A series of notes on non-traditional classes in the preparatory group

Every year in the summer we begin to be bombarded with questions: “is it necessary to take a child to kindergarten for socialization, or can we get by with educational toys?”, “how to choose educational educational toys for a child if there is Montessori, and with English, and with a swimming pool?”, “it is a must.” Should I take my child to educational activities, or can I calmly sit at home before school?” Let's figure it out.

Educational games for children

Oh, what a pity that there are no developmental games for adults! Many uncles and aunts would be happy to sing songs according to a schedule, tumble in the pool and draw suns and houses to hang on the common wall. Since publications appeared in the media with stories about the discoveries of psychologists and neurophysiologists in the field of child development, the idea of ​​​​developing children through special efforts has been implemented in special institutions - children's centers and clubs. As a rule, classes in such institutions are called “developmental classes.” Their difference from a kindergarten lies in the optional presence of routine moments: sleep, lunch and dinner, etc.

How to organize distance learning with preschoolers in an interesting way: nine new ideas

How to organize distance learning with preschoolers in an interesting way:

nine new ideas

During the period of self-isolation, many teachers have already tried online classes with preschoolers. There were ideas that did not justify themselves and caused criticism from parents and psychologists. We have collected nine ideas for distance learning with preschoolers, for which parents will thank your teachers.

Conduct distance classes taking into account a comprehensive thematic plan and significant events of the month. This will make it easier for parents to reinforce a new topic with their child after watching the video lesson. Both children and parents should be prepared for distance learning. What day of the week to choose for this, see the memo for teachers. Select tasks that parents can complete with their child and even combine with household chores. The main task of an adult is to create conditions for learning, to interest the preschooler with new knowledge and a live meeting with the teacher.

Idea 1.

Video instruction.

Lifehack on how to teach a child to fold clothes!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GCqjA5EeFw

The first problem that many parents faced during self-isolation was the mess in the child’s room. If in kindergarten children are accustomed to folding their things themselves before going to bed, then at home, when there is no teacher nearby, preschoolers have forgotten about this rule. Record a video instruction for them on how to fold clothes. Remind your students that they also need to keep order at home. To check how children perform this task, ask parents to photograph the process itself and the result - the child’s folded things. Parents can play this kind of video instruction for their child every day.

Idea 2.

Morning exercises live with a teacher or with your favorite characters via video call. Agree in advance at what time you will exercise with your children. If not all families can connect to the charger live, record a video and send them a link or link to the audio charger with the Clown PLUH.

Use movements and music familiar to children. The main thing is to recreate at home the routine that preschoolers are accustomed to in kindergarten. Children will be able to demonstrate to their parents how they can perform the exercises and control how mom or dad performs them. Such joint exercise will give all family members a charge of positive emotions for the whole day.

Idea 3.

Game “How to help Kuza?”

Another problem for parents these days is that the child interferes with household chores. Offer to organize a game with your child “How can I help Kuza?” Record a video message from the perspective of a familiar toy character that you use in group classes. For example, on behalf of the brownie Kuzi.


In your message, tell him that Kuza needs help. He forgot his chest in our center. And for him to appear at his home, you need to say the magic words. Kuzya handed the parents an envelope with tasks that the child must complete during the day and learn the magic word. One word for each child (children can be grouped into teams) Assignments include doing homework and any tasks the child can do around the house. Depending on the situation, parents can play this game for 2-3 days. At the end of the final day, parents and their child fold paper sheets with letters into a word, take photographs and send them to the teacher. The next day they receive a video of gratitude from Kuzi.

Such a game will not only help keep your child occupied at home, but will also evoke an emotional response in him and a desire to help the fairy-tale hero. It will develop the child’s creative imagination and imagination, and most importantly, it will help parents in a playful way to create a situation where the task must be completed.

Idea 4.

Culinary master classes

The kitchen has become the most visited room during the self-isolation period in many families. Moreover, parents here not only cook food, but also have to work while their children watch cartoons and play computer games in their rooms. But when children get tired of these activities, they move to the kitchen. Most often, parents shoo them back into the room so they don't accidentally spill something hot on themselves. However, educational problems can also be solved here.

Organize an online culinary master class for children and parents and offer to prepare, for example, fun scrambled eggs that the child can decorate with herbs himself. Or offer to take part in a sandwich competition. To do this, ask parents in advance to study interesting facts about sandwiches with their child.

