Carols for children for Christmas 2022: funny, cool, modern, Russian folk

When is Christmas? From January 6 to 7, turmoil begins, especially in villages. Christmas is coming this night, which means it's time to carol. How many of you know how to do this correctly? First, I’ll try to explain who the bell ringer and the bell bearer are. The bell ringer goes first and with his bells notifies all the people around him that the carols are beginning. It's time to meet the carolers. The fur bear is chosen from among the tough guys. He will have to carry bags of gifts, and this is work. Anything can fall into this bag: buns, cookies, candies, gingerbreads, pancakes, honey and even money.

The carolers carry not only a bag, but also a star. It must be done in advance. The carolers, in bright outfits, follow the bell ringer and begin to sing Christmas songs and carols. They approach the house, knock and always ask the owner for permission to sing carols. If the owners give the go-ahead, they begin to sprinkle the room with grain and sing carols, and if not, they leave. With the help of this ritual, all good things are attracted to people's homes. Praise carols help to take generous gifts from the owner.

Read also : scenes for Christmas.

What songs and rhymes are suitable for Christmas carols? The most different ones that you will like the most.

Short carols for children at Christmas

It is a pity that the tradition of caroling has been practically forgotten in many regions of Russia. We open our doors to strangers less and less, and we bake pies and gingerbreads from time to time. Carols are fun, friendship, a lot of positive emotions and good memories of the holiday. And this is also a reason to spend the day with friends, to make peace with those with whom you are in a quarrel. This is a reason to wish everyone in the world happiness, kindness, mutual understanding, and good mood.

Most carols do not have an author; many quatrains are passed down from generation to generation. If you manage to come up with something similar, share it in the comments with a large circle of readers of the “Top, Top, Boot” site.

Merry Christmas to you, people! May you have peace and harmony, So that you do not know grief And remain in wealth!

*** An angel descended from heaven to us, And said Jesus was born. We came to glorify him and congratulate you on the holiday.


This is how it has happened in this world For many years in a row On such a magical, good evening Angels are flying from heaven to us They bring goodness, hope, Blessings to every home I congratulate everyone on the new year and a blessed Christmas!


Our bell rings, It says to good people, We came to sing carols, Merry Christmas to you.


We learned the text of the carol, And we went to visit the guests, We will say “No” to troubles together, We will sing “Yes” to happiness cordially.

We sow, we blow, we spread, Merry Christmas! Glorify Christ, give us treats!


Mister, gentlemen Mister, gentlemen, Mister's wife, open the doors and give us a gift! Pie, roll or something else!


Kolyada, Kolyada Open the gates, Take out the chests, Give us the snouts. Even a ruble, Even a nickel, Let's not leave home like that! Give us some candy, or maybe a coin. Don't regret anything. It's Christmas Eve!


On the eve of Christmas there is caroling. Whoever doesn't give pie will lose his chicken. And whoever gives a pie will receive a ton of grain. A stallion with a tail, and a KamAZ with coal.


Kolyada, Kolyada Kolyada, Kolyada, The next day of Christmas! Whoever serves the pie will have a belly yard. Whoever does not give the pie, To him the gray mare May the grave be torn apart!

The little sparrow flies, twirls his tail, And you, people, know, Cover the tables, Receive guests, Celebrate Christmas!


Auntie-hostess, Give us a sweet cake. There is a carol on the eve of Christmas. Auntie-hostess, Pack it without haste, And add delicious nuts to the bag. If you don’t serve us Easter cake, there will be shame, there will be disgrace.


Kolyada, Kolyada, Whoever doesn’t give a pie, We take the cow by the horns, Whoever doesn’t give a crumpet, We give him a bump on the forehead, Whoever doesn’t give a penny, We’ll cut his neck on the side.


Triumph, rejoice, good people with me, And with delight put on the robe of holy joy. Now God has appeared in the world - God of gods and King of kings. Not in a crown, not in purple This Heavenly Priest. He was not born in chambers and not in cleaned houses. No gold was visible there, Where He lay in swaddling clothes. Inconceivable He fit into a cramped manger, like a poor man. Why was He born? Why is it so poor? In order to deliver us from the devil’s snares, to magnify and glorify us with our love, we will forever glorify God for such a day of celebration! Let me congratulate you on Christmas Day! We wish you many summers, many, many, many years.

Kolyada, Kolyada, Houses open, And windows, chests, Wallets and hampers. Kolyada, Kolyada, We don’t care about the cold, They hand out candy to us, Here and there, here and there.


