Summary of a lesson on fairy tale therapy in the younger group

Summary of a lesson on fairy tale therapy in the younger group

Methodological development for fairy tale therapy with children 2-3 years old. Topic: "Teremok".

Goal: To help children play together through a fairy tale and help each other in difficult situations. Objectives: 1. Develop children’s ability to listen carefully to a fairy tale.
2. Systematize children’s ability to answer questions after watching fairy tales. 3. Develop children's speech, help them use adjectives in speech when describing the hero of a fairy tale. 4. Cultivate friendly relations with each other. Progress of the lesson.
Educator: Guys, animals came to visit us, they are familiar to you, name them (children name a wolf, a hare, a fox, a mouse, a frog and a bear). What is a fox like in fairy tales? Children: Sly, red-haired, the bunny is afraid of her. Educator: That's right, guys. What kind of wolf? Children: Gray, angry. Educator: Is the mouse afraid of the wolf? Children: Yes, she is afraid, because she is kind, small, and the wolf is big. Educator: What kind of bear is in fairy tales? Children: He is very big, strong and club-footed. Educator: These are the different animals: big, small, kind, evil. But they came to us together, which means they know how to be friends. Let's look at a fairy tale about this. Sit comfortably and watch the story carefully. (Puppet theater show, fairy tale “Teremok”).
Well done guys, you watched the fairy tale very carefully.
And the bunny from the fairy tale wants to play with you, come to me and repeat the movements after the bunny. Game: “The gray bunny is sitting.” The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears. (makes ears on his head with his hands and moves them) Like this, like this And he moves his ears. (2 lines 2 times) It’s cold for the bunny to sit. We need to warm up our little paws. (claps his hands) Like this, like this We need to warm our paws.. (2 lines 2 times) It’s cold for the bunny to stand. The bunny needs to jump. (jumps) Like this, like this The bunny needs to jump. (2 times) Someone scared the bunny. The bunny jumped and ran away. Educator: Which animal was the first to find the tower? Children: Mouse. Educator: How did the animals help each other? Children: They cooked food together and swept the floor. Educator: Who broke the tower? Children: Bear, because he is the biggest. Educator: And then what did the animals do? Children: They built a new little house and all began to live in it together. Educator: You see how you can live together, help each other and not quarrel. Let's stand in a circle and hold hands. For the sun to smile, to try to warm you and me, we just need to become kinder and make peace sooner.
Hug each other and always play together.

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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of developmental activities with elements of fairy tale therapy for children of the second junior group

COMPLETED: Karpova Olga Viktorovna Teacher – psychologist

Explanatory note.

Education plays a leading role in the mental development of a child. Education of children should be imbued with concern for their full development. To do this, it is necessary to know how learning and development relate to each other, to take into account their relationship, carefully selecting the content and methods of teaching a child at different stages of his life. Mental development does not occur on its own, regardless of training. The leading role of training in development was substantiated by the Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky. Training, according to him, should take into account the achieved level of development, but not in order to stop there, but in order to understand where development is heading, what the next step should be. Education should always be ahead of mental development and lead it along.

The leading role of learning in mental development is manifested in the fact that a child, mastering new actions, first learns to perform them under the guidance and help of an adult, and then does it independently. According to L.S. Vygotsky, learning is only good when it creates a child’s zone of proximal development. Under such conditions, the child, learning with the help of an adult, successfully begins to do what he previously could not do on his own.

How to organize education for young children? Through a more accessible and pleasant form of communication for them, through play. The study of children's development shows that all mental processes develop more effectively in play than in other types of activities. Play is the activity most mastered by children. In it they draw models for solving new life problems that arise in knowledge and work.

In preschool age, play becomes the leading activity, but not because the modern child, as a rule, spends most of his time

spends in entertaining games - the game causes qualitative changes in the child’s psyche. Gaming activity influences the formation of arbitrariness of mental processes. Thus, in play, the child begins to develop voluntary attention and voluntary memory. When playing, children concentrate better and remember more. The conscious goal stands out to the child earlier and easier in the game. The very conditions of the game require the child to concentrate on the objects included in the game situation, on the content of the actions being played out and the plot. The game situation and actions in it have a constant influence on the development of the mental activity of a preschool child. Gradually, playful actions with objects are reduced, the child learns to think about objects and act with them mentally.

