Tales about winter - 2 skits for children for the New Year 2022

Zimushka - Winter! Russian soul! She blew snow and brought happiness.

With these lines of praise I would like to begin a dedication to a real beauty - the Russian winter. Without her, there would be no magical New Year, fun snowball fights, fun sledding and skiing. In honor of the Snow Queen, allow me to present my own fairy tales about winter - 2 scenes for children. You can read them to the children at night, act out a family play based on them, or include the stories in a big New Year's performance.

  1. The first fairy tale tells about the magic that happens on New Year's Eve. Anything happens in the winter forest, you can meet the Snow Maiden or a talking Snowman. Or it may happen that you will find a Golden Cone - a talisman for the fulfillment of your cherished desires.
  2. In the second tale you will meet Zimushka Winter herself. It turns out she's moping around in her ice house and thinking that people don't like her at all. Only close friends will be able to explain to the snow maiden that she is the most important in the endless cycle of seasons.

Read fairy tales, put on plays, let the kids fall in love with the Russian Winter, just as their grandfathers and great-grandfathers loved it!

Winter's Tale "Golden Cone"

A girl with a large backpack walks across the stage to a cheerful New Year's melody. She hums the song “New Year is coming to us!” from the series New Year's songs. The audience was inspired, they applauded the beautiful song and the cute girl named Varvara.

Behind the scenes there is a loud voice from the guys: Varenka, Varvara, don’t lag behind. You'll get lost again!

Teacher's voice : Class, line up! Our New Year's hike through the winter forest has ended. You will be home soon, but where is Varvara Polyakova?

Varya responds: I’m coming, I’m coming!

The girl hurried and stumbled, almost fell: Oh, the bishop’s stumps, what is it? I almost plowed open a snowdrift with my nose. And in the snow, something sparkled with pure gold (digging). Wow, what a beautiful lump, it sparkles like gold. I’ll take a forest gift with me, let it light up with lights on my Christmas tree. Thank you, Grandfather Frost!

The girl Varvara put the unusual cone in her backpack, bowed to the forest and ran to the guys. Behind the scenes is the sound of a bus and friendly children singing “Christmas tree, Christmas tree, forest scent...”.

A change of scenery. Varya is at home, everything is scattered in the room, the Christmas tree is not decorated. The girl reluctantly takes things apart.

Varya : Oh, the hedgehog is in my side, how can I cope with the cleaning? I would lie on the sofa right now and eat eclairs, I would gobble up the whole box (licks his lips dreamily).

The girl sits down, rakes out her backpack, and finds a gold cone. He strokes her and admires her.

Varya : My little bump, golden, unseen beauty. If you only knew how much I want hot tea and a big box of delicious eclairs.

The golden cone in the girl’s hands lights up, the light goes out. To the sound of a magical melody, an elegant Christmas tree, a table with a teapot and your favorite cakes appear on the stage.

Varenka : That's how it is! It turns out that my bump is not simple, but magical, and it fulfilled my wish. Thank you so much!

The little girl tries the cake and dances with joy to the New Year's song from the cartoon “Once upon a time there was a princess.”

Varya is happy, she chews eclairs and thinks out loud: Boil, boil, pot, to make another wish? Let mom and dad be at home for the holidays, not in a hurry and not talking on the phone. And they’ll just be together at the big festive table.

To the sound of a magical melody, your wish comes true. The parents are at a loss; they are at home.

Mom : Varenka, can you imagine, they let me go on vacation for a whole week (hugs the girl).

Dad : It's a strange coincidence, and I was sent on vacation. They said, for excellent service, you, comrade captain, will receive 10 days of well-deserved leave.

The girl is happy, she hugs her parents, kisses the bump, whispers to her “Thank you!” and hides it in his pocket.

Mom sets the table: Well, since this is the case, the family is assembled! I want to invite an old friend and her daughter to visit us. Varenka, I’ve been wanting to introduce you to Eva for a long time, she’s so smart, a future ballerina.

Varvara nods happily. Mom calls on the phone, a few minutes later guests appear on the doorstep - mother’s friend and daughter.

