The role of theatrical activities in the pedagogical process of the teacher of the first and second junior groups of kindergarten

Puppet theater show based on the fairy tale "Kolobok" 2nd junior group


1 MBDOU "Kindergarten "Zhemchuzhinka" Puppet theater show based on the fairy tale "Kolobok" 2nd junior group Prepared and conducted by: Akimova E.N. Novoselova N.A. With. Karmanovo

2 2021 Goal: Stimulating speech activity and pronunciation of onomatopoeia, full words, knowledge about wild animals in children. Previous work: reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”, dramatizing the fairy tale with dolls. Material. Puppet theater "Kolobok", screen, chest with dolls, drawing materials (PVA glue, colored cardboard, cereal). Educator. What a beautiful chest! Yes, not simple - magical! I wonder what's in it? (Tries to open the chest, but it doesn’t open.) Children, maybe there’s a fairy tale in there? Did you invite me to visit a fairy tale, children? Are you really looking forward to a fairy tale, children? Guess the riddles - The fairy tale will come to the children again! Educator: asks riddles, the chest opens. The teacher takes out toys. Puzzles. A swift-footed gray bunny gallops deftly across the lawn. A cunning cheat, Red head, Fluffy tail, beauty, And her name is fox. He makes friends with the fox, For others he is very angry! All teeth click and click,

3 A very scary gray wolf. He sucks his paw in winter, and he also loves honey. It may roar loudly. What's his name? (Bear) Educator. Well done! All the riddles have been solved! How many wonderful toys the magic chest gave us! Now guess which fairy tale we are going to visit today? It's mixed with sour cream, Cold on the window, Round side, ruddy side, What kind of fairy tale? Children. "Kolobok" Educator. That's right, of course, “Kolobok”! Now let’s close our eyes and invite Fairy Tale to visit. Let's say together: one, two, three, Fairy Tale, come visit! You sit quietly and watch carefully. Grandfather and woman appear on the screen. Educator. Grandfather and Baba lived - they were. They decided to make a bun.

4 Grandfather Oh, I wanted a kolobok! Do we have butter and flour? You should knead the dough and treat the kids! Woman. I will gladly get down to business. I’ll bake a bun for Grandfather and leave it to cool until lunch. Educator. Children, let's help knead the dough and make a bun! Let's stir, stir, Let's roll, roll and clap a little, And now shake off our palms! Came out smooth, came out smooth Kolobok, ruddy, sweet! Woman. What a beautiful bun it turned out to be, round and ruddy! I'll put it on the window so that it cools down a little. Oh, I'm getting old, kids, I'm really tired. I'll go and rest. (finger gymnastics “Granny”)

5 Educator. They put it on the window so that it cooled a little, they put it down so that it cooled, and the kolobok disappeared without a trace. The bun rolls through the forest and sings a song. And a hare meets him. Hare. Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you. Kolobok. Don't eat me, I'll sing you a song. I am a bun, a bun, I am scraped along the box, I am swept along the bottom of the barrel, I am mixed with sour cream, Yes, it is spun in butter, It is cold on the window. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I’ll leave you, the hare, even more so! And he rolled down the road - only the hare saw him! A gingerbread man is rolling, a wolf meets him: Kolobok, kolobok, I will eat you! Don't eat me, gray wolf, I'll sing you a song:

6 I am a bun, a bun, I am scraping the box, sweeping the bottom of the barrel, mixing it with sour cream, spinning it in butter, chilling it on the window. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, I’ll leave you, wolf, even more so! And he rolled down the road - only the wolf saw him! The gingerbread man is rolling, and the bear meets him. Kolobok, gingerbread man, I will eat you! Where can you, clubfoot, eat me! I'm a bun, a bun, I'm scraping the box, I'm sweeping the bottom of the barrel, I'm mixing it with sour cream, I'm spinning it in butter, I'm chilling on the window. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, I left the wolf, I’ll leave you, bear, even more so!

7 And he rolled again - only the bear saw him! A gingerbread man is rolling, a fox meets him: Kolobok, kolobok, where are you rolling? I'm rolling along the path. Kolobok, Kolobok, sing me a song! The gingerbread man began to sing: I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man, I am scraping the box, I am sweeping the bottom of the barrel, There is a meshon in the sour cream, There is a pryazhon in the butter, There is a stuzhon on the window. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, I left the wolf, I left the bear, It’s easy to leave you, fox! The fox says: Oh, the song is good, but I can’t hear well. Kolobok, Kolobok, sit on my sock and sing again, louder. The gingerbread man jumped up on the fox's nose and sang the same song louder. The fox again to him: Kolobok, Kolobok, sit on my tongue and sing for the last time. The bun jumped onto the fox's tongue, and the fox ate it in a ruckus.