During the competition, while mom is preparing the ingredients, conduct a quick quiz for preschoolers: what is the main component for a sandwich; what a traditional sandwich is made from; How is the word “sandwich” translated from German? what is the difference between a simple sandwich and a complex one? how to eat a sandwich to make it tastier (Matroskin’s cat rule). Then ask parents to take pictures of the finished sandwiches and send them to the general chat for voting.

Idea 5.

Didactic game “Guess what’s missing?”

Distance learning requires that an adult be present with the child. However, not all tasks require parents to sit with their child in front of the computer. It is necessary to provide preschoolers with the opportunity to demonstrate independence. Record a video of the didactic game “Guess what’s missing?” In class, children love to play this game, so the rules are familiar to them.

Take several large items so they can be easily seen. For example, scissors, a ruler, a book, a doll, a soft toy, a comb. Keep foreign objects out of the child's field of vision. Remind the rules of the game: look carefully at the objects on the table, remember them. Close and then open your eyes and guess what is missing. The parents' task is to make sure that the child does not open his eyes.

This game can be played offline, that is, recorded. In this case, it is important to pronounce the correct answer so that the child can check himself. Write down several such games with different subjects, including on different lexical topics. For example, hairdressing and stationery, vegetables, fruits. The game will develop children's memory, attention, observation, and grammatical structure of speech.

Idea 6.

Graphic dictation

Offer older preschoolers the task of completing a graphic dictation. The parents' task is to prepare the workplace so that the child is comfortable and ensure silence in the room. The task will require concentration and attentiveness from the child.

Take a notebook sheet in a square, since you will draw strictly according to the cells. It can be any figure, but not very large: a house, a tank, a dog, a fish, a robot. Calculate the time so that the child has time to complete the graphic dictation to the end during the lesson. The duration of the lesson is no more than 10–15 minutes.

Explain to your child that now you will draw with him in the cells, but do not tell him what kind of figure. To get a drawing, the child must listen carefully to which direction to draw the lines and how many cells to the right and left, count up and down. Then you begin to clearly pronounce the direction of movement of your hand and at the same time draw a picture on your sheet, the child on his. At the end of the lesson, you show the child your drawing on the screen, and the child checks to see if he did it right. This activity develops attention, listening skills, logic, spatial imagination, and also prepares the hand for writing. Recommend it to parents of pre-schoolers.

Idea 7.

Remote master class “Doing useful things”

One of the options for distance learning with children and parents is a master class, when the teacher shows how to make a craft with a child or draw a picture using an unconventional technique. Since the beginning of the self-isolation regime, there have been many such master classes, but teachers did not take into account what not everyone has at home, for example, colored napkins or wax crayons. The product of joint activity also raised questions among parents: what to do with it later. Therefore, it is better to conduct master classes and do things with children and parents that they will later use.

Idea 8.

Bragging Day

Each thematic week in kindergarten ends with a final event. Invite parents to hold a “Bragging Day” with their children in the form of a report and post their children’s achievements for the week in the chat. Children will brag about what they did: what pictures they drew, what sandwiches they made with their mother, what songs and poems they learned, how they helped their younger brother or sister, what tasks the teacher completed.

Parents can write down each child’s achievement on colored pieces of paper and collect them in a folder or pin them on a board, take photographs of children’s work, and record a video. Such collection of information will not only add to the portfolio of preschoolers, but will also make every day in self-isolation memorable.

Idea 9.

An audio tale from your favorite teacher or hero.

Self-isolation has shown that in many families there is no tradition of family reading; parents do not know how to interest their child in books. Some didn't even have children's books at home.

To organize a lesson on the perception of fiction with your children, record yourself reading a fairy tale and send parents a link to the video. Make a series of notes and each time announce the next fairy tale so that the children are waiting for it. In this case, it is better to use video rather than live broadcast. This way, parents will be able to play the recording for their child before bedtime, when he has already calmed down and is ready to listen.