Mom kisses her friend: Welcome, my dears! Come on in! Here is my beloved daughter Varvara. And this is Eva, meet girls.

The girls hug and smile.

Eva’s mother tells her friend: Can you imagine, we have been preparing for the competition for so long. At the New Year's ball, Eva was supposed to perform the role of the Snow Maiden. And what do you think, we are not tall enough. Just a few centimeters were not enough for Eva to get the main role.

The mothers are upset, and Varvara takes the girl aside and whispers: Don’t be upset! I have a magic cone that makes any wish come true.

Eva : It doesn’t happen, it’s fantasy! It’s just that when you really, really want something, it will definitely come true.

Varvara proudly: Don’t believe me? I'll show you now!

He takes a pine cone out of his pocket and whispers a wish to her. The bump flashes with light, and a minute later Eva’s mother’s phone rings. She receives the good news that the aspiring ballerina was finally hired for the main role, because she is very talented and dances the Snow Maiden better than anyone else.

Eva rejoices, she does not believe her happiness, hugs her friend.

The owner of the cone immediately became proud: I told you so, but you didn’t believe it! Now I, like Santa Claus, will make any wishes come true. Here look!

Varya takes a cone out of her pocket, but it goes out right in her hands.

Varvara is upset: What are these, Christmas tree sticks? My bump went out, probably Santa Claus was offended by me.

The girl is worried, but at this time the doorbell rings. She runs to open it, and the real Santa Claus stands on the threshold and hands Varvara a large box.

The girl is delighted, calling her parents: Mom, Dad, look, Grandfather Frost has come!

The girl turns away for a moment, and the New Year's guest disappears. Varya immediately opens the gift, and there are skis and sports equipment.

Varvara : But no one, no one knew that I had long dreamed of skiing. Mom, Dad, I want to be a famous athlete.

Mom : Look, there is a note in the box - For your kind heart! Happy New Year, Grandfather Frost!

The parents are whispering, they didn’t give their daughter a gift, maybe grandma tried?

And only Varvara knew: It was the real Grandfather Frost!

The audience is delighted, they stand up and applaud the beautiful New Year's tale.

New Year's fairy tales for dramatization

What is the most magical place in the apartment during the New Year holidays? Perhaps the holiday envelops the entire space around it in a fabulous atmosphere. But the most important miracles, of course, happen at the New Year's tree. This is where the baby finds gifts from Santa Claus, here among the green needles there are funny toys that you can look at, touch with your finger and make up fairy tales about them. You can also write a fairy tale about the Christmas tree itself! Tell your child that the Christmas tree grew in a real forest. Magpies and titmice were jumping on its branches. The woodpecker knocked on the trunk with its strong beak, taking out bugs from under the bark. And the red squirrel was collecting pine cones from the branches. And now the forest animals gave their Christmas tree to the baby so that a real holiday could come at his home. By the way, while the child is very young, you can tell him that after the holidays the Christmas tree returns back to the forest. This will make it easier for him to part with the New Year’s tree.

And since this place is so magical, gifts for a child can appear here not only on New Year’s Eve! Let's give your baby real magic so that every morning he will run to the Christmas tree with bated breath. Let's come up with some kind of ritual. Maybe every evening you will leave something under the tree for a mouse (or a bunny, a hedgehog, a gnome, a forest fairy), and in the morning you will find different surprises in this place? Question one: what to leave? Maybe it will be some kind of craft made by the baby? Drawing, applique, plasticine figurine, snowflake? Why does a mouse, hedgehog or gnome need all this? Of course, to decorate your forest Christmas tree! This way, the child will be doubly pleased to make something with his own hands, and the gifts will be well deserved.

What will the baby find under the Christmas tree? “Forest” gifts: nuts, candied berries, fruits, honey... And not only that. Maybe tickets to a circus or puppet theater for a New Year's performance? Or all sorts of pleasant little things: a bottle of soap bubbles, pencils, holiday stickers, a CD with New Year's songs or cartoons that you can immediately listen to or watch with your mother, a New Year's book, coloring book or puzzle... All this will create a unique holiday mood.

