Physical education classes. Lesson notes for the preparatory group

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

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Integrated physical education lesson in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Summary of a physical education lesson in the preparatory group of a kindergarten
Author: Strunina Mikhalina Yuryevna, physical education instructor at the KGKP Kindergarten No. 34 “House of Joy.”
Physical education lesson with elements of mathematics, preparatory group “Get in order!”
Objectives: 1. Provide children with the opportunity to use the motor experience acquired at the school. 2. Development of physical qualities: agility, speed. 3. Development of the ability to find a solution in an unforeseen situation. 4. Foster a sense of mutual assistance. 5. Strengthen the skill of calculation to 1-2. 6. Create a joyful, cheerful mood in children. Equipment: wood, apples, massage mats, lids, cups, cubes.
Progress of the lesson:
Instructor: Hello dear guests! Hello guys! Today our lesson is called “Get in order!” In order to stay in good shape and be healthy, you need to play sports, exercise and harden yourself. Exercise is beneficial, and fun exercise is doubly beneficial. After all, every minute of exercise prolongs a person’s life by one hour, and laughter and fun by two hours! And today you have to demonstrate strength, courage, agility, endurance, those qualities that everyone needs! You are ready? Children: yes! Instructor: Okay, then let's start. Any lesson starts with what? (Children's answer: exercise!). Now attention - Calculate by 1-2! (Children perform the calculation by 1-2). Listen to my command - numbers 1 on the spot, numbers 2 step in front, March! Number 2 children take a step forward. Instructor: Well done! Now, on command, disperse, we scatter around the hall, on command, stand up, you take your places. 1st place in its place, 2nd number in its place. ORU: 1. I.p. - legs apart, hands on the belt. Whichever number I raise, we bend our heads so many times and count out loud! (In Russian) 2. I.p. - legs apart, hands clenched fists forward. Whichever number I raise, we perform rotational movements with our arms forward so many times, and count out loud. (In Kazakh language) 3. IP - legs apart, hands on the waist. Whichever number I raise, we bend to the sides so many times and count out loud. (In English) 4. I.p. - o.s., hands on the belt. Whichever number I raise, we lunge forward so many times and count out loud. (In Russian) 5. I.p. - o.s., hands down. Whichever number I raise, we jump the legs apart so many times, clap overhead, and count out loud. (In Kazakh) 6. Breathing exercises (Exercise to restore breathing): • Exercise “Beetles” • Exercise “Tiger” • Exercise “ Rainbow" Instructor: Very good! Now the first numbers stand near the green cube, the second numbers near the yellow one. We lined up in teams. First task: 1. “Harvest” relay race The first player runs to the tree, picks an apple, and returns to his team, standing at the end of the column. When the relay ends, everyone stands in their columns. The numbers written on the back of the apple are read out loud. Instructor: Great. With this game you showed that you can not only play sports, but also know numbers very well. Let's move on to the next task. Your teacher will help me with this. I have two envelopes containing a task for both teams. 2. Game “Octopus” On the command to disperse, the children scatter around the hall. Whatever number the teacher shouts out, the children join hands and stop. Whoever didn’t have time, who didn’t have enough pairs, is eliminated from the game. (While the game is going on, the teacher rearranges the cubes in different directions). Instructor: Well done! Now numbers 1 and 2 stand next to your cubes (Children stand in a line near their cubes). 3. Game for attention “March!” 1st numbers and 2nd numbers: I.p. - children stand in a line on one side of the hall. 1. Take 4 steps forward (count in Kazakh), 3 additional steps to the left or right (count in Russian), 2 steps forward (count in English), make a large circle. Instructor: Well done guys! Everything was done correctly! Here's a new task for you, you need to collect a picture in your team. 4. Didactic game “Collect a picture” Each team has cubes with pictures, you need to collect all the sides of the cubes and list which pictures you got. Instructor: Great. With this game you showed that you work well in a team, that you are very friendly. Now I'm counting to 5, you should line up on the formation line. We take off our socks and shoes. Behind the guide to the right! March along the massage paths. Walk around the cups and use your toes to gather the lids into the cups. (Children walk barefoot along the massage paths, collecting lids into cups.) We put on socks and shoes. Stand on the construction line. Summing up Instructor: Tell me what we did today. (Children's answers). I have a surprise for you, please guess the riddle: A beautiful, tasty, juicy fruit grows on a tree in the garden. I'll tell you: with the letter I It begins, friends... (Apple) Instructor: Goodbye guys! Children leave the hall to the music, one after another!

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Summary of an integrated lesson in a preparatory group with general speech underdevelopment of the third level. Physical education leisure in a preparatory group for school. Scenario Physical education lesson for children 6 - 7 years old. Synopsis Synopsis of a physical education lesson with children of the preparatory group

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Summary of a physical education lesson of the plot-game type “Let's go on a hike” in the preparatory group

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Summary of a physical education lesson of the plot-game type “Let's go on a hike” in the preparatory group


1. Improve children’s skills in various types of walking and running in a column one at a time.

2. Continue to develop the ability to change from one column to two.

3. Strengthen the ability to walk in a straight line, stepping over medicine balls, alternating steps, with the foot planted on the toe.