A fairy tale - what is it for a child? A fairy tale is the language of children. A fairy tale tells him about life in an accessible language, teaches him, illuminates the problems of good and evil, and shows him a way out of difficult situations. Fairy tales can easily be called one of the most effective means of raising and teaching a child. As mentioned above, children learn through play, and a fairy tale is the same game, only a game in the imagination. It is much easier to teach a child some skills during play, and it is also much easier to explain something to him using fairy tales. The role of a fairy tale can be considered in a broader aspect - with the help of a fairy tale it is possible to overcome the negative aspects of personality that are just beginning to form, also expand the child’s vocabulary, help learn how to properly build a dialogue with an interlocutor, develop logical coherent speech, among other things, while reading a fairy tale , the baby develops and consolidates the ability to ask questions. In addition to speech, other mental processes of the child can be developed by including fairy tales in activities with children.

Features of mental development of children from three to four years old.

The second youngest group is children from 3 to 4 years old. This age refers to the period designated in Russian psychology as preschool childhood (from 3 to 7 years). This period is preceded by the period of early childhood (from 1 to 3 years). It is necessary to take into account and trace the boundary between early and preschool age when developing a program of developmental work with children, and also not to forget about the individual characteristics of a particular child.

The end of early childhood ends with the three-year crisis. Its essence lies in the fact that the child develops an image of himself. The child moves from calling himself in the third person to calling himself in the first person, while striving to establish himself in different areas. L.S. Vygotsky emphasized both the negative and positive aspects of the crisis. Negative - the child’s negativism, stubbornness, obstinacy, self-will. Positive - separation from an adult, distinguishing oneself as an individual, manifestation of independence. The crisis of three years proceeds primarily as a crisis of social relationships between the child’s personality and the people around him. A child of the fourth year of life can separate the person performing the action from the action itself. Now the child performs the action, imitating the adult. But the child’s capabilities are still limited, and a contradiction arises between the desire to act “like an adult” and reality, which is resolved in the development of role-playing games.

Role-playing play becomes the leading activity in preschool age. The peculiarity of this game activity is that it highlights the role and game actions. A new form of communication with adults is emerging, which is characterized by their cooperation in cognitive activity. The new form of communication is non-situational and cognitive; it is based on the respectful attitude of an adult and his assessment.

Thinking gradually moves from visually effective to visually figurative. This is one of the main neoplasms of preschool age. In early preschool age, the development of perception continues. If by the age of 3 a child can point to 6 primary colors and 5 shapes, then by the age of 4 the child can relatively easily name the shapes and colors of surrounding objects.

With the development of play activities, children's imagination begins to improve. To develop it, you should use a wide variety of situations, for example, showing a toy (or picture), asking “Who is this?” Where did you come from? What did you do before?” .

Attention at this age is involuntary: a child can concentrate on one thing for no more than 10-15 minutes, which must be taken into account when organizing classes.

Child development is closely related to the development of visual arts. A feature of visual activity at this age is that the resulting image controls the design, which follows what the child depicts. Mastering constructive activities is also important for the development of the cognitive sphere. At this age, children can correlate such properties of objects as height, size, length.

In early preschool age, much attention should be paid to the development of children's speech. The sound side of speech is still imperfect. Its grammatical side is also being improved. If up to 2 years old nouns and verbs, after 2 years old adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, and from 3 to 7 years old declension and conjugation of verbs. Vocabulary of about 1000 words. The question arises - why? The regulatory function of speech is formed, that is, the use of speech to regulate one’s own behavior.

At this age, the child is emotional: proud, touchy, joyful, sad, friendly, hostile, envious, capable of sympathy.

Taking into account the characteristics of this age period, it is important to use games and fairy tales with demonstration, so that there is a process of manipulating and performing actions with objects, toys (closer to 4 years, start working with images and symbols), use different intonations of the voice, play out all the actions, use more games to tactile perception.