And then a little lover of surprises may even find an invitation from the forest inhabitants to admire the forest Christmas tree, on the branches of which are hung... What do you think? Well, of course, the same crafts that the kid made with such diligence throughout the New Year holidays. Just imagine how surprised the baby will be! This will be a surprise, such a surprise! It’s not difficult to prepare it: we carefully collect all the leftover crafts, attach strings and ribbons to them, and secretly from the baby we decorate a small Christmas tree in the neighboring park. And only then we’ll go there for a walk...

You can come up with some special fairy. For example, a fairy from a cracker. One of the firecrackers that went off near the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve turned out to be a little good fairy. And now she lives somewhere in the branches of a Christmas tree and makes surprises for the baby. And along with gifts, the fairy can leave notes with tasks. Tasks can be creative, developmental, educational, educational - in a word, anything. The main thing is not to overdo it and turn a pleasant and joyful ritual into a boring “obligation”. If you want to add a learning element to the game, let the tasks from the “fairy” be pleasant and New Year’s. Maybe count all the red balls on the Christmas tree or find two identical toys. Or maybe make a bird feeder or build a snowman on a walk.

You can tell your child that your Christmas tree is not simple, but magical. And every morning some gift appears on its branches. But finding him is not so easy. And now every morning in your family will begin with an exciting search for a surprise on spruce branches. It’s especially great if this surprise concerns not only the baby, but the whole family! For a child, this is not only fun. This is training in attention and observation, and participation in a sweet ritual that will unite the whole family and fill your life with the joy of play and creativity. You can even organize a competition: who will be the first to find a gift on the Christmas tree?

And every evening, let the Christmas tree light up not because mom or dad plugged the garland into the socket. Let the colored lights flash at the baby’s command: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, light up!” Mom will certainly find a way to quietly turn on the garland to surprise the baby. Or maybe the Christmas tree will need to be told a New Year's rhyme or sung a song in order for it to light up?

Making up toy stories

Miracles on New Year's Day can happen not only to people, but also to toys. Having settled comfortably under the blanket in the evening, tell your baby a fairy tale about how his toys decided to celebrate the New Year. Every kid, of course, realizes that toys only pretend to be toys. And every night, when children and adults fall asleep, they come to life. Dolls drink tea from doll dishes and dance, fluffy puppies and kittens play fun games, and cars have real races. And then, shortly before the New Year, the baby’s favorite toy also suggested celebrating the New Year: “Just look how the kids are having fun at the New Year’s tree! Why don’t we have some fun too?” Then you can come up with this story together with the baby: how everything happened, what games the toys played, what they treated themselves to, etc. Maybe they quietly broke off one branch from the large decorated Christmas tree and made a Christmas tree out of it for themselves? What did they decorate it with? Maybe the dolls took off their jewelry, the dog took off the medal from its collar, the bear took off the bow from its neck?

Invite your child to help with toys. In the evening, together with your child, place a Christmas tree for toys in the nursery (secure a spruce branch in a children's bucket of sand or bottle). What will the child see the next morning? Firstly, the Christmas tree can be decorated with the same bows and medals. Secondly, around the Christmas tree there are obvious consequences of a fun holiday: abandoned dishes, candy wrappers, scattered confetti and streamers. And the toys themselves lie and sit in completely different places from where the baby left them yesterday. What a surprise! Did the toys really celebrate the New Year? Such a simple staging will give the child an impetus to come up with new stories for games. He might want to play “toy holiday.” Moreover, he already has all the attributes for this.

You can arrange another small “miracle” with toys. Since they sometimes come to life, it means they can also receive gifts from Santa Claus! Come up with a small “gift” for your baby’s favorite toys. For example, for dolls - beads (simple inexpensive jewelry), give a dog a collar or a chocolate medal, a kitten - a toy mouse, a car - a glass sticker, etc. And then the next morning, January 1 (or Christmas night), it suddenly turns out that it’s not just the baby who’s expecting gifts under the tree. Even toys received them! It will be interesting for the child to consider what kind of gifts Santa Claus gave the toys. And you can invite the little one to also be a little Santa Claus and make his own gifts for the toys. For example, draw their favorite treats.

