Riddles about the planets of the solar system for children: 27 best

Riddles about the planets of the solar system for children: 27 best

Website “Mom can do anything!” collected the best riddles about the planets of the solar system for children. In this collection we have collected riddles about 9 planets of the solar system, there is even one about the tiniest planet - Pluto. This riddle will be appreciated not only by children, but also by adults. With the help of these riddles, children will be able to quickly remember the planetary model of the solar system and learn a lot of new things. For better memorization, the riddles are collected in descending order of the planets from the sun.


Here is the planets little brother, A little small in size. He is closest to the sun, that’s why he’s hot. (Mercury)


She is the first planet from the Sun, similar to the Moon in color. In ancient times, all the Greeks knew it and called it the “white star”. It rotates faster than all the planets, and is named after the patron of trade. (Mercury)


The tiny planet is first warmed by the Sun, And agile - the year on it is Eighty-eight days... (Mercury)


I often glow in the sky, your closest neighbor. I am Mercury’s sister, And I’m always hot... (Venus)


Only the Sun and Moon in the sky are brighter than her. And there is no hot planet in the solar system... (Venus)


I often glow in the sky, your closest neighbor. I am Mercury's sister, And I am always hot. (Venus)


The planet is blue, Beloved, dear, It is yours, it is mine, And it is called... (Earth)


No beginning, no end, no back, no face. Everyone knows: both young and old, That she is a huge ball. (Earth)


There are miracles on the planet: Oceans and forests, Oxygen is in the atmosphere, People and animals breathe it... (Earth)


Kamenyuki Fear and Horror are circling over the red planet. There is no mountain anywhere in the world Higher than on that planet... (Mars)


Whether there is life there or not, We don’t know yet, It’s red in color, We know that for sure... (Mars)


This is the red planet Next door to us. In winter and even in summer it freezes above the ice. It’s strange, don’t tell me, - The ice is not on top, but inside. (Mars)


A heavyweight giant Throws lightning from the sky, He's striped like a cat, It's a pity he's losing weight little by little. (Jupiter)


A huge, gigantic planet, All consisting of thunderstorms and bright flashes of light. And in the atmosphere there is one phenomenon: the Great Red Spot. People observe the glow of the planet at night, Scientists study the sixteen satellites of the planet. (Jupiter)


Take a quick look through the telescope. He is walking in orbit. There he is the boss over everyone, More than all other planets. There is no one larger in our solar system. (Jupiter)


All planets have poles, each one has an equator. But you won’t find another planet with belts. In these rings he is alone, a very important gentleman. (Saturn)


Such a dark, harsh, serious planet! It’s far from the Sun: it’s cold here, there’s little light. There are high-speed whirlwinds, the winds are blowing, and many rings surround the planet. (Saturn)


Lush gas giant Brother of Jupiter and dandy He loves to have Rings of ice and dust nearby... (Saturn)


Lush gas giant Brother of Jupiter and dandy He loves to have Rings of ice and dust nearby. (Uranus)


Rotates differently than everyone else, A huge gas giant, Has only a blue color, Which gives it methane gas! (Uranus)


He has been a Greek among his Roman brothers for many centuries, And rushes through the melancholy of space, lying on his side... (Uranus)


On the planet blue, the wind is blowing very strong. It is very cold on it - Consists of water, gas and ice (Neptune)


The planet glows beautifully with bright turquoise and blue light. Bears the name of the sea deity, Far from the Sun, but with a large diameter. Its main satellite is Triton. It is somewhat similar to the Moon. (Neptune)


In honor of the god of the seas, the Planet was named, and the color blue, diluted the atmosphere! (Neptune)

*** It takes five hours for the light to reach that planet, And therefore it is not visible in telescopes... (Pluto)


It is younger than all the planets, and there is simply nothing smaller in the solar system. Its name is “tiny planet.” It has been studied quite a bit. They believe there will never be life here: The planet is simply very cold. (Pluto)


A distant tiny planet does not have the status of a “Big” planet. And offended, she is not visible through telescopes... (Pluto)

