Creative meeting with parents “Russian gatherings”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Folklore family gatherings “The Nativity of Christ”

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 7 of a combined type, Vyborg district of St. Petersburg

Author – compiler: Olga Vasilievna Lagutkina, teacher of the group of compensatory orientation of children with mental retardation, highest qualification category

Interaction with the family as a means of developing love for the Motherland in the conditions of social partnership between the family and the kindergarten through ritual calendar holidays.

Nomination 2. Non-traditional forms of family leisure in kindergarten “A child grows not from bread, but from joy”

(Russian folk proverb)

The event is held as part of the development program of the State Budget Educational Institution, Kindergarten No. 7;

Pedagogical project “Introducing children aged 5-7 years to Russian folk culture through acquaintance with Russian calendar holidays”

(author of the project: Olga Vasilievna Lagutkina)

Goal: To create conditions for the formation of a feeling of joy from participation in the joint creative activity of all participants in the event, a sustainable interest in Russian folk culture in the process of becoming familiar with the calendar holiday “The Nativity of Christ” .


  1. Expand interest in Russian folk art, customs, rituals, and national calendar holidays;
  2. Enrich children’s vocabulary using all types of folklore: fairy tales, songs, round dances, carols, riddles - since folklore is a source of cognitive and intellectual development of the child’s personality;
  3. Introduce parents and children (at an accessible level) to folk games, the folk calendar, the basics of Orthodox culture, work, life, customs and traditions of the Christmas holiday
  4. To promote the involvement of parents in personal participation in family gatherings, to captivate parents into the wonderful world of games with their children, to help them understand that joint participation in games and round dances helps expand the child’s cognitive abilities and is the most productive type of communication with children.
  5. Create a joyful, festive mood among children, parents, and holiday guests.

Features of the event:

Close cooperation and interaction child-parent-teacher

Stage 1: preparatory

Participants: children with mental retardation from 5 to 7 years old

Form of implementation: Folklore family gatherings “The Nativity of Christ” - a joint activity of the teacher, children of the compensatory group with mental retardation from 5 to 7 years old, and parents.

Relevance: Organizing family holidays is an important factor in the development of positive emotional contacts with parents. For children, a holiday is always a bright, unforgettable event, and for adults, it is an opportunity to return to the world of their childhood. During the holiday, problems of overcoming obstacles in communication between children and adults are solved, the ability to understand the emotional state of the child is developed, and experience is gained in holding family holidays with the support of teachers.

Taking into account the intellectual and cognitive capabilities of our children, after discussing with parents, we decided to hold gatherings together, in which the main characters will be children and their parents. Children will experience pride and joy from the fact that moms and dads are equal participants and sing, dance, tell fortunes, read poetry, and dance together with them. They will become bolder and more actively overcome their psychological barrier.

Features of the event:

Integration of educational areas:

  • Speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development, cognitive development.


To the knowledge, skills and abilities that children should show during the event:

  • Knowledge about the holiday “The Nativity of Christ, obtained from conversations with a teacher, individual conversations (consultation received from a church minister)” ;
  • Knowledge of poems, lyrics, dance movements, round dances (Christmas theme);
  • The ability to behave kindly towards peers and adults, to listen carefully to speakers; joint participation of children and parents in games, songs, round dances, carols, and poetry reading.

As a result of the event:

Children can develop the following qualities:

  • Love for the native land where he was born and lives, knowledge of the traditions and customs of folk calendar holidays; *Compassion and empathy, willingness to help others, joyful mood from joint participation with parents in gatherings.

Parents must learn:

  • See your child’s problems, difficulties in relationships from the inside, test different approaches; *See how others do it, that is, gain experience interacting not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole; *Gain experience in holding family holidays, based on the recommendations of teachers.