Forest tales during a winter walk

The most unprecedented miracles always lurk on forest paths. It’s not for nothing that in many fairy tales the heroes end up in the forest, finding there either a gingerbread house or an apple tree with juicy apples. Any walk with a baby in the forest or park can turn into a fairy tale if we show a little imagination. Well, for example, imagine this picture: you and your baby are walking along a forest path and suddenly... What is there? A candy lies in the snow, and then another and another... A whole path of candy, as if someone was showing us the way. We are surprised: “Oh, look, one of the forest inhabitants wants to show you something!” You can name any specific “forest dweller” depending on the “preferences” of the baby. Some people will like a gnome, others will want to receive a gift from a bunny, hedgehog or fawn. We turn onto the candy path and go deeper into the forest, collecting these magical candies along the way. Further on, the path is no longer so clearly visible, candies are rarely found, here and there, and the baby needs to try to find the candy trail. That's right: in fairy tales, everything is not easy for the heroes; they need to work hard, show resourcefulness and ingenuity. You can come up with other signs: paper arrows on trees, footprints in the snow, and for older children - all kinds of notes and maps. The longer your search lasts, the more desirable the end result.

What kind of surprise will await the baby? There are many options. Maybe a small Christmas tree with treats on the branches? Or a gift buried in the snow? Tell your child the story that Father Frost and Snow Maiden sometimes decorate such Christmas trees for forest dwellers. Squirrels, bunnies and hedgehogs come to the Christmas tree, pick treats from the branches and take them home to their kids. Sometimes the children manage to find these wonderful Christmas trees. But this only happens to the kindest kids. And to show Frost that the baby is really worthy of such a fabulous gift, invite your son or daughter to do something useful for the forest inhabitants. For example, you can make a large “cake” out of snow for birds and squirrels and decorate it with seeds, pieces of bread, cereal, and nuts (bring all this from home first). Animals will love this treat!

It would be nice to team up with other mothers and arrange such a fairy tale for several kids at once. This will make it easier for you to organize everything, and it will be more fun for the children to participate in adventures together. Then you can remember and share your impressions.

Or maybe the surprise will be hidden in a hollow tree? By the way, imagine: you are walking with your baby in the park, carefully looking at everything around you. Here are bird tracks in the snow, there is an old stump, here is a small Christmas tree... And suddenly you notice a small hollow in the tree trunk below. Tell your child something like this: “When I was little, I had the same tree near my house. This is exactly the same! And it also had a similar hollow. And every time I went for a walk, I looked into the hollow and found a surprise there. It was the sparrow who brought me gifts in his beak and hid it in the hollow because I fed him bread crumbs all winter. Maybe this hollow is not simple either. Look how unusual it is! Let's see if there's a surprise there?" This is so interesting and exciting for the baby! He puts his hand into the hollow and finds there... Come up with something that will delight your baby. It is clear that it is necessary to find a suitable hollow and hide the surprise there in advance. This can become a real ritual: every time you go to the park for a walk, look into the magical hollow and check if there is anything interesting there.

Snow mail: fly, fly, snowflake...

Tell your child one winter fairy tale by R. Baumwohl. It's called "Winter Hello". One day the little bunny decided to send winter greetings to the gopher. He took the most beautiful snowflake, put it on his paw, blew on it and said: “Roll, snowflake, straight to the gopher with winter greetings from me!” A snowflake rolled, and more and more snowflakes stuck to it along the way. By the time it reached the gopher, it became a white fluffy lump. The gopher played with the lump, and then pushed it and said: “Roll, little lump, straight to the squirrel, give her winter greetings from me!” The squirrel also received a greeting, played with the snowball, and then ran up and pushed it: “Roll, lump, straight to the clubfooted bear, say winter greetings from me!” By the time the lump reached the bear, it turned into a whole snowy mountain. And the bear slept in his den, and when he came out, it was already warm. The bear sniffed the air, licked the snow, and a droplet glittered on his nose. She is the melted snowflake that the hare sent to the gopher in winter.