The carol has arrived on Christmas Eve, Give me the cow, Butterhead. And God bless the one who is in this house. Rye is thick for him, Rye is tight. He gets an octopus from an ear, a loaf of grain, a pie from half grain. The Lord would endow you with life, existence, and wealth. And create for you, Lord, even better than that!


Kolyada came from a fairy tale, We took skates, a sled, We took a big bag, Children's laughter and a walking path. Accept congratulations, get a treat.


We bring joy to every home, We celebrate in the morning, We wish you health, For many years to come. We will sow happiness and prosperity in your house, Do you want us to dance for you, For ten chocolates?

We’ll go into any house, we’ll sing carols there together, whether it’s summer or winter, happiness awaits you for years to come. All sadness goes away, On this night, on this night.


Kolyada is fun! Give us a pie, Give us a pot of sour cream. A piece of white bread. Kolyada is cheerful, If you don’t serve me the pie, I’ll be offended, my friend, I’ll take it as an enemy.


Kolyada has come to your home, Happiness and joy will be in it! Do you want money and health? Surround us with love. Put some sweets in a bag and live in joy for 100 years. Give me some pies on the way, Under the loud ringing of bells.


Today is a day of general fun, Accept, people, congratulations, In Russian and Ukrainian, Short and long, In a modern way, And also ancient ones. We will say congratulations to everyone, and for this we are waiting for cookies, buns, sweets, phones and tablets.

Christmas carols are coming, Children are singing merry songs, You treat us sweeter, We will sing and dance, Invite us once a year. We won't refuse you.


In one hand there is a star, in the other hand there is a candle. Kolyada, like a carol, accept congratulations, get a treat. Throw the piglets into the bag, Invite more, my friend!


Give us sweets, Give us joy to the girls, Give us a loaf of bread, Your life will be like paradise, You can have a chicken with a crest, You can have Petya with a scallop. We came with a big bag to wish you a Merry Christmas.


Adults and children, Open the doors, Turn off the networks, You are not on the Internet. Open your wallets, hand out rubles, open the kitchen cabinet, we are waiting for bagels from you.


My people are having fun, Kolyadka is coming to visit us. With songs and dances, With bright blushes. Give the children some sweets, you will be warmed with happiness, some gingerbread, treat the messengers. If you don’t open the door today, we will be offended, believe me, We will send you sadness and loss. And a decline in your career.


I help my mother. I carol until the morning. Have pity baby, give me some candy!

Joy without boundaries has arrived, Let's celebrate in the morning! We wish you health, Lord, for many years to come! We sow, we sow in your house, we are waiting for a cup of treats!


It’s not in vain that we are knocking on your door, Kolyada has arrived, friends! Open the doors wider. Receive the good news. I simply have too many poems and songs to count. We are waiting for treats from you, in this bright good hour.

On the eve of Christmas, a carol is running towards us, the oven is already heating up, the holiday is rushing towards us. Don't break the pie, serve it quickly. Two, three, We've been standing for a long time. Give everyone a treat today. Justify the congratulations.


We will congratulate you, We are going to sing carols, Read short poems, Well, try to refuse. Scooters, sleighs, We will ride ourselves, From yard to yard, Kolyada is fun! Get out the candy, We sing couplets, Receive the kids, Hand out treats.


As Christ's Nativity Rolled under the window, Nikanorov's yard On seven pillars. The pillars are turned, gilded. Our carol is neither small nor large. He sews under the window and serves pies. Here in the master's house


I'm caroling, caroling, I'll go into any hut. I'll ask the hostess for some sweets. And cookies, and sweets, And sherbet with nuts, And halva, and chocolate, Pastille and marmalade, Delicious cake, Sweet ice cream We ourselves will eat And treat each other And the hostess, and the hostess A kind word to remember!

The most famous carol is Carol Of The Bells, which has Ukrainian roots. This song is a ritual song and is sung on the great holiday of Christmas.

Below is the finished composition by Nikolai Leontovich.

Shchedrik, Shchedrik, Shchedrovochka, A swallow has flown in. She began to chirp to herself and call the owner: “Come out, come out, owner, Look at the shed - The sheep lambed there, And the lambs were born. Your goods are all good, You will have more than a penny, Even if it’s not money, it’s chaff.” Your wife has black eyebrows. Shchedrik, Shchedrik, Shchedrovochka, A swallow has flown in.