4. Strengthen the ability to jump on two legs into the center of the hoop, landing on your toes and then lowering onto your foot.

5. Exercise children in crawling under the arch straight and sideways, maintaining stable balance.

6. Develop the ability to throw a small ball at a horizontal target, using the right and left hands alternately, at a distance of 2 meters.

7. Develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

8. To foster in children an interest in physical education and friendly relationships during play.

Equipment: balls (diameter 6-8 cm) according to the number of children, 4 arches, 6 medicine balls, 6 hoops, basket.


- Guys, today we will go on a hike, many discoveries await us. (Form in a line, change into a column - according to height)

- Stand in the same line according to height, to the right once, twice, march behind the guiding step.

Walking is normal - We walk after each other, across the field and in a wide circle. (Keep your back and head straight).

Walking on toes, arms to the sides - Motley wings flicker, these are butterflies flying. (Arms straight, do not bend your knees).

Walking with your knees high - Raise your legs higher, do not step on the grass.

Jumping on two legs, moving forward - We jump and jump over the bumps, we won’t get our feet dirty.

Normal running (Run easily, breathe through your nose, arms bent at the elbows).

Running with your knees high - We try to touch our knees to our palms, bent at the elbows.

Running "snake" - They ran along a wavy path and came to a clearing.

Walking with breathing exercises - And now we will rest, inhale the scent of flowers. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Formation in two columns, through the middle of the hall (Through the middle of the hall, stand in two columns, stand in place once or twice, in a circle, open with your arms outstretched forward).

ORU with a ball - We’ll do exercises in a clearing in the forest.

1"Pass the ball over your head"

I. p.: feet together, ball in right hand

1-3- arms to the sides

2- hands up, transfer the ball to the left hand

4- return to i. P.

(also back) 8 times (Back straight, don’t bend your arms, look in front of you).


I. p.: “legs apart”, ball in the right hand

1- hands forward

2- turn the body to the right, with abduction of the hand with the ball to the right

3- hands forward, transfer the ball to the left hand

4- return to i. p. 8 times (We perform turns to the right and left, keep our back and arms straight, while our legs are motionless).


I. p.: feet together, ball in both hands below

1-3 - lean forward, extend your arms in front of you

2- reach your toes

4- return to i. p. 8 times (Legs straight, head raised. We try to reach the toes).

4" Squats"

I. p.: heels together, toes apart, ball in right hand

1- sit down

2- hands forward, transfer the ball to the left hand

3- hands down

4- return to i. P.

(also back) 8 times (Keep your back straight, maintain balance).

5 "Ball Rolling"

I.p.: sitting position, legs straight, ball held in feet

1-3 - raise straight legs up

2-4- return to i. p. 8 times (Legs straight and closed, raise them as high as possible, keep an eye on the ball).

6 "Hide the ball"

I.p.: lying on your back, ball on your stomach

1-3- bend your knees, reach for the ball with your head

2-4- return to i. p. 8 times (Try to reach the ball with your head).


I. p.: lying on your stomach, ball in hands

1- 3- raise straight arms and legs

2- return to i. p. 8 times (Arms and legs are straight, while trying to pull the toes, keeping the head straight).

8 "Jumping around the ball alternating with walking"

I. p.: legs together, hands on the belt, the ball lies in front of you

1-4 - jump, then walk 8 times (We perform jumps on two legs, while walking we restore our breathing).

“You and I have warmed up, and now more difficult obstacles await us.” Ready?

Rebuilding in one column

- Form in one column.

ATS are performed in-line

- You have covered half the journey and proved that you are friendly, dexterous and flexible. But there are still several obstacles ahead.

1 Walking while stepping over medicine balls, alternating steps 4 times

- And now you and I must overcome the thickets of nettles. To do this, we put our hands on our belts so that the nettles don’t sting us, we keep our backs straight, we raise our legs high, pulling our toes high, so we don’t touch objects.

2 Jumping from hoop to hoop 4 times

- In front of you is a lake, and on it there are islands. You must cross this lake, only on the islands. We perform jumps on two legs, land on our toes and then lower ourselves onto our feet.

3 Climbing under the arch straight and sideways (in a group) 4 times

— And here, the wind has knocked down the trees and you need to crawl under the lying trees without touching them. To do this you need to group well.

4 Throwing the ball into the basket, right and left hand. 4 times

- How brave, dexterous, and skillful you are. Let's also test your accuracy. Tell us how to throw the ball correctly to hit the target. Look carefully how I will do this.

Forming in a circle

- Well done boys! You have overcome all the obstacles and you and I have entered the clearing where we can play.

P/i "Migration of birds"

Birds (children) fly all over the site. At the signal “storm” they hide in the trees (they climb onto the gymnastics wall; at the signal “the storm has stopped” they climb down from the trees and continue to fly.

Mp/i “Who Got Away”

According to the counting, a leader is selected, stands in a circle and closes his eyes. One of the children hides, and the children say: “Who left?” The presenter must guess.

Formation in one column

- Our journey has come to an end. Line up behind each other, it's time for us to go home.

Walking as usual to a chant

If you went on a hike.

Move forward boldly.

Look at us all.

“We are athletes of the highest class. "

— Did you children like the trip? I think that on a real hike you will not be lost, you will cope with difficulties.

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