Conversation with children in the preparatory group on the topic: Wildflowers

Conversation with children in the preparatory group on the topic: Wildflowers

Summary of educational activities in the preparatory group for school on the topic: “Wildflowers”
​​Author: Korobkina Alevtina Germanovna, teacher of the preschool educational institution Kindergarten “Smile”, Perm region, urban settlement Suksun. Description: This material can be used by educators, counselors and teachers, as well as parents for environmental education

“WILD FLOWERS, WILD FLOWERS ARE UNpretentious, NOT capricious”
Goal: to show the beauty and significance of wild flowers Objectives: to introduce children to wild flowers to develop interest in wild flowers to develop curiosity, attention, memory to cultivate a caring attitude towards the plant world

In ancient times, wildflowers were the best gifts. The girls wove wreaths, and the good fellows collected bouquets and gave them to the red girls. So in our time, poets and composers give us songs, poems, music about wildflowers, and artists paint pictures. If you have seen a flowering field at least once, you will forever remember this beauty. Like, for example, the authors of the song “Wild Flowers” ​​Kovalev and Pauls

“The sky is overgrown with cornflowers, And daisies made of sun and snow, Wild flowers, wild flowers Unpretentious, not capricious.” Wildflowers that nature itself has collected into bizarre and beautiful bouquets.

Sweet simplicity and, at the same time, sophistication and tenderness. Natural and unique and inimitable beauty. This is probably what causes admiration among true connoisseurs of beauty. But many of them, in addition to being beautiful, also have interesting facts and legends, and most importantly, have medicinal properties.


This is interesting. There are a great variety of daisies. Roman, German, Dalmatian, Caucasian, Persian and even “golden” chamomile from the American prairies. There are 350 species of this plant in total, most of which live in Russia. The birthplace of chamomile is America. The name comes from the Latin “romana” - “Roman”. But among the people, the name “Roman”, “Romanov Tsvet”, and then “Chamomile” first stuck. Daisies are similar in shape to umbrellas. There is a legend that in ancient times they were umbrellas for small steppe gnomes. It will begin to rain in the steppe, the gnome will cover himself with chamomile. The rain knocks on the chamomile umbrella, flows off it in streams, and the gnome remains completely dry. And daisies look like surprised eyes. If you go out into the meadow on a dry, windy day and listen carefully, you can hear a quiet rustle - this is the rustle of white chamomile eyelashes. The surprised eyes of the chamomile look at the sky for seven whole months - from April to September, trying to understand the movement of clouds, stars and planets. They look and look, they get tired, and then they begin to blink their white eyelashes. It seems that bend over to a flower and it will tell you its deepest secrets. Benefits, application Chamomile is an ideal plant for decorating a flower garden with wildflowers. Since ancient times, healers have used it for various purposes. Hair washed in chamomile decoction acquires a golden hue, becomes healthy and shiny. For medicinal purposes, chamomile flower baskets are used. Flowers are plucked or cut from the plant. In order not to make a mistake and collect the inflorescences of chamomile, the flower is cut and examined what it looks like inside. In medicinal chamomile, the inflorescence under the tubular yellow flowers is hollow, whereas in all other species it is filled with tissue. An aqueous infusion of the herb is taken orally for colds, flu, muscle pain, cough, and as an external remedy in the form of poultices for skin diseases. As a cosmetic product, chamomile is included in lotions and shampoos. MEADOW CLOVER

This is interesting Clover cannot exist without bumblebees. There is a legend about how a certain deity was angry with clover and forbade bees to pollinate it. Clover would have had a bad time if it weren't for the brave bumblebees. The bumblebees were not afraid of the threats and still flew to the clover for nectar, and at the same time pollinated it. The bees felt offended, and they risked breaking the ban. But the deity was stubborn, and the efforts of the bees led to nothing. The clover visited by bees did not produce seeds. Now we know why this happened. The first clover flowers have very deep calyxes, and the bees do not have a long enough proboscis. The second ones are smaller, bees visit them and even pollinate them. But the latter do not have time to produce seeds. Bumblebees have long proboscis. These insects perfectly serve the first flowers of clover. Thus, without bumblebees, clover will not produce seeds. Benefits, application Red clover, meadow clover, or “kashka” is the beauty of Russian meadows. And a very useful culture. Like other legumes, clover improves soil. When clover is plowed into the ground, the soil is enriched with nitrogen. In addition, clover roots penetrate deep into the soil, facilitating its water supply. All types of clover are honey plants and produce one of the best varieties of honey. The medicinal raw material is the herb, which is harvested during the flowering period. Medicines made from clover are used in the treatment of many serious diseases - bronchitis, bronchial asthma and shortness of breath, for chronic cough, for baths for rickets in children. Fresh crushed leaves help stop bleeding, heal wounds, and are used for burns and pain. Fresh juice of the plant helps well in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ears and eyes. CORNFLOWER

