Riddles about numbers card index (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic

Riddles with the number 10


3 titmice were flying, 2 titmice were sitting, 5 titmice were singing songs, and they were always together. How many birds count and give the answer quickly.


Zero is nothing! But still zero Sometimes it plays a role Without it, guys, There wouldn’t be... (tens)! I can’t lose the zero: Without it I will disappear, I will become a skinny unit, I will cry and be angry.


This number is important, very brave, If you decide to play darts, And then, to hit the bull’s eye, Then you can tell us, That you hit the number (ten).

Riddles about numbers for children: 30 best

Website “Mom can do anything!” I collected the most interesting riddles about numbers for children. It is best to teach children in a playful way, because they remember better this way. This selection of riddles will be interesting to children of all ages; the little ones will begin to memorize numbers and learn to count.


He looks like a bun, he is pot-bellied and round. A cat looks like him, If he folds himself into a ball. (Zero)


I drew an orange oval on a sheet of paper. He has a big role, Since this is a number... (Zero)


The numbers stood up, like a squad, in a friendly numerical row. The number will play the first role for us... (Zero)

*** She stands among the sheet Alone when the notebook is empty. Lifting her nose to the ceiling, She scolds the student. And like a heron in the swamps, he pecks at him for his laziness. At least she has one leg. She is slender, proud, strict... (One)


Sister with a sly little nose will open the account... (Unit)


She looks like a stalk, stands respectfully, like a nobleman. Straight, even, always, after zero it comes. (Unit)


With a light stroke of the pen, a number appeared... (Two)


A swan swims in a notebook, which means something is wrong. If you are a complete Dunno, get this number. (Two)


All people have been given from God only one head! Well, what about arms and legs? Each of them has... (Two)


I have two candies, I’ll give one to my sister Svetka. I'm not greedy, and for this my dad gave me two candies! And now there are even more candies than at first! (Three)


Guess this number! She's very arrogant. Add one with two, and you get the number... (Three)


This figure is simply a miracle. She has relatives everywhere. Even in the alphabet there is She has a twin sister. (Three)


Two raccoons came running to three frogs by the swamp, Aunt Toad galloped up, and the hen Ryaba came. How many amphibians were there in the marsh reeds? (Four)


Either a number, or a fork, Or a fork in two roads. In the student notebook I know for sure - everyone is happy about it. (Four)


Someone turned over an old chair at night, its back facing down. And now in our apartment it has become a number... (Four)


If we turn two over and look carefully, look this way and that again, then we get the number... (Five)


There were birds sitting outside the window, a dove, a thrush and three titmice. We will ask the students and diligent students: “Who is ready to answer us, How many birds are there outside the window?” (Five)


The number looks like a hook, like on a truck crane. And it looks like a D, if upside down. (Five)


And my friend Tonya had a chance to sit on a pony, and Tonya and the pony immediately got legs... (Six)


The number is like a hippopotamus, Her tummy is round, She deftly bends her neck, She steps behind the number five. (Six)


If a padlock raises its proboscis upward, Then we will see here Not a padlock, but a number... (Six)


We have a proverb And it is known to everyone - You only cut once, But you have to measure... (Seven)


It looks like a scythe, But it can’t mow the grass - It’s not sharpened at all And the number doesn’t mow... (Seven)


A braid curls in the wind, and a stripe runs down the back. (Seven)


How many legs do you have? – Let’s ask the octopus quietly. He won’t be able to answer us, But even so we know - ... (Eight)


The number looks like a toy - a tumbler rattle. Don't hit it on the ground. Everyone understands - this is... (Eight)


Two circles stood next to each other - What wonderful glasses? Even if you turn it upside down, they are the same! (Eight)


Guess, guys, what kind of acrobat figure is this? If it stands on its head, it will become exactly three less. (Nine)


This number is a little more than eight But it’s not ten yet It’s the sum of six and three Who can solve the riddle? (Nine)


This is the number, look, It has a secret - Turn it over, And you will get the number six! (Nine)

Riddles with the number 10 for 1st grade


What number comes after 9 and is considered the beginning of a new path? With what guys, tell me, will we start counting tens?