Riddles about Mars

  1. The surface is in craters, But there are no volcanoes, Neither water nor air, For many, many years! (Mars)
  2. Kamenyuki Fear and Horror are circling over the red planet. There is no mountain anywhere in the world Higher than on that planet. (Mars)
  3. You can easily recognize this planet, the color is most red there, there is no air, and you can’t find water, a chocolate bar should be named after it! (Mars)
  4. It glows red, The ball flies in space, No man has ever set foot on it, The Mars rover has only been there once! (Mars)
  5. They call him the red planet, he beckons to himself, beckons us. Rockets are already rushing towards it - The name of this planet is... (Mars)
  6. Whether there is life there or not, We don’t know yet, It’s red in color, We know that for sure! (Mars)
  7. Every schoolchild knows this - the God of war or the planet. And then there is, they say, chocolate with that name. (Mars)
  8. The God of War patronizes the planet. It's all orange and red. Dust storms often swirl, Stormy winds howl, And there are countless polar caps on the mountains, There are even riverbeds and seas here. People believe: the planet can gain life, and apple trees will bloom on it. (Mars)
  9. What is the name of the planet that the Romans have in their gods? And blushing, he dances around the Sun with his friends. (Mars)
  10. This is the red planet Next door to us. And in winter and even in summer it freezes with ice. It’s strange, whatever you say, the ice is not on top, but inside. (Mars)

Next riddle

Here is the planets little brother, A little small in size. He is closest to the sun, that’s why he’s hot. (Mercury)

She is the first planet from the Sun, similar to the Moon in color. In ancient times, all the Greeks knew it and called it the “white star”. It rotates faster than all the planets, and is named after the patron of trade. (Mercury)

I often glow in the sky, your closest neighbor. I am Mercury’s sister, And I’m always hot... (Venus)

I often glow in the sky, your closest neighbor. I am Mercury's sister, And I am always hot. (Venus)

The planet is blue, Beloved, dear, It is yours, it is mine, And it is called... (Earth)

No beginning, no end, no back, no face. Everyone knows: both young and old, That she is a huge ball. (Earth)

Whether there is life there or not, We don’t know yet, It’s red in color, We know that for sure... (Mars)

This is the red planet Next door to us. In winter and even in summer it freezes above the ice. It’s strange, don’t tell me, - The ice is not on top, but inside. (Mars)

A heavyweight giant Throws lightning from the sky, He's striped like a cat, It's a pity he's losing weight little by little. (Jupiter)

A huge, gigantic planet, All consisting of thunderstorms and bright flashes of light. And in the atmosphere there is one phenomenon: the Great Red Spot. People observe the glow of the planet at night, Scientists study the sixteen satellites of the planet. (Jupiter)

Take a quick look through the telescope. He is walking in orbit. There he is the boss over everyone, More than all other planets. There is no one larger in our solar system. (Jupiter)

All planets have poles, each one has an equator. But you won’t find another planet with belts. In these rings he is alone, a very important gentleman. (Saturn)

Such a dark, harsh, serious planet! It’s far from the Sun: it’s cold here, there’s little light. There are high-speed whirlwinds, the winds are blowing, and many rings surround the planet. (Saturn)

Lush gas giant Brother of Jupiter and dandy He loves to have Rings of ice and dust nearby. (Uranus)

Rotates differently than everyone else, A huge gas giant, Has only a blue color, Which gives it methane gas! (Uranus)

On the planet blue, the wind is blowing very strong. It is very cold on it - Consists of water, gas and ice (Neptune)

The planet glows beautifully with bright turquoise and blue light. Bears the name of the sea deity, Far from the Sun, but with a large diameter. Its main satellite is Triton. It is somewhat similar to the Moon. (Neptune)

In honor of the god of the seas, the Planet was named, and the color blue, diluted the atmosphere! (Neptune)

It is younger than all the planets, and there is simply nothing smaller in the solar system. Its name is “tiny planet.” It has been studied quite a bit. They believe there will never be life here: The planet is simply very cold. (Pluto)

Riddles about Uranus

  1. He has been a Greek among his Roman brothers for many centuries, And rushes through the cosmos of melancholy, lying on his side. (Uranus)
  2. Rotates differently than everyone else, A huge gas giant, Has only a blue color, Which gives it methane gas! (Uranus)
  3. The ancients did not know the planet of the God of the sky, Only in the eighteenth century the planet was observed: A music teacher from England discovered it, Which was later recognized as the best astronomer. The planet is full of methane, twilight and peace reign here... And through telescopes the planet looks blue. (Uranus)

Poems, riddles about stars and planets.