for the teacher

15 recommendations on how to organize distance learning with children

  1. Plan activities with your children based on their age and the kindergarten activity plan. This way you can stick to the main topics that you should have covered with the children in the group.
  2. Discuss in advance with your parents what time you will conduct classes.
  3. Conduct classes on the days when children are most productive: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  4. Conduct classes at the same time so as not to disrupt your daily routine.
  5. Conduct no more than 1 class per day and no more than 3 classes per week.
  6. Make sure that classes last no more than 10 minutes for children five years old and no more than 15 minutes for children six years old, 20-25 minutes for preschoolers and 30-40 minutes for schoolchildren.
  7. Provide classes in two formats: offline - when parents and their child watch a ready-made video recording of the lesson, online - when parents, their child and the teacher communicate live.
  8. Think over your lesson plan in advance to maintain its pace and not drag it out over time.
  9. Prepare the necessary materials in advance so as not to waste time during the live broadcast and avoid distractions.
  10. Make sure that there are no unnecessary objects on the screen that could distract children from the lesson.
  11. Divide educational video lessons into stages.
  12. Speak loudly, clearly, and take your time when communicating with children and parents live or recording video. Use more intonation in your speech than in normal conversation.
  13. Greet children and parents at the beginning of the lesson and announce the next lesson at the end.
  14. Repeat instructions so parents and children understand what the task is.
  15. Be sure to praise the children for completing the task.

Educational activities and games for children from 2 to 11 years old

Go to classes

Just think: the whole point of educational activities for children is to help parents organize fun and useful leisure time for their child. Yes, you can attract parents with various slogans and meanings: “after three it’s too late,” “we need to raise a harmonious child,” and others. But the truth of life is that no matter what we do with children, any activity develops them. Especially if there are elements of novelty in this activity. Teachers really know how to take care of this.

What is customary to do in children's centers and clubs? Educational games, in contrast to entertaining ones, help the child gain new experience, learn to solve new life problems, and teach them to build communication around a gaming problem situation. In children's centers and clubs, children engage in activities that they cannot do at home or on playgrounds, because there are not many parents with minimal pedagogical training. Let's get acquainted with the games that “developers” can offer you.

Exciting online tasks for children 2-11 years old are waiting for you!

Go to classes

Don’t know what to do to keep your child occupied at home to benefit his development? The Ikyushi team of teachers has prepared a lesson plan on the key 10 areas of development, which you can use for the development and learning of your child.

Download printouts, do offline exercises and practice with IQ.

Plans will help structure and diversify activities at home, provide an alternative to cartoons and videos, and following these plans will certainly contribute to the harmonious development of the child. Keeping your child occupied so you can do household chores and devote time to yourself has become easier with our ready-made ideas!

Please share your feedback and suggestions for what to add to the lesson plan in the comments, share it with your friends and, of course, leave your ideas for at-home games and exercises for fun learning for other readers!

Educational games for children 2-3 years old

First of all, we note role-playing games. This can be either classic mother-daughters or interaction with a doll that comes to children’s classes and gives them interesting tasks.

Games for both fine and gross motor skills are important. Sorting objects, climbing, throwing a ball, jumping over low obstacles, not just in the company of an adult, but also together with other kids, coordinating efforts, taking turns, showing patience and demonstrating mutual assistance, is very useful for two-year-old children. Two- and three-year-old children are able to cut out simple shapes (strips, pieces) with children's scissors, sculpt from plasticine, draw “scrawls” and name them thematically.

A complex of play gymnastics for preschoolers for every day

Elena Semenova

A complex of play gymnastics for preschoolers for every day

We go to kindergarten, study, play

We all walk briskly to gymnastics in the morning


Monday to kindergarten

Bunnies galloped up (light jumps on two legs in place)

The boys and girls loved them dearly (we gently hug ourselves by the shoulders)

Everyone was invited to dance together and put their legs out

Squatted to the right (squat, turn to the right,

Squatted to the left (squat, turn left,

And then we circled boldly (we spin in place around ourselves).


Visit us on Tuesday

A long-legged stork flew in (waves his arms up and down).

He walked deftly and boldly through the swamp,

I got fish and frogs (walking in place, raising my knees high,

Bent low, straightened straight (bending, forward,

Looking into the distance at the edge of the swamp (we look into the distance, putting our hand up as a “visor”)

The stork flew home (waves his arms up and down).


On Wednesday the elephant came to us,

A kind elephant, he sends his bow to the guys (bends forward, hands together “trunk”,

He taught us to gently stomp our feet (walking in place,

And stand on tiptoes (we rise on our tiptoes).

We play hide and seek

We close our eyes.

One two three four five!

We are going to look for the elephant.