And then play this fairy tale with your baby. For example, you can say hello to everyone you want in the same way. This is especially good to do while walking during snowfall. Let the child catch several snowflakes on his mitten, examine them, choose the most beautiful one, blow on it and convey New Year’s greetings to everyone he wants. Maybe grandma or grandpa? Or dad? Or to any of your little friends? Imagine together how a snowflake, caught by the breeze, will fly over the snowy expanses and land right on the palm of the one for whom it is intended. And then invite your child to leave greetings in the form of snowballs to different birds and animals. Under a tree - for a magpie, by a stump - for a squirrel, on a bench - for a titmouse, near the entrance - for a neighbor's puppy...

Do you remember the fairy tale by V. Suteev “The Snowman-Postman”? In it, the guys made a snowman and sent him into the forest with a letter to Santa Claus. They asked Santa Claus to send them a Christmas tree as a gift. Read this fairy tale with your child (or watch a cartoon), and then invite your child to also send a letter to Santa Claus in a similar way. What will be in this letter? Maybe “ordering” gifts. Or just a drawing for memory. After all, Santa Claus tries for the children every year. Why not give him a return gift? Or maybe you want to say hello to the forest dwellers and draw their portraits. But first you have to work hard - fashion a snowman. Surely, the baby will really like this idea. When the snow postman is ready, leave your message in his hand. And during your next walk, visit him and check if the snowman completed your task. And if the baby finds an answer from Santa Claus in the hand of the snowy postman, his joy will know no bounds! If your little one likes the game, turn it into a kind of walking ritual. True, it may happen that your snowman will be broken by the older guys. But it doesn't matter. It is very easy to "fix". This also often happens in fairy tales, but it’s enough to roll up new balls, make a carrot nose - and the snowman is as good as new!

Here's another interesting snowy idea. Buy a set of small plastic animals. Place each figure in a plastic container (such as a yogurt container), fill to the top with water and freeze in the freezer. Before your walk, immerse the boxes in hot water for a second, take out the ice cubes with the figures inside and take them with you outside. Unbeknownst to the child, place the figures on the branches of the Christmas tree in the yard, and then draw the child’s attention to the unusual pieces of ice. The kid will come closer and see that these are not just pieces of ice, there are animals frozen in them. Tell your little one a story about how kind Grandfather Frost quarreled with an evil blizzard. The blizzard didn’t like the fact that both kids and forest animals received gifts from Santa Claus on New Year’s Day. And the blizzard decided to freeze everyone. But no matter how hard she tried to freeze the children, nothing worked. The guys are wearing fur coats, hats, and warm mittens, and they’re also running around outside all the time: either sliding down the hill or making snowmen. Then the blizzard froze the forest animals. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden saw this and were very upset. They want to help the animals, to warm them up, but nothing comes of it: their breath is cold and snowy. What to do? Then the Snow Maiden came up with this: “Come on, Grandfather Frost, let’s take the animals to the children. Good guys. One of them will find our animals and will definitely warm them up!” So they did. They brought the pieces of ice into the yard and left them on the Christmas tree. Invite your child to collect all the pieces of ice in a children's bucket and take them home. In a warm room, the ice will melt, and the baby will receive new toys as a gift, which, of course, will want to stay with him and become his true friends. Surely the little one will make friends with them, because they came to him in such a miraculous way!

Creating a fairy tale is not difficult! You don’t have to be a wizard to do this, but you really need to want to bring joy to your loved ones. After all, even when returning home every time, you can simply tell your child in a conspiratorial whisper: “Do you know who I just met?.. And do you know what he told me for you?” And an atmosphere of mystery has been created, and these gifts from a bunny or mouse will be awaited by the baby with trepidation and joyful impatience. All these examples of New Year's tricks are a small part of what a loving mother can come up with for her baby in order to fill him and her life with real miracles. And each of us is quite capable of writing our own book of fairy tales in order to read and re-read it, plunging into the bright magic, whose name is Childhood...

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