Classes with children 3-4 years old should solve the following problems: awareness of emotional manifestations, reduction of impulsivity and development of self-regulation, development of children's play activities, development of observation, auditory and visual perception, development of speech and fine motor skills, development of a friendly attitude towards children. Games with children should be aimed not only at the development of individual mental processes, but aimed at a general, most comprehensive familiarization of the child with the world of objects, people, relationships, during which the gradual improvement and complication of all mental cognitive processes takes place.

We must remember about the problem of children’s adaptation to a child care institution at this age stage. Therefore, it is important to use more games for socialization and relieving psycho-muscular tension, and these are games, rhymes, pestles with stroking yourself, games for expressive movements and showing emotions, relaxation games.

Structure of activities with children.

Start of class.

Classes begin with the same song, which helps to switch attention to the lesson. For example, the song “The giraffe has spots, spots..” or “bus” “Aerobics for Kids” by Sergei and Ekaterina Zheleznov .

Welcome ritual.

Several options for the greeting ritual.

  1. Let's say "Hello" three times. All children in a circle (can be sitting, can be standing) hold hands. Let's say "Hello" quietly, say "Hello" louder "Hello" even louder .
  2. Hello, hello sunshine! (with each phrase shown).

We will sow the grain, Soon a sprout will grow, A bridge will be thrown, We will walk along the bridge, We will come to visit the sun.

3. "Bell" . Children take turns ringing the bell to the words of the teacher: “Tanya has a bell, a cheerful bell, dili-dili-don a cheerful bell .

A fairy tale or a game.

Tasks (modeling, appliqué, design), games on the theme of fairy tales, sketches on the ability to express emotions (children with a psychologist show various emotional states

Outdoor game. They are aimed at relieving psychomuscular tension, developing general motor skills, the ability to regulate one’s behavior according to the rules, getting to know one’s body, and learning to control it.

End of class ritual.

The ritual can consist of two parts: a relaxation exercise,

harmonization of the child’s internal state, and an exercise to unite children.

1. Laying down the doll (toy).

Children can sit on chairs, and if the room allows, they can sit or lie down on the carpet. To the music, children rock the toy, and after the end of the song, carefully put the toy back in place.

2. "Rays of Sunshine".

Children stand in a circle, stretch their hands forward and join them in the center of the circle.

Lesson duration is 25-30 minutes.

Options for developmental activities.

Lesson option using a fairy tale

Fairy tale "Puff"

We make a fairy tale for young children shorter than the real version, based on the characteristics of attention at a given age.

Figures of grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, hedgehog, pictures of cabbage, carrots, turnips, cards of corresponding colors.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter Alyonka. And they had a vegetable garden. Cabbage, carrots, and yellow turnips grew in the garden. (the teacher shows the children pictures of vegetables and puts them in the right order, says to the children that cabbage is green, and puts a card with green under the picture, then the same with carrots and turnips). One day my grandfather wanted to eat turnips. He went out into the garden. He walks and walks, and it’s quiet in the garden, only the bees are buzzing and the mosquitoes are ringing (the children, together with the teacher, voice the bees and mosquitoes).

Grandfather passed a bed with cabbage, passed a bed with carrots. And here the turnip is growing. He just bent down to pull out a turnip, and someone from the garden hissed at him:

- Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh! (children repeat)

The grandfather got scared and ran away. He runs past a bed of carrots, past a bed of cabbage (pay attention to orientation in space: from left to right and back)… His heels are already sparkling. At home, his grandmother asks him:

  • Well, grandfather, did you bring the turnip?

- Oh, grandma, there is such a terrible beast sitting there that I could barely carry my legs away!

- Yes, that’s enough, grandfather! I’ll go myself, I’ll probably bring a turnip...

And the grandmother went to the garden, and it was quiet in the garden, only the bees were buzzing and the mosquitoes were ringing. The grandmother walked and walked past a bed of cabbage, past a bed of carrots.

And here is the turnip. The grandmother bent down to pull out the turnip, and then someone hissed at her:

- Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh!