Here is one, and next to it is zero, It stands as important as a king. If zero leans against one, what number will it turn into?


Masha was walking in the yard, Masha found a duck. She walked in the yard with her children, And decided to count the ducks on Masha, Here is one - a mother duck, And behind her, look, three yellow ones, Four more are running, Well, two keep up, they are catching up with the mother duck. How many ducks could our Masha count for us?

Math I like

Write about interesting properties of numbers

. Pictures are welcome!

I am posting the properties of the number 10, which were sent by Leib Aleksandrovich Shteingarts.

1. A person has TEN fingers on both hands. This is what caused the widespread use of the decimal number system.

2. TEN is the smallest multi-digit number.

3. These two words are used very often in mathematics. Each of them contains exactly 10 letters.

4. The number 10 is the sum of the first four natural numbers:

5. The number 10 is the sum of the first three prime numbers:

6. The number 10 is the sum of the first four factorials:

7. The simplest test of divisibility is the test of divisibility by 10.

8. The largest number on playing cards is the number 10.

9. Any real number can be represented as an infinite DECIMAL fraction:

This entry is the following series:

10. The Almighty gave the TEN commandments to the prophet Moses on Mount Sinai.

11. In mathematics, the DECIMAL logarithm is very often used, the base of which is usually not written:

12. In international (hundred-cell) checkers, the size of the board is 10x10 squares.

13. The word TCHAIKOVSKY has 10 letters. The father of the great Russian composer was the TENTH child in the family. Throughout his life, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote exactly TEN operas:

14. The word MATHEMATICS has 10 letters. In this regard, unravel two arithmetic puzzles.

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15. The number 10 in the binary number system is the number 2 in the decimal number system.

16. This puzzle is popular.

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17. The word ARITHMETICS has 10 letters. In this regard, unravel the arithmetic puzzle.

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There are two ways:

18. TEN:

• A counting unit equal to ten identical objects. For example, a TEN EGGS.

• Ten years of age. For example, he was in his seventies.

• NOT THE TIMID TEN – about a brave person.

19. The surname MUSORGSKY has 10 letters. TEN pieces for piano (“Pictures at an Exhibition”) by the great Russian composer Modest Mussorgsky are very famous.

20. Chervonets is a monetary unit in the Russian Empire and the USSR. Chervonets, since the beginning of the 20th century, have traditionally been called banknotes with a face value of TEN units.

21. Diving is one of the water sports. The highest height from which these jumps are made is 10 meters.

22. The surname MATIYASEVICH has 10 letters. Yuri Vladimirovich Matiyasevich is a Russian mathematician who solved Hilbert’s famous TENTH problem.

23. “The Kid Who Counted to TEN” is a Soviet animated film. The main character of the cartoon is the Little Goat, who has learned to count to ten and strives to put his skill into practice.

24. Two words - PETER THE FIRST - contain 10 letters.

It is curious that Peter was proclaimed king in 1682 (by the way, 8+2=10) at the age of 10.

25. Fermat numbers are numbers of the form (n is a non-negative integer):

The study of numbers of this type was started by Fermat, who put forward the hypothesis that they are all prime. However, this hypothesis was refuted by Euler, who found the expansion of the number

into prime factors:

It is curious that in this equality there are TEN digits on both the left and right.

26. KILOBYTE is a unit of measurement of the amount of information, equal to 1024 bytes. That is:

27. Get into the TEN – • Do something very accurately. • Choose very precise, apt words when talking about something.

Riddles about the number 10 printable


Individually these are small numbers, but if we put them together, we will begin to count tens.


Nolik, stand behind one, behind your dear sister. This is the only way, when you are together, They will call you ____.


Early in the morning, cornflowers bloomed by the river. Five are on the left bank. Five are on the right bank. I can easily count cornflowers. Because five and five There will be how many, who knows?


Sasha has two large croutons on his plate, And Masha has eight croutons on his tray, How many croutons do the girls have merrily lying around together?

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