Stage 2 – implementation

  1. Development and discussion of the event plan, selection of participants and distribution of roles of fairy-tale characters, discussion of theatrical costumes;
  2. Replenishment of the museum of folk life “Visiting Grandma - Riddle” with exhibits of household items, hut utensils (by teachers and parents), creation of a music library, card index of folk and round dance games
  3. .The use of various genres of folklore in various activities: carols, spring songs, round dances, proverbs, discussion of the traditions and customs of the Russian people.

Family gatherings "Christmas"

In the center of the hall, under the tree, is part of the cave in which Jesus Christ was born.

In the corner behind the screen is the interior of a village hut.

Children and parents in Russian costumes enter the hall to the tune of a Russian folk melody.

Hostess: The further into the future we look, the more we value the past,

And we find beauty in the old, even though we belong to the new,

Russia is the mother! Praise be to you! Over the centuries you have seen a lot,

Whenever you could talk. I would have told you anything.

What wonderful words! So we’ll talk about how people lived in the old days, what they did. In winter, the days become shorter and shorter. The most severe frosts occur on winter Nikola - December 19th. It’s not for nothing that in the old days they said, “Nikola builds bridges on rivers and makes trees crack . Winter is the richest time for holidays: New Year, Christmas, Christmastide, Epiphany. In the evenings, boys and girls gathered for gatherings in the huts. So you and I will look at the light!

(the screen is removed, the hostess enters the hut, candles are lit)


The winter evening is dark and long, I count 40 Christmas trees. I’ll knit a sock, then I’ll spin it a little, I’ll call the guys over for a get-together! There will be songs, there will be dancing and a game of burners.

Hey, laughing girls! Hey, well done boys, mischievous daredevils, come dance and while away the winter evening! Children (Madonna) We came to your hot hut with gifts

  • The round dance “Let’s give it to the hostess” to the words of Belyaev is led by parents and children

Hostess: Oh, well done guys! How good the gifts are!

Now let’s sit down next to each other and talk well.

(The children and their parents sat down, the Christmas bells ringing)

Hostess: Christmas darkness all around, bells ring in the darkness

And with them the words sound in harmony, peace on earth and happiness to all.

Child: (Ilya)

Christmas Eve has arrived today. The holiday promised to be bright, Miracles have come, the heavens are rejoicing.

Child: (Maxim) Either the snow or the blizzard is crumbling

Christmas is coming to us, approaching.

With games and dancing, with Christmas tales.

Hostess: Merry Christmas, I wish you only happiness

Let your dreams come true because the holiday is full of beauty.

Parents (Leo's Mom - Chernova I.R.):

We are glad to meet you, let's light candles today.

Let the magical lights burn between us.

  • (the overhead lights turn off, parents take the candles in their hands)
  • The song “The Nativity of Christ” (children, parents, teachers sing)

Hostess: Christmas is a very joyful holiday. The word Christmas itself indicates that someone has been born. Long ago, good people Joseph and Mary came to the beautiful city of Bethlehem. We got tired on the way and wanted to rest. But no one allowed them into the house. Then they reached a high mountain in which there was a cave. It was warm in there, there were sheep and cows, and it was soft to lie on the straw.

Child: (Katya K.)

In the manger, the quiet tiny Christ slept on fresh hay. The Moon, emerging from the shadows, stroked the flax of his hair... The bull breathed on the Baby’s face and, rustling the straw, looked at the elastic knee, barely breathing.

Child: (Ilya K.)

The sparrows poured in a crowd through the roof poles towards the manger, and the bull, pressed against the niche, kneaded the blanket with his lip. The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg, licked it secretly. The most comfortable thing was for the cat to warm the Child sideways in the manger...

Child (Maxim)

The subdued white goat was breathing on His forehead, Only the stupid gray donkey was helplessly pushing everyone: I wish I could look at the Child for just a minute! And he cried loudly - loudly in the pre-dawn silence...

Child (Anton)

And Christ, opening his eyes, suddenly moved apart the circle of animals

And with a smile of complete affection, he whispered: “Look quickly!”

