Cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. For working with children 2-7 years old

Leisure summary for the senior group of kindergarten “What is kindness?”

Summary of an extracurricular event in the senior group of kindergarten “What is kindness?”
Author: Olga Vasilievna Suldina, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 67” Samara. Description of the material: Children often hear words such as “good” and “kindness” from adults. At a certain point, they begin to think about what these concepts mean? What is kindness? Who is called a good person? And why do you need to be kind? From infancy, the child is surrounded by the care and attention of parents, loved ones, and relatives. This kindness shown to him seems completely natural to the child. And if you don’t explain to your child in time that you must not only accept kind attitude from others, but also be able to show good feelings yourself, he may grow up to be an egoist, unable to show good feelings. To prevent this from happening, it is important to tell your child what kindness is and why you need to be kind. The lesson notes are intended for children of senior preschool age. It will be useful to teachers - organizers, music directors, educators. Goal: to form in children ideas about kindness as an important quality of a person. Objectives: -give children the idea of ​​what kindness is; -encourage children’s desire to do good deeds; - to cultivate in children love and a friendly attitude towards the world around them and loved ones; -develop cognitive activity, curiosity, the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades; -improve children’s speech development, expand and activate their vocabulary. -develop the ability to analyze and draw conclusions; -continue to introduce the works of foreign and domestic writers, and Russian folk art. - practice using various forms of greeting, farewell, gratitude, apology, - consolidate knowledge about the rules of a culture of behavior and a culture of communication; the ability to evaluate positive and negative actions. Participants: children, teachers. Equipment: disc with audio recording of the songs “If you are kind” from the cartoon “About Leopold the Cat” (lyrics by B. Savelyev, music by M. Plyatskovsky), “The Road of Goodness” from the cartoon “Little Muk” (lyrics by Yu. Entin, music M. Minkova), “Smile” from the cartoon “Little Raccoon” (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky); “Magic Words” box, laptop, projector, ball, hearts, sun, rays 18 pcs., electronic presentation “On Fairytale Roads”, text of the fairy tale “The Ant and the Grasshopper”. Preliminary work: conversations on the topics: “Why are rules of behavior needed”, “The power of a polite word”, “So that you do good for people”; reading: V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”, V.G. Suteev Bag of apples, G.Kh. Andersen Thumbelina, reading proverbs, sayings about goodness, reading Russian folk tales, looking at illustrations, posters with various situations, observing while walking, watching cartoons, learning and listening to songs about kindness and friendship. Progress of the lesson. An audio recording of the song “If You Are Kind” from the cartoon “About Leopold the Cat” is played (lyrics by B. Savelyev, music by M. Plyatskovsky)
Children enter the hall and stand holding hands in a semicircle on the carpet.
Educator: Guys, today we will talk about kindness. What do you think kindness is? What does it mean to be kind? (Children's answers). Kindness is a person’s sincere desire to help other people and do good deeds for them. Even in ancient times, people understood one simple truth, which became the main rule of a good person. This truth says: “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.” If a person treats the people around him poorly, he will never achieve a good attitude towards himself. But if you treat people kindly, then people will treat you kindly. People also realized that the ability to be kind makes a person happy. The famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato said this: “By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own happiness.” Indeed, a person who shows sincere kind feelings towards those with whom he communicates is much happier in life than selfish individuals who are only concerned with attracting the attention and care of others. The fact that kind people are happier in life is also explained by the fact that kindness is a sign of a person’s spiritual strength. And a strong-willed person is so independent in his actions that he is able not only to ensure his own well-being, but also to help the people around him and show kindness to them. What feelings are characteristic of a kind person? First of all it is love. Love for parents, for loved ones, for friends. A kind person is also characterized by a feeling of gratitude. It is customary to give thanks for good deeds. And gratitude can be expressed not only with words, but also with reciprocal good deeds. A kind person is also capable of showing such feelings as empathy, compassion, and mercy. It is thanks to kind people that those who need it most receive help - the elderly, the disabled, people with serious illnesses and those who simply find themselves in a difficult life situation. Kindness is important not only for the individual, but for all people in the world. After all, where people unselfishly and sincerely help each other, work progresses and all tasks are successfully completed. I suggest you listen to a fairy tale about kindness, “The Ant and the Grasshopper.” A fairy tale about kindness “The Ant and the Grasshopper.” Once upon a time there lived an ant and a grasshopper. They lived without grieving, enjoying the sunny days and the green hum of the forest. One day an ant and a grasshopper met in a clearing. - What should we do today? - they thought. “Let’s do some good deeds,” suggested the ant. And they went through the forest to do good deeds. We helped fix the ladybug's roof, fixed the dragonfly's porch, sent the centipede's shoes in for repair. She had so many shoes that her friends went to the shoemaker several times. We visited an old butterfly that lived near a gnarled stump and made beautiful shelves for it in the pantry. In the evening, friends gathered home. They had already reached the old birch tree, when suddenly it got dark and it began to rain heavily. - Where can I hide, where can I take refuge? - they thought. And suddenly they heard someone calling them. It was a firefly. He directed the light of his flashlight at the ant and the moth so that they could see where to move in the dark. ...And here they are on the threshold of the firefly's house. What happiness, what joy to be in the warm, cozy home of a firefly! The owner put tea and sweet bagels on the table. “You have a kind heart,” the guests said to the firefly. Tom was happy to hear good words. “It’s nice to hear kind words from good friends,” said the firefly and smiled. Conversation "Good story". Questions for conversation: Who did the grasshopper and ant help? (Children's answers) What good deeds did the grasshopper and the ant do? (Children's answers) Why do you think they did this? (Children's answers) How did the firefly help your friends? (Children's answers) Children, this is a good story about how it is so easy to be happy yourself and make others happy. It is very important that good relationships reign in this world. Kindness, goodness is undoubtedly better than indifference, indifference, indifference. Life is more interesting with goodness. Presentation “On fairy-tale roads”. (On the screen are fragments from fairy tales. Children remember the name of the fairy tale and tell what kind deeds the heroes of these fairy tales did.) Slide 1. “Geese Swans” (Fragments from the cartoon based on the Russian folk tale “Geese - Swans”)