Other tunes can be performed by a group from your city or village.

On a starry night Christ was born. He was laid in a simple manger. An angel descended from heaven into the field, He announced the news to the shepherds: “Rejoice, everyone - Christ has been born. He was laid in a simple manger.” Glory, glory, glory to God in the highest! Goodwill to all people! The angelic choir sang a song, proclaimed peace on earth.

The night is quiet, the night is holy, People are sleeping, the distance is clear; Only in the stable the light is on; There the holy couple does not sleep, The Child slumbers in the manger.

The Child is dozing in the manger. The night is quiet, the night is holy, the heights are illuminated, a bright angel from heaven brings the news to the shepherds: “Christ has been born to you!” Christ was born to you!”

The night is quiet, the night is holy, A star is burning in the sky; The shepherds have been on the road for a long time, They are in a hurry to come to Bethlehem: There they will see Christ. They will see Christ there.

The night is quiet, the night is holy, All hearts await happiness. God, let me come to Christ and find bright joy in him. Glory forever, Christ! Glory forever, Christ!

Merry carol Kolyada, carol... And the woman has a beard. And my grandfather grew a tail. The scoundrel is running around in the garden.

Kolyada, Kolyada... It doesn’t matter to us. God will give you full health. The bins will be full.

Kolyada, Kolyada... We dance all the years. And on all fours we boldly climb the steps.

Kolyada, Kolyada... It's nothing like cold. I'm healthy, I'll go in the cold, swim in the pond.

Kolyada, Kolyada... Have fun, people, always! After all, it’s not fitting for us to be sad, Enjoying the little things in life.

Kolyada, Kolyada... There is a candle and food on the table. The cute Christmas tree is shining. The Lord blesses everyone.

I’ll go into any house and there I’ll sing carols! There will be day and there will be night, All sorrows will go away! Happiness to everyone, health to you, We are waiting for a hundred grams of candy!

We sing carols, we sing carols, we alternate songs and dances! And squat down, and around, Treat me to a pie!

Well, good hostess, quickly give us some sweets! We bring happiness and joy into the house, We are still waiting for pies! There will be day and there will be food, Kolyada will not forget you!

Let us congratulate you in verse, friends, I came to you to sing carols! Women make pies, piping hot, out of the oven! And sweets to boot, for good luck, for good luck!

Give us coins, Give the children some candy, We don’t bring harm to people. We cannot be denied!

Koleda - moleda, White beard, Nose - a bowl, Head - a basket, Hands - sabers, Legs - rakes, Come on New Year's Eve, Call honorable people!

Open the doors wider and hand out candy! There's a carol on the doorstep, come running here, everyone! We wish you good health, and we'll take away the sweets!

Joy and happiness come to the house, After the New Year's nights, Christmas is coming, The kids go caroling! He reads short poems. He congratulates everyone from the bottom of his heart! Waiting for cookies and sweets, Greetings from your family!

A star is shining in the sky, Kolyada comes to the house! Children go home, Prepare a hundred grams of sweets! If you don’t pamper your children, you’ll definitely feel sad these days!

So that there is in the bins, So that there is happiness in the homes. Get out your treats, May luck be with you! We are the messengers of the holy day, We wish you loving peace!

Kolyada comes to visit, throw away all your affairs! There will be joy, there will be a feast. There will be peace in every home!

So that the rye is thick, so that the butter does not melt, so that there is money, so that the guys are well-fed! You need to treat us, We came to carol!

I’m called a fur-bearer, and I’m not afraid of frost! I’m coming to your light, And I’m carrying a big bag!

Mother winter has come. Open the gates! Christmas time has come! The carols have arrived! Kolyada-molyada!

Kolyada, Kolyada! Give us a pie, Or a loaf of bread, Or half a ruble of money, Or a chicken with a crest, A cockerel with a comb!

They sowed everything, scattered it everywhere, and covered you with well-fed grain! They came to you to sing carols. Happiness. A joy to offer! And in return we want sweets, so that we too have a lot of joy!

Kolyada comes - it's a fairy tale Happiness, snow, skates, sleds! Lights on the Christmas tree and children's laughter! And general joy for everyone! And now for our congratulations, we are entitled to sweets and cookies!

An angel descended from heaven to you and said: “Christ was born!” We came to glorify Christ and congratulate you on the holiday.

Music and notes of carols with accompaniment

You can sing carols to the backing track with your children in advance to practice a little and remember the lyrics.

