Autumn fairmaterial (senior, preparatory group)


Indian summer has arrived. -What does this word mean? -This means don’t yawn, harvest your harvest. My friend and I decided to play hide and seek in the garden: -You are a carrot, and I am a beet. Neighbor Fyokla came up, Sees: the vegetables are great - Whether for salads or as a seasoning, Says: “I’m a zucchini, I have a tight side, I’m good at caviar, in pancakes, Patissons are my brothers, Nice guys too, Overripe - a bit thick . Pumpkin is our relative, He will feed everyone with sweet porridge...” ... We’ll bring tomatoes and cucumbers to mom in a basket, We’ll add sweet pepper to them, It’s already ripe in the garden. Mom and I will prepare eggplants, onions, garlic for future use, and with potatoes and cabbage we will make a very tasty borscht. Beans are good in borscht, and add salt at the end. Well done guys, the harvest is rich. (A. Ignatova)


Harvest, harvest! Say goodbye to our summer! So many sweet peas! Cucumbers to choose from, Good to pick from the ridge Large red tomato! Go for a run in the garden - Eat a carrot in passing.

*** The harvest has been collected in the bins: Autumn has turned golden with a generous ear, We will bake a honey loaf, We will ask you to come visit us. The round side of the apples is blushing, And the birch trees are like something out of a painting, I saved my congratulations for you, After all, today is a holiday: Autumn.

I recommend this video to everyone who loves creativity and origami!


Under the oatmeal chatter of the fields, I will pour myself with hot sweat. Then I’m doubly happy if I work hard enough. There is spaciousness and joy in the soul, a land of happiness untouched... The bread is falling like a golden blizzard. Hello, New Harvest! (A. Tvardovsky)

*** Zina collected the harvest and put it in a basket. Here's a red tomato - a wonderful vegetable, Here's an oval cucumber - a green one, Here's a beautiful carrot - a long braid, Here's a delicious potato - for soup and hash, Here's a large beet - we love to eat it.

*** One, two, three, four, Children learned vegetables: Onions, radishes, zucchini, Horseradish, carrots, garlic.

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