And on Thursday a red-haired cheat came to us, (walking in place like a fox)

The cunning little fox walked softly and wagged its tail. Covered my tracks.

We sat, stood, hid (deep squats,

The mouse was waiting at the hole (crouched down).

Jumped softly, caught (jumping in place)

What a huntress! (Spread your arms to the sides, inhale, bend, exhale.)


The clumsy bear came on Friday (waddling in place,

He found a fragrant honey in the forest (squats with the body turned to the right, left, imitate, push apart the branches of the bushes)

On a tall tree with prickly needles (looking up and down).

In the hollow of the bees we will ask for honey (imitation of climbing a tree).

It’s autumn outside (inhale, bend forward, exhale).

Soon the bear will go to bed (we slowly squat,

He will suck his paw (head to the right, hands under the cheek, head to the left).

The bees gave us a full deck of honey (clap our hands, jump on the spot).


We invited you on Saturday (waves hands towards you)

Fast squirrels for lunch (torso turns to the right, left with a squat). Cooked delicious porridge (circular movements with both hands,

We rolled cutlets (circular movements with palms, lying one on top of the other).

The squirrels came to visit (jumping in place,

They looked at the tables (they open their eyes wide and close their eyes tightly,

They ran back into the forest (running in place)

They are looking for nuts (tapping their fists one against the other).


Sunday is a day off

Mom and dad and I are going for a walk (walking in place).

We look to the right (turn the body to the right,

We look to the left (turn the body to the left).

Here is the fence, and behind the fence (hands in front of you)

Here is an illuminated puppy, jumping and barking, he is playing with us! (jumping).

A gray cat sat on the window, getting ready to visit, washing her face with her paw (we imitate washing a cat, And the cow mooed: “Moo-moo-moo!” (the body is tilted forward, the hands are “horns” to the head, And the horse is gray on its side, jumping with its hoof -skok-skok (imitation, you sit down with me, my friend, I’ll give you a spin in a circle” (hands forward, hold the “bridle”, imitate a horse, gallop in a circle).

Perform developmental exercises from Ikyusha



The world


English language

Didactic games for two-year-old children include familiarization with color, basic counting skills, familiarization with animals and plants, and geometric shapes.

Games for speech development for 2-3 year olds are aimed at expanding vocabulary and developing the grammatical structure of speech. Such games help to use words with the correct endings, formulate thoughts, answer questions, and remember synonyms.

Types of activities in kindergarten


1. Classic lesson

According to the old classic form: explanation, completion of the task by children. Results of the lesson.

2. Complex (combined lesson)

Using different types of activities in one lesson: artistic expression, music, visual arts, mathematics, design, manual labor (in different combinations).

3. Thematic lesson

It can be complex, but subordinated to one theme, for example, “Spring”, “What is good”, “our toys”, etc.

4. Final or test lesson

Finding out how children have mastered the program over a certain period of time (six months, quarter, academic year).

5. Excursion

To the library, studio, post office, field, construction site, school, etc.

6. Collective creative work

Collective drawing, collective application: building a street in our city.

7. Occupation-work

Planting onions, cuttings of plants, planting seeds, etc.

8. Activity-game

“Toy store”, “Let’s arrange a room for the doll.” Option: Auction activity - whoever tells the most about the item buys it.

9.Creativity activity

Workshop of an artist, folk craftsmen, storyteller, “Workshop of Good Deeds” (crafts made from waste, natural materials, paper using TRIZ elements).

10. Gathering activity

Based on folklore material, against the backdrop of work, children sing, make riddles, tell fairy tales, and dance in circles.

11. Lesson-fairy tale

The entire lesson is based on the plot of one fairy tale, using music, visual arts, and dramatization.

12. Lesson press conference

Children ask questions to the “astronaut”, “traveler”, “fairy tale hero” and he answers the questions, then the “Journalists” draw and write down what interests them.

13. Landing lesson

Urgent Care. Example. We go from the opposite: during drawing, we ask children about what they can’t do or do poorly. Today we will draw this, those who are good at it will help us. Option: joint activity of children of the older and younger groups (co-creation). The older ones, for example, make the background, the younger ones draw what they can.

14. Commented training session

The whole group of children is given the task of forming the number “7”. One of the children speaks out loud how he makes up a given number, the rest silently do it; if the speaker makes a mistake, a discussion begins. Options: the teacher draws on the board, the children comment on the image, make up a story, or the teacher draws what the children are talking about.