Poems, riddles about stars and planets.

In order, all the planets can be named by any of us: One - Mercury, Two - Venus, Three - Earth, Four - Mars. Five is Jupiter, Six is ​​Saturn, Seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune. He is the eighth in a row. And behind it, then, is the ninth planet called Pluto. (Arkady Khait)

Poems about a comet

What a luxurious wonder! Almost occupying half the world, Mysterious, very beautiful, A comet hovers over the Earth. And I want to think: - Where did the bright miracle come to us from? And I want to cry when It flies away without a trace. And they tell us: - This is ice! And her tail is dust and water! It doesn’t matter, a Miracle is coming to us, And a Miracle is always wonderful! (Rimma Aldonina)

*** Spreading its fiery tail, the Comet rushes between the stars: - Listen, constellations, Latest news, Wonderful news, Heavenly news!

Rushing at wild speeds, I was visiting the Sun. I saw the Earth in the distance and new satellites of the Earth. I was flying away from the Earth, ships were flying after me! (G. Sapgir)

Milky Way

The black velvet of the sky is embroidered with stars. A bright path runs across the sky. It spreads easily from edge to edge, as if someone spilled milk across the sky. But, of course, there is no milk or juice in the sky, We see our star system from the side. This is how we see the Galaxy. Our distant native light is space for astronautics for many thousands of years. (Rimma Aldonina)

Yuri Gagarin

In a space rocket called “Vostok”, he was the first on the planet to rise to the stars. Spring Drops sings songs about this: Gagarin and April will be together forever. (V. Stepanov)


A steel ship flies in space around the Earth.
And even though its windows are small, everything is visible in them as if on the palm of your hand: the expanse of the steppe, the surf, and maybe you and me too! (V. Orlov)

“That’s it,” I said firmly at home, “I’ll only be an astronomer!”
An Extraordinary Universe Around the Earth! (Rimma Aldonina)
* * * How tempting it is to become an astronomer, intimately familiar with the Universe! It would not be bad at all: Observe the orbit of Saturn, Admire the constellation Lyra, Discover black holes And certainly compose a treatise - “Explore the depths of the Universe!” (Yu. Sinitsyn)

Poems about the stars

What are stars? If they ask you, answer boldly: Hot gas. And add that, moreover, there is always a Nuclear Reactor - Every star! (Rimma Aldonina)


Over the Earth late at night, Just stretch out your hand, You will grab the stars: They seem nearby.
You can take a Peacock feather, touch the hands on the Clock, ride a Dolphin, swing on a Scale. Over the Earth late at night, If you look into the sky, You will see constellations hanging there like grapes. Over the Earth late at night, Just stretch out your hand, You will grab the stars: They seem nearby. (Author unknown)
Children's poems about the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor

There is a golden ladle in the sky called the Great Bear. The secret to finding where the north is is simple: Draw a straight line in the direction of the outermost stars, Find the Polar Star, Stand straight, look at it, And the north will be ahead. (Rimma Aldonina)


Here is the Big Dipper stirring the starry porridge with a large ladle in a large cauldron. And nearby the Little Dipper glows dimly. Collects crumbs with a small ladle. (G. Sapgir)

* * * We heard: the two Ursa Bears glow in the sky at night. At night we looked up and saw two pots. (Leonid Tkachuk)

Poems about
the North Star
All night, the brilliant constellations do not slow down the round dance around one star, standing as if in the center of the sky.