The grandmother got scared and ran away. She ran and ran past the carrots, ran past the cabbage. I barely made it home. She sat down on the bench, breathing heavily, couldn’t catch her breath.

- Oh, grandpa, you’re right! Someone is sitting there under a bush, so scary, and puffing. I barely lost my legs!

Granddaughter Alyonka looked at her grandparents, felt sorry for them and said:

- I'll bring a turnip!

Alyonka went to the garden. And in the garden it is quiet, only the bees are buzzing and the mosquitoes are ringing.

She walked and walked past a bed of cabbage, past a bed of carrots. And here is the turnip.

And just as she bent down to pull out the turnip, someone hissed from the garden bed:

- Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh!

Alyonka laughed and shouted in a ringing voice:

- It's me, Alyonka! Grandma and Grandpa came for a turnip.

And in the garden someone starts puffing again:

Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh!

Alyonka bent over the garden bed to see who was sitting there so scary, and suddenly she saw: some kind of prickly ball lying on the garden bed, its beady eyes sparkling and puffing:

- Pssh-pp-y-hh!

The girl laughed:

- Oh, you hedgehog, you prickly hedgehog! Did you scare your grandparents? Did you drive them home?

And the hedgehog extended his sharp muzzle upward and again:

- Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh!

Alyonushka pulled the turnip once, pulled another and a third, and pulled out the turnip. Yes, so big, round and yellow. Alyonka took the turnip, put the hedgehog in her apron, and went home. I ran past the carrots, I ran past the cabbage. And she immediately ran home. And her grandfather and grandmother came out to meet her. And they ask:

- Where is the turnip?

- And here’s a turnip for you!

Grandfather and grandmother were happy here:

- Well, we have a granddaughter! Well, Alyonushka! Well done girl! But what about this beast - the terrible Puff? Aren't you scared of him?

Here Alyonka opened her apron:

- And here’s Pykh!

The old men laughed:

Well done Alyonka! What a brave girl!


  • Show the children pictures (or draw) emotions (sorrow-joy), and the children must choose the right picture that matches the end of the fairy tale.
  • conduct a conversation on the topic “What grows in the garden?” With display of pictures and color cards. Ask the children to remember what vegetables grew in their grandfather’s garden in a fairy tale
  • make hedgehogs out of plasticine (roll into a ball, needles - you can use toothpicks). Or use ready-made drawings to make needles from plasticine.

Offer to feed the hedgehogs. For example, apples. We make apples from plasticine and attach them to the hedgehogs’ backs.

Using the example of such a fairy tale and tasks, we develop speech, perception of color, attention, memory, expand knowledge about the environment (knowledge of vegetables, fruits), learn to distinguish emotions, teach courage, and develop fine motor skills.

Outdoor game. Where do hedgehogs live? In the forest. There are also snakes in the forest. Let's play snake. The snake will catch its tail. Children stand in a line, holding their shoulders. The first child is the head, the last is the tail of the snake. The head should reach and touch the tail. The snake's body is inseparable. Once the head grabs the tail, it becomes the tail and the children switch places.

Lesson option using a poem.

The teacher shows a bunny toy. Who came to visit us. The bunny greets the children, the children touch him, and the teacher asks: “What is he like?” (soft), “What kind of ears does the bunny have?” (long), “What does a bunny like to eat?” (carrots, cabbage) Let's choose from the cards those vegetables that he loves.

The teacher reads a poem:

“The mistress abandoned the bunny, the bunny was left in the rain. I couldn’t get off the bench. I was soaked to the skin.”

(A. Barto)

Tasks for expressive movements: the teacher, together with the children, shows with movements:

like a bunny is sad (lower your head, hunch your back, pressing your “paws” to your body, portray an unhappy expression on your face); like a bunny is cold (shrink your whole body, pretend to tremble); how you can call a bunny with your voice and movement (affectionately say: “come here” , while simultaneously swinging your hand “towards you” ); how you can help the bunny: warm it up (hug it carefully, wrap it in something warm, for example a doll blanket, and also depict how we warm the frozen paws of a bunny with our breath); feed (extend your hand to the bunny with an “open palm” , as if there is something tasty for the bunny in it); take pity (gently stroke his head, paws, back, while looking friendly into his eyes, you can at the same time speak tender words, pronouncing them with soft intonations).