This is interesting The name “cornflower” comes from a Greek word. According to one version, it was given in honor of the famous mythological centaur Chiron, who knew the healing properties of herbs, including cornflowers. According to another version, the Latin name of cornflower CENTAUREA is translated as “one hundred yellow flowers.” Although we are accustomed to blue cornflowers, they also come in white, yellow, blue, pink, and purple. In Russia, cornflowers are called commotion grass, ringing grass, bean grass, hair grass, and blue flower. Benefits, uses Cornflower is a medicinal plant. In folk medicine, a decoction of cornflower flowers is used (sometimes mixed with other medicinal plants) for various eye diseases and even simply to relieve fatigue. Cornflower decoction lotions are used for skin diseases. Decoctions and infusions are used internally with caution, since blue cornflower flowers are slightly poisonous. Cornflower is a wonderful honey plant. Its honey is greenish-yellow in color, with a pleasant almond smell and bitter taste. Cornflowers are one of the most beautiful plants that decorate flower beds throughout the warm season. BELL

This is interesting The name “bell” comes from the Latin word campana - bell, shaped like the corolla of a flower. Since ancient times, people have loved this flower and in different localities they gave it affectionate names: birdseeds, chebotki, bells, chenilles. According to popular belief, they call only once a year - on the magical night before Ivan Kupala. Benefits, application Lush and long-lasting flowering of the bell is often used in the summer decoration of cities and gardens. They are used as flowers for bouquets and as indoor plants. A bell with large flowers will decorate any lawn. Some bluebells are planted in borders. A border (translated from French as “edging”) is a narrow strip of low plants. Borders are used to decorate flower beds, paths, terraces, ponds, and buildings. On the balcony, in a large flat container, you can place a small garden of bells. This can be a tiny composition of bells of different heights with unequal flower colors. In folk medicine, decoctions of the roots and herbs of this plant are used to treat headaches and throats. COLTSFOOT

This is interesting. The Latin name of the plant means “expels coughs.” Coltsfoot blooms in early spring, and leaves appear after the inflorescences die. Common names: kachuzhnaya grass, podbel, butterbur, burdock, rannik, flowering grass. In field cultivation, the plant is considered a harmful weed, which is very difficult to control due to its rapid growth. Seeds ripened in May-June can germinate immediately. After 3 hours they peck, and after 8 hours they germinate! Benefits, application Coltsfoot is an old medicinal plant, known since time immemorial. Even ancient Greek doctors successfully used the flowers and leaves of the plant to treat many diseases. Coltsfoot is great for treating severe coughs. The juice of fresh leaves is useful as a vitamin remedy in the spring, it helps with a runny nose. The decoction improves appetite, and the pulp from the leaves treats calluses and wounds. By applying the leaves to the gums, painful swelling after tooth extraction is cured. For headaches, fresh leaves are applied to the head with the smooth side. This plant is also used to prepare creams and lotions for particularly sensitive skin. It is added to anti-wrinkle treatments. Coltsfoot has a beneficial effect on hair, slowing down the process of hair loss, and is used in shampoos and hair conditioners. Young leaves are used as food, like spinach, in boiled form. For future use, they are marinated and eaten with yogurt. Dried leaves are added to tea mixtures. The roots of coltsfoot are also edible. POPPY