The carols to the accordion will sound loudly and cheerfully! If among your friends there is an accordion player, feel free to take him to the holiday. Sheet music can teach you any song, short or long.

Preparing for the holiday of Kolyada

And finally, I would like to talk about the proper preparation that our ancestors necessarily adhered to before the ritual day. And they started it in advance and did it very diligently.

  • it was necessary to prepare many different dishes, especially meat, so a boar was slaughtered;
  • performed a thorough cleaning of the house;
  • steamed your body in a bathhouse;
  • stocked up on new outfits before the holiday.

If you are interested in the text of the carol, then I recommend watching the following video:

Christmas carols: texts and pictures

When preparing for the Nativity of Christ, it is important to have little cheat sheets on hand in case you forget the words. We invite you to print out the tunes. To do this, we publish not only a package of carols, but also pictures. They are convenient to print out and hide in your pocket.

Good evening to you, Tender host, Rejoice, rejoice, earth, the Son of God has been born into the world. We are coming to you, master, with good news. Rejoice, rejoice, earth, the Son of God has been born into the world. With good news from the holy city. Rejoice, rejoice, earth, the Son of God has been born into the world.

At the hour of the Great Kolyada We will bake pies, At the hour of the Great Kolyada, And as a family we will go to family, We will bring joy to people.

Let us sing the praises of Christ, Let the soul sing in the body, Let goodness come with goodness, Let us bring bright happiness.

Our savior and creator, the smith of the miracle of light, we glorify you, always be with us.

At this hour we wish that you have everything, patience and peace, that everyone appreciates life.


Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing! Sons and daughters have come to you! You meet the carolers, greet us with a smile!


Today an Angel came down to us and sang: “Christ is born!” We came to glorify Christ and congratulate you on the holiday!

Here we go, shepherds, All our sins have been forgiven, We bring you good news, We won’t leave without gifts!


Carols, carols, carols, pancakes are good with honey, but not so good without honey, give me some pies, aunt (or uncle)!


Kolyada - molyada Entered a new gate! And behind it the frost grew through the tyn! He brought cold, So that grandfather Arkhip became young! The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand! The frost doesn't tell us to stand, It's time for us to carol.

Tyapu-lyapu, Hurry up and give me a carol! My legs are chilly, I’ll run home. Whoever gives is the prince, Whoever doesn’t give is in the dirt!


Kalidim, Kalidim I am alone with my dad, Dad sent me so that I could get bread. But I don’t want bread, give me sausage. If you don’t give me sausage, I’ll destroy the whole house.


Kolyadin, Kolyadin, I’m alone with my mother, A knee-deep casing, Give me some pie, uncle! Open the chest, give me a penny! What is in the oven - swords in the bag!


Here comes mother - winter has come, open the gates! Christmas time has arrived! The carols have arrived!

How many aspens, So many pigs for you; How many Christmas trees, So many cows; How many candles, So many sheep. Happiness to you, Master and hostess, Great health, Happy New Year, With all your family! Kolyada, Kolyada!


Good evening, generous evening, good health to good people. A falcon flew in, sat on the window, and cut the cloth. And the leftovers are for hats for the owners, And scraps and for belts, Hello, happy holiday!


A carol came on the eve of Christmas. Whoever gives a pie will have a barn full of cattle, a barn with oats, a stallion with a tail. If you give us gifts, we will praise you, and if you don’t give us gifts, we will reproach you! Kolyada, Kolyada! Serve the pie!

A star is shining in the sky, At the hour of holy Christmas Kolyada came, went around all the houses, knocked on doors and windows, walked laughing and playing... And behind the noisy Kolyada, carolers came in a crowd... Everyone rejoiced and laughed, singing a loud song: “Kolyada was born, the day before Christmas..."


Kolyada, Kolyada! Open the gate! Give me some pie, a piece of bread, a pot of sour cream! If you don’t serve pies, we let in bedbugs, mustachioed cockroaches and striped animals! Kolyada, Kolyada! Give us a pie, Or a loaf of bread, Or half a ruble of money, Or a chicken with a crest, A cockerel with a comb!

The fact that the cold is not a problem, Kolyada is knocking on the door. Christmas is coming to our home, bringing a lot of joy. For many years the burning star announces the birth. And the Universe glorifies our Christ for a reason. Behold, the Lord lights up a star in the sky while running fast. He hastens to congratulate you on your triumph at this good hour. On this day he became the Father of the World and gave the Son with a crown. So that the spirit of earthly people becomes richer and kinder. You rather open the door and let the Spirit come home from heaven. May the fire of love burn, Merry Christmas, peace be yours!