The teacher encourages children to search for different options “solving” the task by asking the question: “How else can you help the bunny?”

Then the teacher suggests breaking into pairs, in each pair deciding who will be the “bunny” and who will feel sorry for him.

Fine motor skills task. Children make fur for a bunny out of cotton wool (tear off small pieces of cotton wool and glue them onto the drawing), on sheets with drawn bunnies (you can make carrots for the bunny).

Design assignment. We make a paper bunny applique from circles.

Outdoor game. Let's play fox and bunnies.


Correctly chosen games help children not only develop their cognitive processes, but also overcome behavioral deviations and prevent the manifestation of unfavorable forms of behavior. Any game, poem, even a seemingly boring task can be turned into a fairy tale, which will interest and captivate children. But there should always be visual positive accompaniment. In the classroom, you need to constantly distinguish the successes and achievements of each child, even the most insignificant ones. All sketches and movements must be performed with children, without making comments. It is better to approach the content of classes creatively, you can add something, change something, and also note the mood of the children, the problems of specific children.


  • Alyabyeva E.A. Correctional and developmental classes for children of senior preschool age
  • Veraksa N.E. Child development in preschool childhood
  • Galanova T.V. Educational games for children under three years old
  • Dubrovina I.V. Practical educational psychology
  • Panfilova M.A. Communication play therapy
  • Khukhlaeva O.V. The path to your Self
Next >

  • Learn to overcome barriers in communication, feel each other subtly.
  • Find adequate bodily expression for various emotions, feelings, and states.


  • Develop voluntary attention: the ability to concentrate as much as possible on what is happening.
  • Activate and enrich your vocabulary.
  • Develop the ability to listen to the sounds of nature and distinguish between them.
  • To develop the ability to regulate the processes of excitation and inhibition, to learn to switch from active to passive activity and vice versa.
  • Learn to coordinate movements in accordance with the nature of the music.
  • Activate creative thinking, imagination, fantasy.
  • Relieve bodily and emotional tension.


Forest decoration, oak with a hollow, blue and blue fabric, stones for the composition on the floor, white chiffon. Sticks with blue ribbons, umbrella, walnuts. Soft toys: hare, squirrel, eagle owl. Owl cap or mask. Pictures depicting the transformations of the fontanel. Musical material: cassettes “Alone with Nature”, “The Magic of Nature”, “Merry Planet”, “Frisky Horses”, “And I Play the Accordion” by V. Shainsky.

Progress of the lesson

The audio recording “All the birds have flown to us” from the cassette “The Magic of Nature” is playing, children with a teacher enter the hall, there is a forest scenery in the hall.


Guys, let's go to the clearing and sit down
(sit down).
Today we will go to a fairy tale where we will talk about water.
Let's remember what we know about water? What kind of water is there? (Cold, warm, transparent, fresh, clean, dirty).
Is there hard water? When does this happen? (Winter).

Where does water occur in nature? (In a river, lake...).

An audio recording with the murmuring of a stream from the cassette “Alone with Nature” plays.

Do you hear what that sound is? (Creek).

Where does the stream start from?
(From a spring).
Let's find a fontanel (children with a teacher are looking for a fontanel in the hall).

Well done guys found the spring.

Where did he come from? (From underground).

Let's sit down around the spring
(they sit down).
Here we come to the beginning of the fairy tale. And to get into it, you need to wash yourself with spring water.

The music “The stream is babbling merrily” from the cassette “The Magic of Nature” is playing. The children and the teacher wash themselves.

Children, how do you feel? What kind of water? (Children talk about their feelings.)

So we found ourselves in a fairy tale. Look how beautiful the fairy forest is.

The audio recording of “The Singing Forest” from the cassette “The Magic of Nature” is played.

walk around the hall, looking at the scenery of the forest.
They sit down in the clearing. Musical director:

The Hare-Koska lives in our forest, his skin is gray, his ears are long. He runs around the forest all day, squinting his eyes in all directions, wanting to find out everything in the world. Let's show how Koska shoots his eyes in all directions.

