parental care.
  • Certificate of Honor from the Open International Competition: “We know! We remember! We are proud!

The script for the theatrical performance “Without labor there is no fruit.”

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