(Sasha Cherny “Rozhdestvenskoye” )

Hostess: There Jesus Christ was born, a wonderful baby whom everyone loved. The news of his birth was carried by heavenly angels, and the Star of Bethlehem lit up in the sky in honor of his birth. People came to him with gifts. A small Christmas tree also came to the baby, and now you will find out what came out of it.

Hostess: And your mothers will tell us about this: (introduce by name)

Parents (Anton’s mother - Kushnirchuk N.K.):

A great miracle took place that night. God sent us a Savior. In a forgotten cave, in an abandoned manger, the Baby, the Son of God, lay. The star above the cave, like a guiding light, shone for the learned Magi, And the loud song of the shepherds majestically and harmoniously rushed to the heavens.

Parents (Artem’s mother is Stepanyants L.Sh.):

With people, all nature rejoiced that night: rustling on the trees, the leaves glorified God in a mysterious whisper, and the flowers smelled stronger. Three trees - a palm tree, an olive tree and a fir tree - grew at the entrance to the cave. And during the first days they bowed to the baby in proud delight.

Parents (Alyosha’s mother is S.E. Bakhvalova):

The beautiful palm tree overshadowed him with its green crown, and fragrant spruce dripped from the tender branches of the silver olive tree. Only the modest tree stood sadly: it had no gifts, And the eyes of people were not captivated by the beauty of its unchanging cover.

Parents (Daniil’s mother is O.V. Fokina):

The angel of the Lord saw this and lovingly said to the tree: “You are modest, you do not grumble in sorrow, for this you are destined to be rewarded by God . He said and the stars from the sky rolled down onto the tree one after another, and everything began to shine, and the palm tree and olive tree eclipsed with their beauty.

  • (The lights on the tree light up.)

Parents (Anton’s mother - Kushnirchuk N.K.):

The baby woke up from the bright starlight, looked at the Christmas tree, and his face suddenly lit up with a smile, and he stretched out his arms to her. And since then, every year we remember and devoutly honor Christmas. Whether a child or an adult, everyone is happy about the holiday, and there is a celebration in every family!

Hostess: And since then, the most important decoration of Christmas has been the Christmas tree. We'll have some fun at the Christmas tree too. But first, let’s decorate the Christmas tree with handmade angels.

  • Children decorate the Christmas tree with paper angels, parents extinguish the candles and stand in a circle
  • Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Hostess: Our grandparents love this holiday very much - the Nativity of Christ, they also call it “Svyatki” from the word “holy” . During the holiday they praised and glorified Christ, the New Year, and the future harvest. Guys and girls dressed up as animals: a goat, a bear, and in groups they went home, congratulated them on the holiday, wished them the best with special songs - carols, and called them carolers. And the owners waited for them and listened with pleasure, and then treated them. (A cheerful song is heard). Do you hear? Mummers - carolers - are coming to us.

  • The mummers (parents) enter to the song “Kolyada” by the ensemble “Ivan Kupala”


  1. The carol has arrived, open the gate! Open the gates and receive guests!
  2. Open the chests, serve the snouts
  3. Either pancake or jam, we'll have a treat!
  4. Hello guys! 2. Generous day, good afternoon!
  5. We sow, we weed, we sow, Merry Christmas! (scatter the grain)
  6. Just like our carol 2. Neither small nor large
  7. She's coming to your door. Together: Sends his regards to everyone!

Hostess: Hello, dear guests!

Carolers: Hello! Will you allow us to show off?

Hostess: Carol and welcome us to your place to sing!

  • Christmas ditties are sung by carolers, children, parents

1. Anton Kushnirchuk family

We will sing funny ditties for carols. Treat us sweeter, otherwise we will be offended and leave!

2. Family Cabin Ilya

Hey, hurry up everyone here! Kolyada came to visit. We will joke, make faces, run, jump, have fun.