The audio recording “Morning Dew” from the cassette “Merry Planet” is played; children, as shown by the music director, perform gymnastics for the eyes: 1) left and right; 2) up and down.

Well done, you did well. The Hare-Koska ran through the forest and met a squirrel.

The dialogue between the fairy tale characters is voiced and staged by the music director (hare) and the teacher (squirrel) with the help of soft toys.

Musical director
- Who are you?

- I am a squirrel.

Musical director
(hare) -
And I’m Hare-Koska, I want to know everything in the forest, let’s go travel together.

- Yes, I have no time, I’m preparing for winter.

Musical director:

Guys, how does a squirrel prepare for winter?
(Stores seeds, mushrooms, berries, nuts).
The squirrel sent nuts for you. Let's play with them.

The audio recording “Morning Dew” from the “Merry Planet” cassette plays, the music director gives each child a walnut and performs finger exercises.

1) Children rotate the nut between their palms.

2) Roll the nut up and down.

3) Children hold the walnut alternately between different fingers (index and middle, middle and ring, ring and little fingers) first of one and then of the other hand.

– How do your palms and fingers feel? (Children tell their feelings).


The hare runs further. He sees a hollow in a tree, and someone is looking out of it.

- Who are you? - asks Koska.

- I am Semka the owl. Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! I sleep during the day and catch hares at night.

Let's play the game "Hares and Owl".

The game is played with musical accompaniment (at the choice of the teacher). One of the children plays the role of an eagle owl, the rest - the role of hares. First part of the music: “hares” jump on two legs and dance. Second part: the hooting of an “eagle owl” is heard, the “hares” freeze in place and pretend to be scared. Third part: the “owl” is flying, the “hares” are hiding. The game is repeated 2 times. After the end of the game, the children lie down on the carpet and relax, let go of fear and tension; during relaxation, the audio recording “Affectionate Song” from the cassette “Frisky Horses” is played.

- Koska ran and ran through the forest, suddenly he saw a fontanel, and a stream runs from it (children with a teacher approach the fontanel).

The dialogue is voiced by the music director (hare), the teacher (fontanel) with the help of a soft toy and pictures that depict the transformation of a fontanel into a stream, from a stream into a river, from a river into fog, from fog into a cloud, from a cloud into rain.

Musical director
(hare) -
Who are you?

- I am a fontanel, I want to travel, see distant lands.

Musical director
(hare) -
That’s great, let’s run to the races?

(fontanel) -
Let's run.

- Guys, look, the spring has already turned into a stream (the teacher shows a picture of a spring from which a stream flows).

Musical director
(hare) -
Hey, fontanel, where are you?

(fontanel) -
Yes, here I am, in a big river, along with other streams. It's more fun, catch up quickly.

– I suggest you play the game “Streams and River”.

The teacher gives the children sticks to which blue ribbons are attached. The audio recording “Merry Holiday” from the cassette “Frisky Horses” plays, children with ribbons dance improvisation, depicting the movement of a stream. The audio recording “Small waves are playing” from the cassette “The Magic of Nature” is played.

children gather around a blue cloth that represents a river, place ribbons in a circle and join hands.
The game is repeated 2-3 times. – What a big, strong, mighty river you have.

– What are your hands like now, tense or relaxed? ( Tense).

– Soft or hard? (Solid).

Now separate your hands.

– What are they like now? Soft or hard? (Soft).

– Tense or relaxed? (Relaxed).

The music director and the guys sit down in the clearing.

Musical director:

All day and all night the Hare-Koska ran through the forest, and morning came.

- Hey, fontanel, where are you?

(fontanel) -
And here I am, look up.

The teacher stands behind the curtain and raises a drawn cloud on a fishing line.

Musical director:

Koska raised his eyes and saw a cloud swaying in the sky.

- How did you get there?

(fontanel) -
At night I became fog, and in the morning the sun warmed me, I turned into a cloud.

Musical director:

How does the cloud move?
Fast or slow? (Slowly).
– Smoothly or sharply? (Smoothly).