The earth's axis tilted towards it, we called it Polar. We will find out where the north is by her, and we are grateful to her for that. (G. Kruzhkov)

Poems for children about the sun

Why, in the evening, is the sun in a hurry to escape? Perhaps the sun has a desire to lie down? Probably the sun has a soft bed

? It's probably too soft for the sun to sleep there! Maybe it’s just the sun that’s getting tired of shining for us And the sun really needs to recharge itself? Good night, sunshine! We can wait, and tomorrow with the first ray of light you will come to us again!

(N. Rodivilina)


Where does the sun come from When we sleep in our cribs? Where does the sun float across the sky without looking back? Perhaps he has a house And there is a crib there Although the sun walks during the day And at night he sleeps sweetly in it Dreams come to him in that house In his dreams a river winds through the grass Which day is still waiting for spring And the sun does not wake up And the sun is lazy in winter Get up like me from bed Icicles and drops will stir his peace

(S. Karpeev


Poems about the solar system

Elusive, little Mercury is the first to meet solar storms. The second, behind him, flies Venus With a heavy, dense atmosphere. And the third, the carousel spins, Our earthly cradle. The fourth is Mars, the rusty planet, the red-orange one. And then they rush, like a swarm of bees, the asteroids in their orbit. The fifth is Jupiter, very large and clearly visible in the starry sky. Sixth - Saturn, in chic rings, Charming, under the rays of the sun. The seventh - Uranus, lay down like a couch potato, Because his long path is difficult. Eighth – Neptune, the fourth gas giant In a beautiful blue shirt

Pluto, Charon, ninth in the system, In the darkness, a duet while away the time (Author unknown)

Look! Do you know who this wanderer is? It is called by the name of God - the messenger. The planet closest to the Sun - Let's get acquainted - is Mercury. He loves to hide in the rays Faster than anyone else and very strongly From the heat in solar ovens The surface is hot for a long day. From the wind of the Sun there is only the atmosphere. And where the kingdom of dark night is, the temperature stays at about minus two hundred. By the way, it looks like a double of the Moon, a neighbor. The landscapes around us are familiar, Meteorites often fall, and the composition of the soil is even similar. (Author unknown)


Very close to us, but still Venus looks down at us from an utter height. This planet is named after the goddess of beauty. Although it has a beautiful name and a pleasant appearance - the planetary spirit of Venus, due to the dense atmosphere, is scary, menacing and angry. There are winds, clouds, and acid rain, hurricanes, and volcanoes

, Through the valleys and mounds there the heat swirls in circles... The days there are very long. And Venus is visible in the morning as a very bright star, hanging above the horizon and looking at you and me.

(V. Berendeev)


There is one garden planet in this cold space. Only here the forests are noisy, calling migrating birds, only here Lily of the valley blooms in the green grass, And only here are dragonflies looking into the river in surprise... Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other like it! (Roman Sef)


Faithful companion, night decoration

Additional lighting.

Of course, we must admit: The Earth would be boring without the Moon!

(V. Aldonina)


The fourth is Mars, red-orange, Wandering in the sky along the ecliptic constellations. Two tiny satellites, discovered once, Under the names: Phobos, Deimos - as retribution Two times smaller than Venus And the gravitational force is small The compositions of the atmosphere are similar, But it is very rarefied And rarely completely transparent From long dust storms and light clouds. There are riverbeds that have long been lost. Volcanoes

They are sleeping, the mountains have risen high, Less heat from the Sun - and the water has Frozen in the permafrost.
Twice: its path is longer, years. But the days are counted like on Earth. (Author unknown)

The fifth name of the Universal ruler and the Roman king of the gods is called Jupiter. Jupiter is very, very big And moons over sixty have already been discovered. The cosmic swallows garbage well. It has three elite rings. More massive than satellites and planets at once. Rotates quickly with colored clouds. And sometimes “super lightning” will trace a trail. Has strong magnetic fields. Built like a layered ball of gases and a solid inner core. Let's look through the telescope

, we will see immediately, the Centenary Whirlwinds, the Red House.
And to the satellites discovered by Galileo: Callisto, Io, Ganymede, Europa, space probes flew long ago, and laid paths through space. After Venus, Jupiter appears in our sky as the brightest of all the stars. I was a little short in size And I didn’t have the time to become a star. (Author unknown)