This is interesting Poppy is one of the most ancient plants. Its seeds were found in the remains of the dwellings of primitive man. The most beautiful is the oriental poppy, and the most common is the soporific poppy. Bright poppy flowers have attracted people since ancient times. However, this plant was valued not only for its beauty, but also for its medicinal properties. It is known that already in Ancient Egypt, poppies were grown on special plantations and a “sleeping potion” was prepared from it, which was used as a pain reliever. But the Egyptians, and later the Greeks and Romans, noticed that in too large doses the medicine did not bring benefit, but harm. In Ancient Greece, this flower was dedicated to the god of sleep HYPNOSIS and the god of dreams Morpheus, who were depicted with a bouquet or wreath of poppy heads. Morpheus put people to sleep by touching them with a poppy flower. Around the dwelling of this god there were thickets of blooming poppies, in which dreams sent to people rest. At the same time, people noticed that the poppy grows well: there are about 30,000 small seeds in the boxes. And the poppy began to represent fertility. Therefore, they began to decorate the temple of Hera, the patroness of the family, with poppy flowers. In Ancient Rome, the poppy was an attribute of the goddess of agriculture, Ceres, as it grew among the grain fields. People continued to believe in the healing power of poppy into the Middle Ages. King Charlemagne ordered that this plant be sown in every peasant garden. Many rituals are associated with poppy among the Slavic peoples. People compared these flowers to the dawn and believed that poppy seeds could protect against evil spirits. To this day, a wedding ritual has been preserved in Belarus - distributing porridge made from millet and poppy seeds and bringing happiness. In Ukraine, this flower is considered a symbol of beauty and youth. In Russia, poppy flowers have never been given a special meaning, nor have they been used in any rituals or games. But at the same time, the magnificent golden domes of churches have been called poppies in Rus' since ancient times for their resemblance to the round, tight boxes that crown the stem after flowering. In many proverbs and sayings, a poppy box is compared to a human head. Thus, they wished for a born baby as much intelligence as there are poppy seeds in a box: “The head is like a poppy, and in it there is as much intelligence as is needed.” Benefits, application Delicate annual poppy looks wonderful in those corners of the garden that you want to give more naturalness and ease. After flowering ends, in place of the luxurious flower there remains a dry box in which thousands of tiny seeds are waiting in the wings. Their value lies not only in their future magnificent flowers, but also in their amazing medicinal properties, which have been used since ancient times to prepare sedatives and sleeping pills. In addition, poppy seeds are widely used in cooking as fillings for pies and rolls. The seeds have a pleasant taste and smell. FORGET ME NOT

This is interesting. Although the forget-me-not is small, it has been valued for a long time. In many countries, holidays were held in her honor. In Germany, on “Forget-Me-Not Day,” schoolchildren studied part-time to go into the forest, sing songs, play, and then return home with a bouquet of forget-me-nots. In England, the day of the “May Queen” was celebrated, who was proclaimed the most beautiful girl. In the villages, a maypole was planted under the windows of such a beauty and the girl was declared the “Queen of May.” And the next spring they gave her a wreath and a bouquet of forget-me-nots so that she would remember the year of her “reign.” FORGET-MENT IS A SYMBOL OF CONSTANCE AND LOYALTY among many peoples. It’s not for nothing that the flower is called forget-me-not: “don’t forget”, “be faithful”, “remember”. This is the name of the flower among the Germans, the French, and the British. In France, forget-me-nots were given as souvenirs and kept for many years. In Holland, cough syrup was prepared from forget-me-not juice. And the ancient blacksmiths tempered combat blades in its juice, which were not inferior in strength to any other steel, and at the same time were light and flexible. Benefits, application Forget-me-not has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. An infusion of forget-me-not grass and other types of forget-me-nots is used for lung diseases. A strong decoction is used for baths for skin diseases. Forget-me-nots are indispensable for decorating flower beds and balconies in early spring. Swamp forget-me-not can grow strongly and take root in the moist soil of shallow water. Alpine forget-me-not is planted in flower beds, where different varieties bloom throughout the season. Forget-me-nots in combination with tulips and daffodils are the most common spring flower gardens in many European countries. The plant looks good in borders, in a flower bed, in a pot or balcony box. Their delicate flowers look most beautiful when there are many of them. Forget-me-nots are also used for bouquets; in this case, individual flowers are not cut, but the entire bush is dug up. For such a bouquet you just need to wash the roots from the ground. Placed in water, in a beautiful ceramic (or other opaque) vase, a forget-me-not bush will decorate your home for almost two weeks. Thank you for your attention and be healthy!

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Synopsis of educational and research activities “Wild and garden flowers”

Quiet music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers". The children and the teacher sit on the carpet and look at pictures of flowers.

IN 1. Guys, tell me, what names of flowers do you know?

D. Chamomiles, roses, bells, cornflowers, etc.

IN 1. What do you think the flowers are for?

D. They can be used to decorate a house, a street, or as a gift...

IN 1. Well done! How much do you know! Do you want to play a riddle game?

