Summary of an open lesson on FEMP in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard “On a visit to Squirrel”

FEMP lesson in the second junior group “Magic Leaves”

Author of the lesson: teacher Dolgaya O. M., MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 80 “Rechenka”, Naberezhnye Chelny.


Development of children's mental abilities.

Program content:


1. Consolidate numbers from 1 to 5, count backwards from 5 to 1, develop counting skills within 5, consolidate knowledge about parts of the day, about colors, develop the skill of grouping figures by color and shape. 2. Develop children's creative abilities.

3. Cultivate the desire to complete the work started.

Vocabulary work:

Parts of the day.

Demo material:

Cards for charging, toys for counting, flannelgraph, diagram of a person.


Beads of 5 pieces, cord, Gyönes blocks, simple pencils, counting sticks.

Lesson structure:

1. Game "Beads". 2. Stubborn children. 3. What's extra? 4. Charging using cards. 5. Find your color. 6. Lay out the little man. 7. Collect a butterfly.

8. Parts of the day.

Progress of the lesson:


Guys! Today I came to kindergarten and saw leaves that were lying on the table. I was surprised! There was nothing here yesterday. Who brought the leaves? (Children's answers.)


Right! Autumn brought these leaves. But the leaves are not simple, but with tasks. Autumn probably wants to know what we have learned. Shall we complete the tasks? Aren't you afraid of difficulties? Then let's get started!

Game "Beads"

We string as many beads onto the cord as I clap. Count how many toys, call the same number of beads. Remove 2 beads, how many are left? Count to 5, count back.

Game "Stubborn Children"

The teacher places his legs narrowly, and the children – widely. The teacher is close, and the children are far away, The teacher takes a step back, and the children - forward, Raises his left hand, and the children - the right, The ribbon is long, but the children say - short, The teacher walks, and the children run.

I say “quiet”, and the children say “loud”.

Game "What's extra"

Give everyone a sheet of paper with the task while the children think about laying out the Dienesh blocks.

Charging by cards

The teacher shows the cards, the children repeat the movements.

Find your color

A game is played with Dienesh blocks to classify objects by a certain color.

Counting sticks

Children need to make a figure of a man from counting sticks.

Game "Collect a butterfly"

On the chairs are the bodies of butterflies with different shapes. Children have wings with figures. Assemble the butterfly so that the shapes match.

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Program content:

1.Reinforce the concepts many, one. Reinforce color knowledge. 2.Train the ability to distinguish geometric shapes. 3. Exercise children in comparing the width and length of objects and denoting them with words: wide, narrow, high, low. 4.Develop speech, attention, mental operations. 5.Continue to improve children’s ability to walk one after another, strengthen the ability to walk on a bridge; 6. Use the words “hello” and “goodbye” in your speech. 7. Continue teaching how to solve riddles; 8. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sounds Ch, Sh, S, ChK, D. Demonstration materials for the lesson: flannelgraph; demonstration pictures: Christmas trees (high and low), squirrel, acorn, nut, mushroom, pine cone; hare mask; audio recording of the song “We went to the meadow...”; 2 strips of blue fabric (wide and narrow); Toy cat, envelope with tasks; Handouts: geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle); counting sticks; cards with dots (one, many, empty); Progress of the lesson: Children enter the group. - Guys, look, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them. -I invite you to go on an unusual journey today. What can you travel with? (Children's answers: by bus, by train, by plane) - I'll tell you a riddle now, and you try to guess what we're going to go on now. Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz. A beetle is running down the street. Wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline. (Machine) 1. Sound pronunciation game. - Let’s pump up the tires (sh-sh-sh). Pumped up? That's how big the wheels turned out to be. (shows with hands). — Now you need to pour gasoline: open the tanks (Chk-chk-chk), (make circular movements with your hands). We fill up with gasoline (sssss), a lot of gasoline. — We close the tanks (Chk-chk-chk). — We start the engine (d-d-d) (twist our hands like a motor). — Has the engine started? (Uh-oh) - Did the car honk? — Let's check the signal first (beep-beep). Works? (Yes) - Now let's follow me: The car, the car is humming; In the car, the driver is sitting in the car. Here is a field, here is a river. Here the forest is dense. The children have arrived, the car stops. - And so you and I found ourselves in a forest clearing. Sit down in the clearing, find yourself a place. Sit back comfortably and look at me. Is everyone comfortable? 2. - Children, here we are in a forest clearing. And at the edge of the clearing there grows...a Christmas tree (a picture of a Christmas tree is displayed on the flannelgraph) - How many Christmas trees? (one) - And next to this tree grows...another tree. - Look carefully, what kind of tree is this? (big or tall), and this tree? (small or low). - That's right, well done. 3. Game to develop attention “What’s missing?” — A squirrel jumped into the clearing. Where does the squirrel live? (in the forest, in a hollow). What does he eat? (cones, mushrooms, acorns, nuts). Look, the squirrel brought something in a basket and began to lay it out in its hollow. (pictures are laid out on the flannelgraph: nut, acorn, mushroom, pine cone). She decided to hide her supplies. She collected everything in a basket, took it away, brought it to another hollow, laid it out: is there an acorn? (there is), is there a lump? (there is), is there a nut? (there is), but why didn’t it happen? (mushroom). The squirrel had to go back and find the mushroom. But she decided to hide her supplies again. Again she collected them all in a basket, took them away, brought them to another hollow, and laid them out. Is everything enough now? (Yes) Did you bring everything? (Yes). Finally, everything is enough, everything was hidden. 4.Musically - ri. - Meanwhile, the hares on the lawn started playing. And I suggest you play too. And for this we need to choose a bunny. Let's choose a counting rhyme: 1,2,3,4,5, Let's count bunnies. So many fingers, so many bunnies. A bunny is selected and squats in the middle of the circle. An audio recording of the song “We Went to the Meadow” is played. Children perform movements to music. 5. Comparison of stream and river width. - Let's move on. Look at the stream on our way. What kind of stream is this? (Narrow). -Can I step over it? (Yes) - Let's step over it. Once, we stepped over. Fine. Children, what kind of stream was it? (narrow) - But the river is on our way. What is she like? (wide). Can you step over it? (no, why? (you can fall and drown). Let's go around this river. - Children, look, where are we? Who's meeting us? (cat) - Hello guys. I'm a scientist cat. I want to look at you: what you know, what you can do. I have prepared tests for you, I present the envelope with the tests to Irina Anatolyevna. And you try to deal with them. Come to my wise school, the school of wise sciences. Come in, take your seats. — First task: guess the riddle. I am not an oval and not a circle. I am a friend to the Triangle, I am a brother to the Rectangle, After all, my name is ... (square). - Well done! Show me the square. What colour is he? Now take the sticks and make a square out of the sticks. Do you have an extra stick left? (No) Well done! We did it. - The next riddle: 3 peaks are visible here, 3 corners, 3 sides - Well, perhaps that’s enough! What do you see? (Triangle) - Show all triangle. What colour is he? - Make a triangle out of sticks. Do you have an extra stick left? (Yes) How much? (One) Third riddle: I have no corners And I look like a dish, Like a plate and like a lid, Like a ring and a wheel. (circle) - Show the circle. What colour is he? Fine! Well done! -Now move the sticks and figures to the side, and move the cards with dots closer to you. One card is empty, the other has how many dots? (One). How many points are there on the third? (a lot of). It’s not for nothing that a scientist cat is called a scientist. He came up with wise questions for us. Here's the first question: How many stars are there in the sky? (children show cards with many dots) - How many tails does a dog have? (one) - How many suns are there in the sky? (one) - How many elephants live in our group? (none) - How many children do we have in our group? (a lot) Well done! And they completed this task. Cat: - Well done, you completed all my tasks. And I prepared some treats for you - the same cookies for everyone. (Show a picture of cookies). Did you put everything in correctly? (no) What's wrong? (all the cookies are round, and one is square) - Well, I was wrong. I'll fix it now. (Hands out real cookies) Children: Thank you! - Guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to our guests, to the cat, get on the bus, start the engines and go. (Children leave to the music)

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