Slide 2. “Bag of Apples” (Fragments from the cartoon based on the fairy tale by V.G. Suteev “Bag of Apples”)

Slide 4 “Thumbelina” (Fragments from the cartoon based on the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen “Thumbelina”)

Educator: Well done guys! What other fairy-tale characters do you know who did good deeds and brought joy and goodness to others? (Children's answers) Educator: Children, do you know how to do good deeds? (Children's answers) I suggest you play the game “Rays of Good.” Look, we have a sun on the board, but it has no rays. On the table are rays depicting good and bad deeds. You need to look at the pictures and choose a ray of good deed and attach it to the sun. Game exercise: “Rays of goodness.” An audio recording of the song “The Road of Good” from the cartoon “Little Muk” is played (lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by M. Minkov) Actions depicted on the rays: “The girl washes the dishes”, “The girl tore the book”, “The boy helps the old lady”, “ Children laugh at the old lady”, “The boy is cleaning up the toys”, “The boy has scattered the toys”, “The children have scattered the garbage”, “The children are cleaning up the garbage”, “The girl is giving medicine to her mother”, “The boys are fighting”, “The girl is stroking the kitten”, “The children are planting flowers”, “Children are running around a flower bed”, “A big boy is hurting a little one”, “Children are harvesting”, “Children came to visit a classmate in the hospital”, “The boy did not give up his seat to an elderly person in transport”, “The boy gave up his seat to an elderly person” person in transport”, “Girl reading a book to her younger brother”. Children choose a ray of good deed and attach it to the sun, justifying their choice Educator: Well done! They assessed their actions correctly. I am sure that you will do only good deeds, give kindness to each other and everyone around you. Kindness is closely related to politeness. A polite person knows how to not only behave civilly, but also communicate politely. And he does this with what? (Children's answers) That's right, using polite words. Look, I have a magic box that will help us become polite. You can open this box with the help of magic words that you will now name; the more words we name, the faster the box will open. Didactic game “Magic Box” (Children call magic words, the box opens) Educator: Oh, guys, the magical power of a kind word works! The box has opened! And what's in it? (The box contains gifts for children - hearts) Educator: You guys see how much good you can do. And when you want to do good, it will come true. Such is the magical power of good. Try to be useful to people. “Don’t stand aside indifferently When someone is in trouble You need to rush to the rescue At any moment, always And if your kindness and your smile help someone, Be happy that you didn’t live the day in vain, That the years you live are not in vain.” An audio recording of the song “Smile” from the cartoon “Little Raccoon” is played (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky.)

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