15. Travel activity

The goal is to develop children's monologue speech. One of the children is a “tour guide”, the rest of the children ask questions. Options: travel through fairy tales, native country, city, republic, to the “Land of Cheerful Mathematicians”, according to the “Red Book”.

16. Opening lesson

(problem activity)

The teacher offers the children a problem situation, the children solve it together and make a discovery. Example: “What happens if paper disappears?”, “Why study?” Option: “The investigation is being conducted by experts.”

17. Lesson-experiment

For example, a child is given paper. He does not do everything he wants with him - tears, crumples, wets, etc. Then he draws his own conclusion. Options: with ice, snow, magnet, air.

18. Activities-drawings-essays

The teacher draws, the children make up stories. Children make up stories based on their drawings. Children “write” a letter-drawing about an event in kindergarten.

19. Lesson-competition

Like: “What, where, when?” Competition of dreamers, poems, fairy tales.

Children are divided into teams, issues are discussed together, the captain speaks, and the children complement.

Options: “Neznaykin Bridge”. Various questions are asked, and for the correct answer the team receives a “log” to build a bridge to the opposing team. For an incorrect answer, the “log” sinks to the bottom of the river. The winner is the one who builds the bridge across the river faster, i.e. will give more correct answers.

20. Group classes (competition option)

Children are organized into groups. For example, for 4 seasons. They prepare for the lesson in secret. During the lesson they talk, “defend” their season, draw, and tell invented stories. The winner is the one who makes the most interesting speech defending his season (books, toys, etc.).

21. “Game-school”

School for astronauts (athletes), school for forest dwellers (animals), school for young drivers and pedestrians. They talk about themselves, sing, dance, pantomime, etc.

Educational games for children 4-5 years old

Role-playing games at this age expand in themes and plots. Kids are able to imagine themselves as drivers, salesmen, doctors and act in accordance with the role. Playing role-playing games with peers is much more interesting than with adults at home!

Motor skills games continue to develop the ability to climb, jump, walk backwards, move at different paces, cut, sculpt, design. At the age of 4-5, children are already able to master the rules, so outdoor games according to the rules with a driver, using game rhymes and songs, are added to the classes.

Didactic games continue to introduce 4-5 year old children to color and shape, teach them to master counting objects, perform simple mathematical operations of addition and subtraction one at a time, broaden their horizons and ideas about the world of animals, plants, professions and occupations of humans, and the structure of the Earth.

Games for speech development for 4-5 years old are aimed at improving speech and expanding vocabulary. Preschoolers of this age are able to master complex sentences, reason on given topics, retell stories they have heard and seen, compose a story based on a picture, and even compose simple rhymes.

In addition to educational games for preschoolers, children's centers are happy to engage in theatrical activities, handicrafts, English, and musical activities. As a rule, parents who bring their children to classes at clubs are not disappointed and continue to take their children there for years to come.

Consultation “How to make an activity interesting for a child?”

Victoria Usova

Consultation “How to make an activity interesting for a child?”

This question is asked both by the child’s parents, doing developmental tasks with him at home, and by specialists.

Why is it important?

Interest is an active cognitive focus on an object. An interested child will be happy to study a new subject, remember the necessary information, and actively use the acquired knowledge. Thus, interest stimulates the development of cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking).

Interest is motivation. If a child is interested, he will complete any task, even complex ones.

Interest is directly related to positive emotions. Everything that brings joy to a child stimulates his development.

What can you do to make your child interested?

Present tasks in a playful way. For a preschooler, play is the leading activity that determines his development, but even for older children, the craving for play does not fade. Only the form changes: for kids you can use some kind of fairy-tale plot (or use its motifs, for example “The Adventures of Kolobok”, where completing each task allows the main character to escape from danger. For older children, board games, for example “adventure games”, become interesting: child rolls the dice, takes the required number of steps and receives the corresponding task, after completing which he can receive a certain number of points or a chance to continue the game.The most important thing is that the game makes sense (save Kolobok, score a certain number of points, receive a reward).

Offer new unusual tasks. For example, a child does not remember well. You ask him to memorize objects on the table, pictures, words... The child quickly gets bored with this. But you can memorize anything, anywhere: turn on excerpts from several songs and offer to repeat them, look carefully at the room, let the child go out, change something - will he notice? Encourage him to remember the shopping list when you go to the store. Believe me, there is a lot of information around that you can remember!