8 Educator. Children, why did such a disaster happen to the kolobok? Probably because he left home alone. And the woman and grandfather were very upset that they no longer had a kolobok. Let's draw many, many koloboks for them. On the tables there is colored cardboard with painted circles, children sprinkle them with various cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet). Educator. Yes, we made a lot of koloboks! You and I will go to grandma and grandpa and bring them some koloboks. Educator. So we visited a fairy tale, We showed it to you as best we could! The artists and spectators were great! Let's clap for each other with all our hearts!

“Journey to the Tyumen Puppet Theater” Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the second junior group

Authors: Korzhavina Anastasia Nikolaevna , teacher

Stepanenko Tatyana Valentinovna , teacher

Kuznetsova Ekaterina Nikolaevna, teacher - defectologist.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

primary school - kindergarten No. 76 in Tyumen

Summary of an integrated lesson in the second junior group

"Journey to the Tyumen Puppet Theater"


  • To introduce children to the cultural values ​​of their hometown through the formation of ideas about puppet theater;
  • To develop children’s storytelling skills and abilities, to teach them to convey information about what they saw in a clear, accessible form, to teach them to respond fully to an adult’s questions;
  • Formation of the fundamentals of traffic rules;
  • Learn to correlate geometric shapes by color and shape (planar and three-dimensional geometric shapes)
  • Development of auditory attention and memory, imagination, hand-eye coordination, ability to hold a felt-tip pen correctly;
  • Stimulate visual functions (outlining a picture using tracing paper)

Progress of the lesson:

Children are included in the group

Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to us. Let's say hello and smile to them.

Children: "Good morning"

The guests smile back at you. Our smiles made everything immediately brighter and warmer.


What kind of envelope is this? (reads what is written on the envelope). Guys, are you wondering what's there? (take out photos one at a time and hang them on the board). Look, please, I can’t remember what fairy tale we played?


Children: In the teremok.

Who were the artists?

Children: We.

Educator: Alice, what kind of hero were you? Kirill? Artem? Did you like being an artist?

Children : Yes.

Educator : Children, theaters are different. What do you think, what is the name of a theater if the actors in it are puppets?

Children : Puppet theater.

Educator: That's right, puppet. Let's say it all together - puppet theater. Our Tyumen Puppet Theater is located in the city center. Look what it is like (Show illustration). Want to get there?

Children: Yes

Educator: Then I invite you to the puppet theater.

Guys, how can we get to the theater?

Children: bus, car.

Educator: Why can’t we go by car?

Children: the car is small and we all won’t be able to get in together.

Educator: Well, is everyone ready? So guys, do we need tickets on the bus? Who will sell us tickets?

Children: Conductor. Educator: Guys, here is our bus and the conductor meets us at the door.

Conductor: Hello guys. Where did you go?

Children: To the Tyumen Puppet Theater.

Conductor: That's good. Guys, come up one by one and take a ticket. And today our tickets are not ordinary, but geometric. Find your place similar to your geometric figure. So let me check if everyone is in their seats? (the conductor checks the tickets)

Educator: Well, let's go.

Here is a bus driving along a smooth road, the guys are traveling far away to the theater. Beep beep! beep beep! Get out of the way! Children: Beep, beep! Educator: The headlights came on, the engine hummed, and the bus drove into a wide yard. Beep beep! Beep beep! Get out of the way!

The conductor announces the stop "Puppet Theater"

Guys, here is our stop “Puppet Theater”. We leave carefully. To get to the theater, we need to cross the road. What is the name of the path along which pedestrians cross the road?

Children: Zebra.

Educator: What is the name of the road sign?

Children: This sign is called a pedestrian sign.

Educator: Which traffic light will we switch to?

Children: At the green traffic light.

Educator: Well done.

Educator : And here is the puppet theater.

(in front of the theater entrance)

Educator : Guys, do you remember how to behave in the theater?

Children: During the performance you cannot talk or turn around. Educator: After the performance you need to thank the artists. How can I do that?

Children: Clap your hands.

Educator: That's right, we remembered the rules of behavior in the theater and we can take our seats.

The bell rings.

The storyteller invites the guys to take their places in the auditorium: “Hello guys, I invite the girls to sit on the chairs, then the boys.” I’ll tell you kids a fairy tale: not long, not short, not stupid, not smart, but magical, beyond magical...

Fairytale music sounds

At this time, the sun and a cloud appear from behind the house. (La-la, Oof) The music ends.