3. Family of Katya Kochanova

We sow, we weave, we spread and we wish you prosperity. Don’t skimp on pancakes so that we can sing beautifully.

4. Ksyusha’s Gushchina family

I sculpt the Snow Maiden from clean, new snowflakes. And in the spring I won’t throw it away - I’ll put it in the freezer!

5. Family of Stepanyants Artem

Kolyada comes to your house, and carries bags of goods, Who will give us the most. Great success awaits him!

6. Family of Chapaev Maxim

Kolyada came to us on the eve of Christmas! Open the doors wider, congratulate everyone!

7. Zarandia Madonna's Family

We don’t hide our noses in scarves and collars. Skis, sleds and skates keep you warmer than a stove!

8. Family of Vyacheslav Glukhov

Kolyada, Kolyada! Nobody can sleep! In every house, old and young, having fun all night long!

9. Family of Antonov Vasily

Stomp, foot - foot, stomp right. We sang carols for you, even if they were small!


It is customary to give carolers gifts (put gifts in a bag)

  • carolers sit down on chairs


On this winter evening, smoke curls over the chimney, the moon glows above it, and the hut is full of guests. We have gatherings here, and I invited you here to tell fortunes, have fun, and join in the Russian dance with all your heart!

Let's stand together in a circle and roll a snowball. Whoever's snowball freezes will dance for us *Game “Roll the Snowball” to the Russian folk melody “Oh, you are my canopy” Hostess: The snowball rolled and stopped at the gate.

The creaky door sings: “Someone is coming to visit us”

  • The fox enters and dances under the river. n. melody

Lisa: (Slava’s mother – Glukhova I.P.)

I am a fox, I am like a peahen, I perform majestically, I dance with a handkerchief, I want to play with everyone!

  • Russian folk game "Liska - fox"


Guys, you know that I am a very cunning fox. I have a hundred wonders of the world in stock. Look!

  • Trick "magic transformations of a handkerchief"

At Christmas it is customary to tell fortunes, I suggest you tell your fortune and find out your destiny.

  • Fortune telling - the game “Who should I be?” (Items that reflect affiliation with a particular profession). The fox gets a treat and leaves.

Hostess: Oh, guys, look, someone fell asleep under the Christmas tree.

Shhh! Quiet the noise! Maybe it's a bear sleeping?

This guest will eat everyone in one sitting when she wakes up!

  • the guys tiptoe up to the bear sleeping under the tree, the bear wakes up and catches up with the children

Bear (Anton’s Mom – Kushnirchuk N.K.):

I came out of the snowy den, not myself. I can’t understand from my sleep - is it winter or spring? Here you have sticks at the ends of the rope, they are called “gurneys” . There is a fish in the middle of the rope, you wind the rope a lot.

The one who reels in first gets the fish. This is not an ordinary fish, a golden fish, This fish will bring a lot of happiness on Christmas!

  • “Whose family skates faster” is played ,
  • “Family Fishing” is played; at the end of the games, the bear holds a felt boot in her hands

Bear: Is this a fish? What a miracle! In winter we need

Saves us from frost, warms us in severe cold

It was not in vain that she sailed here, let’s tell fortunes with her, friends?

  • Fortune telling - the game “Who will throw the felt boots furthest? ” The bear gets a treat and leaves.

Hostess: I hear the knocking again, friends!

  • under the river n. the goat comes out melody

Goat (Ksyusha’s mother – N.S. Gushchina):

Make way, honest people! The goat shakes its horns

So he breaks into a round dance, with songs and dances

With jokes and jokes. Her horns are curled, only her felt boots are thin!

And what beautiful girls gathered together, like princesses. I'll choose one.

  • The Russian folk game “Horned Goat”

Goat: It’s customary to tell fortunes at Christmas, so I suggest telling fortunes. Let's find out who is the bravest and most skillful.

  • Fortune telling - r. n. game "Find your house" . The goat gets a treat and leaves.