I sing carols for the one who will give me a ruble of everything, and it’s not difficult for me to dance for a tenner in my hand. If there is a son in the house, Give me some cheese, hostess, Since you have a daughter in the house, I’ll ask for a barrel of honey. If there are any more goodies, I’ll put them in my pocket. Well, mistress/host, don’t be shy! Treat me quickly!

I sing carols, I sing carols, I can smell the smells. Don’t forget to pour it for me, and then give me a snack! I congratulate you on the carol and wish the owners that there will be prosperity in the house and that everything will be smooth in the family!


We sing carols, we sing carols From family to family we roam We will tell you rhymes, You give us pies Well, it would be better if we had coins, We ourselves will buy candy, And also a handful of nuts, And we will take a thimble of wine!


Open the stranger and give me a ducats. And I sing carols without looking back. I can stay up all night and scream songs. Think how sweetly you can sleep without a carol!

The magical night is coming, the holy night is coming, bringing bright joy, illuminating souls. Open the gates to the coming Carol, on the eve of Christmas, bringing you happiness. So that your home is full of goodness and blessings, It is good that you live in it without worries and burdens. A carol sings from the centuries today, So that the star of the Lord's Grace may shine upon you.


Kolyada-Molyada Came up young. We found a carol in Ivan's yard! Hey, Uncle Ivan, take the good stuff out into the yard! Like the frost on the street Freezes your nose, Orders you not to stand for long, Orders you to serve it soon, Or a warm pie, Or a coin with a spear, Or a silver ruble!

Christmas carol A carol comes to us on Christmas Eve. The carol asks and asks for at least a piece of the pie. Whoever gives a pie to a carol will do his best! The cattle will be healthy, the barn will be full of cows. Whoever grabs his piece will be alone all year. He will not find luck, happiness, The year will be lost in bad weather. Don’t feel sorry for the pie, otherwise you’ll create a debt!

History of caroling

Carols were usually sung not in the house, but right under the windows. Young girls asked permission to enter and then sang “grapes,” widespread in the North. Here carolers were presented not with pies or sweets, but with ritual cookies in the shape of animals and birds. Such shortcakes were made from long-lasting dough; they were valuable and expensive for every family, because they were stored throughout the year so that household utensils would not get lost on the way home and multiply. Such cookies were made before, but with images of symbols that were addressed to the gods (the sign of the Family or the Sun).

The ritual of caroling was carried out throughout the week, starting on December 25 (Christmas according to the Julian calendar). The main attributes of such a procession were:

1. Star. They made it from strong paper - large, about an arshin in size (about 0.7 meters) - and lit it with a candle. The star was eight-pointed, painted in bright colors.

2. Nativity scene. It was made from a box with two tiers, which contained wooden figures depicting the story of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Under the windows, carolers sang short prayer chants, and only one of the group, with the permission of the owner, could enter the house and receive treats and small money.

Kolyada is a holiday during which in large villages of Russia 5-10 groups with a star could visit one yard, and the owners tried to generously gift each of them.

Christmas script for children with games

The New Year has passed, however, the holidays do not end there. Christmas Eve and a lot of other fabulous magic are ahead. January 7 is not as popular in our country as December 31. At the same time, no one has canceled caroling and getting together with the whole family for the Christmas meal. A Christmas script for children with games will help you organize a real holiday. An excellent option for family gatherings and matinees in various institutions.

The program will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. No one will be bored. Participants will demonstrate intellectual, creative and physical abilities. They will have a lot of fun and will remember the Christmas evening for a long time. And to better preserve your memories, don’t forget about video shooting.

The script is short. However, this is enough for the guys to have a lot of pleasant impressions. Moreover, they still have to carol.

Props and scenery:

Required: decorated Christmas tree, bells and garlands. Other decorative elements are optional.

For the “Christmas Quiz”:

  • snowflake-shaped tokens;
  • symbolic prize.

For the “Christmas Gift” competition:

  • lots and lots of packaging;
  • small present.

For the competition “Funny Crabs”:

  • plastic snowflakes.

For the “Christmas Star” competition:

  • 16 star rays.

Preliminary preparation:

In addition to preparing the details for competitions, it is necessary to select musical accompaniment for them.


  • presenter.

