Riddles about space for children with answers - 100 interesting riddles

Riddles about space

Riddles about space are fun to solve with the whole family!

Riddle No. 1

The planet is blue, Beloved, dear, It is yours, it is mine, And it is called...

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(Answer: Earth)


Riddle No. 2

An object flies through the thickness of the Icy years in space. Its tail is a strip of light, And the object’s name is...

(Answer: Comet)


Riddle No. 3

On an airship, spaceship, obedient, We, overtaking the wind, are rushing towards...

(Answer: Rocket)


Riddle No. 4

There is a special tube, In it the Universe is visible, Astronomers see the stars in a kaleidoscope...

(Answer: Telescope)


Riddle No. 5

Sparkling with a huge tail in the darkness, Rushing among the bright stars in the void, She is not a star, not a planet, A mystery of the Universe...

(Answer: Comet)


Riddle No. 6

This interstellar Eternal wanderer In the night sky Just introduces itself And flies away For a long time afterwards, Twinkling its tail for us goodbye.

(Answer: Comet)


Riddle No. 7

The very first in space Flew at great speed A brave Russian guy Our cosmonaut...

(Answer: Gagarin)


Riddle No. 8

A fragment from the planet is rushing somewhere among the stars. He has been flying and flying for many years, Space...

(Answer: Meteorite)


Riddle No. 9

There is a special spacecraft, it sends signals to Earth to everyone. Like a lonely mysterious traveler, an artificial one flies in orbit...

(Answer: Sputnik)


Riddle No. 10

All the zodiac signs are there - Aquarius, Virgo, Cancer. They glow both night and day, The astronomer looks there.

(Answer: Space)


Riddle No. 11

Lights up the way at night, doesn't let the stars sleep. Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep, There is light in the sky for us...

(Answer: Moon)


Riddle No. 12

A yellow circle is visible in the sky And rays are like threads. The Earth spins around, As if on a magnet. Although I am not old yet, But I am already a scientist - I know that this is not a circle, but a ball, Very hot.

(Answer: Sun)


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Riddle No. 13

From which ladle do they not drink, do not eat, but only look at it?

(Answer: Ursa Major)


Riddle No. 14

There is an object in the Universe, insidious, not simple, It devours stars Like a sandwich with caviar. Dangerously invisible And not visible to the eye, So dark and dark... .

(Answer: Black hole)


Riddle No. 15

Counting stars is not easy at night in the dark sky. Knows everything about the stars in the sky...

(Answer: Stargazer)


For schoolchildren

The milky galaxy in which we live has crumbled into cosmic sparkling rain.
We will be able to fly around It someday, Calling our galaxy We just... . (Milky Way) Outrunning night and day, a deer runs around the earth. Touching the stars with his horn, he chose a path in the sky. You can hear the clatter of his hooves, he is a pathfinder of the Universe. (Satellite)

A bottomless ocean, an endless ocean, Airless, dark and extraordinary, Universes, stars and comets live in it, There are also inhabited, perhaps, planets. (Space)

A yellow circle is visible in the sky And rays are like threads. The Earth spins around, As if on a magnet. Although I am not old yet, But I am already a scientist - I know that this is not a circle, but a ball, Very hot. (Sun)

Peas of colored caramel made from sugar crumbs are scattered across the dark sky, And only when the morning comes, All the caramel will suddenly melt. (Stars)

Game "Choose a Word"

Riddle game No. 91

The children each have one star and the teacher asks them to choose a related word for the word “star”.

If children find it difficult, leading phrases are allowed: - A person who counts the stars is an astronomer, - A spaceship flying to the stars is a starship, - A cluster of stars in the sky is a constellation, - The moment when the stars “fall” is a starfall, - The sky in which many stars? - starry, - A sky in which there are no stars? - starless - There is a big star, and there is a small one - an asterisk.

The presented games can be used in class or in your free time to reinforce the material you have learned.

For 2nd grade

The carpet is spread out, the peas are scattered, Neither the carpet can be lifted, nor the peas can be collected.
(Starry sky) These stars, like sparks, Fall and go out quickly.