Hostess: They played, sang, danced, told fortunes for Christmas, so the evil spirit itself walked around and had fun.

  • Devil runs in (Katya’s mother - Moleva O.S.)

Devil. I ran and was out of breath, inhaled smoke from the stove,

I got to your place, I’m so glad, I’m so glad,

What did I see you guys! I like to have fun, everyone get up for the game,

Whoever falls into my clutches will dance with me!

Come on guys, come out and bring your parents with you to the game!

  • Game "I'm coming" . The devil gets a treat and runs away, the children and parents sit down.

Hostess: There is such a sign - whoever is sprinkled with New Year's snow will be healed of ailments!

  • Sprinkle all guests with melt water

Hostess: I hear someone coming to visit us again!

Santa Claus (Leo's dad - Chernov S.D.): Hello, dear ones, small and big! Hello my friends! Did you find out? It's me, Santa Claus! I am sincerely glad to see guests here, guys...

Merry Christmas, I wish you only happiness.

Let your dreams come true. After all, the holiday is full of beauty!

Why isn't your Christmas tree lit? Let's say together: “1-2-3 Christmas tree, burn!”

(the lights on the tree light up)

I will never tire of having fun near the Christmas tree!

Hey kindergarten people! Come out to the round dance!

  • The round dance “Merry Santa Claus Walked” is performed by children, parents, and teachers

Santa Claus: You all are having fun! Aren't you afraid of frost?

Children: No, we're not afraid!

Hostess: Santa Claus, see how brave our children are! Grandfather Frost at our gatherings there are many mothers, fathers, and grandmothers. And how they loved games and fun! In the old days, everyone in their hut had a chest in which various outfits were stored. So we will dress up.

  • Game “Whose family will dress up faster?

Santa Claus: I'll blow the breeze, run to your places.

Hostess: Grandfather Frost, do you know that there is such a sign - if you catch a star from the sky and make a wish, then it will certainly come true.

Santa Claus: I know, I know! Guys, make a wish and catch your star! Just take care of the star, if you lose it, nothing will come true! (Stars are tied to the ceiling, the stars fall, children collect them)

Santa Claus: They say that on Christmas, whatever you want,

Everything will happen in that hour, everything will come true immediately!

I did some magic for you and collected gifts.

Well, I’ll definitely come next year! (giving gifts)

Goodbye kids!


Our Russia is great and our people are talented, If our children play, then history lives on! Our holiday was a success, it’s fun to play on Christmastide. Thank you to everyone from the hostess, for the smile and for the laughter, and for the games, and for the dancing

I thank everyone! (bow)

Stage 3 Implementation


Joint participation in the holiday brought children and their parents into indescribable delight, as the participants of the event sang, played, and danced together. This form of acquiring knowledge about folk culture for children is visual, colorful, understandable and accessible. Children develop memory, hearing skills, and collective creativity. Children feel that they are doing something meaningful, a sense of pride in their creativity and respect for the art of their people is strengthened.

In the process of cooperation, parents of preschool children showed such qualities as musicality, responsibility, activity, and the children became more relaxed, artistic and sociable, and felt the support of not only teachers, but also parents. Parents and children have become closer to each other. During the preparation for the holiday, parents became more friendly in their group team, which made it possible to agree on closer cooperation: they celebrated farewell to the winter “Maslenitsa” , a general tea party “Kindergarten Birthday” , a competition for Mother’s Day “Come on, moms” !” , spring holiday “My dear mother!” .

It's no secret that parents are the dearest and closest people! They saw that the children were proud of them, they wanted to dance and sing songs together. Years will pass, children will forget the songs that were played during the holidays, but in their memory they will forever retain the warmth of communication, the joy of empathy with their parents.

As a result, all the work carried out within the framework of the event, built in a certain system of pedagogical conditions, ensures familiarization with the origins of folk culture through folk ritual holidays, which is the goal of this event.

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