Use your favorite toys. Does your child love balls? Build your lesson around this interest: take a few balls, what size, shape, size are they? How many are there? Which one is missing? What's superfluous here? We’ll load the balls into the car and take them to the “clearing.” With a slight movement of the hand, the ball turns into a Kolobok or a turnip? Use your imagination and everything will work out!

Let your child feel the “taste of victory.” Even the most sophisticated toy can lose interest if suddenly something doesn’t work out. Help your child move towards success in small steps, believe in himself, and understand that he can do anything if he tries.

These simple tips will help you make your practice more effective.

In the modern system of preschool education, many changes are taking place every day, the success of which is associated with the implementation of the national project “Education”. For this reason, the relevance of using different types of activities in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is only increasing. But at this stage, every teacher is faced with the difficult task of choosing: classic or non-standard. Many experienced teachers are inclined to believe that what has been accumulated over centuries remains valuable forever. It is impossible to do without solid, systematic, deep knowledge. At the same time, an analysis of the practical activities of the educator indicates the need to use non-standard techniques in the work of the educator.

The upbringing, education and development of a child’s personality are determined by the conditions of his life in kindergarten and family. The main forms of organizing this life in kindergarten are: play and related forms of activity, classes, and subject-based practical activities.

A large part of the life of a kindergarten consists of activities, the purpose of which is for the teacher to transfer knowledge, skills, and abilities to the child. It is usually assumed that this leads to the enrichment of the child’s physical and spiritual culture, contributes to the formation of his independence, the ability for joint coordinated activity, and curiosity.

A lesson is an organized form of learning and a time period of the learning process that can reflect all its structural components (general pedagogical goal, didactic objectives, content, methods and means of teaching).

The main features of the lesson should be highlighted:

• lesson - the basic unit of the didactic cycle and the form of organization of training;

• in terms of time period it takes from 10-15 minutes (in early preschool age) to 30-35 minutes (in older preschool age);

• the lesson can be integrated, that is, devoted to more than one type of cognitive activity (for example: speech development + visual activity);

• the activity can be traditional (classical) and non-traditional.

Classical classes and their classification

It is logical to classify traditional activities on the basis of the selected tasks and the types of activities used to implement them. Taking into account the psychological characteristics of a preschooler, analyzing methodological recommendations for modern programs, it is inappropriate to distinguish as a separate type of classes for learning new material, developing and improving knowledge and skills, since each lesson involves repetition, consolidation and expansion of children’s ideas.

Types of non-traditional activities.

• Competition activities (built on the basis of competition between children): who can name, find, identify, notice, etc. faster.

• KVN classes (involve the division of children into two subgroups and are conducted as a mathematical or literary quiz).

• Theatrical activities (micro-scenes are acted out, bringing educational information to children).

• Role-playing games (the teacher enters into the role-playing game as an equal partner, suggesting the storyline of the game and thus solving learning problems).

• Consultation classes (when a child learns “horizontally”, consulting with another child).

• Mutual teaching activities (a child “consultant” teaches other children design, appliqué, and drawing).

• Auction classes (conducted like the board game “Manager”).

• Doubt activities (search for truth). (Research activities of children such as: melts - does not melt, flies - does not fly, swims - drowns, etc.)

• Formula classes (proposed in the book by Sh. A. Amonashvili “Hello, children!”).

• Travel activities.

• Binary classes (author J. Rodari). (Composing creative stories based on the use of two objects, changing the position of which changes the plot and content of the story.)

• Fantasy activities.

• Lessons-concerts (separate concert numbers that carry educational information).

• Dialogue classes (conducted as a conversation, but the topic is chosen to be relevant and interesting).

• Classes such as “The investigation is conducted by experts” (working with a diagram, a map of a kindergarten group, orientation according to a diagram with a detective storyline).

• Classes like “Field of Miracles” (conducted as a game “Field of Miracles” for reading children).

• “Intellectual Casino” classes (conducted like “Intellectual Casino” or a quiz with answers to the questions: what? where? when?).

In the course of personal development of classes and their application in practice, we conducted a comparative analysis that reveals the main differences between classical and non-standard types of classes. The table shows as an example one of the well-known and frequently used non-traditional systems of raising children - the Montessori system.