They light up in the middle of the night There is a shower of stars in the sky, As if these lights were painted by an artist. (Meteorites)

A man sits in a rocket. He boldly flies into the sky, and in his spacesuit he looks at us from space. (Astronaut)

A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon, but a fast bird can do it... (Rocket)

This red planet is next door to us. In winter and even in summer it freezes above the ice. It’s strange, don’t tell me, - The ice is not on top, but inside. (Mars)

Another name for it is the Universe.

Riddles about space for preschoolers 6-7 years old with answers


They call it differently - the Universe. It is huge, boundless, dumb. Its laws are comprehended by scientists, so that it does not seem like darkness to us. (Space)


A yellow circle is visible in the sky And rays are like threads. The Earth spins around, As if on a magnet. Although I am not old yet, But I am already a scientist - I know that this is not a circle, but a ball, Very hot. (Sun)


A UFO flies to its neighbor from the constellation Andromeda, In it, out of boredom, an Evil Green howls like a wolf... (Humanoid)


In black holes the darkness is occupied with something black. There the Interplanetary completed its flight... (Starship)


A man sits in a rocket. He boldly flies into the sky, and in his spacesuit he looks at us from space. (Astronaut)


The astronaut, having checked the cable, puts on something, Those clothes will store both warmth and oxygen. (Spacesuit)


At night I change with the Sun and light up in the sky. I sprinkle soft rays, like silver. I can be full at night, And I can be a sickle. (Moon)


This interstellar Eternal wanderer In the night sky Just introduces itself And flies away For a long time afterwards, Twinkling its tail for us goodbye. (Comet)


The Fiery Eye wanders alone. Wherever he goes, he warms you with his gaze. (Sun)


The learned firebird rushes swiftly. The body is armor, the tail is made of fire. He will hear a command from the Earth in the distance and will carry out the order clearly and immediately. Like a tornado, it will swoop in and hit the target. Firebird habits Develop without looking back. (Rocket)

We see stars only at night, and during the day the Sun eclipses them. There are stars even larger than the Sun. In addition to the Earth, there are 8 more planets in the solar system, each planet has its own path, which is called an orbit.


The astronaut, having checked the cable, puts on something, Those clothes will store both warmth and oxygen.
(Spacesuit) There is a planetary system with the main solar star. All objects in that system move by themselves. Their movement in orbits occurs - and not suddenly. It is very important to study them - remember this, friend. (Solar system)

Take a quick look through the telescope. He is walking in orbit. There he is the boss over everyone, More than all other planets. There is no one larger in our solar system. (Jupiter)

On the planet blue, the wind is blowing very strong. The year on it is very long - winter lasts 40 years. (Neptune)

It takes five hours for the light to reach that planet, and therefore it is not visible in telescopes. (Pluto)

All zodiac signs are there - Aquarius, Virgo, Cancer

Riddles about space for schoolchildren in grades 1-2


A bottomless ocean, an endless ocean, airless, dark, and extraordinary, Universes, Stars and comets live in it, There are also inhabited, Maybe planets. (Space)


All the zodiac signs are there - Aquarius, Virgo, Cancer. They glow both night and day, The astronomer looks there. (Space)


Peas of colored caramel made from sugar crumbs are scattered across the dark sky, And only when the morning comes, All the caramel will suddenly melt. (Stars)


These stars, like sparks, Fall and go out quickly. They light up in the middle of the night There is a shower of stars in the sky, As if these lights were painted by an artist. (Meteorites)


The milky galaxy in which we live has crumbled into cosmic sparkling rain. We will be able to fly around It someday, We call our galaxy We just... (Milky Way)


There are no wings, but this bird will fly and land on the moon. (Lunokhod)

Previously, people did not know anything about space, about the stars and believed that the sky was a cap that covered the Earth, and the stars were attached to it. Ancient people thought that the Earth was motionless, and the Sun and Moon revolved around it.