– Loose, easy or hard, rough? (Free, easy

). Now you will move like a cloud: easily, smoothly, freely and softly.

An audio recording of the song “Clouds” by V. Shainsky from the cassette “And I play the harmonica” is played. The music director and teacher hold a sheet of white chiffon over the children’s heads and move it right, left, down, up. Children move smoothly following the movement of the fabric: they squat if the fabric drops too low, stretch their fingers upward if the fabric is high.

An audio recording with the sound of wind and rain from the cassette “Alone with Nature” sounds.

Musical director:

Autumn has come, it started to rain in the forest.
Let's hide under the umbrella ( stand under the umbrella).
The Hare-Koska also hid, heard something making noise.

- Hey, who's there?

(fontanel) -
It’s me, fontanel! Came back. From a stream to a river, from a river to fog, from fog to a cloud, then it got cold above, I became rain and fell to the ground.

The audio recording turns off, the umbrella closes.

Musical director:

So our fairy tale ends. Let's remember all the transformations of the fontanel and post pictures.

The teacher asks each question individually, and the children take turns laying out the pictures on the floor.

– What was formed first? (Spring).

– Find a picture that shows a fontanel. ( The child shows a picture of a fontanel.)

-What has the fontanel turned into? (Into a trickle).

– Find a picture with the corresponding image. ( The child shows a picture with a stream).

-Where did the streams flow? ( Into the river).

– Find a picture of a river . (The child shows the corresponding picture).

– What happened next to the fontanelle? (It turned into fog).

– Find a picture where fog is drawn . (The child shows a picture with fog).

– What happened next? (The fog rose up and turned into a cloud and fell to the ground as rain).

– Find this picture. (The child shows a picture of rain).

– Did you like our trip? Let's say goodbye to the heroes of the fairy tale. How do we get back home? (You need to wash in the spring).

The audio recording “The stream is babbling merrily” from the cassette “The Magic of Nature” is played. The children and their teacher go to the spring and wash themselves.


Here we are at home.

The audio recording “All the birds have flown to us” from the “Merry Planet” cassette plays, the children leave the hall.

Fairytale therapy for children 2-3 years old

"Fairytale therapy with preschool children"

Lately, alarmed voices of teachers, public figures, and simply people who are not indifferent to the fate of our children have been increasingly heard saying that in modern socio-economic conditions it is necessary to look for new components in the system of educational work with preschoolers.

We, teachers, need to use both innovative approaches to education and domestic, time-tested educational traditions, for example, the technique of fairy tale therapy.

Fairytale therapy, like any other psychotherapy, is a form of knowledge and treatment of the soul.

Fairytale therapy explores the fairy tale as a form of existence and manifestation of mental processes and creates a fairy tale that has a beneficial effect on the psyche; focuses on the plot nature of psychological processes that are universal for people, regardless of culture and time.

The main goal of education is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, ready for an independent path through life. The fairy tale contains moral values: good always triumphs over evil; laziness, greed, and sloppiness are condemned and ridiculed; teaches to treat good, skillful workers with respect; appreciates intelligence, resourcefulness, kindness. A fairy tale, especially a magical one, is a source that restores mental strength. The possibility of using magical power is a reminder that additional possibilities can be found to solve any problem. A fairy tale has the power of suggestion. Most often, we tell a fairy tale before bedtime, when the child is relaxed, and this is a favorable state for suggestion. Therefore, it is advisable to tell positive stories with a happy ending at night.

Each fairy tale has its own uniqueness.

Fairytale therapy is a process of searching for meaning, deciphering knowledge about the world and the system of relationships in it. It has a multifaceted impact on the personality of a preschooler. In fairytale therapy classes, children learn to create verbal images. During this activity, children’s vocabulary increases, the child’s inner world becomes more interesting and richer. In the process of fairy tale therapy, children's ideas about the same image expand, which in turn contributes to the development of mental abilities.

Empathy for a fairy-tale hero gives a child a sense of his own strength and significance. Since while listening to fairy tales, children are born not only positive, but also negative emotions, one of the most important goals of these activities is to teach the child to cope with his fears.

