Autumn leisure in kindergarten in the senior group “Gatherings on Pokrov”. Scenario

Holiday of the Intercession for preschoolers of the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Holiday of the Intercession in the Cossack group.
Senior group Goal : To instill in children a desire to learn about the culture of their people. Objectives: 1. expand children’s ideas about the traditions and customs of the Russian people; 2. encourage interest in objects of Russian everyday life; 3. continue to work on enriching children’s vocabulary with new words and terms. 4. Continue to enrich children’s musical experiences, evoking an emotional response when performing Russian folk songs and dances. Children enter the hall to the music of “Waltz” by G. Sviridov. Leading. Velika Kuban, Shiroka Kuban. From seas to steppes. There is no one more beautiful than you. The Kuban anthem sounds, verse I, performed by the “Kuban Cossack Choir”, (audio recording, children stand up, listen. “Autumn” sounds (in the background) G. Glazunov “Seasons” Children read poetry
You are beautiful at any time of the year. And therefore you are considered a pearl of nature , Beloved by the people in winter and spring, But there is no beautiful golden Autumn! Autumn is a glorious time. The children of Kuban are glad to see it. Autumn we call you to visit, For you we will dance and sing. The
dance “Golden Leaf Fall” is performed
1. Multi-colored autumn is knocking on our window , Migratory birds gather in flocks. They fly far, beyond the seas and oceans, Where the scorching sun is, there are very hot countries.
Autumn, autumn - golden leaf fall. Autumn, autumn - a colorful outfit. 2. Autumn leaves are spinning as if in a dance And in a multi-colored carpet lie on the ground. Multi-colored autumn - we don’t need anything else, Autumn is wonderful, and a little sad.
Autumn has knocked on the door again - Golden, generous time. With a harvest, colorful leaves Came to our kindergarten for a holiday. Autumn time , it's your turn!
Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath. Both leaf fall and birds' flight, both the forest and the garden are full of charm. In the autumn forest, every bush is cute. Everything froze, as if in a wonderful fairy tale. And a fine rain sprinkled from above, its foliage, changing color. The clusters of ripe rowan trees are turning red, and the mushroom will show us its cap. And the gold of the birches and aspens. I really want to take it with me in my arms. Beautiful autumn! One by one your days fly towards the gray winter. But we will save every magical moment, It will be marked in our memory. The wind will spin to the song of the rain, and throw leaves at our feet. This time is so beautiful. A miracle has come to us again - autumn! The song “Autumn has knocked on us” is performed
1. Autumn has knocked on us with golden rain, And with, alas, an unkind ray of sunshine.
The leaf fall began to sing a sad song, And the garden falls asleep to this song. 2. And the rowan berry, like a light, warms and pleases a cloudy day. In the puddles, leaves are circling like boats, Gray, cold clouds are rushing into the distance. 3. Birds no longer sing sonorous songs - They gather in flocks and fly south. On quiet evenings the rain drizzles, a lullaby is knocked on the glass. Presenter: In the fall, another holiday is celebrated. On October 14, our Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Pokrov is one of the most revered autumn holidays among the people. It was a long time ago. Once people were praying in church. And suddenly, she was illuminated by light. People raised their heads to the sky and saw the Mother of God. She took off the white scarf from her head and waved it, blessing the praying people. She seemed to cover her with her cover from troubles and misfortunes. And at that time it began to snow heavily, covering the entire earth. And here there was a transition from autumn to winter. Since then, this day has become revered in Rus', and in the church it is called the Intercession. The Mother of God entered the temple on gray autumn clouds. She knelt down and prayed in front of the image of her son. And over everyone who is ready to believe, she spread Her holy Veil. It is made of heavenly light, weightless and transparent in appearance. He will protect you from sorrow and troubles. Slush even if it’s off-road. Don't be sad, look down. After all, the Mother of God spreads her Veil over us. From everything evil in the world, the forest and field and houses are covered by the Mother of God herself! It overshadows everyone with an invisible Veil and saves them from misfortunes on the harsh earthly path. Presenter . On Intercession, young people gathered for parties and gatherings. They amused themselves with games