Each planet has something of its own, which most clearly distinguishes it. You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight - It is surrounded by a large ring. It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes. Here's how scientists solved the question: Once upon a time, water froze there, And Saturn's rings were made of snow and ice. (Rimma Aldonina)


Neptune in blue radiance - “sea deity” Found, in calculated coordinates, - Halle. The calculations of Adams and Le Verrier became a triumph for all whose works revealed the laws of heaven. The eighth from the Sun, thirty times further than our Earth. Much denser, among the giant planets. Thirteen companions are known from his family, He is in rings made of dust particles, elegant. Methane atmosphere, winds, clouds, One of the satellites, in reverse motion, With the surface only slightly covered with nitrogen It is clear what gravity was enough for. (Author unknown)

Riddles about space for children

To equip the eye And make friends with the stars, To see the Milky Way You need a powerful... ( telescope



For hundreds of years they have been studying the life of planets. Smart Uncle will tell us everything... (astronomer)

An astronomer is an astrologer, He knows everything inside out! Only the stars are visible in a full sky... (Moon)

A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon, but a fast one can do it... (Rocket)

The rocket has a driver, a lover of weightlessness. In English: “astronaut”, And in Russian... (Cosmonaut)

An astronaut sits in a rocket, Cursing everything in the world - In orbit, as luck would have it, Appears... (UFO)

A UFO flies to its neighbor from the constellation Andromeda, In it, out of boredom, an Evil Green howls like a wolf... (Humanoid)

The humanoid has lost its course, Lost in three planets, If there is no star map, Speed ​​will not help... (Light)

Light flies the fastest, does not count kilometers. The Sun gives life to the planets, Warmth to us, tails to... (Comets)

The comet flew around everything and looked at everything in the sky. He sees a hole in space - It’s black... (Hole)

In black holes the darkness is occupied with something black. There the Interplanetary ... (Starship) ended its flight

The spaceship is a steel bird, It rushes faster than light. Learns in practice the Stellar ... (Galaxies)

And the galaxies fly into the scattered as they want. Very hefty This whole universe! (Author Olesya Emelyanova)

Which path has no man ever been on? (Milky Way)

Peas of colored caramel made from sugar crumbs are scattered across the dark sky, And only when the morning comes, All the caramel will suddenly melt. (Stars)

The carpet was spread out, the peas were scattered. You can’t lift a carpet, you can’t pick peas. (Starry sky)

The blue ceilings are nailed down with golden nails. (Stars on the sky)

From which ladle do they not drink or eat, but just look at it? (Constellations: Ursa Major or Ursa Minor)

No beginning, no end, no back, no face. Everyone knows: both young and old, That she is a huge ball. (Earth)

Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth)

A yellow plate hangs in the sky. The yellow plate gives everyone warmth. (Sun)

There will be no knocking on the door or window, but he will come up and wake everyone up. (Sun)

Everyone loves him, but when they look at him they frown. (Sun)

The Fiery Eye wanders alone. Wherever he goes, he warms you with his gaze. (Sun)

Not a month, not a moon, not a planet, not a star, It flies across the sky, overtaking airplanes. (Satellite)

Outrunning night and day, a deer runs around the earth. Touching the stars with his horn, he chose a path in the sky. You can hear the clatter of his hooves, he is a pathfinder of the Universe. (Satellite)

Spinning top, spinning top, Show me the other side, I won’t show you the other side, I walk around tied up. (Moon)

Grandma has a piece of bread hanging over her hut. The dogs bark and they can’t get it. (Month)

An object flies through the thickness of the Icy years in space. Its tail is a strip of light, And the name of the object is... (Comet)

Astronomy quiz for preschool children 6 - 7 years old with answers

Quiz about space for preschoolers 6 - 7 years old “Journey to the Solar Kingdom”
Author: Kovalchuk Valentina Nikolaevna. Educator. Kindergarten No. 90. city ​​of Tyumen. Description: This quiz allows you to consolidate and expand children's knowledge of astronomy among preschoolers of the preparatory group and elementary school. It is very important that children receive the scientific foundations of astronomy in a language they can understand. Goal: To develop cognitive interest in astronomy. Objectives: To consolidate and clarify children’s ideas about planet Earth, the planets of the solar system, stars, some cosmic phenomena and objects moving throughout the Universe. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary in astronomy. Develop coherent dialogical speech in children. Develop visual-figurative thinking. Develop a culture of communication, the ability to listen without interrupting. Preparation: Reading books, looking at illustrations, making observations, memorizing poems, solving riddles.