Presenter : Soon, Christmas is coming, I wish I could just hurry. There will be a celebration in the house, the Christmas tree will sparkle! They will prepare us outfits for the wonderful holiday. We will all be very happy about the Heavenly Triumph. This day is cheerful and bright. Laughter and songs! A whole cartload. Good Grandfather Frost will bring gifts for the children!

Then the host greets all the guests and moves on to two table games.

Christmas Quiz

Presenter : Guys, do you like Christmas? Do you know everything about him? Let's check. For each correct answer, the presenter gives a snowflake. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.


  1. What date is Christmas in Russia? (Jan. 7)
  2. And in the USA? (December 25)
  3. We have Santa Claus in the USA? (Santa Claus)
  4. Why are Christmas bells needed? (to scare away evil spirits and cleanse negative energy)
  5. Christmas Eve - what is it? (Christmas Eve)
  6. Traditional Christmas dish in Russia. (Christmas goose)
  7. How do you thank carolers? (various treats)
  8. According to Russian customs, what kind of shirt was worn at Christmas? (new)
  9. How many reindeer does Santa Claus have? (9 deer)
  10. What treats do they leave for Santa in America? (cookies and glass of milk)
  11. Christmas tree. (Christmas tree)
  12. How do you decorate the top of the Christmas tree? (star)
  13. What about the branches? (Christmas decorations)
  14. What is the name of a string of glowing light bulbs? (garland)
  15. And if there was no garland, what did you decorate the Christmas tree with? (wax candles)
  16. Ancient New Year's dance. (round dance)
  17. Which small tree gets cold in winter? (small Christmas tree)
  18. Who ran past the Christmas tree at a trot? (angry gray wolf)
  19. Who sings songs to the Christmas tree? (blizzard)
  20. In which country was the first time the Christmas tree was decorated? (Germany)

a Christmas gift

Presenter: This is where the table games end. Don't go anywhere. Did you know that the idea of ​​exchanging gifts came to us from ancient times. Where exactly the tradition originated is unknown. However, the creation of gift wrapping is attributed to the Italians and French. I also tried to wrap a gift here. Whoever unpacks it first takes the prize.

A small object is used as a present. You can use any Christmas-themed souvenir. The prize is wrapped in several layers of wrapping paper.

To the music, the gift is passed clockwise from hand to hand. Whoever the music stops on tries to unwrap the prize. But a short pause of silence and very packaging prevents you from getting to the treasured souvenir.

The game continues until someone gets to the gift, having dealt with numerous layers of gift paper.

Funny crabs

Presenter: Well, it’s time to get active. Who wants to take part in the competition? Those interested are divided into two teams. Opposite each one there are snowflakes on the floor. Participants in each group are divided into pairs. The partners stand with their backs to each other, joining their hands with their elbows bent. Feet are shoulder-width apart. Each pair takes turns moving sideways, like a crab, up to the snowflakes. He takes one and returns to the group. The fastest team wins.

Christmas star

Presenter: Do you know about such a Christmas tradition as making a wish on the first star? Exactly at midnight, in the first minutes of January 7, you need to go outside and look at the sky. Then catch your eye on the star and think about what you want.

Let's change traditions a little now and make a wish right now. And we’ll make the star ourselves. The presenter invites two teams of 8 people each. Each person is given a beam from an 8-pointed star. The participants’ task is to take turns running to a certain place and putting down the beam, then return to the group line. In this way the star will be assembled. The team that finishes it faster wins.

Next, the presenter offers to look at the star of the winning team and make a wish.

Presenter: Dear friends, I wish that all your plans come true. So that you always know what you want and never stop believing in miracles. Listen to your parents and your heart. Stay as good, cheerful and happy! Merry Christmas!

What is the meaning of the Kolyada holiday?

Kolyada (in some versions “Kalada”) is an ancient Slavic holiday, later renamed Christmas and Christmastide. The latter last from January 7 to 19 (until Epiphany).

Since ancient times, various mystical rituals have been performed on Kolyada Day. As for those traditions that have survived to this day, the following can be named:

  • you are supposed to dress in various robes made from the skins and horns of cattle, use special masks;
  • caroling, performing ritual carol songs;
  • they express their gratitude to the mummers by giving them sweets, food, coins and other items;
  • young people playing games;
  • Single girls are telling fortunes about their betrothed.

It should be noted that the holiday of Kolyada was the most important holiday for the Slavs during the winter season. Just like today Christians greatly honor the Nativity of Jesus.

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