An important specific feature of education using fairy tale therapy methods is the possibility of using the emotional impact of works of art (which, in essence, fairy tales are) and creative activity on the child’s personality to enhance the educational effect. This effectiveness is enhanced by organizing an integrated approach to perception: reading a work of art with musical accompaniment, viewing illustrations, reading tales about nature in a picturesque place, etc.

The formation of moral qualities of an individual under the influence of a fairy tale is enhanced by the impact on various senses - hearing, vision, which ensures that children achieve a highly emotional state, which contributes to the implementation of educational tasks and the transition to self-education.

Joint listening to fairy tales and empathy helps to establish a moral climate in the children's group. Children, sharing their emotions, become more attentive to each other, more friendly, open, and empathetic. They start helping each other.

After reading a fairy tale, it is useful to talk with your child, asking the following questions:

- What is this fairy tale about?

— What qualities do the heroes have, who are they like?

Why does the hero do such things? Why is this necessary?

— How does the hero get out of a difficult situation? Does he cope on his own or does he use someone else's help?

— What do the hero’s actions bring to those around him – joy, grief? What is the relationship between the characters?

— What feelings does the fairy tale and its individual episodes evoke?

The artistic creativity of a child (his own fairy tales, drawings, crafts based on fairy tales, etc.) in the process of education with a fairy tale can be considered as one of the varieties of modeling reality, and the result of children's creativity - as a complex model of two objects - the phenomenon of reality and the personality of the author. At the same time, creative activity itself can be considered on two levels: the child’s activity directed outward (expression of one’s own emotions, feelings, ideas), and activity directed inward (self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-improvement). The following most important types of activities integrated into fairy tale therapy can be identified:

— creative – consists in the fact that the child creates something new to express the author’s intention;

- evaluative - manifests itself in the fact that the child in his works expresses his own value attitude towards the world, reflecting his own ideals, interests, needs, tastes;

- communicative - expressed in direct and indirect communication between the author and the recipient.

In practice, you can find several ways to work with fairy tales:

  1. Using a fairy tale as a metaphor. The text and images of the fairy tale evoke free associations that relate to a person’s personal psychological life. These metaphors and associations are then discussed.
  2. Drawing based on a fairy tale. free associations appear in the drawing, further work is done with graphic material.
  3. “Why did the hero do this?” Active work on the actions of the heroes.

It has been established that fairy tales of one's own composition provide a much more significant therapeutic effect. A fairy tale, as a rule, begins with a saying; children of older preschool age compose them themselves; younger preschoolers are offered ready-made options. When the saying is ready, we begin to come up with a hero. Children of middle preschool age love to make toys, little animals or little people heroes of their fairy tales.

With older preschoolers, you can take more complex images of the heroes of ancient fairy tales: prince, princess, fairy, Ivan the Fool, Marya the Beauty. In addition, children 6-7 years old love to compose characters that are similar to them.

At any age, children dress the characters to their liking, put them in a house that they would like to have themselves, and feed them their favorite treats.

In fairy tales, it is desirable to provide the hero with magical powers. She comes to him in the form of a wizard or is inherited, or can be acquired with a magical thing. The hero needs magical power to cope with another character in the fairy tale - the evil hero. Using magical power, goodness transforms the evil hero in humane ways, and he becomes pleasant, kind and loved by everyone.

Along with the magical change in the image that caused fear, the author or authors of this image themselves change. A happy ending to the fairy tale is guaranteed, and with it, the children's lives become fuller. It’s happier that it has a beneficial effect on the health of children. Of course, this process is slow, but it is one of the unique paths to health.

In addition, the fairy tales written by the children do not leave them. They stay with the children, continue to delight them and certainly help them in life.

Thus, the use of various ways of working with a fairy tale, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers can help enhance the therapeutic effect of this technique.

So, the tasks of fairy tale therapy are to:

  1. Develop children's speech
  2. Identify and support creativity
  3. Reduce levels of anxiety and aggressiveness
  4. Develop natural communication abilities
  5. Develop the ability to overcome difficulties and fears
  6. Develop skills for constructive expression of emotions
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