Quiz progress

Questions and Answers
1. What is the sun? The sun is a star in the solar system. The Earth and other planets of the solar system revolve around the Sun. Child:
“Sunny is a coin,” the stingy one grumbled. No, a frying pan! - the glutton cried. “No, it’s a loaf,” the baker said. Compass,” the sailor said with conviction. The sun is a star, the astronomer announced. “A kind heart,” the dreamer decided.

2. Is it possible to walk on the Sun? No. The sun is a star, a huge hot ball of gas. If anything falls into the sun, it will immediately turn into gas. This is such unimaginable heat in the sun! 3. Why do people affectionately call the sun “sun”? Because people love the Sun. It shines, it warms, there is a whirlpool of water in nature, plants produce oxygen, solar power plants produce electricity. Child:
Our sun has a hundred worries: Heat our garden, Bloom all the flowers, Stay on the veranda, After a rain, on the run, Make a rainbow-arc.
And throw hemp on Natasha the Laughing One’s nose. 4. Where does the sun spend the night? Our planet Earth constantly rotates around its axis and exposes the sun's rays first to one side (then day comes), then the other side (then night comes). Child:
Why, in the evening, is the sun in a hurry to run away? Perhaps the sun has a desire to lie down? Probably the sun has a soft bed? It's probably too soft for the sun to sleep there! Maybe it’s just the sun that’s getting tired of shining for us And the sun really needs to recharge itself? Good night, sunshine! We can wait, and tomorrow with the first ray of light you will come to us again!

5. Why is there winter and summer? The imaginary axis of the planet Earth is tilted. Planet Earth moves in orbit around the Sun for a whole year. When the northern hemisphere, in which our country is located, turns away from the sun, winter sets in. It's summer in the southern hemisphere at this time. The Earth runs further in its orbit, and little by little the northern hemisphere turns towards the Sun and spring comes here, and then summer. In the southern hemisphere, autumn comes first, and then winter.

6. On what planet does day last for a whole year, and night lasts for a whole year? On Mercury. Why? Mercury rushes around the Sun in its orbit much faster than a spaceship, and rotates around itself very slowly: a year is day, a year is night.

7. How many planets are there in the solar system? Eight. In what order are they from the sun? Child:
In order, all the planets can be named by any of us: One - Mercury, Two - Venus, Three - Earth, Four - Mars. Five is Jupiter, Six is ​​Saturn, Seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune. Author: Arkady Khait

8. Why is Mars red? The earth on Mars is red-brown in color. 9. Which planet is the largest? Jupiter.

10. What is the name of a star that is visible even during the day? This is the planet Venus. It appears to be a shiny silver ball, but it does not glow itself, but simply reflects sunlight. Up close, its surface is reddish-brown.

11. Why does everything fall to Earth? The force of gravity acts.

12. Why doesn't the Moon fall to Earth? The Moon is a satellite of the Earth (it rotates around the Earth in its orbit). Like the Earth and other planets of the solar system are satellites of the Sun (rotate around it).

13. Why is the Moon in the evening sky sometimes full and round, sometimes only half visible, sometimes a thin crescent? The moon circles our planet in 28 days. And the part of the Moon that is illuminated by the Sun is bright.

14. Which planets do not have satellites? At Mercury and Venus. Which planet has the most satellites? Jupiter now has 60 known.

15. Each planet has something of its own, which most clearly distinguishes it. You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight - It is surrounded by a large ring. It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes. Saturn has the most developed ring system. What are Saturn's rings made of? Saturn's rings made of dust and ice.