Montessori system Traditional training
Emphasis on cognitive and social development Emphasis on social development
The teacher plays a “guiding” role in the lesson process The teacher is a central figure in the lesson process and plays a “controlling” role
The learning environment and method develop self-discipline The teacher primarily provides discipline
Mainly individual approach to teaching Group and individual approach to teaching
Different age groups One age group
Working in groups encourages children to help and teach each other Mostly only the teacher teaches
The child chooses his own activities A ready-made schedule has been created for the child
The child develops his own principles with the help of materials for independent work The teacher leads the child to certain principles
The child works on the chosen project for as long as he sees fit. The child is usually allotted a certain time to work
The child develops in his own rhythm and direction Rhythm and direction are developed and set by the group
The child himself notices his mistakes when working with educational materials When checking work, errors are usually pointed out by the teacher.
The child consolidates knowledge through repetition and through an internal sense of success Knowledge is reinforced externally through repetition and rewards.
Physical examination materials that engage multiple senses Fewer materials for sensory development
Organized personal and environmental care program (hygiene and cleaning) Less emphasis on self-care
The child can choose his place of work, move freely and communicate (provided that he interferes with others’ work); work in groups on a voluntary basis The child must sit in the designated place, while participating in the group lesson, sit quietly and listen attentively
An organized program to explain to parents the philosophy of the Montessori system and involve them in the learning process Parental participation is voluntary and not always encouraged

Practice shows that feedback from students is better when the teacher uses non-standard forms of teaching. Thus, we are faced with the inalienability of using new digital technologies in education, which is due to the requirements of a modern developing society.

Information technology in the modern world allows most teachers to show creativity and encourages them to look for new non-traditional forms and methods of the educational process.

Pedagogical discussions about the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process have been going on for quite a long time. But in the modern world it is difficult to stand still, therefore, whether we like it or not, information and communication technologies are firmly integrated into the educational process of preschool institutions.

According to recent scientific research, the use of ICT in the development of speech in children in preschool age allows:

1. Pupils’ understanding of the world around them expands and their vocabulary is enriched.

2. Children will express their thoughts more logically and consistently and understand the meaning of words more deeply.

3. The ability to convey one’s impressions of a musical composition listened to, or a picture or illustration viewed, will be developed.

4. There is a desire to retell texts and come up with interesting stories.

5. An interest in learning poems and nursery rhymes appears.

6. Children overcome timidity and shyness, learn to behave freely in front of an audience.

Preschoolers, with their visual-figurative thinking, understand only that it is possible to simultaneously view, hear, act or evaluate the action of an object. In this regard, in our work we use multimedia presentations - this is a program that can contain text materials, photographs, drawings, slide shows, sound design and narration, video clips and animation.

Using multimedia presentations at work prevents children from getting tired, supports their cognitive activity, and increases the efficiency of our work in general. Their use in classes on speech development is interesting for children and, not unimportantly, for me. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working in groups with children.

The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make classes emotionally charged, attractive, arouse keen interest in the child, and are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good performance of the lesson. Thus, the use of multimedia presentations in classes on speech development ensures the activity of children when examining, examining and visually identifying the signs and properties of objects; methods of visual perception, examination, and identifying qualitative, quantitative and spatio-temporal signs and properties in the objective world are formed, and attention is developed. and visual memory.

The ability of a modern computer helps to display information simultaneously in text form, graphics, video, sound, remember and process information for preschoolers.

Methodological basis.

The works of foreign and domestic researchers (S. Papert, B. Hunter, EI Ivanova, NP Chudova, etc.) confirm the advisability of using information technologies in the development of cognitive abilities of older preschool children. Scientists note the developmental role of the computer gaming complex in kindergarten in working with children starting from the age of five. In our country, since 1986, work has been underway to introduce information and communication technologies (ICT) into preschool education at the A.V. Zaporozhets Center by researchers led by L.A. Paramonova, L.S. Novoselova, L.D. Chaivanova. Since 2008, the theoretical foundations for the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational work of preschool institutions have been developed.

The goal of my teaching experience: to improve the quality of development, increase children’s motivation to acquire new knowledge, speed up the process of acquiring knowledge, and also update the forms and methods of working with children.

It should be noted that the use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten does not involve teaching children the school basics of computer science and computer technology, but:

— transformation of the child’s subject-developmental environment

— creation of new means for child development

-use of new visibility.

