Summary of a music lesson in the second junior group “Autumn Adventure”

Program content.

To teach children to listen carefully to short pieces of music until the end, without being distracted, empathizing with their mood. Learn to distinguish contrasting sounds and reproduce them; develop and strengthen initial singing intonations. Develop musical and rhythmic movements, learn to walk rhythmically to music. Continue teaching children how to perform dance movements. Cultivate a positive and emotional attitude towards music.

Materials and equipment.

Musical and didactic game: “Whose house?”, lyrics. Y. Ostrovsky, music by E. Tilicheeva. Musical repertoire: “Autumn Song” and “Kitty” by A. Alexandrov; dance “Squat”, Russian. adv. melody; outdoor game “At the Bear in the Forest”, Russian. adv. melody; dancing toys “Cat and Teddy Bear”.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall.

Musical director

. Children, someone came to visit us. Guess who it is? (Imitates the meowing of a kitten.)


. It's a kitten!

The teacher invites the children to show how a kitten meows (high sound), and then how a cat meows (low sound). Children imitate the meowing of a kitten and a cat.

Then the game “Whose house?” is played. Children sit on house chairs arranged in a circle at a short distance from each other. Each child portrays a cat or kitten.

The musical director sings:

Where will our Kolya go?

Is it where the cat sings?

Or maybe to where I'm awake

Is the kitten meowing sweetly?

The child, whom the teacher named, walks along the chairs, knocks on one of them and asks: “Who lives in the house?” The person sitting on the chair meows in a low or high voice, depending on who he wants to portray (a cat or a kitten). Having guessed the riddle correctly, the driver takes a house chair. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

The teacher invites the children to listen to the “Autumn Song.” After listening, he asks: “Did you like this song? What is she like: sad or cheerful? Listen to it again. Did you hear the rain? What about the breeze?

Then the teacher shows a toy cat, examines it with the children, then offers to listen to the song “Cat” by A. Alexandrov. After listening, he asks: “How did the cat meow? ( Complaining

) Or maybe she's hungry?
Let's feed her. What do cats like to drink? ( Milk
)". Children "feed" the cat. The teacher asks: “Do you think she’s full? Now she will thank us”; hums “meow” and invites the children: “Sing “meow” with me.” Now let’s sing a song about a cat together, and she will listen to us.” Children, together with an adult, sing the song “Cat” or the chorus. After this, the teacher invites them to sing their favorite songs for the cat.

Musical director

. Now become pairs. You and I will dance with our toys. Take them from the table.

The adult performs the “Squat” dance, and the children perform the movements he sings about with toys in their hands.

Musical director

. Now let's put our toys in place. (There is a knock on the door.) Oh, look, guys! A bear came to us. Let's play the game "Bear in the Forest" with him. (During the game, a Russian folk melody sounds.)

After the game, the adult calls all the children to him and asks: “Who came to visit us? Who spoke in a high voice? In a low voice? Who did we play with today? Who did they sing the song about? Did you enjoy singing? At the next lesson, someone else will come to visit us, and we will play with him. Goodbye!".

Musical lesson using ICT “Autumn has come to visit us” 2nd junior group


1 Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten 16 “Snowflake” Musical lesson using ICT “Autumn has come to visit us” 2nd junior group Prepared by: Mandrik Irina Lvovna, music director, Raduzhny, 2017

2 Program content: To teach children to listen carefully to a short piece of music to the end, without being distracted, empathizing with their mood. To evoke in children an emotional response to music of a cheerful and sad nature, to teach them to distinguish between music of a contrasting nature. Develop and strengthen initial singing intonations. Develop musical-rhythmic movements, learn to walk rhythmically to music. Continue teaching children how to perform dance movements. Cultivate a positive and emotional attitude towards music. Materials and equipment: Musical and didactic game “Bird and Chicks”; Musical repertoire: “Sad Rain”, music by Dr. Kabalevsky; “Dance”, Russian folk melody; “Tender Song”, music by M. Rauchwerger, lyrics by T. Miraji; Singing “Little and Big Bird”; “Golden Autumn”, lyrics. and music by L.Starchenko; "March and Run" music. E. Tilicheeva sl. N. Frenkel; Dance with leaves, music by N.Kitaeva, lyrics by A.Anufrieva; Playing children's musical instruments: “Bells”, music. E. Tilicheeva; Game: Game with Teddy Bear; "Sun and Rain" music. M. Rauchwerger, sl.a.barto; Modern technologies: integrated learning technology; technology of developmental education (O.P. Radynova “Musical masterpieces”); personality-oriented technologies (“Elementary music-making”, dance rhythmics for children, T. Suvorova, communicative dances); health-saving technologies; technology of using technology of project activity of a musical subject-development environment; Equipment: sets of “Bird and Chick” cards for each child; use of ICT: presentation “Moms and Children”, presentation “Colors of Autumn; music center for listening to music; piano, laptop, projector for presentations; drawings of Autumn; drawing of a small and large bird; drawings of a gnome: cheerful, sad, calm; autumn leaves for each child; umbrella for playing toy bears for playing Educational areas: Cognitive development, Speech development, Physical development, Social and communicative development.

3 Progress of the lesson Children enter the hall of M.R. Hello guys! Children: Hello! M.R. Guys, someone came to visit us. Guess who it is? (Shows a toy dog) Children: This is a dog! M.R. That's right, it's a dog, let's say hello to it! Children: Hello, dog! M.R. The dog brought us leaves from the forest, a whole basket. (Points to a basket with leaves, children sit on chairs, then the teacher points to a picture of a mother bird and a chick) M.R. At the last lesson, we sang in the voice of a bird and a chick, remember? Children: Yes! The teacher invites the children to sing as the mother bird sings (low sound) and then as the chick sings (high sound). Children imitate the chirping of a bird and a chick.

4 Then the game “Guess whose voice?” is played. The teacher gives each child a card of a bird and a chick, sings in the voice of “the mother of the bird and the chick,” high and low sounds are heard.

5 Children identify by voice and pick up cards of a bird or chick. The teacher praises the children who guessed the voices correctly. A drawing of a kitten and a cat’s mother appears on the screen. The teacher offers to listen to excerpts of plays: “Tender Song”, “Sad Rain”, “Dancing” and show the mood of the Gnome based on the nature of the works.

6 After listening, he asks: “Did you like this song? What is she like: sad or cheerful? Listen again. After this, the teacher offers to sing your favorite songs for the dog. Children sing an autumn song to the dog.

7 M.R. And now, each of you will receive an autumn leaf, and we will go out and dance with the leaves. The teacher distributes pieces of paper to each child. Children with leaves go out to dance

8 The teacher plays a dance melody, the children dance with leaves. M.R. Now let's put the leaves in the basket. (Children put leaves in a basket, there is a knock on the door) Oh, guys, look! Mishka came to visit us and brought us an umbrella. Let's play the game “Sunshine and Rain” with him (During the game, a melody with the words of M. Kartushina sounds) Then a game is played with Mishka.

9 After the game, the teacher asks the children: M.R. “Who came to visit us? Who spoke in a low voice? Who spoke in a high voice? Who did you play with today? Who did they sing the song about? Did you enjoy singing? What about playing? At the next lesson, someone else will come to visit us, and we will play with him. Goodbye!" The children say goodbye and go to the group.

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