16. What are stars? Child:
What are stars? If they ask you, answer boldly: Hot gas. And add that, moreover, there is always a Nuclear Reactor - Every star! Author: Rimma Aldonina

17. Is it possible to count the stars in the sky? No. 18. Can stars fall from the sky? No. These small solid meteoric bodies, falling from outer space, become heated and, burning, begin to glow like stars. 19. What have astronomers done to better navigate the sky? Astronomers divided the sky into regions, and the stars into groups, constellations. They connected the brightest stars in the group with each other with imaginary lines and looked at what they resembled. This is how Cancer, Swan, Cassiopeia, Hercules, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor appeared in the sky...

20. What are the names of the astronomical buildings in which scientists observe and study the stars? Observatories. They are located far from populated areas or in the mountains. Equipped with telescopes. After all, you can only watch the stars in a clear sky.

21. What are the names of the instruments through which you can observe the stars? Telescopes. 22. Milky Way. What is this? Child:
The black velvet of the sky is embroidered with stars. A bright path runs across the sky. It spreads easily from edge to edge, as if someone spilled milk across the sky. But, of course, there is no milk or juice in the sky, We see our star system from the side. This is how we see the Galaxy. Our distant native light is space for astronautics for many thousands of years. Author: Rimma Aldonina.

Outdoor game “Let's collect the stars”

The teacher lays out multi-colored stars in the group. You need to collect the stars in different baskets, sorting by color.


The third from the sun, not the largest of the planets.
But of all the planets, it is the only one on which there is life. (Earth)

A large bucket is visible in the sky. Children dream of drinking from it. (Big Dipper)

At night he looks into the darkness through a huge pipe. He wants to discover his very distant star. (Astronomer)

There is a special tube, In it the Universe is visible, Astronomers see the kaleidoscope of stars in ... (telescope).

They shine in the sky in the dark, Although no one turns them on. (Stars)

You come to us from space, pulling your long tail behind you. Some of you visit us more than once. (Comet)

You are the empty areas of the Universe Beyond the boundaries of celestial bodies. You are darkness, almost a vacuum, Disturbing the minds of scientists. (Space)

Twelve times a year he is born, sometimes he loses weight, sometimes he gets better. It illuminates a clear night, but does not warm. (Moon, month)

Solid body from outer space Weighing from grams to tons. It flies through the atmosphere and lands on Earth. (Meteorite)

A wide white stripe across the sky stretched across the night sky, dividing it in half. (Milky Way)

The black velvet of the sky is embroidered with stars.
A bright path runs across the sky. It spreads easily from edge to edge, as if someone spilled milk across the sky. But, of course, there is no milk or juice in the sky, We see our star system from the side. This is how we see the Galaxy. Our distant native light is space for astronautics for many thousands of years. Author: Rimma Aldonina Above the forest, above the mountains, a carpet spreads. It is spread out like a tent over you and over me, Sometimes it is gray, sometimes it is blue, sometimes it is bright blue. (Sky)

He flies around the Earth and does scientific work. It flies in a given orbit. It's shining like a star in the sky. It is the sun that illuminates it. It reflects the light. (Artificial Earth satellite)

Outdoor game “Cosmonauts” Hoops are laid out in a circle. Children run freely around the hoops and say the words: Fast rockets are waiting for us to fly around the planets. Whichever one we want, we’ll fly to that one! But there is one secret in the game - there is no room for latecomers! After the last words, the children take their places in their rockets. Then everyone stands in a circle again and the game starts all over again. Each time the teacher removes several hoops. The game is repeated until only one hoop remains. Quiz results
Presentation on the topic: Astronomy riddles

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Riddles about our planet Earth

  1. There are miracles on the planet: Oceans and forests, Oxygen is in the atmosphere, People and animals breathe it. (Earth)
  2. There is no planet more beautiful and sweeter For animals, insects, birds, people... Rivers, mountains and endless fields On the planet that we call... (Earth)
  3. No beginning, no end, no back, no face. Everyone knows: both young and old, That she is a huge ball. (Earth)
  4. The planet is blue, beloved, dear. She is yours, she is mine, And it is called... (Earth)

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