There are fireflies in the blue sky, you can’t reach them

Riddles about stars for children in grades 4-5


The peas have scattered along a hundred roads: No one can pick them up: Neither the king, nor the queen, nor the beautiful maiden, nor the white fish. (Star)


A girl from St. Petersburg was walking, carrying a jug of beads, she scattered them, no one would collect them: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden. (Stars)


There are fireflies in the blue sky, You can’t reach them with your hand, One big firefly Bent over like a worm. (Stars and month)


I’ll lay down the matting, I’ll sow the peas, I’ll lay out the roll, and no one will take it. (Sky, stars, month)


The carpet is spread out, the peas are scattered, neither the carpet can be lifted, nor the peas collected. (Stars)


A letter was written on blue velvet, And neither priests, nor clerks, nor smart men can read this letter. (Stars)


A month appeared in the sky - the guardian of the night sky. But he doesn’t go out on patrol alone! He has a whole retinue with him until dawn will help him carry out a long service! What kind of retinue is this, what kind of comrades-in-arms? What are their names? (Star)


A tired shepherd walked behind a countless flock at night. And when the rooster crowed, the sheep and the shepherd disappeared. (Month and stars)


In the deep darkness of the sky, In the distance, free from obstacles, Among the Moon, planets, constellations We observe... (Starfall)


The owner is sleeping - the sheep are in the pasture, the owner will look out - the sheep are not visible, the owner will hide - the sheep will appear again. (Sun and stars)

Using the constellation Ursa Major, you can find the North Star. For wanderers, this guiding star has always served as a guide. If you stand facing it, then the north will be in front of you, the south will be behind you, the east will be on your right hand, and the west will be on your left.

Consists of points of light, the room is full of planets

Complex riddles about space for schoolchildren in grades 3-4


Consists of points of light, The room of planets is full. (Space)


The carpet is spread out, the peas are scattered, Neither the carpet can be lifted, nor the peas can be collected. (Starry sky)


From which ladle do they not drink or eat, but just look at it? (Big Dipper)


The sheep scattered on the black field, and they lit up with a bright fire. To prevent the fire from going out, it is guarded by a horned shepherd. (Stars and month)


Outrunning night and day, a deer runs around the earth. Touching the stars with his horn, he chose a path in the sky. You can hear the clatter of his hooves, he is a pathfinder of the Universe. (Satellite)


Six sons and two daughters are running around the light, Years and days will flash by, But they will not meet. (Planets)


Between Jupiter and Mars It wouldn’t hurt to clean up - There are fragments from the planet, But there’s no broom. (Asteroid Belt)


There is a planetary system with a main solar star. All objects in that system move by themselves. Their movement in orbits occurs - and not suddenly. It is very important to study them - remember this, friend. (Solar system)

Riddles about constellations: 30 best

Website “Mom can do anything!” collected the best riddles about constellations. There are a large number of secrets floating in the sky above us that float into the depths of space. There, behind the clouds, hundreds of legends and ancient myths, legends of many nations flutter, and each story is more beautiful than the other. Let's get a little closer to the wondrous secrets of star lights, and find out the outlines of some constellations in the night sky.


The beautiful Queen Andromeda, Who wanted to eat at lunchtime? But Perseus saved, because everything happens in myths, Now she shines dashingly as a constellation!


Whom did King Kepheus give to the nasty sea monster “for dessert,” but Perseus did not allow the beauty to be chewed up, Which has long been famous for its brilliance in the sky? (Andromeda constellation)


The figure is stellar in appearance, Has three huge “claws”, We have been familiar with that constellation for a long time, Like a mandatory device in trade! (Libra constellation)


In the ancient star atlases, a young man with a jug is depicted! And who is he, the cupbearer of Zeus the God, in the sky on the cosmic roads? (Youth Ganymede in the constellation Aquarius)


I look at the sky, barely breathing, I see the Big Dipper shining! And what familiar name did astronomers give to the stars? (Big Dipper)


In Ancient Rus', that constellation is more known to the Slavs as “A horse at a standstill,” Shining radiantly in the sky, That moved around the Polaris star! (Big Dipper)


How many stars in the Big Dipper do people actually see? But Polaris doesn’t count here, He lives in the distance! (Seven, whoever sees the seventh small one has 100% vision)


Which star did travelers once use as a navigator? She served with benefit constantly as an Arab caravan! (Polar Star)


The constellation Canis Major gives us miracles in the sky! What kind of star gives us light, which is simply not brighter? (Sirius, translated from Greek as burning bright)