Storyteller : “High, high in the sky, there lived two friends, Sunny and Cloud. Every day the sun came out into the sky, illuminated the whole earth and admired nature. Animals and birds, plants, adults and children rejoiced in the sun! Hello Sunshine!

Sunny : “Hello, guys!” The storyteller takes the sun in her hands and brings it to the children (conversation about the sun: joyful, yellow, bright, soft...) Hello cloud!

Tuchka : “Hello, guys!” The storyteller takes the cloud in her hands and brings it to the children (conversation about the cloud: wet, sad, blue)

Storyteller : The sun and the cloud often played hide and seek (the sun and the cloud hide behind each other). Either the sun will hide behind a cloud, or the cloud will hide behind the sun. (then they go behind the house)

Gymnastics for the eyes with a storyteller (“Sun-cloud”, 2 minutes)

Storyteller: Let's listen to the tale further. One day (the sun comes out) The sun was watching the children in kindergarten who were playing happily on the playground. After the walk, the children went to the group, had a delicious lunch and went to bed. But one very good girl (a girl appears in the window), whose name was Masha, could not sleep, lay in her crib for a long time with her eyes open

Sunny : Mashenka, why aren’t you sleeping?

Mashenka: Sleeping is boring! I DO NOT want to just lie there and do nothing! (capricious)

Sunny : Don’t just lie there, close your eyes, relax and wait for the sleep fairy to fly to you!

Mashenka : Dream fairy? And who is it?

Sunny : The sleep fairy flies to children during sleep and brings them magical dreams.

Storyteller : The girl did as the sun said (the girl lies down on the pillow)

She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes. And a miracle happened - she saw magical dreams. Guys, let's also close our eyes and find out what kind of dream the girl had.

While the children's eyes are closed, the girl and the sun go behind the house and never appear again.

Storyteller : Guys, do you want to know what the girl dreamed about?... Then close your eyes and listen...

Music sounds "Sounds of Nature"

Open your eyes, remember what you just heard and try to guess what the girl dreamed about? (children's answers) The girl dreamed of a spring forest and birds. Names of which birds do you already know (children's answers)? Do you know how to draw birds?

I invite you to the table. Choose any felt-tip pen color you like. Take it correctly in your hands and try to trace the outline of the bird (work through tracing paper)

These are some beautiful birds you got. And here is the dream fairy herself. Guys, she wants to tell you something... The sleep fairy asks: do all the children in your group sleep during quiet time? (children's answers)

The Dream Fairy thanks you for being a very good audience at the puppet theater and gives you a chest of gifts. But you will print this chest when you return to kindergarten.

The dream fairy says goodbye to you...

In the chest there are little Sonyushka fairies for each child (from plastic spoons)

Educator: What a wonderful fairy tale we watched today, let's thank the artists with applause and go back to kindergarten.

(approaching the traffic light)

Educator: Oh, guys, I forgot, at what traffic light do we cross the road?

Children: At the green traffic light.

Educator: Well done, that’s right. Here is our bus. We enter carefully, without jostling, and take our seats.

The conductor checks that everyone is seated correctly and announces that the next stop is “Kindergarten No. 76.”

Here is a bus driving along a smooth road, the guys are traveling far away to the theater. Beep beep! beep beep! Get out of the way! Children: Beep, beep! Educator: The headlights came on, the engine hummed, and the bus drove into a wide yard. Beep beep! Beep beep! Get out of the way!

Conductor: Stop “Kindergarten No. 76”.

Educator: Guys, we need to go out, we have already arrived.

The children get off the bus and approach the guests.

Educator: Guys, we arrived at the kindergarten, and the guests are here. Let's tell you where we saw and where we went.

Guests ask questions to children

  • Guys, where have you been?
  • What did you drive to the puppet theater?
  • What did you like most about the puppet theater?
  • Which hero did you like the most?

Children: tell their impressions of the trip.

Educator: Guys, we haven’t opened the fabulous gift yet. Let's sit down on the carpet, so that everyone can see.


They open the chest and find dolls - Sonyushka.

Guys, this is the dream fairy. Let's put it under your pillow so that it will always show you only good and fabulous dreams. Let's go to the bedroom, each to his own crib, and put the doll under the pillow.


  1. Loginova V.I. “Childhood” Development and education program in kindergarten. Accident, 1999
  2. Koptseva T. A. New approaches to the artistic and aesthetic education of children in a preschool institution.
  3. Magazine “Child in kindergarten” No. 3 2008
  4. Knyazeva O. L. Introducing children to Russian folk culture. St. Petersburg; Childhood-Press.

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