Based on this, I have set the following tasks for using information technology in my teaching activities:

1. Make education modern (in terms of the use of technical means);

2. Bring educational activities closer to the worldview of the modern child, since he watches and listens more than reads and speaks; prefers to use information obtained using technical means;

3. Establish a relationship of mutual understanding and mutual assistance between the teacher and the student;

4. Help yourself to present the material emotionally and figuratively.

5. Save time, both yours and your child’s, increase the density of educational activities, enrich it with new content.

In the course of my work, I actively master and implement computer technologies in my teaching activities, and the psychological expediency of my experience should be noted in that a modern child assimilates only the information that interests him the most, the closest, most familiar to him, the one that causes pleasant and comfortable feelings. feelings.

Creative teachers who strive to keep up with the times must delve into and study all the possibilities of introducing modern information communication technologies into their practical activities.

And the first direction of using information and communication technologies:

- This is working with children.

1. Use of both your own and ready-made presentations in the educational process.

2. (IG BoardInteractiveWhiteboard)

Using an interactive whiteboard and interactive games in the educational process.

3. When working individually, I use ready-made training programs: “Little Genius”, “Frivolous Lessons”, “Go There, I Don’t Know Where”.

During work, sanitary standards regarding the time preschoolers work at the computer are observed.

At GCD, the use of ICT technology is no more than 10 minutes, with a mandatory change of activity and physical activity. just a minute.

And doing eye exercises is a must.

When using ICT on GCD, children's motivation, interest and the volume of information assimilation increases.

— Working with parents is another area of ​​our pedagogical activity.

Traditional forms of working with parents with showing video material, presentations, open screenings, notes on the website - take on an innovative form and become more interesting with the use of information communication technologies.

Parents enjoy attending such events with great pleasure, which means that they are most effective. Thanks to information and communication technologies, they can “open the curtain” and see how their child grows, develops, and lives while he is in kindergarten.

— The next direction of my work is working with teachers:

— creating presentations for teacher councils and consultations;

— posting notes on your own website;

— open display of GCD using ICT.

— The next direction of my work is professional self-development:

- searching for interesting information

-creating your own website

-records management

-participation in professional and creative competitions

When using ICT, the number of participation in competitions increases, which makes work easier when preparing for certification.

Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, I noted a number of advantages in the work on introducing information and communication technologies into the educational process of kindergarten:

1. Presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest among children;

2. Problematic tasks and encouragement for their correct solution by the computer itself are a stimulus for children’s cognitive activity;

3. Information and communication technologies make it possible to expand the use of electronic learning tools, since they transmit information faster than using traditional means;

4. Using a computer, you can simulate life situations that are impossible or difficult to demonstrate in class or to see in everyday life;

5. The high dynamics of direct educational activities contribute to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

However, I would like to note that any, even the most advanced computer program, cannot replace a highly qualified specialist.

It should be noted that the use of ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions leads to a number of positive effects:

1. Enriches the educational process with emotional coloring;

2. Psychologically facilitates the process of assimilation;

3. Arouses keen interest in the subject of knowledge;

4. Expands your general horizons;

5. The level of use of visual aids is increasing;

6. Frees you from routine manual work;

7. Increases the productivity of the teacher and the child.

One of the main conditions for the use of ICT in the teaching and educational process of preschool educational institutions is that teachers who have a good knowledge of the technical capabilities of a computer, have the skills to work with it, strictly follow the sanitary standards and rules for using computers in preschool institutions, and are well versed in the computer programs developed especially for preschoolers, who know the ethical rules of their use and know how to introduce children to new technologies. In addition, teachers must be well aware of the age characteristics of young children.

In the prospects for my future work this is -

1. Improving the created system of interaction between participants in the educational process in a unified information environment of preschool educational institutions;

2. The use of new technologies and software products in educational activities;

3. Transition to a qualitatively new level of provision of educational services;

4. Development and implementation of new forms of organizing educational activities using ICT.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in a preschool setting it is necessary and advisable to use ICT in various types of activities, since they make the process of children’s development quite effective, interesting and educational.

I believe that the use of personal pedagogical experience ensures a full transition of children to the next level of the lifelong education system and provides the opportunity to become participants in the unified educational process of the Russian Federation.

But no matter how positive and enormous potential information and communication technologies have, they cannot and should not replace live communication between a teacher and a child.


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