The star image of the Virgin is so tall, There is a “heavenly spikelet” in her hand, And she is huge in size, They talk about it modestly! Astronomers have that girl Who is her scale comparable to? (Second, after the constellation Hydra)


What in our great cosmos is identified with the star Spica? In the constellation Virgo, he has a manner - Sometimes he hides behind Venus! (Spica identifies the spikelet in the palm of Virgo, and once every few hundred years hides behind Venus)


Constellations are always like people, Goddess Diku is a symbol of justice! Having soared into the sky in a few hours, it stopped at the constellation Libra! And what guilt is marked by humanity in ancient myths? (I couldn’t stand the bad deeds and big sins of people)


Lord of the sea Poseidon, He gave the Dolphin a starry place in the sky, a reward for deeds of the heart! And what did he desperately strive for for the owner? (Returned Poseidon's runaway lover Amphitride)


Among the luminaries is a “huge serpent”, Which frightened people so much, Surprising astronomers with its scale, To whom the clouds of stars are familiar, And if a clever man composes a work, What is that constellation called? (Dragon Constellation)


Why does the constellation Draco surprise millions, and what appearance do the Draconids have in the sky? (Annual October meteor showers that are visible to the naked eye)


As if a pair of small goats, Bent on one knee, the figure is holding between the stars, usually glowing, and the stirrup in the other hand with a bridle in the heavenly distance! What kind of constellation is this above our blue planet? (Constellation Auriga)


Every day, upside down, That queen spinning above us, For the sins that she has done through her earthly life with bad deeds! And, according to myth, tied to the throne, the Sinner shines monotonously! (Constellation Cassiopeia)


Five stars named after the queen, circling in the blue sky, rushing in formation like eagles, so similar to the English “W”! (Constellation Cassiopeia)


Brotherly constellation Dioscuri, On the Milky Celestial Way, What are they called culturally? Is it easy to find them in Orion? (Constellation Gemini)


The constellation is pentagonal, headed by the star Capella, It’s always fun to watch them in the sky all winter long! With the naked eye, you will see dozens of stars at once. What is the name of this miracle, long known everywhere? (Constellation Auriga)


A constellation of unprecedented length, We are all delighted with this fact, From the east is Libra, and the constellation Cancer, In the west, within the boundaries of the zodiac! According to myths, Apollo threw a snake into the sky, extinguishing his anger! (Constellation Hydra)


The constellation of a bird above me, Which brought the olive branch to Noah, And in it, I will say for the sake of order, There are four dozen burning stars! (Constellation Dove)


A pair of celestial dogs, Asterion and Chara, On a chain at the Watershed Who are they chasing in the evening hour to hunt among the clouds And the starry burning thorns? In what constellation have we met them since ancient times? (In the constellation Canes Venatici, as hunters for Ursa Major and Ursa Minor)


The constellation Wolf, why did this place suddenly become known to everyone in the world, and people know in our era, sparkled brighter than Venus? (A cosmic explosion created a new bright star in 1006, radiation brighter than Venus 2-3 times)


The constellation is known to millions, In honor of the beautiful wife of the pharaoh, And if we start a conversation about her, In Russian, a woman who brings victory! (Berenice or Veronica, constellation Coma Berenices)


The constellation Raven has roots, This is in the notes of Ptolemy. Who, according to legend, with the Chalice and the Hydra, Abandoned the Raven that they are almost invisible? (Greek God Apollo in a moment of terrible anger)


How do they constantly call a Constellation like the torso of Titan, With a star cluster Beautiful “Propeller”? (Constellation Hercules)

*** The Sailor will tell you a little about the constellation called Capricorn, And it’s always easy for us to notice fear in his eyes! What does that Little Goat have behind you that your uncle will tell you in fear? (Fish tail)


The constellation with the name Amalthea, What kind of interpretation do we have, And what is hidden behind the Greek myth With such a famous animal? (This goat fed Zeus milk)


Neither adults nor children can drink from this ladle, It hangs in the starry sky, When it is already dark and late, And there is no strength for us to reach it with our hands! (Ursa Major Dipper)

Author: Kuzminov V.

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