and jokes, and enjoyed dancing and ditties. Child So miracles, miracles, All the forests have turned yellow, It’s time for fabulous gifts, We all celebrate the Intercession! Autumn covers the earth with a colorful festive carpet, So nature congratulates everyone on the Great Intercession Over our village, the Holiday is full, Music and songs ring with hot dance, Cossack daring The holiday is famous in the Kuban. Dance “Varenka” Presenter : What signs about the Intercession do you know? — Where the wind comes from on Pokrov, the frosts will begin from there. — If the wind blows from the south in Pokrov, then it means a warm winter; if it blows from the north, it means a cold winter. - As is the Veil, so is winter! In October, October It often rains outside, But this is not an obstacle. Everyone is very happy about it. If it rains, winter crops will begin to grow. A girl comes out with an umbrella in her hands Girl: How nice it is in the rain Whispering with an umbrella together. And you can even take an umbrella and dance in the rain. Dance with umbrellas Presenter: It’s raining, the rain is drumming on the windows all day long. The whole earth, the whole earth was wet from the water. But I’ll give you an umbrella and you won’t mind the rain. Attraction. Running under an umbrella in galoshes. Leading. And among the Cossacks, there is no fun without a Cossack ditty! Ditties. 1. The rooster crows, the turkeys quarrel. We will now sing you Merry ditties. 2. The balalaika is playing, so you have to go out and have fun yourself and make people have fun! 3. There are a lot of guys, there are a lot of guys, There’s nowhere to put the guys. When the horses get tired, we will harness them 4. Guard! Guard! Cossack Misha drowned! Not in a swamp, not in a river - Just in sour milk! 5. I was sitting on the window, a Cossack boy was riding on a cat! I started to drive up to the window, I couldn’t hold the cat! 6. Little Cossacks, brave heads! I’ll go dancing and find a Cossack for myself! 7. Father Pokrov has arrived, a party has arrived for us. Soon - soon the Sounding Talyanochka will play for us. 8. Let me dance, Let me stomp, Will the floorboards in this house really burst? 9. To the accordionist - for playing, Well, to me - for dancing, To the accordionist - rolls, For me - a bunch of bagels! 10. They say that I blush, They say that I turn white, I will wash myself in the river in front of everyone - But my face will not change Presenter : if the Intercession happened to be warm, then people arranged the last mushroom picking that day and hurried home quickly, because, according to According to legends, on this day it was dangerous to stay in the forest until late - people said that before leaving for winter hibernation, Leshy was mischievous there. Let’s pick mushrooms for the last time. Attraction.
Who can pick mushrooms faster? Presenter: And now let’s all be silent, and just like in ancient times, let’s listen to fairy tales and poems about autumn, about red! Poems about autumn Autumn, autumn, autumn, We ask you to visit With abundant bread, With tall sheaves, With falling leaves and rain With a migrating crane. Autumn, autumn, Stay for eight weeks: With strong thunder, With rain, with downpours, With a threshed sheaf And a ruddy pie! Don’t scold Autumn, Don’t scold Autumn, Glorious Autumn, Deciduous. Autumn, autumn, on the threshold! Autumn workers - pie! For our patience - a treat for everyone! We ate the pie and wanted more! The song “Autumn has come” is performed 1. After summer, Autumn has come, autumn. We'll ask her about different colors, we'll ask her. The falling leaves are spinning in the sky, These are leaves flying from the trees. It’s a pity to say goodbye to summer, Birds fly away into the distance. Chorus: Autumn, autumn, one, two, three, Give us colors. Rainbow-arc colors Bright, colorful. Autumn, autumn one, two, three, Give us colors. So that we can color the leaves and mushrooms in the forest. Autumn, autumn, one, two, three, Give us colors. So that we can color the leaves and mushrooms in the forest. 2. Rain, rain is pouring from the sky more often, more often. We will open the umbrella as soon as possible, umbrella. The clouds are crying, the clouds are drip-drip-drip. Moms and dads have sad faces. The children's faces are sad from the slushy autumn season. Chorus: La-la-la-la... 3. After summer came Autumn, autumn. We'll ask her about different colors, we'll ask her. The falling leaves are spinning in the sky, leaves are flying from the trees. It’s a pity to say goodbye to summer, Birds fly away into the distance. Birds fly away into the distance Birds fly away into the distance Presenter. And it's time for us! This concludes our holiday! Goodbye!

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