D: yes

IN 1. We will pass the ball to each other in an arc to the music, sitting in a circle, and whoever the music stops on will guess the riddle! (they are playing, another teacher comes in and sits in a circle with the children)


There is a little curl in the garden - a white shirt, a golden heart. What it is? (Chamomile)

Rye is earing in the field. There, in the rye, you will find a flower. bright blue and fluffy, It’s just a pity that it’s not fragrant. (Cornflower)

I am capricious and tender, I am needed for any holiday. I can be white, yellow, red, But I always remain beautiful! (Rose)

White peas on a green stem. (Lily of the valley)

I turn white as a fluffy ball in a clean field, and the breeze blows - a stalk remains. (Dandelion)

This blue flower reminds you and me of the sky - pure, pure, and the radiant sun (Forget-me-not)

Q2: Hello guys! What an interesting game you have! Are you talking about flowers today?

D. yes!

AT 2. And you know, today I came early on purpose to plant flowers for seedlings! I even dressed differently! Maybe you can help me today!

D. yes! Let's help!

AT 2. Do you remember that there are garden and wildflowers?

D. remember!

AT 2. Let's play then!

You have roses and daisies glued to your clothes! Today we will be a team of roses and a team of daisies! Roses come to me, and daisies to T.V.

There are many pictures with flowers laid out on the table, the Daisies team will collect wildflowers in a basket, and the Rosettes team will collect garden flowers! Let's say together: One, two, three - start the game!

At the end of the game they check whether they collected correctly!

IN 1. Let’s turn you and me into flowers! (Children take flowers attached to satin ribbons from the tray!)

Now the music will start playing, you and I will blow on the ribbons, turn into flowers and dance! And when the music stops, we’ll gather a circle based on colors!

After the game, children put flowers on a tray!

V2: Oh guys! What happened to the flowers in this clearing?! Come here quickly!

D. the parts of the flower are mixed up!

AT 2. Can you return them to their place?


AT 2. Then let's divide into two teams again - daisies and roses! We'll take turns taking a piece of the flower and gluing it in place! 1,2,3 – collect a flower!

(as you go, ask the children which part of the flower is in his hands)

AT 2. What friendly guys you are, you cope with difficulties so deftly!

Let's sit in the clearing! (children sit on a special rug in the form of a clearing, the teacher takes out 4 pictures depicting water, air, soil and the sun)

Guys, you were so great at collecting plant parts, but do you know what plants can’t live without?

D. without water and soil, because the roots receive nutrition from water from the ground, without the sun and air they will not be able to grow!

IN 1. what a great fellow you are!

You know, guys, when I was little, my mother, grandmother and I always planted flowers in a flowerbed in the village. It was so beautiful, I always looked forward to seeing them grow, and then we admired the flower beds with the whole family! Where could you and I plant flowers?

D. to the site!

AT 2. Exactly! We're playing with you, we need to plant flowers!

Oh guys! What do flowers grow from?

D. from seeds!

IN 1. and here they are seeds!

Shows seeds on plates. Look how different they are, for example what are these?

D. are small, round, while others are elongated, large.

AT 2. you are very attentive. Today I was going to plant large elongated seeds, they will grow into flowers like these (shows a picture) - marigolds! Do you know why they were called that? They have very soft petals, like velvet, and they also bloom with bright flowers and really decorate flower beds! Shall we plant these flowers?


AT 2. look what we need. We will have cups with soil, seeds, and watering cans with water on the table.

If you plant a seed in dry soil. Will it grow?

D. no, we need to water it!

AT 2. clever guys! I will water just a little so that the seed does not rot in the ground. Now I’ll make a small hole with my finger, because if you plant a seed very deep, it won’t have enough light and air! I put a seed in the hole and bury it! All clear? Then let's try to plant marigolds all together! The team of roses comes up to me, and the daisies to T.V.

Teachers plant flowers with children. They will determine where it is better to put it. (on the windowsill)

AT 2.

It’s so great that you helped me plant so many flowers today; without your help I wouldn’t have planted so many! Did you like it? Can you tell me how to plant flowers at home? And when they grow up, you and I will plant them on the plot and decorate the flower beds!

IN 1. We must not forget that the flowers have to be taken care of, we will keep an eye on them, water them on time and only then we will replant them! Who remembers what flowers we planted?

D. marigolds!

AT 2. and for the fact that you have worked so well, we will reward you with “Young Gardener” medals

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